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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,Aids today,Unit 3,Reading,播放,2,Something about AIDS,3,How much do you know about Aids?,What do the letters AIDS stand for?,AIDS=,A,cquired,I,mmune,D,eficiency,S,yndrome,gained,protection,lack,a group of diseases,that make you sick,获得性免疫缺陷综合症,4,How much do you know about Aids?,Are you familiar with this,red ribbon,? Whats it related to?,What does it mean?,A,ids,L,ove,and,care,Red ribbon is related to,AIDS,.,It means that we should give AIDS patients,l,ove,and,care,understanding,and,support,.,5,HIV,AIDS,How does HIV cause Aids?,What is the relationship between AIDS and HIV?,6,What is the relationship between AIDS and HIV?,HIV is the,that causes,.,AIDS is a kind of,disease.,People get,after having been infected with,.,virus,AIDS,deadly,AIDS,HIV,deadly and,incurable,7,GAME,How is AIDS spread?,GUESS and SAY,8,GUESS,and SAY,GAME,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,eating food with Aids patients,9,mother-to-child transmission,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,10,GUESS,and SAY,GAME,using the same toilet seat,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,11,contaminated needles,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,12,GAME,kissing,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,13,GAME,Shaking Hands,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,14,GAME,hugging,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,15,Swimming with the AIDS patients,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,16,GUESS,and SAY,giving blood,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,17,Can Aids be transmitted,via the following routes?,Blood transfusion,18,unprotected sex,blood-to-blood contact,mother-to-child transmission,AIDS is spread by .,How is AIDS spread?,19,cups,toilet seats,swimming pool,mosquitoes / other insects,Kissing, embracing, shaking hands,Coughing/Sneezing,Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted(传播) via the following routes:,20,Attitude to,Aids,No Scare!,No Discrimination!,21,Skimming,It gives some detailed information about,Aids and how to fight the spread of Aids.,1. What is this TV news special about?,2. How many people around the world,catch HIV every day?,3. What places have been affected,by Aids?,About 7,000 people,Almost every country in the world.,22,Careful reading,Read it carefully and answer the following questions.,how does AIDS affect the body?,What are the three ways Aids is spread from person to person?,What has been done in China to help control the spread of Aids?,what is the aim of UNAIDS?,What does UNAIDS do for people?,Why didnt Ajani and his sister catch HIV from his mother?,23,How does Aids affect the body?,When someone has Aids, the person loses the ability to fight other illnesses. Eventually the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person becomes very ill from usually mild sicknesses.,2. What are the 3 ways Aids is spread from person to person?,The three ways are through unprotected sex, through blood and from a mother to her child.,24,3. What has been done in China to help control the spread of Aids?,The government of China has opened labs to monitor the disease, and in 2003 it also started providing free drugs for Aids patients.,4. What is the aim of UNAIDS?,The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of Aids.,25,5. What does UNAIDS do for people?,It provides people with HIV or Aids medical care and HIV testing. It also teaches young people how to prevent Aids, and sets up treatment centres where mothers with HIV can receive medicine to help keep them from passing HIV to their children.,Because their mother had access to prescription Aids medicines when she was pregnant.,6. Why didnt Ajani and his sister catch HIV from their mother?,26,Do,C2,on Page 36 of the textbook.,Key:,g e a f b d c,27,1.The scream that Ajani hears as he washes his sisters most probably let out by_.,A.his neighbor B.his mother,C.a stranger D. his father,B,Reading comprehension,28,2. Why did Ajani and his sister not catch the virus from his mother?,A.Because their grandfather took