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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,1,2,?,九种状语从句,:,1.,时间,状语从句,:,2.,地点,状语从句,:,3.,原因,状语从句,:,4.,条件,状语从句,:,5.,方式,状语从句,:,6.,目的,状语从句,:,7.,比较,状语从句,:,8.,结果,状语从句,:,9.,让步,状语从句,:,3,(,一,),时间状语从句,:(6,大考点,),1.,when / while / as “,当,.,时候,”,1._ he broke in, we were,having an English class.,2._ we,were having an English class, a,stranger broke in.,3.The little children sang happily,_ they walked along.,高考热点,:,1. We were,swimming in the lake _ the,storm started.,when,When / While / As,as,when,4,2. _,He _,(,正要告诉我,),_,the secret _ someone,patted him on the shoulder,.,3,.,Why do you want a,new job _ you have got such,a good one already?,4,.,They were surprised,that a child should work out the,problem _ they themselves,couldnt.,was about to tell me,was just telling,was on the point of telling,when,while,when,5,5,.,_ I accept that he,is not perfect, I do actually,like the person.,6.Strike _ the iron is hot.,7. _ time goes by, we have,gained more and more knowledge.,小结,:,当,.,的时候,当,的时候,when,这时,正在这时,while,而,尽管,既然,趁着,时候,当,.,的时候,as,一边,.,一边,.,随着,.,While,while,As,6,2.,一,就,引导的时间状语从句,:,1.-Did you remember to give Mary,the money you owed her?,-Yes. I gave it to her,_,_,_,_ (,一,.,就,),_,_,I saw her,.,as soon as,the moment,the minute,the instant,immediately,directly,7,2.-Did Linda see the traffic accident?,-_had she gone_it occurred.,(=_ had she gone _ it happened.),3.till / until “,直到,.,为止,”,1.Mother,waited for,Tom,till/ until,far into the night.,(,持续性动词,),2.Tom,didnt get back,till / until,everything was all right,.,(,短暂性动词,),=_ everything was,all right _.,= _ everything,was all right _ Tom got back.,No sooner,than,Hardly,when,Not until,did Tom get back,It was not until,that,8,4.since “,自从,”,1.-How long _ the shop_,open?,-,Since,1992. (=,Since,15 years ago),2.-Since when _the country,_ open to international trade?,-1978, I suppose.,3._ 5 years _ he,graduated from college.,_ 2 years _ he smoked.,5.,观察下列句子,:,1.He was impressed,the first time,he,attended Professors lecture.,has,been,has,been,It is,since,It is,since,9,2.,Every time,I went to see him, he was lost,in playing computer games.,3.I will pay a visit to you,next time,I go to,Shanghai on business.,4.,By the time,he was 14 years old,he had learned advance mathematics.,6. _,的考点,:,1. Scientists say it may be,five or six years _ it is possible,to test this medicine on human patients.,2. He was told that it would,be at least three months _ he,could recover and return to work.,before,before,before,10,3.Someone called me in,the middle of the night, but they,hung up _ I could answer,the phone.,小结,:,常见句型,:,It will be +,一段时间,+ before.,It was +,一段时间,+ before.,It wont be long before ,It wasnt long before,before,11,(,二,).,地点状语从句,: (where/ wherever,),1.,Where,there is a will, there is a way.,2. After the war, a new,school building was put up,where,there had once been a theatre.,3. The doctor advised me,to live,where,the air is fresher.,4. The Red Cross is,expected to send help,wherever,there,is human suffering.,(,三,).,条件状语从句,1. In time of serious,accidents, _ we know some,basic things about first aid, we can,save lives.,if,12,2.,The man will have to,wait all day _ the doctor,works faster.,3.,I wont call you,_ something unexpected,happens.,4.,_ you have,tried it, you cant imagine how,pleasant it is.,5. _ environ-,mental damage is done, it takes,many years for the ecosystem to,recover.,unless,unless,Unless,Once,13,6. _,_,You can go climbing _,_,(,只要,),you promise to be back before 5 p.m.,(,四,).,原因状语从句,: (,because ; as ;since; for),1.Mother is worried,because,little Alice is ill, especially,as,Father was away in France.,2. _everybody,knows about it, I dont want to talk any,more.,3.It must have rained last night,_ the ground is wet.,as long as,so long as,on condition that,providing/ provided,Since,Now that,for,14,(,五,).,方式状语从句:,as “,按照,如同,”,“,似乎,好象,”,1.