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sister.,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Book 7 (下),Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?,Unit 4 I want to be an actor.,Unit 7 What does he look like?,Book 8 (上),Unit 9 When was he born?,Book 9,Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.,Talk about preferences,Book 7 (上),Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?,Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.,Book 7 (下),Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?,Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?,Book 9,Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.,温爱英老师的讲座给了我们一个很好的主意。如果将人教版英语(新目标Go for it) 7年级,8年级,9年级的话题归纳整合,我想这不仅有利于中考复习,同时也有利于我们平常教学,加强对年度,学期度,以及单元教学过程中对教材内容,教材地位,教学重难点的分析和把握。以下是本人的一些思索,贡献于大家,请指正。,二 话题归纳的课标依据,英语(新目标)教材的基本编写思路是:以,话题,为主线,采用任务型语言教学模式,兼顾交际功能和语言知识结构的学习,以一种循序渐进的生活化的学习程序,引导学生学会运用英语有目的地做事情。,从下是英语课程标准“附录 四、话题项目表”:包含24个,话题,注:标 (5) 的项目为五级要求;标(8)的项目为八级要求;同时标 (5)和 (8) 的表示用于两个级别,但八级内容有所扩展。二级话题项目参照“内容标准”中的“语言知识”部分。,英语课程标准“附录 四、话题项目表”:,1. 个人情况 (Personal information),(1) Individual data (name, age, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, address, postal code, e-mail address, ID number, etc.) (5),(2) Family data (name, age, relationship, etc.) (5) (8),(3) School data (school, grade, class, teacher, etc.) (5),(4) Data uses (filling out forms and applications, etc. ) (5) (8),(5) Jobs and career (office worker, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc.) (5),2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around),(1) Family and relatives (grandparents, parents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, son, daughter, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Friends (close neighbour, schoolmate, classmate, roommate, team-mate, etc.) (5),(3) Other people (neighbour, local shopkeeper, teacher, colleague, etc.) (5) (8),3. 周围的环境(Personal environments),(1) Kinds of homes (apartment, house, dormitory, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Rooms in homes (bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Furniture & home items ( table, chair, sofa, desk, bed, television, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Schools (classroom, playground, hall, computer room, office, etc.) (5),(5) Outside (grocery store, book shop, clothing store, market, bank, library, museum, cinema, theatre, park, road, etc.) (5) (8),4. 日常活动(Daily routines),(1) Getting ready (time for school, playing, bed) (5),(2) Dressing, brushing teeth, washing hands and face, taking a shower, etc. (5),(3) Eating (breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner) (5) (8),(4) Daily chores (tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking) (5) (8),(5) Homework (reading, writing, studying, etc.) (5) (8),(6) Family time (watching television, going out, visiting, etc.) (5),5. 学校生活(School life),(1) School building (classroom, office, library, washroom, etc.) (5),(2) School organization (grade, class, subject, break, schedule, etc.) (5) (8),(3) People (teacher, classmate, schoolmate, cleaner, etc.) (5),(4) Subjects (Chinese, maths, English, geography, history, etc.) (5),(5) Activities (sports, extra-curricular involvement, trip, etc.) (5) (8),(6) Instructions (Please listen, read, get into groups, act, etc.) (5) (8),(7) Educational methods (preview, review, discuss, presentation, summary) (5) (8),6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies),(1) Lessons (music, dance, acting, sport, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Games (physical games, computer games, sports, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Hobbies (collecting sts, coins, dolls, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Reading (books, newspapers, comics, etc.) (5) (8),(5) Cultural events (film, theatre, concert, opera, etc.) (5) (8),(6) Entertainment (listening to radio, watching TV, playing CD, DVD, etc.) (5) (8),(7) Socializing (having parties, issuing invitations, going for picnics, going sightseeing, entertaining guests, etc.) (5) (8),(8) Expressing your reactions to these activities (5),7. 个人感情 (Emotions),(1) Describing feelings (happy, sad, angry, upset, pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Expressing emotions (smiling, laughing, crying, shouting, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Describing facial expressions and gestures (5) (8),8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships),(1) People (parent, brother, sister, other family members, friend, neighbour, teacher, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Social behaviours (greeting, introducing, giving thanks, asking for permission, asking for help, solving problems, dealing with conflicts, etc. ) (5) (8),(3) Getting together (making plans / arrangements, time, date, place, event, etc.) (5) (8),9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions),(1) Planning (holidays, social events, travel, further education, jobs, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Organising ( asking for advice, asking for help, asking for permission, exploring possibilities, expressing needs and wants, etc.) (5) (8),10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations),(1) Cultural festivals ( Spring Festivals, New Years Day, Christmas, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Ramada, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Personal celebrations (birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. ) (5) (8),(4) Describing your own experiences of these activities and stating your preferences, etc.,11.