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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Getting a job,Welcome to the unit,What do we need to,do after graduation?,1. Do you have any preparation for finding a job?,2. What did you do to prepare for job finding?,Leading in,Have you ever been to any Job Fair?,Where can you get the information about a job advertisement?,Newspaper; Internet; local job centre,searching for jobs in the newspaper,Where and how can you find a job?,You can find job vacancies advertised in newspapers.,Where and how can you find a job?,You can find information and help with job hunting in the local job centre.,Where and how can you find a job?,You can write a good covering letter to,increase your chance of getting an interview.,Where and how can you find a job?,Doing some charity jobs in your gap year may help find a job in the future.,The job hunting pressure in china is reachingits climax.,If you could not,find the job you,wanted, would,you think why?,1. You have an unrealistic idea about the market for your skills.,2. You ignore small businesses.,3. You dont prepare well for interviews.,4. Youre not selling yourself.,5. You have the attitude, “What can you do for me?”.,Five reasons you cant find a job,Reading,Tips for Job Interview Success,Fast reading,I.Read,the following lecture transcript quickly and answer the following questions.,What is the lecture transcript about?,How to succeed in an interview,Or:Tips,for job interview success,Three parts.,To be enthusiastic, smile a lot, make eye- contact with the interviewer, listen closely and answer carefully.,How many parts does the interview process have?,What should you do to increase your chances of success in the interview?,II.Organization of the text:,How many parts can you divide the text into?,Part one:,The theme:what to do if you are asked to go for an interview?,Part two:,Tips for job interview success,Part three:,The authors wishes,The beginning,paragraph,The body paragra,p,hs,The concluding paragra,p,h,(Para.1),(,Paras,. 2-11),(Para.12),Detailed reading,Read the passage carefully paragraph by paragraph and then finish the following exercises step by step.,Its a talk between an employer and a,potential employee.,What is an interview?,Whats the purpose of the interview?,The interviewer can assess the interviewee.,The job candidates can find out more about the job and the company.,Help the interviewee to judge whether the job is right for him or her.,I.Answer,the following questions,Why is it easy nowadays to learn about different companies?,Most companies have a website that tells you most things you need to know.,The first impression is very important,how should we prepare for the first,impression?,Give yourself a good shave.,Put some styling wax in the hair.,Wear hairpins.,Wear smart clothes.,(men),(men and women),(women),(men and women),The phrase “off the top of your,head” in Para. 4 L22 means _.,A. without delay,B. on top of the world,C. without careful thinking,D. on second thought,信口地,II.Choose,the correct meaning of each phrase,(,做某事前,),惊慌,紧张,The phrase “having butterflies in,your stomach” in Para. 5 L25 can,be replaced by _.,A. having a stomachache,B. feeling nervous,C. a blank memory,D. aimless thought,When you are late for your interview, make sure you can find a believable excuse so that the interviewer can forgive you.,During the interview, youd better not look at the interviewers in the eye, or they will think you are very rude.,be on time/punctual,make eye contact,III.True,or false,questions(If,false,please,correct them),You can use body language to show youre very confident during the interview.,If possible you may ask the interviewer some questions about the company to show that you are interested in the job.,IV.Answer,the following questions,What should you do after the interview?,Write to the company and thank them for giving me the interview.,Why do we do this?,Because this is the final chance to win,the job.,process,Tips,Pre-,interview,Do your homework about the,company by entering its website.,Think about whats going to be asked and how to answer them.,Wear smart clothes and be full of (6)_.,Be (7)_ for the interview.,Definition,Purpose,A talk between an employer and a (1)_ employee,The interviewer,(2)_ the interviewee,and see if he or,she is (3)_,for the position.,It also provides,an opportunity,for the job,(4)_ to find out more,about the job and the company,In-interview,Be (8)_ , wear smile and make eye contact,Use body language to express yourself.,Listen and answer questions carefully.,Ask (9)_ about the job, the company and the people working there.,(5)_,Write a (10)_ letter to the company.,potential,assesses,suitable,candidates,After-interview,confidence,punctual,enthusiastic,questions,thank-you,Task reading,When your application is successful youre asked to go for an _. The purpose of the interview is not only to find the _ person for the position, but also provides _ for job candidates to find out more about the job. Interview process can _ into three parts: first, _, the _ to getting the job; second, the interview,Consolidation,interview,suitable,opportunity,split,preparation,key,itself; and finally, what you should do after the interview. Next, think about some questions you might be asked. Dont worry about having _ _ during the interview. First _ are important, so wearing _ clothes when youre going for an interview.,butterflies in,stomach,impressions,smart,When you arrive for interview, make sure you are _. During the interview, remember to be _. Using _ to express yourself in perfect time. Listen closely and answer carefully. After interview you should follow up by writhing to the company to express thanks.,on time,enthusiastic,body language,Homwork:Please,translate the following into,English,今天早上我参加了一个关于如何成功面试的讲座。我记下了教授所提及的所有要点。我对面试有了深入地了解。,准备是我们获取工作的关键,因为它会有助于使我们感觉自信。在面试之前,我们应该查找出尽可能多的关于公司的信息,并且考虑他们会问你什么和如何更好地回答。面试的时候,第一印象是非常重要的。保持头发干净整洁,穿着漂亮帅气的衣服非常重要。进行眼神的接触是与别人建立关系的最快的方式之一。另外,我们还要正确使用身体语言来表达自己。面试后,写信给公司跟进不仅是礼貌的姿态,而且是把自己推销给公司的最后的机会。,Goodbye!,


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