高考英语第二轮复习 单 项 填 空

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单 项 填 空 题,高考题型专题复习,命题特征,解题技巧,专题练习,命题要点,单 项 填 空 的 命 题 特 征,知识覆盖面广,语境地位突出,交际性原则明确,试题题干新颖,迷惑性较大,灵活性较高,单项填空的命题要点,连词、代词,形容词、副词,介词搭配,惯用短语,短语动词,情态动词,动词语态,句子结构,动词时态,非谓语动词,解题技巧:,还原法,排除思维定势,克服汉英差异,注意题干惯性,区分形近义近词,弄清语言环境,一,.,还原法,题干以省略句,疑问句,被动句,倒装句,强调句或使用从句等形式,避开考生所熟悉的陈述句结构,从而达到加大难度。,例如:,1. To all of you _ the honor for the success,A,belongs to B,belong to,C,belongs D,belong,分析:倒装句,还原后为:,The honor for the success belongs to all of you.,c,2. Time should be made good use of _our lessons well. A. learning,B. learned,C. to learn,D. learns,分析:将题干改写为主动句,则为,We should make good use of time _our lesson well.,C,3.What made her mother so angry? _the exam.,A. Because she did not pass,B. Her not passing,C. She did not pass,D. Because her not passing,分析;将题干改写为:,_the exam made her mother so angry.,B,将不熟悉的疑问句,倒装句,被动句,强调句等还原为熟悉的陈述句;也可将残缺的部分补出或将多余的部分删除。,解题决窍,:,二,.,排除思维定势,利用思维定势的影响来设题,这是最容易让,我们,上当的题。因为,我们,背记了许多语法规则,,词汇,,词的固定搭配,和句子结构等,,做题时只注意这些熟悉的语法规则,,结构,和局部固定搭配,往往在没有完全弄清整个题干意思是就作出了选择,结果当然出错。,例如:,1.Im sorry I cant help _ the floor of the classroom.,A. sweeping B. swept C. to sweep D. to sweeping,C,3. Do you have any idea of the reason _ he referred to,?,A,that B,where C,why D,when,A,A,4. What do think of the plan?, I feel _that we ought to give it up at once.,A. strongly B. strong C. stronger D. it strong,A,2. Madame Curie,,,for _ life had once been very hard,,,was successful later,A,whom B,which C,whose D,that,正确理解句意,避免定势思维。在学习过程中,尤其是复习阶段,我们应就一些常见的、重要的词、词组及句型加以反复训练,以加深印象,以避免思维定势的干扰。,解题决窍,:,三,.,克服汉英差异,英汉在表达习惯,思维方式等方面具有很多不同,命题者常利用汉英差异出题。如汉语的,“,参加,”,在许多情况下都适用,如参加会议,参加考试,参加解放军等,而在英语中则因不同的宾语用不同的动词,,如,: take part in the celebration, attend a meeting, join the army, take an exam, join in a,discussion,例如:,1. Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.,- OK. _,.,Take it easy,B. Go slowly,C. Stay longer,D. See you,D,3. There was once a cruel king _in the castle.,A. lived B. who lives,C. was living D. living,B,D,2. The population of China is _than that of Russia.,A. much more B. much larger,C. many more D. many larger,留心英汉表达差异,平时要多读,多比较,多归纳,尽量避免,Chinglish,。,解题决窍,:,四,.,注意题干惯性,此种类型的题多以对话形式出现,,我们,答题往往会借助原题干的动词时态和结构等来判断选项,结果造成错选。,例如:,1.,Alice. you feed the bird today,?,But I fed it yesterday.,A. do you,B. will you,C. didnt you,D. dont you,2. -You havent been to Beijing, have you?,-_.How I wish to go there!,A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent,C. No, I have D. No, I havent,B,D,3. Has Sam finished his homework today?,I have no idea. He _ it this,morning.,A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done,c,1,)补全对话;,2,)分清角色,。,由于这种试题多出现在对话题中,答语往往较简洁,多有省略,拿不准时,应将答语补充完整。另外要分清问答语气不同所使用的情态动词也不同,注意汉英不同习惯的表达。,解题决窍,:,五,.,区分形近义近词,把相似、相近的词语或结构放在一起作为干扰选项,,若我们,基础知识掌握不牢,就,难于区分。