How do you study for a test(Period 4)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Period 4,我的叔叔经常询问我的学习情况,.,My uncle often _ me _ my study.,2.,他说最好的学习新单词的方法是通过看,英语杂志,.,He said the best _ _ learn the,new words was _ reading newspaper.,根据中文完成句子,asks,about,way,to,by,3.,听磁带是一种好的学习英语的方法,.,_ _ _ is a good way to,learn English.,4.,他们以中文结束了对话,.,They _ _ _ in Chinese.,Listening,to,tapes,end,up,speaking,1.,Do you have any difficulties in learning,English?,2.,Whats your difficulties?,Discuss,Section B,1a Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check (,) the statements that are true for you.,I cant,pronounce,some of the words.,I cant understand,spoken,English.,I read very,slowly,.,I cant spell some English words.,I,make mistakes,in grammar.,v.,发,音,;,正确,(,或清晰地,),吐,(,字、音等,),adj.,口语的;口说的;口头的,v.,慢地;缓慢地,犯错;出错,1b What other things are difficult for you? Make a list.,1. I dont know how to use,commas,.,2.,.,3.,.,n.,逗号,I have a problem. I cant remember,the new words.,I cant pronounce some of the words,.,I cant understand spoken English.,Difficulties,I read very slowly.,I dont know how to speak English well.,I always make mistakes in grammar.,2a Paul is learning English. Listen and check (,)the learning challenges he talks about.,Challenges,1.,cant get the pronunciation right,2.,forget a lot of new words,3.,cant always understand when people talk to me,4.,cant understand the words in magazines,5.,dont get much writing practice,n.,挑战,2b,Listen again. Match the challenges in 2a with the solutions.,Solutions,a.,You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.,b.,You should find a pen pal.,c.,Listening can help.,d.,Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?,2,5,1,3,n.,(,问题,;,疑难等的,),解决,;,解答,2c PAIRWORK,Role play conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b.,A: I dont have a partner to practice,English with.,B: Maybe you should join an English,language club.,Reading,(3a: P6),3a Read the article. Then read the statements about the article. Write “T”(for true) or “F”(for false).,How I learned to learn English,Last year my English class was difficult for me.,First,of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class.,To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word.,Later on, I realized that,it doesnt matter,if you dont understand every word. Also I,was afraid to,speak in class, because I thought my classmate might,laugh at,me.I couldnt always make,complete,sentence,s, either.,later on,以后,;,随后,be afraid to,do,sth,害怕去做,be afraid of,sth,/doing,sth,be afraid+that,引导的从句,laugh at,sb,笑话,;,取笑,(,某人,),complete,adj.,完整的,;,完全的,sentence,n.,句子,make a sentence,造句,first of all,首先,;,第一,Then I started to watch English language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the,secret,s of becoming a good language,learner,. Another thing that I found very difficult was English Grammar. So I decided to,take,lots of grammar,notes,in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped. Now I am,enjoy,ing,learning,English and I got an A this,term,. My teacher is very,impress,ed.,secret,n.,秘密,;,机密,learner,n.,学习者,take notes,做笔记,;,做记录,enjoy doing,喜欢做,乐于做,term,n.,学期,impress,v.,使感动,;,给,深刻印象,impress,sth,on,sb,/impress,sb,with,sth,使某人铭记某事,True or false,The writer found learning English difficult because,1.The teachers pronunciation was poor.,2. People always laughed at her when she spoke.,F,F,3. She had trouble making complete,sentences.,4. English grammar was difficult.,5. Going out with English speaking,friends.,6. Lots of listening practice.,7. Using grammar in original sentences.,T,T,F,T,T,first of all,首先,to begin with,一开始,later on,后来,随后,also,也,而且(用于肯定句),either,也(用于否定句),so,因此,then,然后,表示顺序或承接的连词或词组,:,Writing,(3b, 3c: P6),Dear,Li Lei,I know it isnt easy to learn,English well,but I have some ideas that may help. You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word.,You can also do,lots of,listening practice. I think its one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I think important is English grammar.,In order to learn it well, you have to take a lot of grammar notes in every class. You can write English sentences using the,grammar you,are learning. You can also read more English books. Reading is as important as listening for us to learn English well. If you do so, I believe that you can learn English very well later on.,Yours,Meimei,Thank you!,Bye-bye,


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