-Which one should I take?,-Do,as,you like.,2.Why didnt you do it,as,told to?,3.She treats the poor child,as if,he _ her own son.,4.He talks,as though,he _,Europe.,5.The dark clouds are gathering.,It looks as if,it _.,as if,as though,were,had been to,is going to rain,15,(,六,).,结果状语从句:,so / such,that, “,如此,以致于,”,so that “,结果,”,1. Her business was,_,successful,that,Marie was,able to set up new branches,elsewhere.,(=_,that Marie was able to set up new,branches elsewhere.),2.He had made,_,rapid,progress,that,he was praised by the,teacher.,(=_,that,he was praised by the teacher.),so,So successful,was,her business,such,Such rapid progress,had,he,made,16,3.He made a wrong decision,so that,his whole life was,changed.,(,七,).,目的状语从句:,1.Sally worked late in,the evening to finish her report,_/ _,her boss could read it first thing,next morning.,so that,in order that,17,2. John shut,everybody out of the kitchen,_ / _,he could prepare his great,surprise for the party.,?,注意:,so that,/,in order that,“,以便,为了,”,引导目的状语从句,从句中经常用:,can / could ; may / might,+,动词原形,so that,in order that,18,3.,John may phone,tonight. I dont want to go out,_ he phones.,4.,I always take someth-,ing to read when I go to the doctors,_ I have to wait.,5.,Leave your key with,a neighbour _ you lock,yourself out one day.,总结,:,in case “,以防,以免,”,in case,in case,in case,19,(,八,).,比较状语从句,:,连接词,:,as.as.;,so. as.,the more. the more.,1.John plays football _ well _ ,if not better than, David.,2.Mary is not _ hard-working,_,Lucy.,3. As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and,the more,you learn,_,.,A.the more for life you are equipped,B.the more equipped for life you are,C.the more life you are equipped for,D.you are equipped the more for life,as,as,as / so,as,20,(,九,).,让步状语从句,:,.,although,;,though,;,as,“,尽管,”,1.,Although,/,Though,he has limited,technical knowledge, the old worker,has a lot of experience.,Though,可放句尾,可是,然而,不过,He said he would come, he didnt, though.,2. as,当,“,尽管,”,讲时,必须用倒装语,序,.,结构为,:,n.,(,名词前不能加,a/an,) /,adj.,/,adv.,/,v.,原形,+ as +,主语,+,谓语,21,链接高考,:,1.,_, he talks a lot,about his favorite songs after class.,A.A quiet student as he may be,B.Quiet student as he may be,C.Be a quiet student as he may,D.Quiet student as may be he,2.,_, Caroline,couldnt get the door open.,A.Try as she might,B.She might as try,C.Might as she try,D.As she might try,22,3,.,_, I havent seen,anyone who was as capable as John.,A.Now that I have travelled much,B.As long as I have travelled,C.Much as I have travelled,D.As I have travelled much,(B).,1. Allow children the,space to voice their opinions,_ / _ they,are different from your own.,even if,even though,23,(C).,however,+ adj. / adv. +,主语,+,谓语,“,无论怎样,” (=,no matter how,),1. This is a very interesting,book. I will buy it, _.,A.how much it may cost,B.no matter how it may cost,C.however much it may cost,D.how may it cost,24,2._(,无论多晚,),Mother will wait for him to have,supper.,(D).,疑问词,+ ever (whatever, whoever),既可以引导,名词性从句,又可以引导,让步状语从句,no matter +,疑问词,只能引导,让步状语从句,1. _ leaves the classroom,last ought to turn off the lights.,2._ breaks,the law, he will be punished.,However late it is,Whoever,Whoever,/,No matter who,


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