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Is the ability of an individual influence a group or another individual toward the achievement of goals and results,Management,Is about coping with day-to-day operations,Definition of Leadership,Building Successful Leaders,I Proactive Orientation,II Time Management,III Dealing with personal change,IV Leadership Models,V Influence Skills,core leadership,VI Communication & Resolve Conflict,VII Successful Facilitator,VIII Performance & People development,BSL (I)- Proactive orientation,When we,re proactive, we accept responsibility for who we are, what we have, and what we do.,We grow by becoming more consistently proactive over time. No quantum leap but a continuum of progression.,When we are proactive our language changes, notice how often we say,“,if only,”,If we think that the problem is,“,out there,”, that very thought is itself the problem.,There are 2 tools available to us to help be more proactive.,TOOL 1: The Hill,TOOL 2: Force Field Analysis,BSL (I)- Proactive orientation,The Hill,Economy,My values,My attitude,My performance,My actions,Technology changes,Resource,Companys,decisions,My,manager,Power of Vision,GAINING,CONTROL,C. Your Environment,Delegating,Re-negotiating,System Staffing,B. You Manager,Saying NO,Prioritizing 80/20,Assessing Needs,A. Yourself,Values,Energy,White Space,Gaining Control,Controlling Yourself,Finish what you start.,If you are over-committed and expect to be GREAT at everything, focus your energy on fewer areas and allow yourself to be average in less important matters.,SAY NO (PUSH-BACK),Develop your sense of humor. Learn NOT to take yourself too seriously.,DELEGATE,Broaden your family activities.,Pay attention to your spirituality and Personal Leadership Effectiveness.,Gaining Control,B. GAINING CONTROL OF YOUR MANAGER RELATIONSHIP,Make Sure You Understand Your Manager.,Assess Yourself and Your Needs.,Develop and Maintain a Relationship.,Saying No.,Gaining control,C. GAINING CONTROL OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT,Listen Effectively,Attack Problem, not people,Learn to Re-Negotiate,Seek Out Strong Directed Workers,Be Co-operative,Find Key Associates to Use as Resources,Learn to,“,Let-Go,”,of Your Technical Prowess,Tool: Force,field analysis,Force-field analysis,Helping,Hindering,Desired,BSL(II)-Time management,S1,Pressure,Deadline,Crises,S2,Interruptions,Some calls,Some mail,Some reports,Some meetings,Popular activities,S3,Prevention,Relationship,Building,Recognizing new,Planning,S4,Trivia, Busy work,Time Wasters,Some mail,Some phone calls,Pleasant activities,The,Work-Time Matrix,looks at the perennial problem that all busy people face. The demands of the immediate overriding the important areas of our lives.,We have talked before.,Critical,Not Critical,Pressing,(Urgent),Not Pressing,(Not Urgent),Dealing with personal change,Resistance to change,Homeostasis(,动态平衡),Change planning and managing,Optimal Change,BSL(III)-,Dealing with personal change,Chang is possible, not easy,Positive change will not finished today, but it can start today,Healthy change is a long-term process, the decision to make a change offers wonderful feelings of control and optimism, but those are short- lived if the change is not accomplished.-An expectation of an unrealistically high payoff in an unrealistically short time.,Three Basic Kinds of Chang,Shock Change,-Unexpected, Often Unwelcome,-Catchs you off-guard,Evolutionary Change,-Gradual,-Incremental,-You can prepare and plan,Strategic Change,- A sense of Control,Dealing with personal change,N,Now,Normal,Neutral,Org. Jump to N+1,People often jump to N-1,Buy-in Takes time,+1,-1,Resistance,Anger,生气,Withdrawal,撤消,Fighting,Cant sleep at night,Gave my all and now look what I get,Dont like,Exploration,Too many new ideas are generated,Frustration-,挫败,Have a lot to do,Trouble focusing,Open to new things,The internal process of change,N-1 N+1,Denial,否定,Confusion,Loss of Identity,失去平衡,Apathy,冷漠,Numbness,麻木,This too shall pass ,也会过去,Commitment,Team work,Satisfaction,Clear focus and plan,Sign me up,Acceptance,You will give up faster if you are not in control,Transitions,Things do not change, we change,Beginnings New commitment,Transitions Time of uncertainty between the,old and new reality,Endings Letting go,Lesson can,t threaten,When you try to teach anyone something new, you have to make it clear from the outset that the destination is someplace we,d all like to go.,Managing Resistance,Identify sources and reasons,Involve all interested parties in contributing to planning the change,Clearly articulate the need for change and goals and objectives of the change process Written documents),Address the individual needs of those who will impacted by the change, help people retain what they treasure whenever possible.,Managing Change,Models of change,N-1 N+1,Denials Resistance exploration commitment,Managing Change: Basic Actions,Step 