good care of him.,B.Because they were lucky.,C.Because the government provided them with help.,D.Because their mother has access to prescription Aids medications during pregnancy.,D,29,3.Which expression is NOT true about AIDS?,A.There is no cure for Aids until now.,B.Aids is caused by a virus.,C.The infected people have no outward symptoms,but they know they are carriers.,D.The infected people loses the ability to fight illnesses.,C,30,4.The author uses a lot of numbers in the passage for the purpose of _.,A.making his statements more persuasively,B.telling us the situation is not so serious,C.informing us of the most commom way of spreading HIV and Aids,D.letting us know what an important role the UN is playing,A,31,Divide the essay into three parts,Part 1 (Para 1),An example related to Aids,Part 2 (Para 25),Detailed information about Aids,Part 3 (Para 69),Measures taken to fight Aids,The structure of the text,32,para 2,para 3,para 4,para 5,para 6,para 7,para 8,Body paragraphs,the cause of Aids,the ways it is spread,Aids - a global problem,Aids in China,international help to China,an organization called UNAIDS,the severe situation,Find out the main ideas of body paragraphs,33,Learn about Aids and do something to,_,1,_,the spread of it,An,_,2,_,Ajani, whose father died of Aids two years ago, lost his,mother for the same,_,3,_,.,Detailed,_,4,_,about Aids,1. The cause of Aids is a virus called HIV. People with it have no outward symptoms for years, so they dont know they,_,5,_,the virus.,2. If a person has Aids, the virus HIV _,6,_ his immune system gradually , _,7,_ makes him lose the ability to fight illnesses.,3. The virus is spread in three ways-through unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-child transmission. So far, there is no cure for Aids and is _,8,_.,4. Since the 1980s, Aids has become a serious problem all over the world, over 60 million people worldwide.,_,9,_,taken to fight Aids,1. The efforts have been made by China.,1.Opening labs to test and monitor,the disease,2._,10,_ free drugs for Aids patients in need,2. Many international organizations work,_,11,_,to fight Aids.,3. In the opinion of Ajani, the,_,12,_,to stopping the disease is educating people at risk, as well as treating infected People.,Task-based reading,consolidation,34,Task-based reading,Keys:,1. prevent,2. example,3. reason,4. information,5. carry,6. weakens,7. which,8. deadly,9. Measures,10. Providing,11. together,12. key,35,What can be done to improve the situation of AIDS?,by the government:,by specialists and doctors:,by the patients themselves:,by the public:,Discussion:,36,Supposing,there is an Aids patient in our class, how will you get along with him or her?,Writing,37,We should,take a positive attitude towards,those people living with HIV/AIDS and,show love and care to,them. We shouldnt,let the fear of AIDS cut us off from those,who need our love, care and support!,Proper attitude to,Aids,38,Lets,enjoy,a healthy,life,and,meanwhile,care for,each other!,39,Homework:,Review the whole text after class.,40,Bye-bye!,Bye-bye!,41,Language points,42,(L2,) washes his sister in a,bath,that leaks,water. While he,bathes,her,bath,n.,洗澡,浴室,have/take a,bath,bathe,v.,沐浴,用水洗,to,bathe,oneself in water,把自己泡在水中,洗澡,2. (L4),Ajani and his sister,lost their father,to,Aids two years ago.,lose sb. to certain disease = the person has died of the illness,If action is not taken, more and more children,will,lose their parents to,Aids.,如果不采取行动,越来越的孩子的父母会因,艾滋病而死去。,43,3. (L4),There is no,cure,for HIV or Aids,cure,n.,治疗,治愈,治疗法,v.,治疗,治愈,改正,Time,cured,him,of,his grief.,时光的流逝消除了他的悲痛。,For there is no,cure for,death.,因为面对死亡是没有解药的.,注意:treat 与 cure,作动词的区别:,treat,仅指治疗的过程,不一定治好;,而cure,则强调治愈。,How to,treat,neck shoulder syndrome?,如何治疗颈肩综合症?,44,4. (L17),HIV and Aids are spreading across,the world,at a frightening rate,(,with about,14,000 people,being infected,daily,.),+,v-ed,.,with 的复合结构在句中做,+,v-ing.,伴随状语或其他成分。,He sat there,with his eyes fixed upon,the,blackboard.,With the work done, he went home happily.,with +,n.,A boy,with two front teeth missing,rushed into the classroom.,infect,v. 传染,感染,infection,n,. 