8B Unit1复习课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,8B Unit1,复习纲要,能识记北京,不同时代,的交通工具。,能,对比某地,过去和现在,的情况,并描述发生的变化。,能理解,反义词,,掌握基本的,形容词反义前缀,。,能在语境中使用恰当的,形容词,表达,肯定和否定,的意思。,能识记,动词过去分词,形式,在语境中正确运用,现在完成时,能理解并运用与,现在完成时,连用的,时间表达方式,。,能谈论,过去和现在的习惯。,能组织语言和描述性文字,写一篇,比较性质,的文章。,open,既是动词也是形容词,用法如下:,. open,作为,动词,时,意思为“,打开;开门;营业,”,(,短暂性动词,),Open all the windows and let some fresh air in.,打开所有的窗户,让新鲜空气进来。,. open,作为,形容词,时,意思为“,开着的;营业的;,(,身,体,),张开的;开阔的;无遮盖的;坦诚的,”,He was asleep with his mouth open.,中考备考手册,8B Unit1,语言知识巩固运用,Page55,1.,归纳,open(v.&adj,.),的含义和用法。,词汇:,注意:,open,作动词时,不能跟表示一段时间的时间状语连用,要转化为,be open (adj.),这种形式。如:,正:,The restaurant,opened,two weeks ago.,误:,The restaurant,has opened,for two weeks.,正:,The restaurant,has been open,for two weeks.,opened,是,动词,open,的过去式,,不是形容词,。,实战演练,用,open,的正确形式填空。,What time do the banks_?,Are the shops _ on Sundays?,The restaurant _ two weeks ago,The restaurant _ for two weeks.,Everyone in the group was very friendly and _.,open,open,opened,has been open,open,2.,区别,lend,borrow&keep,lend:,借出,短暂性动词,不可和一段时间连,用,可以说,lend,sb,sth,/lend,sth,to,sb,borrow:,借来,短暂性动词,不可和一段时间连,用,可以说,borrow,sth,from,sb,keep: “,保存”,用来表示借一段时间,延续性动,词,和一段时间状语连用,实战演练:,1. I _ a book _ the library three days ago.,2. Could you _ me some money?,3. You can _ these books for two weeks.,borrowed,from,lend,keep,lonely:,adj,孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,偏僻的,alone:,adj,单独的,独自的,实战演练:,3.,区别,lonely&alone,The old lady lived _in a _ house on a _island, but she didnt feel _ at all.,alone,lonely,lonely,lonely,Grammar:,1.,现在完成时的用法。,(,1,)概念,a.,现在完成时表达发生在过去,延续到现在的动作,We,have studied,English,for,five years,b.,现在完成时表达过去发生的动作对现在的影响,He,has broken,the window.,(,2,)现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:,现在完成时,强调这一,动作产生的结果对现在的影响,与现在有关,。 一般过去时,仅仅表示在,过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作,与现在无关。,He has studied English for five years.,He studied English five years ago.,(说明他还继续学下去。),(只说明他五年之前学过英语,但现在不一定会。),总结:现在完成时态的含义是表示过去发生的或已完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。特点是,既涉及过去,又联系现在,:动作是,过去发生的,结果是现在存在的,;也可以表示,过去发生的动作一直持续到现在并有可能继续发展。,实战演练,He _(work) in our school,for one year.,He _(come) to our school,last year/in 2007.,They _(cook) the supper,already,.,They _ (cook) the supper,half an hour ago.,has worked,came,have cooked,cooked,(,3,)现在完成时的构成,1.,现在完成时的肯定句 主语(第一、二人称单、复数),+have,主语(第三人称复数),+have +,过去分词 主语(第三人称单数),+has,2.,现在完成时的否定句,主语,+have/has+not+,过去分词,+,3.,现在完成时的一般疑问句,Have/Has+,主语,+,过去分词,+?,Have you?,Has he?,Yes, I have.,Yes, he has.,No, I havent.,No, he hasnt,.,has not = hasnt have not= havent,4.,现在完成时的特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词,+have/has+,主语,+,过去分词,+?,实战演练,用括号中动词的适当形式填空,He _ (wait) for an hour.,I _ (not finish) the work yet.,_ you _ (know) him since then?,I _ (hear) from my father recently.,We _ (be) there many times in the past 3 years.,6. They _ (finish) the work so far.,has waited,havent finished,Have,known,have heard,have been,have finished,7.How long _ you _(stay) at home already?,8.I _ (not read) the book before.,9. He _ just _ (do) it.,10.My sister _ (walk) to school every day last year.,11.We _ (have) an exam again sometime next week.,12.Lucy _ (go) to Shanghai. She _ (leave) this morning.,left,has gone,will have,walked,has,done,havent read,have,stayed,2,.,Time expressions,with the present perfect tense,already, ever, for,j,ust,never, since, yet, recently,与现在完成时连用的常见,时间表达方式,(,1,),I have,already,done my homework.,表示已经发生的事, “,已经”,,用于肯定句,.,在句中常位于,have/has,和过去分词之间,;,但有时也可置于句末,.,I have done my homework,already,.,(,2,),Have you,ever,moved house?,表示,“,曾经”,,用于疑问句,.,在句中常位于,have/has,和过去分词之间,.,(,3,),I have,just,eaten it.,表示行为刚刚过去, “,刚刚”,,用于肯定句,.,在句中常位于,have/has,和 过去分词之间,.,在句中常位于,have/has,和 过去分词之间,.,表示,“,从不,从未,没有”,,用于否定句,.,(,4,),I have,never,read this book.,(,5,),We havent seen that film,yet,.,表示,“,已经”,用于疑问句,.,表示,“,还,(,没,)”,用于否定句;,在句中常位于句末,.,Has Millie called,yet,?,(,6,),Have you seen any exhibitions,recently,?,表示包含过去和现在的一段时间,“,最近,近来”,.,用于肯定句,/,否定句,/,疑问句,,在句中常位于句末,.,(,7,),Eddie has lived with Millie,for,four years.,表示一段时间,,用于肯定句,/,否定句,/,疑问句,,f,or,后接一段时间,,用于肯定句,/,否定句,/,疑问句,,(,8,),Eddie has lived with Millie,since,he was born.,表示,“,自,以后,/,来”,,用于肯定句,/,否定句,/,疑问句,.,since,后接过去时间点,;,或接时间状语从句,谓语常用一般过去时,.,since / for,since,+,一时间点,是“自从,”,的意思。它既可作介词,也可作连词。常用于现在完成时,完成时态的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。作介词时后跟过去,某一时间点,。作连词引导时间状语从句,从句的谓语动词一般是短暂性动词,常用过去时态。,for,+,一段时间,for = since +,一段时间,+ ago,She has lived here,for three years,.,=She has lived here,since three years ago,.,1. Have you done your homework_?,( for, just, yet),2. I have_ been to Chengdu.,(ever, never, yet),3. He has_ washed the dishes.,(already, ever, for) 4. He has worked there_ he left school. (already, just, since),5. Have you cleaned your room_?,( for, just, yet),yet,never,already,since,yet,实战演练,6. She has known Sam_ nine years.,( for, never, since),7. They have_ arrived.,(ever, just, yet),8. Have you_ ridden a horse?,(ever, for, yet),9. She hasnt written to me _.,(recently, just, since),10. We have not completed the project_. (already, for, yet),for,just,ever,recently,yet,按要求改写句子。,1 He has been here for two weeks.,(,since,),He has been there _ two weeks _.,2 Mr. and Mrs. Smith have come back already.(,否定句,),Mr. and Mrs. Smith _ come back _.,3 I left Shanghai 3 days ago.(,改现在完成时,),I_.,4 I had lunch just now.(,用,just,改写,),_.,since ago,havent,yet,have left shanghai since 3 days ago,I have just had lunch,easy - difficult polite -,im,polite,good- bad honest-,dis,honest,new-old correct -,in,correct,happy-sad lucky -,un,lucky,fat -thin regular-,ir,regular,short-tall,三、,vocabulary:,形容词的反义词,初三英语第一轮复习学案,8B Unit 1,答案,一、,(n.):,1. cinema 2. factory 3 .waste,4. husband 5. sentence 6. century,7. environment 8. development,9. service 10. feeling 11. dictionary,12. advantage 13. past 14. present,15. wife 16. tower 17. duck,(v.),1. realize 2. pollute,3. reduce 4. throw,5. interview 6. repair,7. lend 8. describe,9. own 