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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,Add your text,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,Add your text,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,Add your text,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Add your text,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,水泥窑共处置与环境保护,Co-processing in Cement Kiln and Environmental Protection,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,演讲人:赵向东,Speaker: Zhao Xiangdong,2011,水泥峰会-北京,2011 International Cement Market Summit - Beijing,1,公司简介,Company Profile,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司是全国建材大型一类企业,北京市10家首批循环经济试点企业之一。,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited is a first-class building material enterprise in China and one of the 10 first pilot firms for recycling economy in Beijing.,公司坚持水泥主业、循环经济和环保产业、技术服务产业“三业并举、整体推进”的发展战略,靠新出强,加快转变经济发展方式,着力提高自主创新能力,履行企业社会职责,打造“生态友好型”企业, 走理性、健康、可持续发展的道路。,The company insists on the development strategy featuring the co-existence and overall promotion of cement industry, recycling economy and environmental protection industry, and technical service industry, strengthens its business through new technology, speeds up the transformation of its economic development mode, and makes the best efforts to enhance its independent innovation capacity, fulfill its corporate social responsibilities, build an eco-friendly enterprise, and step on the road of rational, healthy and sustainable development.,自主研发的创新型低温余热发电技术,平均吨熟料发电量在50千瓦时以上,处于国际领先水平。该技术获得国家发明专利奖“中国专利优秀奖”, 得到世界知识产权组织的认可,在国际上有一定影响。,The innovative low-temperature waste heat power generation technology independently developed by the company has an average power generation capacity of over 50kWh per ton clinker, which represents the international leading level. This technology has won a national invention patent award - “China Patent Award” and the recognition of World Intellectual Property Organization, and gained considerable awareness in the international market.,2,公司简介,Company Profile,公司积极消纳火力粉煤灰、脱硫石膏、石灰石废石、砂岩废渣、冶炼废渣、水渣、铁矿废渣等,处置化工企业污染土、垃圾焚烧厂飞灰、污水处理厂污泥等多种形态和种类的废弃物,年处置量在110万吨以上。,The company actively eliminates coal fly ash, desulfurized gypsum, limestone waste, sandstone debris, smelting waste, slag, iron ore residue, etc, and disposes of wastes of many forms and types such as contaminated soil from chemical enterprises, fly ash from waste incineration plants, sludge from sewage treatment plants. The annual disposal capacity exceeds 1.10 million tons.,3,水泥窑处置废弃物的国外现状,Overseas Status of Waste Disposal in Cement Kilns,国外主要发达国家对利用水泥窑处置废弃物生产生态水泥非常重视,积累了不少的经验,已经制定了一些法规和条例,技术成熟稳定并得到了广泛的应用和推广。目前,一些发达国家,如日本、德国、丹麦、瑞士等已经有了生态水泥厂,,工业废渣的综合利用率达到了95%100%。,The major developed countries attach high importance to the use of cement kilns to produce eco-cement by disposing of wastes. They have accumulated remarkable experiences, established some laws and regulations, and gained mature and stable technologies, which are widely applied and promoted. At present, some developed countries such as Japan, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland have set up eco-cement plants,where the overall utilization rate of industrial wastes reaches 95%-100%.,4,水泥窑处置废弃物的国内现状,Domestic Status of Waste Disposal in Cement Kilns,我国水泥工业共处置的工业废渣,Industrial Wastes Co-processed by Cement Industry in China,常规工业废渣,Regular Industrial Wastes,高炉,矿渣,Blast,Furnace,Slag,粉煤灰,Coal,Fly Ash,炉渣,Furnace,Slag,煤矸石,Coal,Gangue,硫酸渣,Pyrite,Cinder,电石渣,和磷石膏,Carbide Slag,and,Phosphorus,Gypsum,石灰石尾矿,和其他废渣,Limestone,Tailings,and,Other,Waste Residues,数量(亿吨/年),Qty (100 million ton / year),1.1,0.5,0.086,0.096,0.18,0.068,0.27,合计 (亿吨/年),Total (100 million ton / year),2.3,常规工业废渣的共处置已普遍应用。