1 : Let go,Step 2 : Identify your reaction,Step 3 : Take Action,Step1,Confusion - Accept,Loss of identity- Build Connection,Withdrawn- Face it,Angry- Share it,The past is not the future,if you think about you error, you will make another error, making mistake is just a learning process,The current pattern of behavior employees engage in is six times more likely to predict job performance than is their background and job history.,Step 2,Identify what you really want,Value and attitude,Beliefs,Behavior,Limiting Beliefs,Empowering Beliefs,Theres no time for thought, no time for progress, just time to do what has to be done today,Very dangerous,Step 3,Do I have the skills necessary to get what I want?,-Ask professionals, inside and outside,-Ask your manager,-Listen, really listen, to what they say,Find your own path,64% failed to achieve success in their lives due to specific standard set by others that they were unable to live up to.,Step 3,What can I control?,What can I influence?,Risk control/Managing Risk,Promote and reward risk taking (IBM),147/805 rule,Bee story(15% search),BSL(IV)-Leadership Models,Managerial Grid,Situational leadership,3-D Theory,Leadership styles,Low,High,High,Employee Orientation,Task orientation,3-,参与,2-,说服,4-,授权,1-,命令和决定,Degree of employee maturity,Leadership style,3-D Theory,3,2,4,1,3,2,4,1,Effectiveness,Task orientation,Employee Orientation,1=Doer,1=Dictator,2=Moderator,2=Vacillator,游移,3=Carer,3=Softy,4=Strategist,4=Ivory tower,Appropriate to the situation,The four leadership styles,Directing,Delegating,S2,S1,S4,S3,Supporting,Coaching,D4 D3 D2 D1,Development level of followers,Directing,High directive, low supportive,Leader defines roles of followers,Problem solving and decision making initiated by leader,One-way communication,Coaching,High directive, high supportive,Leaders attempts to hear followers suggestion, ideas,Two way,Control over decision making,Supporting,High supportive, low directive,Focus of control shifts to followers,Leader actively listens,Followers has ability and knowledge to do the task,Delegating,High supportive, low directive,Leaders discuss problems with followers,Decision making is handled by the subordinate,Seeks joint agreement on problem definitions,Run their own show,Low,High,Levels of development,D1 Low competence, High commitment,Enthusiastic Beginner,D2 Some competence, Low commitment,Disillusioned Learner,D3 Moderate to High Competence variable commitment,Reluctant Contributor-,难处理的贡献者,D4 High competence, High commitment,Peak performer,Increasing follower development level,The Leader,s goal,Situational Leadership is not something you do,to,people but something you do,with,people,Team Relationships,Stages of Team development,Forming,Storming,Norming,Performing,Transforming,Blind optimism,Informed pessimism,Hope,Commitment,Commitment (Morale),Productivity,(Competence),Commitment (Morale),Productivity,(Competence),Commitment (Morale),Productivity,(Competence),Commitment (Morale),Productivity,(Competence),Leadership behavior for team development Forming,telling high task/low relationship,Set realistic and attainable goals,Clarify tasks and relationships,Set standard and limits,Make decisions and give directions,Teach and demonstrate skills,Give feedback on performance and group dynamics,Provide low to moderate support,Explaining what /why,Seeking question and answers,Acknowledging rough spots,Leadership behavior for team development Storming-selling High task/High relationship,Task behaviors,- Redefine the goals and expectations,- Provide Vision,- Redefine roles and relationships,- Continue skill development,- Facilitate interdependence,Relationship behaviors,- Facilitate group decision making,- Actively listen,- Accept and understand difference,- Acknowledge difficulties,- Confront challenge,- Manage conflict,- Praise helpful behavior,- Maintain enthusiasm,Leadership behavior for team development Norming- Participative Low task/high relationship,Facilitate team functioning,Involve team in setting goals and standards,Involve team in decision making,Actively listen,Encourage and acknowledge performance,Leadership behavior for team development Performing- Delegating Low task/Low relationship,Share information,Link to the larger organization,Manage team goal-setting and performance-review process,Reinforce the team,s success,Follow through,BSL(V)-Influencing Skills,Core concepts of influence,-Influence is consensual(,双方意愿,),-Influence is situational,-Process, not an event,-often involves a mixture of strategies and tactics,-people respond best to the tactics they use,-people give cues that tell you how best to influence them,Power and influence,TOPS =Result,-Tactic,Negative/Positive,-Organizational Power,Role, Resources, information, network, reputation,-Personal Power,Knowledge/Expressiveness/attraction/Character/History with influence,-Skill,Influence Tactics,How people are influenced,-,Different