10. relax,11. turn,(adj.),1. southern 2. married,3. lonely 4. unhealthy,5. unlucky 6. unpleasant,7.fresh 8. primary,(adv.),1. recently 2. especially,二、,1. since then,2. used to do,sth,3. from time to time,4. have an interview with,sb,5. feel a bit lonely,6. in fact,7. hear of,8. hear from,9. on ones own,10. take,action(s,) to reduce the pollution,一、,(A),1. factories 2. Unpleasant 3. southern,4. especially 5. repair,(B),1. unhealthy 2. cleaner 3. married,4. dishonest 5. incorrect 6. unlucky,(C),1. forgotten 2. havent seen 3. to play,4. has had; had 5. arrived; will leave,二,、,1-5,D A B D A,6-10,B D C B D,11-15,C C A D A,16-20,B A B D C,三、,(A),1. hasnt; any; yet,2. since ten years ago,3. the best; Ive ever seen,4. How long,5. does he,6. when did,7. has been; since,8. has been to; twice,9. Has; yet,10. did; ago,(B),1-5 C C D C C,第一课时 教材梳理,一、,well, moved house, wife,in the past few years, advantages,cause, pollution, serious,dump its waste water, realized,reduce, open, feel lonely,中考备考手册,8B Unit1,答案,二、,(A),1. southern 2. factories 3. pollution,4. married 5. threw 6. development,7. feeling 8. service 9. impossible,10. dishonest 11. incorrect,12. irregular 13. unpleasant,14. disadvantages 15. recently,三、,1. D 2. C 3. C,第二课时 能力提升,一、,1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C,6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10.A,二、,1. languages 2. computers 3. express,4. convenient 5. attitude 6. individuals,7. respected 8. women 9. role 10. equal,三,.,1. bring 2. result 3 . service,4. refused 5. whether 6. answered,7. sad 8. smile 9. opened 10. flight,自主复习,一、,1. centuries 2. cinemas 3. dictionaries,4. service 5. feeling,二、,1. unhappy 2. pleasant 3. missed,4. married 5. wives 6. pollution,7.owned 8. luckiest 9. have taken,10. swimming,中考指导用书,8B Unit 1,答案,课堂巩固,一、,southern; married; over; turned; pleasant;,factory; realized; reduce; open; lonely,二、,1. has been turned into a clean river;,turn the following ; into,2. used to play basketball;,Did; use to be late for school; I did,3. has been in service; will be in service,语法梳理,1. Have; seen; yet; havent seen; yet,2. How long has,3. No; havent; never,4. has read; for,书面表达,My hometown is a small town near Nanjing. It used to be a quiet place. There were a lot of big trees and the air was fresh. Yet, the area has changed a lot over the years.,In the past, people could only go to Nanjing by bike or on foot. But now, things are different. Many buses pass there, so if people want to go to Nanjing, they can take a bus. Of course some of the people in my hometown have their own cars, and they can drive the car to any place they like.,In my opinion, my hometown has become a modern town. But the changes to my hometown have also caused some problems for people. For example, people want to make more space for modern buildings and roads, so they have cut down a lot of trees and the air is not as fresh as before.,


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