,The Co-processing of regular industrial wastes is widely applied.,危险废物的共处置刚刚起步,还未形成一定的规模,在我国危险废物管理中还不能发挥其应有的作用。,The co-processing of hazardous wastes only makes a start without forming certain scale, unable to play its due role in the hazardous waste management of China.,仅个别水泥厂开展了连续性的大规模共处置业务。,Only a few cement plants carry out continuous large-scale co-processing business.,少数水泥厂开展了间断的、小规模的或单一的危险废物和非常规工业废渣的共处置业务。,A small number of cement plants carry out discontinuous, small-scale or simple co-processing of hazardous hazards or irregular industrial wastes.,少数水泥厂开展了共处置试验。,A small number of cement plants conduct co-processing tests.,5,水泥窑共处置优势Advantages of Co-processing in Cement Kiln,水泥生产工艺流程图 Cement Production Process Flowchart,6,水泥窑共处置优势,Advantages of Co-processing in Cement Kiln,水泥窑流程图,Cement Production Process Flowchart,悬浮预热器,S,uspension Preheater,预分解炉,Pre-decomposing Furnace,三次风管,Tertiary Air Duct,回转窑,Rotary Kiln,废气除尘,Removing dust from exhaust,废气除尘,Removing dust from exhaust,原料磨,Raw Material Mill,增湿塔,Conditioning Tower,冷却机,Chiller,7,水泥窑共处置优势,Advantages of Co-processing in Cement Kiln,水泥窑系统的燃烧投料点图,Diagram of Feed Points in Cement Kiln System,主燃烧投料点,Feed point at the Main Burner,预分解炉投料点,Feed point at the pre-decomposing furnace,窑尾燃烧投料点,Feed point at the kiln end,8,水泥窑共处置优势,Advantages of Co-processing in Cement Kiln,1. 系统温度较高,High system temperature,2. 工艺所固有的多段流化床气体清洁技术,Inherent multi-stage fluidized bed gas cleaning technology,3. 对,SO,2,和氯的巨大保持力,在系统内循环,Strong retention of,SO,2,and chlorine for circulation in the system,4. 大气排放主要来自于原料中挥发成分的焙烧,Atmospheric emissions mainly resulted from roasting of,volatile components in the raw material,5. 所有的无机矿物都转化成产品,All inorganic minerals transformed into products,6. 所有的痕量要素(重金属)都安全地固化到成品里,All trace elements (heavy metals) safely solidified into the products,7. 工艺热效率较高,High heat efficiency in the processes,8. 可以通过利用替代燃料,减少二氧化碳排放,Reduction of CO,2,emission by using alternative fuels,由以上特点,可以利用水泥窑来处置废弃物和危险废弃物,(如飞灰、污泥、生活垃圾以及工业垃圾),Given the above characteristics, cement kilns may be used to dispose of,discarded,and hazardous wastes (e.g. fly ash, sludge, domestic wastes and industrial wastes),9,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑协同处置飞灰技术,Technology of Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited for Co-processing of Fly Ash in Cement Kilns,飞灰中含有二恶英和重金属,是,危险废弃物,,需要得到安全处置。,Fly ash contains Dioxin and heavy metals which are,hazardous wastes,and need to be safely disposed of.,飞灰中含氯离子较高,在水泥窑中处置时需要预处理,除去飞灰中的氯离子。,Fly ash has high content of chlorine ion and therefore needs to be pre-treated to remove the chlorine ion before disposal in the cement kiln.,飞灰预处理,Pre-treatment of fly ash,结晶盐装置,Crystal salt device,10,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑协同处置飞灰专利技术,Technology of Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited for Co-processing of Fly Ash in Cement Kilns,专利情况(受理中),Patent status (pending),发明专利:一种水泥窑协同处理生活垃圾焚烧飞灰的方法,Invention patent: A methodology to use cement kilns for co-processing of the fly ash from incineration of domestic wastes,实用新型专利:一种从垃圾焚烧飞灰中提取钾钠盐的系统和方法,Utility model patent: A system and methodology to extract potassium sodium salt from the fly ash derived from incineration of domestic wastes,11,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑处置焚烧垃圾筛上物,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited Using Cement Kilns for Disposal of Oversizes from Incineration of Wastes,筛上物制备,Preparation of oversizes,窑头主燃烧器投加点,Feed point for the main burner at kiln head,窑尾烟室投加点,Feed point for the smoke chamber at kiln end,12,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑处置污染土壤,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited Using Cement Kilns for Disposal of Contaminated Soil,污染土壤的均化和流态化,H,omogenization and fluidization of contaminated soil,污染土壤的入窑计量,Measurement of contaminated soil fed into kiln,污染土壤的储存,Storage of contaminated soil,污染土壤入窑加入点,Feed point of contaminated soil into kiln,13,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑处置城市生活污泥,Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited Using Cement Kilns for Disposal of Municipal Sewage Sludge,转鼓干躁机,Rotary drum dryer,堆置9天后含水率可降低为10%,Moisture content reduced to 10% after storage for 9 days,Process Flowchart,Automatic Control of All Processes,Modifier bunker,Additive measurement,Pre-blender,Rotary drum dryer,Dehydrated sewage sludge cake,Saturatedsteam,Microwave generator,300C overheated steam,Conveyance cooling,Storage at stockyard,Raw material blending,Cement burning,Waste treatment station,Compliant emission,14,协同处置注意环保要求,Environmental Protection Requirements for Co-processing,当前谈“二噁英”色变,水泥窑处置废弃物的同时,需要格外重视;,Dioxin is something that people are unwilling to hear. It requires extra attention when cement kilns are used to dispose of wastes;,污染物控制通常的三个环节:原料获取、生产控制、排放控制;,The three processes usually related to pollutant control: acquisition of raw materials, production control, and emission control;,污染物控制二类重点:一类是二恶英,/,呋喃、一类是重金属;,Two key categories of pollutant control: one is Dioxin/Furan; the other is heavy metals;,国家出台了专门的环保标准针对水泥窑处理废弃物;,China has issued environmental protection standards for the use of cement kilns to dispose of wastes;,污染物容易吸附在粉尘中,因此粉尘控制成为重中之重!,Pollutants are likely to be absorbed onto dusts. Therefore, dust control becomes the top priority!,15,北京琉璃河水泥有限公司在环保方面的措施-选择戈尔覆膜滤袋,Environmental Protection Measures taken by Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited - Choose GORE Membrane Filter Bags,戈尔公司背景介绍,Introduction to Gore,戈尔公司1958年成立于美国,是一家全球知名的跨国公司,业务范围覆盖服装面料、电子、医疗和工业领域。,Founded in USA in 1958, Gore is a globally well-known multinational company whose business covers textile fabrics, electronics, medical and industrial applications.,戈尔公司多次获评“全美100家最适合工作的企业(100 Best Companies to Work for in America)”,戈尔的文化成为当代组织释放创造能力、培育团队精神进而寻求增长的楷模。,Gore has,repeatedly been named among the “100 Best Companies to Work for in America”. The corporate culture of Gore has becomes a model for contemporary organizations seeking growth by unleashing creativity and fostering teamwork.,戈尔公司在上世纪七十年代发明了薄膜滤袋,至今已有几十年的应用经验,在过滤行业处于全球领先地位。,Since its invention of the membrane filter bags in the 1970s, Gore has gained decades of application experience, and takes a leading position in the global,filtration industry.,16,北京琉璃河水泥有限公司在环保方面的措施,Environmental Protection Measures taken by Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,2001年2窑系统:采用反吹风袋式除尘,戈尔覆膜滤袋,The 2# kiln system in 2001: Using reverse-air baghouse and GORE membrane filter bags,2005年1窑系统:电除尘改造为脉冲喷吹袋式除尘,戈尔覆膜滤袋,The 1# kiln system in 2005: Renovated ESP into pulse jet baghouse, using GORE membrane filter bags,2000年水泥磨、烘干机等收尘设备均采用戈尔覆膜滤袋,From 2000, t,he baghouse for cement mill and dryer, all use GORE membrane filter bags,粉尘排放:长期 10 mg/m,3,以下,Dust emission: Below 10 mg/m,3,for a long term,使用覆膜滤袋体会:,Benefits of membrane filter bags:,. 