传染,影响,传染病,get/be infected infected people/blood,伴随状语,定语,伴随状语,45,5. (L21),accounting for,75 per cent of adult,infections worldwide.,account for,占比例,是原因,引起,It,accounts for,15 per cent of all air accidents.,它占所有空难的15%。,6. (L25),some infected women,seek,an,abortion rather than risk their childs health.,seek,n. 找寻 v. 寻求,寻找,搜索 (sought, sought),seek jobs,seek fame,追求声誉,seek,the truth from facts,实事求是,They,sought to,kill him.,企图,risk,their childrens health,拿孩子的健康冒险,46,7. (L26),Although many people,are familiar,with,Aids and how it is transmitted, more,than a few people,subscribe to,the view that,be familiar with /to,熟悉,了解,Familiar,with,office software and good,English skill.,熟悉办公室软件,良好的英语能力。,You look,familiar,to,me.,你看上去有点眼熟。,subscribe to vt. 订阅(捐献,支持,同意),subscribe to,+ view/ opinion/ a belief,=hold the view/opinion/belief =agree with,Not many people,subscribe to,the idea that money brings happiness,47,并不是许多人同意金钱能够带来幸福这个观点。,I have,subscribed to,China Daily for many years,.,我订阅中国日报已经有好几年了。,8. (L30),and,everywhere in between,以及其他任何地方,in between,adj.,在中间,在两者之间,We have two lessons this morning, but theres some free time,in between,.,今天上午我们有两节课, 课间有些休息时间.,I hate life, I hate death and everything,in between,just doesnt interest me.,我讨厌生命,憎恨死亡,两者过程中也没有一件事,让我感兴趣。,48,9. (L41),the government also started,providing,free drugs,for,Aids patents,in need,.,in need 在困难时,有需要的,When (you are),in need,dont hesitate to ask me for help.,需要时,请不必客气地找我帮忙。,A friend,in need,is a friend in indeed.,【谚】患难识知已。,10. (L44),a Chinese American Aids leading expert,has devoted,his body and soul,to,bringing,up-to-date technology and international,attention,to,Chinas Aids problem.,body and soul 整个身心、全心全意,As a student in Grade Three, I must put my,body and soul,into my study.,49,作为一个高三的学生,我必须全身心投入学习。,bring attention to,引起对关注,旨在唤起外界对拯救亚马逊丛林的关注。,The event is meant to,bring attention to,saving,the Amazon forest.,11. (L49),The United Nations has been very,involved in,fighting Aids,involve 牵涉,使卷入,使参与,需要,to,be involved in,the trouble,陷入麻烦,to,be involved in,research,忙于研究,both of which,involve,taking,the life of,a human being,.,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。,50,Every time that I,get involved,in a new project,there are new issues to deal with,当我每次参与一个新的项目时,会有许多的新问题要处理,be involved with,涉及,和密切联系,12. (L52),includes,providing,infected,people with help and,testing,for people,who think,13.(L60),It is estimated that,It is estimated that,估计(有人据计,据估计),类似句型有:,It is,said/reported/believed/hoped/thought/,known,that,include宾语,51,14. (L65),because their mother had,access to,prescription Aids medications during,pregnancy.,=because their mother had a chance to get,access to,接近或使用的机会,The only,access to,her personal information,is that you must,access,an available,the computer.,惟一接触她的个人资料的方法是你必须在电脑中存取个一个有效的文件。,Citizens may have free,access to,the library.,市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。,52,15. (L68),He believes that educating people,at risk,as well as,treating infected people, is the,key to,stopping the disease,in the future.,at risk,处境危险,as well as,以及,又(除.之外)也,既.又,key to,开的钥匙,关键 (接n. /v-ing.),in the future,未来,将来,Task-based reading exercise,53,Learn about Aids and do something to 1_ the spread of it,An,2_,Ajani, whose father died of Aids two years ago, lost his,mother for the same 3_.,prevent,reason,example,Task-based reading exercise,54,Detailed 4,_,about Aids,1. The cause of Aids is a virus,called HIV, which attacks the body,s immune system and there,s no cure.,2. One of the first symptoms of Aids is a weakened immune system and eventually the body loses the ability.,3. It is commonly 5_ that the virus is spread in three ways - .,4. Since the 1980s, Aids has become ., 6 _ over 60 million people .,information,known,infecting,Task-based reading exercise,55,7_ taken to fight Aids,1. The efforts have been made by China.,Opening labs to test and monitor the disease,8_ free drugs for Aids patients in need,2. Many international organizations work 9_ to fight Aids.,3. In Ajanis opinion, the 10_ to stopping the disease is educating people at risk, as well as treating .,P,roviding,together,key,Measures,Task-based reading exercise,56,


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