购物( Shopping),(1) Planning (shopping list, needs, wants, etc.) (5),(2) Products (clothes, groceries, personal items, electronics, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Selecting (quality, weights, measures, size, colour, style, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Paying (price, quantity, etc.) (5),(5) Expressing compliments and responding to them (8),12. 饮食(Food and drink),(1) Meats (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc.) (5),(2) Soups (chicken, tofu, vegetable, etc.) (5),(3) Vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake) (5) (8),(5) Drinks (milk, water, juice, soft drink, coke, alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, etc.) (5),(6) Fast foods ( sandwiches, noodles, dumplings, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, etc.) (5) (8),(7) Snacks (ice cream, chips, etc. ) (5),(8) Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat,table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork, etc.) (5) (8),(9) Ordering and offering different foods and drinks (5) (8),(10) Likes and dislikes (favourite food, favourite drinks, etc.) (5) (8),13. 健康(Health),(1) Eating habits (5) (8),(2) Physical fitness and exercise (5) (8),(3) Personal hygiene (5) (8),(4) Illnesses (stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc.) (5) (8),(5) Medications (5) (8),(6) Accidents (5) (8),(7) Doctors, nurses & hospitals (5) (8),(8) Describing problems (parts of the body, pains, etc.),(9) Medical insurance (8),14.天气(Weather),(1) Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) (5) (8),(2) Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud, etc.) (5) (8),(3) Dressing for the weather ( coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc.) (8),15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports),(1) Movies and theatre (5) (8),(2) Music and dance (folk music and dance, popular music and classical music) (5) (8),(3) Team games (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Games of two or four (table tennis, tennis, golf, etc.) (5) (8),(5) Racing (running, swimming, horse racing, etc.) (5) (8),(6) International sports events ( Olympic Games, World Cup, Football League, etc.) (5) (8),(7) Spectators and fans (5) (8),(8) Physical exercises (5) (8),16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport),(1) Methods of transportation ( walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses, trains, boats, planes) (5) (8),(2) Travel (schedules, maps, tickets, fares) (5) (8),(3) Getting and asking directions (left, right, straight ahead, north, south, east, west, etc.) (5) (8),(4) Safety rules and warnings (traffic lights, caution, walk, stop, etc.) (5) (8),(5) International travel (passport, visas, expenses, currency, etc.) (5) (8),(6) Inquiring and making reservations (hotels, tourist spots, etc, ) (5) (8),(7) Describing a journey (5) (8),17. 语言学习(Language learning,),(1) Differences between American English and British English (5) (8),(2) Language and culture (8),(3) Language learning difficulties (5) (8),(4) Attitudes to language and communication (5) (8),(5) Language learning strategies (5) (8),(6) Communications repair (8),18. 自然 (Nature),(1) Plants (green plants, trees, bushes, grass, vegetables, crops, flowers. etc.) (5),(2) Animals (farm animals, wild animals, endangered animals, pets, etc.) (5),(3) The sun, the moon and stars (5),(4) Describing land (cities, farms, hill, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.) (5) (8),(5) Volcano (8),19. 世界和环境(The world and the environment),(1) Countries and maps (China, Great Britain, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Cuba. etc.) (5) (8),(2) Issues (pollution, land use and quality, population growth, housing, etc.) (5) (8),20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology),(1) Recent inventions, medical advances, technological advances, etc. (5) (8),(2) Computer science (5) (8),21. 热点话题 (Topical issues),(1) Population (8),(2) Environmental conservation (8),(3) Crime and punishment (8),(4) Social differences (8),(5) Pollution (5) (8),22. 历史和地理( History and geography),(1) General knowledge of history and geography about China (5) (8),(2) General knowledge of history and geography about the world (8),(3) Historic events (5) (8),(4) Historical persons (5) (8),23. 