Chapter7 被动语态

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Chapter7 被动语态_第1页
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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language,Passive Voice,1,一些鱼被卖掉了。,Some of the fish _ _.,2,这件事就由他的十二只鸬鹚来为他做。,It _ _ for him _ his twelve cormorants.,3,这灯也吸引着鱼。,This light also _ the fish .,4,大民不需要网或钓鱼竿去捕鱼。,Damin,does not _ _ or a _ _ to catch fish.,5,一根草被系在每只鸟的脖子上,这样鱼就不能被咽下去。,A piece of grass _ _ around the neck of each bird, so the fish _ _ _.,翻译句子,are sold,is done,by,attracts,require nets,fishing rod,is tied,cannot be swallowed,Summary I,主动语态:,S,(,主语),+,P,(,谓语),+,O,(,宾语),被动语态:,S,(,主语),+,P(,被动结构,)+,by,O,(,宾语),Many people,speak,English,all over the world.,English,is spoken,by,many people,all over the world.,Summary II,被动语态的基本构成:,be +,过去分词(,p.p,),一般现在时,(do, does),is/am/are,done,一般过去时,(did),was/were,done,一般将来时,(will do),will be,done,现在完成时,(have/has done),have/has been,done,带情态动词,(can/must/may do),can/must/may be,done,主变被解题步骤,:,1.,找宾语,-,即动作的承受者,放至句首,They,make,shoes,in that factory,.,Shoes,2.,判断宾语的单复数,-,即,be,动词的单复数,.,are,were,3.,判断动词的时态,-,即,be,动词的时态,.,4.,修改原句的动词,-,即改为过去分词,made,5.,把原句的主语变成宾语,前加,by,by,them,in that factory.,People,play,basketball.,He,drives,the bus.,Basketball,is played,by,people,.,The bus,is driven,by him,.,一般现在时的被动语态,They,bought,ten computers,last term,Ten computers,were bought,(,by them,) last term.,一般过去时的被动语态,Tom,broke,the window,.,The window,was broken,by Tom,.,Tom,broke,the window,s,.,The window,s,were broken,by Tom,.,Change the following into the passive voice:,1.,They,clean,the classroom,every day.,The classroom,is cleaned by them,every day,.,2.,They,built,the tall building,in 1984.,The tall building,was,built by them,in 1984,.,3.,He,mended,the bike,just now.,The bike,was mended by him,just now.,4.,She,taught,me,in this school last year.,I,was taught,by,her in this school last year.,5.,A lot of people,speak,English.,English,is spoken by,a lot of people.,6.,We,use,paper,widely.,Paper,is widely used,by us.,7.,The students,planted,many trees,yesterday.,Many trees,were planted by,the,students yesterday.,8.,We,sent,the young man,to work at this school.,The young man,was sent to work,at,this,school by us.,9.,That truck,brings,vegetables,every morning.,Vegetables are brought by,that truck,every morning,10.We,speak,Chinese,in our country.,Chinese,is spoken in,our country,11.,The,workers,made,glass,into light bulbs.,Glass,was made into,light bulbs by the,workers.,They,will buy,ten computers,next,term,Ten computers,will be,bought,(,by them,),next,term.,一般将来时的被动语态: will be done,Tom,will plant,a,flower,.,A,flower,will be,planted,by Tom,.,I shall plant,ten,flower,s,.,Ten,flower,s,shall be planted,by,me,.,Practice,1. I,will play,football this afternoon.,2. Our school,will build,a high-building next yeay,3. They,will clean up,the classroom.,4. Students,is going to hold,a class meeting.,5. We,will finish,the task very soon.,We,have made,twenty more keys,Twenty more keys,have been made,by us,.,现在完成时的被动语态: have/has been done,Workers,have built,the house,since two years ago.,The house,has been,built,by workers,since two years ago.,1. Tom,has eaten,3 apples already.,2. We,have learned,7 chapters.,3. Our teacher,has taught,English for 3years.,4. I,have finished,my homework.,5. Workers,have made,many tools .,4,Anna,can take good care of,Tina,Tina,can be taken good care of,by Anna,.,情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+ be done,They,can sing,some beautiful songs.,Some beautiful songs,can be sung,by