Charlie Chaplin

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Structure Analysis,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Part I (Paras. 1-2),A general introduction to Charlie Chaplin,Part II (Paras. 3-6),Charlie Chaplins artistic achievement,Part III (Para. 7-8),Charlie Chaplins emotional life,Part IV (Para. 9),Incident after Charlie Chaplins death,Biography of Charlie Chaplin,II.,Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,III. Summary,Text StudySummary,Chaplin is a great comic not only for his own mother country but more for the world. Chaplins Tramp was considered a little _ and thought that he had too much of an eye for the ladies and that his clothes gave him an _ more like an Italian waiter than anything else. He resisted making a _ movie until 1936 when he made up a _ language which sounded like no known nationality. Chaplin achieved great success because he was an immensely _ man and the kind of comic who used his _ senses to invent his art as he went along.,crude,appearance,talking,nonsense,talented,physical,(To be continued),Text StudySummary,However, the _ between the need to be loved and the fear of being _ resulted in disaster in his _ life which was shown in his movies. Eventually, life gave Chaplin the stable _, that is, his marriage with Oona ONeil. Chaplin died on _ Day 1977.,collision,betrayed,happiness,emotional,Christmas,Part I. General Introduction,Place of birth: _,Parents: _,Fame: a Hollywood comic star,1. _ _ _,2. _,_,received more applause and profits in other countries than in Britain.,A poor area of south London,Mother ,temporarily declared mad,Receiving permanent fame for the comic character of,The Tramp,.,Text StudyUnderstanding,1. cut down,- to reduce,cut down,for,sth.,to,size,on,sth.,She,cut,the old stockings,down for,ankle sock.,I have to,cut,my essay,down to,2000 words.,You should,cut down on,fatty foods.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Collocation,e.g.,Dickens,Charles Dickens, 18121870, an English novelist, considered by many to be the greatest one of all. His many famous books describe life in Victorian England and show how hard it was, especially for the poor and for the children. They include,The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, Great Expectations,and,A Tale of Two Cities,.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. Dickens,might have created,Charlie Chaplins childhood. But only Charlie Chaplin,could have created,the great comic character of “the Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.,Sb./Sth. else might do / have done . But only sb./sth. can do / could have done .,别的人,/,物或许会做,,但只有某人,/,物才会做,狄更斯或许能创作出查理,卓别林的童年故事,但只有查理,卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色“流浪汉”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。,谈到择偶,别人或许会给些建议,但只有你自己才能做出最终决定。,When it comes to choosing your future spouses, others,might,come up with some advice, but only you yourself,can,make the final decision.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Translation,Key,applause,n. clapping of hands; praise,3.,provide applause (and profit) where sb. is concerned,给予某人掌声和收益,我们的社会应给予伸张正义者更多的掌声和奖励。,Our society should,provide more applause and reward where,the upholders of justice,are concerned.,loud / thunderous / enthusiastic applause,The audience,broke into applause,.,applaud v.,The audience,applauded,loudly.,The decision to save the company has been,warmly,applauded,.,- to clap hands; praise sb. / sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4.,to quit a place for good,quit,- go away or leave; give up or resign from a position,for good,- for ever,故乡是一个你的双脚或许会永远离开但心却决不会离开的地方。,Your hometown is a place that,your feet may quit for good but your heart never,.,Dont shout at me. I,quit,!,Part II. Artistic Achievement,In the time of silent movies,The huge success: _,The Tramp,In the time of sound movies,The success: e.g. _,Modern Times,Text StudyUnderstanding,Special features of,The Tramp,:,Critics towards,The Tramp,:,famous comic beggar: sport tiny ,a character revolted against authority ,To many English people,a bit crude; didnt seem all that English; not how the English behaved,1.,The Tramp,Text StudyUnderstanding,The Tramp,不幸的是,这个海滨胜地曾经风景如画,现在却人满为患。,Sad to say, this seaside resort was formerly as beautiful as a painting, but now is overcrowded with people.,sad to say,遗憾的是;很遗憾,5.,Sad to say, many English people in the 1920s and 1930s thought Chaplins Tramp a bit, well, “crude”.,6.,crude,a., rude and offensive,Hes always telling,crude jokes,.,crude,rubber,天然橡胶,native,iron,生铁,raw,cotton,原棉, in its natural state,crude oil,原油,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,辨析,7.,to revolt against/at/from sth. / sb.,反抗,;,反感, reject; make (sb.) feel unpleasantly shocked or disgusted,- (against) take violent action against,他们很反感那些眼高手低、志大才疏的人。