社会 (Society),(1) Nationality and people (5) (8),(2) Famous people (contemporary) (5) (8),(3) Law (rules and regulations, traffic codes) (5) (8),(4) Ways of dressing (types of clothes, daily clothes or dress, situation and dressing) (5) (8),(5) Names of religions (8),(6) Religions and culture (8),(7) Religious festivals (5) (8),(8) Customs and culture (5) (8),24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art),(1) Forms of literature and art (play, drama, novel, essay, poetry, short story) (5) (8),(2) Famous literary people and artists (8),三 话题归纳示例,1. 个人情况 (Personal information),Book 7 A Unit 1 My names Gina,Book 7 A Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Book 8 A UNIT6 Im more outgoing than my sister,Book 8 A Unit 9 When was he born?,Book 9 Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark Book 9 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla,Book 7 A 表示7年级上 册 Book 7 B表示7年级下册,Book 8 A 表示8年级上册 Book 8 B表示8年级下册,Unit 9 表示9年级,2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around),Book7 A Unit 3 This is my sister.,Book7B Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?,Book7B Unit 7 What does he look like?,3. 周围的环境(Personal environments),Book7A Unit 2 Is this your pencil?,book7A Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?,Book7A Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Book7B Unit 2 Wheres the post office?,Book 9 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,4. 日常活动(Daily routines),Book7A Unit 11 What time do you go to school?,Book7B Unit 5 Im watching TV.,Book8A Unit 4 How do you get to school?,Book8A Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?,Book8B Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,Book9 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Book9 Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.,5. 学校生活(School life,),Book7A Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.,Book7B Unit 12 Dont eat in class.,Book8B Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.,Book8B Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!,Book9 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?,6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies,),Book7A Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Book7A Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?,Book7A Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.,Book7B Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?,Book7B Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?,Book8A Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?,Book8B Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?,Book9 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.,7. 个人感情 (Emotions,),Book7B Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?,Book9 Unit 4 What would you do?,Book9 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.,8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships),Book8B Unit 2 What should I do?,Book8B Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,Book8B Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?,Book8B Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?,9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions),Book7B Unit 4 I want to be an actor.,Book8A Unit 5 Can you come to my party?,Book8A Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.,10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations,),Book7B Unit 9 How was your weekend?,Book7B Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?,Book8A Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?,Book8A Unit 8 How was your school trip?,Book8B Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?,11.购物( Shopping),Book7A Unit 7 How much are these pants?,12. 饮食(Food and drink),Book7A Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Book7B Unit 8 I d like some noodles.,Book8A Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake?,13. 健康(Health),Book8A Unit 1 How often do you exercise?,Book8A Unit 2 Whats the matter?,15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports),Book7A Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?,Book7A Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?,16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport),Book8B Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?,Book9 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?,Book9 Unit 14 Have you packed yet?,17. 语言学习(Language learning,),Book9 Unit1 How do you study for a test?,18. 自然 (Nature) 19. 世界和环境(The world and the environment),Book7B Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?,Book7B Unit 6 Its raining!,Book9 Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.,Book9 Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!,20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology),Book8B Unit 1 Will people have robots?,Book9 Unit 9 When was it invented?,23. 社会 (Society),Book9 Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.,四 话题归纳的意义,做好话题归纳需要,教师通读中学79年级五本英语教材(,吉安县教育局曾宪锋局长多次要求教师做到这点,我以为很有道理),联系新课标,合理整合利用,对于教师自身学养提高,准确把握教材与课标很有帮助。,对于学生而言,了解话题归纳内容有助于书面表达范围的掌握,学生学习能有的放矢,全面提高他们的解题能力,。,当然,我们应该认识到话题归纳不是万能的,平时教学还要注意语音,词汇,语法,交际功能用语的教学,相辅相成,全面提高学生的语言运用能力,为学生的终身学习奠定坚实基础。,以上种种,抛砖引玉,不当之处,敬请指正,以利学习提高!,Thank you !,


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