,例如:,2.,Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?,Yes. They have better players, so I,them to win.,A. hope,B. prefer,C. expect,D. want,C,1. The films made by Disney _all over the world.,Aare used to show Bare used to showing,Cused to be shown Dused to show,3. Id like to buy a housemodern ,comfortable ,and,_ in a quiet,neighborhood.,A,in all B,above all,C,after all D,at all,B,C,1,)明确词意 所选答案要符合句子意思;,2,)归纳比较 平时要特别重视收集归纳比较同义词、近义词和相似词的异同,牢记它们的用法。,解题诀窍,六,.,弄清语言环境,命题人在题干中不明确将语言时间或空间背景标示出来,而是比较巧妙地隐含在句子中,稍不注意就会错选。例如:,1.,Hey, look where you are going?,Oh, Im terribly sorry.,A. Im not noticing,B. I wasnt noticing,C. I havent noticing,D. I dont noticing,2. Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know,what country he studied in.,A. to have studied,B. to study,C. to be studying,D. to have been studying,A,3. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he,didnt show up.,A. should have arrived B. should arrive,C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving,A,B,1,)身临其境,揣摩意图 特别是对付考查时态的试题更要将自己置身于所提供的背景之中,同时注意揣摩命题者的意图;,2,) 认真分析题干里所隐藏的信息 如前后动词的时态以及那些貌似与题目无关的信息。,解题诀窍,1, 推敲,体会为主,近几年的高考单项选择题,命题专家精心设计题干,设置选项,是试题测试信度高、区分度好、难度适当的高质量试题。在复习中应对照答案认真推敲,仔细揣摩命题意图、思路,分析语境氛围的各种因素,力求语境氛围有全面清晰通彻的理解,真正领悟出正确答案的真谛所在。常言说,“,磨刀不误砍柴工,”,,这有助于提高答题准确率。,2, 运用,实践为主,根据新教材的特点和优势,尽可能在听、说、读、写的技能上多实践以丰富语言经验和语言意识,同时也应该尽可能地充分的利用音、形、图等视听媒介,以强化语言实践的效果。,提高语境选择题解题质量的思考,3, 提高,-,精练为主,单项选择题的语境设计更贴近生活,更注重语言的适用性。因此高考复习应以夯实基础、提高语用能力为前提,不应当将宝贵的时间和精力耗费在浩瀚的题海中。因而,应避免大战题海,必须选择质量好的语境题来精练,达到掌握知识、理解知识和运用知识,提高能力之目的,举一反三进行解题的有序操作,以求收到事半功倍的效果。,Have a try,The car is already full, so there is no _ for the computer. A. room B. place C. space D. area,Li Lin came _ in the Englishspeaking contest. A. the second B. second C. a second D. seconds,We made Tom _ monitor of our class and _ monitor of Class 3 is Mike. A. /; a B. the; the C. the; a D. /; the,Lucy, as well as her friends, _ this book before. A. have read B. has read C. reads D. read,Each boy and each girl_reading attentively in the reading room. A. is found B. are found C. is found to D. are found to,-Look, this pen is nice and it writes well. -OK, I want to buy _. A. it B. that C. one D. the one,7.This is so difficult a question _ almost no one can answer. A. which B. that C. as D. but 8.Dont be afraid to ask for help _ it is needed. A. but B. though C. since D. when 9.-Can I stay in Beijing for a week? - -No, not that long. Just a _ of days. A. number B. dozen C. few D. couple 10. With the man _ us, we finished the work on time. A. helping B. to help C. help D. helped 11. In their opinion, this film is _ one than the other two. A. the best B. the better C. a best D. a better,12. -Why didnt you study medicine? - -I desired _ into trade, but later I decided to study English. A. going B. to have gone C. to go D. to going,


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