healyht body说课

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,外12级3班 任凌云,Our Body and Healthy Habits,Oral Presentation of th,e,Teaching Plan,Module 1, NSE Book 2,Teaching Material Analysis,Teaching Objectives,Important Points,Difficult Points,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedures,Blackboard Design,Teaching Material Analysis,This is the first module in NSE Book 2, and the topic is “,Our Body and Healthy Habits,”.,Reading comprehension plays an important role in the language input. Todays class is about the second part-reading.,This lesson,mainly talks about Zhou,Kais lifestyle,. It is the main body of this unit, and in this period students should grasp the main idea of the passage and pay attention to tne important phrases.,Teaching Material Analysis,This reading material is very h,elp,ful. It can help,students,realize the importance,of healthy habits, and encourage them to develop,a,healthy,lifestyle,.,The teaching objectives are established according to the general objectives of Module 1 and,The New National English Curriculum Standard.,1.Language Objectives,2.,Ability Objectives,3.,Moral Objectives,4.,Learning Strategies,5.,Cultural Awareness,Teaching Objectives,1.Language Objectives,(1),Useful words,: anxious, break, captain, sweet, stupid,injure, diet, normal, painful,(2),Phrases,: adj.+enough +to do, be crazy about,2.,Ability Objectives,(1),Speaking,: Let students express their opinions freely,in,terms of a topic in the class activities.,(2),Reading,: Develop students ability to find out the,main,idea of the passage and analyze the text and use,two reading skills(skimming, scanning),.,3.,Moral Objectives,(1) Develop students awareness and skills,of,cooperating,with partners in group,work.,(2) Evoke and develop students awareness of,keeping healthy,and building some healthy,habits in daily life.,(1) Cognitive strategy,-analyze and solve problems in reading,(2) Communicative strategy,-improve students oral ability and,communicative competence,4.,Learning Strategies,This period is to develop students cultural awareness and expand their horizons.,5.,Cultural Awareness,The teaching objectives of the period are established according to the general objectives of Module 1 and The New National English Curriculum Standard.,1. T,o,remember the meanings and usages of those new,words and phrases.,2. To use our learned knowledge to write a passage.,Important Points,The difficult points are established according to students,cognitive level.,1. Use two important reading skills (skimming, scanning),to analyze the text.,2. Understand what is the healthy lifestyle and know the,importance of forming healthy habits.,let students employ different reading,skills to comprehend the text.,Difficult Points,Purpose,1.Teaching Methods:,The New Curriculum Standard,emphasizes the idea that teaching should establish students as the center and teacher themselves subordinate.,In the process of learning, I,ll create as many chances as possible to make students participate in class activities.,2. Teaching Aids:,a projector, a computer, PPT,Teaching Methods,Task-based Language Teaching,Communicative Language Teaching,Teaching Procedures,Step I,Lead-in,(3mins),Step II,Pre-reading,(7mins),Step ,While-reading,(20mins),Step ,Post-readin,g(10mins),Step V,Summary,(2mins),Step VI,Homework,Assignment(1min),Step I Lead-in (3mins),1.G,reet students,get closer to them and have their attention.,2.R,eview,the proverbs we learned last class,lead them into the topic.,Purpose,Purpose,Step II Pre-reading (,7,mins),1.,Show,students Zhou Kais picture and ask them to guess,some information about Zhou Kai.,t,h,e purpose is to,get their mind,s,closer to,the theme,of the text to be learned.,2.,Then guide them to,do an activity named labelling to,review,some words,we will meet in the text.,Th,e purpose,is to prepare for the reading,text.,Purpose,Purpose,3. Divide all students into 3 groups and tell them they are competitors from now on. In the end, The group that get the lest points can be appointed to have a talent show for us.,Motivate students to concentrate,themselves on the class and develop,their ability to cooperate with others.,Step II Pre-reading (,7,mins),Purpose,Step While-reading (,20,mins),1.,Skimming,Ask students to skim the passage to get the topic sentence of each paragraph, then get the,main idea of the whole passage.,Th,e purpose is to,help them,have a,general understanding of skimming and,know some information,about the topic,sentence.,Purpose,2. Scanning,Ask,students,to read the whole passage again and decide if those sentences,I,give are,true or false and then come to the language points in this passage.,Th,e purpose is to,make students,have a,brief understanding of scanning and,know,the passage,more,clear,ly,.,Step While-reading (,20,mins),Purpose,Step ,Post-reading,(,10,mins),1.Ask students to make cards of suggestions as to how to keep healthy. They need to discuss and give some useful suggestions to me or to themselves.,This enables them to communicate with,partners and realize the importance of,cooperation. It also evokes their,awareness of developing some healthy habits.,Purpose,Step ,Post-reading,(,10,mins),2.Select winners and give them 2 minutes to choose one,student to have a talent show for us.,The purpose is to let students relax,themselves for a while and encourge them to,develop the awareness of competing.,Purpose,Step V,Summary,(,2,min,s,),After learning this class, I will make a summary.,Make students know clearer about,what they learned in this class.,Purpose,Step,VI,Homework,(,2,min,s,),Ask students to write a passage named “,How to Keep Healthy,” and review what they learned in this class.,Let students consolidate what,they learned today and prepare well for,the next class.,Purpose,sweet,diet,Our Body and Healthy Habits,Skimming:,Scanning:,adj+enough +to do be crazy about,DosDonts,Blackboard Design,Thank you!,


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