由薄膜微孔实现过滤,孔隙小,有效过滤PM2.5等细微粉尘,能长期达到超低粉尘排放;,Filtration through microporous membrane features small pore, effective filtration of PM2.5 and other micro dust, and the ability to realize very low dust emission for a long term;,. 表面光滑,阻力低,节能;,Smooth surface, low pressure drop, and energy saving;,. 使用寿命长,性价比高,维护简单。,Long bag life, high performance-price ratio, and easy maintenance.,17,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑监测检测数据,Cement Kiln Monitoring and Testing Data of Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,样品采集自1号水泥窑窑尾废气,生料中添加25t/h的干化污泥,Samples taken from the exhaust at the end of 1# Cement Kiln; 25t/h dried sludge added into the raw meal,检测结果:,Testing results:,二噁英毒性当量 3.2pg/m,3,=,0.0032ng/m,3,Dioxin toxicity equivalent is 3.2pg/m,3,=,0.0032ng/m,3,北京市大气污染物综合排放标准DB11/501-2007中二噁英最高允许排放浓度为,0.1ng/m,3,The maximum allowable dioxin emission concentration specified in DB11/501-2007 Beijing Municipal General Emission Standard for Atmospheric Pollutants is,0.1ng/m,3,危险废物焚烧污染控制标准GB18484-2001中二噁英最高允许排放浓度为,0.5ng/m,3,The maximum allowable dioxin emission concentration specified in GB18484-2001 Pollution Control Standard for Incineration of Hazardous Wastes is,0.5ng/m,3,18,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑监测检测数据,Cement Kiln Monitoring and Testing Data of Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,样品采集自1号水泥窑窑尾废气,生料中添加5t/h的垃圾焚烧飞灰,Samples taken from the exhaust at the end of 1# Cement Kiln; 5t/h fly ash from incineration of wastes added into the raw meal,检测结果:,Testing results:,二噁英毒性当量,0.0030ng/m,3,Dioxin toxicity equivalent is,0.0030ng/m,3,北京市大气污染物综合排放标准DB11/501-2007中二噁英最高允许排放浓度为,0.1ng/m,3,The maximum allowable dioxin emission concentration specified in DB11/501-2007 Beijing Municipal General Emission Standard for Atmospheric Pollutants is,0.1ng/m,3,危险废物焚烧污染控制标准GB18484-2001中二噁英最高允许排放浓度为,0.5ng/m,3,The maximum allowable dioxin emission concentration specified in GB18484-2001 Pollution Control Standard for Incineration of Hazardous Wastes is,0.5ng/m,3,19,北京市琉璃河水泥有限公司水泥窑监测检测数据,Cement Kiln Monitoring and Testing Data of Beijing Liulihe Cement Company Limited,样品采集自1号水泥窑窑尾废气,生料中添加5t/h的垃圾焚烧飞灰,Samples taken from the exhaust at the end of 1# Cement Kiln; 5t/h fly ash from incineration of wastes added into the raw meal,烟气检测结果:,Fume testing results:,烟气中排放的氟化氢、氯化氢和重金属含量低于,DB11/503-2007,北京市危险废物焚烧大气污染物排放标准中的排放限值。,The hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride and heavy metal content in the fume emission is lower than the limits specified by,DB11/503-2007,Beijing Municipal Emission Standard for Atmospheric Pollutants from Incineration of Hazardous Wastes.,氟化氢,Hydrogen fluoride,氯化氢,Hydrogen chloride,镉,Cadmium,铅,Lead,砷,Arsenic,铍,Beryllium,汞,Mercury,北京地方标准,Beijing local standard,4.0,mg/m,3,60,mg/m,3,0.1,mg/m,3,1.0,mg/m,3,1.0,mg/m,3,0.1,mg/m,3,0.1,mg/m,3,实测,数据,Measured data,0.631,mg/m,3,5.70,mg/m,3,0.003,g/m,3,0.020,mg/m,3,0.007,mg/m,3,0.002g/m,3,1.34,g/m,3,20,结束语,Conclusion,“十二五”期间,公司将以科学发展观为统领,创新发展思路,转变发展方式,提升发展质量,在新的起点上,实现企业健康、理性、可持续发展,不断加快循环经济发展步伐,积极推动节能减排工作,深入探索实现资源综合利用的新途径、新技术。,During the T,welfth Five-year Plan period, the company will improve the quality of its development through innovation and transformation under the scientific outlook on development. At the new starting line, the company will endeavor to seek healthy, reasonable and sustainable development, expedite cyclic economy development, press forward with energy conservation and emission reduction and explore new methods and technologies for integrated use of resources.,21,谢谢大家!,THANK YOU!,22,


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