people respond differently to the various influence tactics,-People tend to use the tactics they are most responsive to,How to choose a tactic,-,Use the tactics the influencee uses,-Listen and look for cues(,暗示,) from the influence,-Use tactics appropriate to the influencee,s personality type,Applying power directionally,Org. Power,Role,Resources,Information,Network,Reputation,Role,Resources,Information,Network,Reputation,Role,Resources,Information,Network,Reputation,Personal Power,Knowledge,Expressiveness,Character,Attraction,History,Knowledge,Expressiveness,Character,Attraction,History,Knowledge,Expressiveness,Character,Attraction,History,Upward,Laterally,Downward,Apply Power & Influence,Situation,-culture/environment/external/influencees state/Recent history/Power differential,Operating Style Differences,Influence Direction,Assessing Lateral Influencees,Attached checklist,BSL(VI)-,Communication & Resolve conflict,We have talked this topic last year.,BSL (VII) - Creative Facilitation,Use effectively the creative facilitative skills,Develop workable agendas for meetings,Master and be able to apply effectively all the tools to any problem solving session,Harness the creativity and experience of the people you work with,Definition of facilitation A-B,-Conflict/Direction/decision/team energy,Roles of a facilitator,Helps the group to assess its needs,Helps define short and long-term goal,Helps develop a process to attain objectives,Guides group discussions,Helps the group to understand its own process in order to work more effectively,Manages conflict and communications among members,Helps the group access needed resources from inside and from outside the group,Supports the team as it solves problems and make decisions which talk all members,opinions into account,Helps individuals enjoy a positive, growing experience while at the same time helping a group attain its goal.,Helps members recognize and appreciate their difference.,Eventually helps group members share responsibility for leading the group,Characteristics of an excellent facilitator,Assertive,Good Listener,Intuitive,直觉,Good speaker,Good time manager,Organized,Stays neutral and objective,Risk taker,Facilitating Collaboration: open,Narrow,Close,Open,Narrow,Close,Tools for Reaching Agreement,Gather information-Analysis-Reach agreement,Brainstorm,Clarify,Combine similar ideas,Prioritize,Negative Poll,Build up /Eliminate,Both/And,Idea Generation and Creativity,Look in other fields-the more divergent your sources ,the greater the likelihood of good ideas generated,Look for many ideas,this increase the chances of finding a few exceptional ones (Optimum),Be willing to be led astray-You may find something good along the way,Write it down,Facilitation Traps,Dominating group discussion,Not participating in discussions-Silent,Side conversations,Inaccurate recording of ideas,Discussion off track,Judging the worth of inputs from team members,Hidden Agendas,Insensitivity to personal need of team members,Unclear purpose, poor agenda,Unclear causing negative consequences,Ineffective decision,making process,Pushing decision through,Failing to create accountability for decisions,Being Negative or Argumentative,Techniques for handling dysfunctional behavior,Overly talkative,Highly Argumentative,Quick and overly helpful,Rambling,Personality clash,Obstinate,Wrong subject,Side conversation,Inarticulate,Definitely wrong comment,Ask you opinion,Refuses to Participate,Tell war stories,Analysis and Creativity,Focus initially on the positive,Sometimes the person who doesn,t anything does worse than the person who tries a few things and makes some mistakes.,Assumptions sometimes channel our thinking in the wrong direction,Ideas that brought success in the past can cloud you mind like dogma,Decision making and creativity,Two basic rules,-,Change inevitable,- Everybody resists change,Success comes with the willingness to do what is necessary,Get rid of your excuses,Understand that people will want to shoot your idea down,Meeting skill,We plan to talk in the future.,Idea generation toolkit,Brainstorming,-No evaluation of ideas,-Encourage wild ideas,-Hitchhike-build on ideas of others,Mind mapping,Brain writing-Build on the ideas on others,Storyboarding,Analysis toolkit,Force-Field analysis,Structure tree,Fishbone,5 why 5 times,Pert chart,Decision making toolkit,Ranking techniques,- Green dot technique,- 7-5-3-2-1 Ranking,- Small group,- Pay-off Matrix,Weighted voting,Paired Comparisons,Who, What, When,BSL(VIII)-,Performance and people development,We have talked on PDP and OPR session last year,The levels of leadership,People follow because they have to,People follow because they want to,People follow because of what you have done for the organization,People follow because of what you have done for them,People follow because of who you are and what you represent,


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