them,.,1. Students must throw the rubbish into the bins.,2. I can play guitar well.,3. You may hand in your homework tomorrow.,4.The young man can speak three languages.,把下列的句子改为被动语态,1. Many people visit Shenzhen every year.,Shenzhen _ _ _ many people.,2. They built some houses in the village.,Some houses _ _ by _ in the village.,3. We will tell you everything about it tomorrow.,You _ _ _ everything about it tomorrow.,is visited by,were built them,will be told,把下列的句子改为被动语态,4. He has sold out all the books.,All the books _ _ _ _ by him.,5.,The students can use the computer.,The computer _ _ _ by the students.,have been sold out,can be used,6.,These new cars_ _ (make) in 1994.,7.,Li Ming _ (ask) to visit HK next month.,8.,The hole _ _ _ (dig) for two weeks.,9.,He,always uses,a pen to write.,A,pen,_ always,_,_write,me by him.,10.,We must clean our classroom every day.,Our classroom _ _ _ _ _ every day.,were made,will be asked,is,used,to,has been dug,must be finished,by us,Make sentences,a computer/,use,/every day,A computer is used every day.,the bridge/,build,/last year,The bridge was built last year.,these big buildings/,build,/next year,These big buildings will be built next year.,the thief/,catch,/the policemen/yesterday,The thief was caught by the policemen yesterday.,The fish,has been eaten,by the cat.,The fish,will be eaten,by the cat.,shenzhen,airport/,use,/for a long time,Shenzhen airport has been used for a long time.,this kind of,car /,can make,/in this factory,This kind of car can be made in this factory.,Things to remember,1.,被动语态的主语是动作的承受者,只有,及物动词,可用于被动语态。,take place, break out, belong, happen, die, last,appear,等不及物动词不能用于被动语态。,This bike doesnt,belong to him. ( ),This bike isnt,belonged to him. ( ),2.,在,make, see, hear, notice, watch, feel,等动词,后面的不定式不带,“,to,”,变为被动语态时必必须加上,“,to,”,。,I saw her go into the classroom.,She was seen,to go,into the classroom,.,T,F,Pay attention !,She gave,me,some money,.,I,was given,some money,by her.,Some money,was given,to,me,by her.,He will show me some photos.,I,will be shown,some photos,by him.,Some photos,will be shown to,me,by him.,His mother makes,him,play the piano.,He,is made,to play,the piano by his mother.,choose the correct answer,1. Chinese _ by the largest number of people in the world.,A. speaks B. is speaking C. are speaking D. is spoken,2. The building _ in 1999.,A. built B. is built C. was built D. build,3. The bridge _ in two or three weeks.,A. completed B. would be completed C have been completed D. will be completed,4. Our classroom must _ clean.,A. keep B. be kept C. to keep D. to be kept,5. Some flowers _ by Kate already.,A. have been watered B. watered C. have watered D. has been watered,6. Now these magazines _ in the library for a long time.,A. have been bought B. were kept C. have been kept D. had kept,7. When _the accident _,?,A. was, happen B. did; happen C. is; happen D. was; happened,8. Trees _ green in spring.,A. turn B. are turned C. would turn D. is turning,9. The flowers _ well if they _.,A. wont grow; dont take good care of B. dont grow; are taken good care of,C. dont grow; dont take good care of D. wont grow; are not taken good care of,10. Great changes _ place. Many new schools_.,A. have taken; have been opened B. take; are open C. are taken; open D. have been taken; are opened,11. Mike often makes his younger sister _, but today he _ by her.,A. cry; was made cry B. to cry; was made to cry C. cry; was made to cry D. to cry; was made cry,课堂检测,


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