,They,revolt at,those who have great ambition but little ability.,In the Chinese culture, it is regarded as worst offence to,revolt against,authority.,We,were revolted by,the dirt and mess in her house.,8.,trip it up,- to cause sb. to fall or nearly fall over;,- force someone to make a mistake by tricking them,李伸出脚把约翰绊倒了。,Lee stuck out his foot and,tripped,John,up,.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Translation,Key,Usually she was careful, but once she was,tripped up,by a plot.,她一向谨慎,但有一次还是中了圈套。,The working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who,revolted against,authority, using his wicked little can to,trip it up, or,aiming,the heel of his boot,for,a well-placed kick,at,its broad rear.,劳动阶级倒更有可能为这样一个反抗权势的角色拍手喝彩,:,他以顽皮的小拐杖使绊子,或把皮靴后跟对准权势者宽大的臀部一踢,.,9.,尽管如此;仍然,all the same,in spite of sth. That you have just mentioned,他的一生充满坎坷,但他从未失去追求更好生活的勇气。,His life is full of frustrations, but he never loses his courage to seek a better life,all the same,.,10.,sport,v.,- to wear or show publicly and sometimes proudly,Back in the 1960s he,sported,bell-bottom,trousers, platform heels and hair down,past his shoulders.,回顾,20,世纪,60,年代,他那时穿着喇叭裤、木屐式坡形高跟鞋、蓄着过肩的长发。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,1) - rude and offensive,2) - (of skin or fabric) rough; not soft,11.,coarse adj.,coarse manners,粗鲁的举止,coarse language,粗俗的语言,a jacket made of very coarse cloth,用粗布做的夹克,a beach of coarse sand,粗沙的海滩,Specialties about his singing:,Language: _,Nonsense,Effect of his singing:,To Chaplin:_,_,Help to bring about his huge success,2.,Modern Times,Text StudyUnderstanding,12.,come / go / move down in the world,- to have less money and a worse social position,than one had before,When she had to sell her house and take a small apartment downtown, she felt she had really,moved down in the world,.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,潦倒不堪时勿丧志,飞黄腾达时莫忘形。,When,coming down in the world, dont grow dejected; when,coming up in the world, dont get swollen-headed.,2) not sure that something is true or right,13.,doubtful adj.,1) probably not true or not likely to happen,Prospects for a lasting peace remain,doubtful,.,It was,doubtful whether,the patient would survive the operation.,It is,doubtful that,the missing airmen will ever be found.,At first we were,doubtful about employing,Charlie.,Im still doubtful whether,I should accept this job.,But,if hed,been able to speak with an educated accent in those early short comedies,its doubtful if,he,would have,achieved world fame.,但假如他在早期那些短小的喜剧电影中能操一口受教育人的口音,那么他是否会闻名世界就难说了。,If sb. had done sth., it is doubtful if sb. would have done sth. else.,如果某人,,那么他,/,她是否会,就难说了。,If he hadnt followed the advice, its doubtful if he would have enjoyed such high status.,假如他当初没有听从劝告,那么他是否会拥有如此高的地位就难说了。,用于表述,“,对过去事实的假设及结果的怀疑,”,。,Evidences:,His script ,In his great comedy ,Not written in advance,Physical senses / physical transformation:,Lifeless objects other kinds of objects,Text StudyUnderstanding,Secrets of great success,Why? _,_,_,immensely talented man; the urge to explore and extend his,talent,3.,Gold Rush,Boots were boiled and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed,like fish bones).,Text StudyUnderstanding,Gold Rush,14.,ranks,(pl.) n.,- the members of a particular group or organization,We have a number of international players,in / within our ranks,.,我们的成员里有一些国际选手。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,That summer I left school and,joined the ranks of,(=became one of) the unemployed.,He was an immensely talented man,determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of,Hollywood stars.,他是一个有巨大才能的人,他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也是十分少见的,。,Sb. be , adj./p.p. to a degree unusual even in the ranks/world/family of ,某人是个,人,/,处于,境界,其,的程度之大甚至在,中也是十分罕见的。,He was an immensely talented man,determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of,Hollywood stars.,Chen Jing-run was a lifelong seeker after truth, perseverant to a degree unusual even in the ranks of scientists.,陈景润是一个毕生追求真理的人,其执著程度之大甚至在科学家中也是十分罕见的。,15.,rouse,v.,1) - to wake sb. who is sleeping deeply,2) - to produce a particular feeling or attitude,rouse sb. from sleep / dreams,A persistent ringing,roused him from a pleasant dream,.,We dont want to,rouse any suspicions,.,Tom strode forward,roused to anger,.,16.,execute,v.,1) do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc.,The crime was very cleverly,executed,.,The job involves drawing up and,executing,a plan of nursing care.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2) kill sb., esp. as a legal punishment,Prisoners are reported to have been deliberately,executed,without trial.,execution (n.) executive (n., adj.),Part III. Emotional Life,Chaplins emotional collision:,need to be loved & fear of being betrayed,Personal disaster;,The collision found its way into his comic creations.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,City Lights,Chaplins,need to be loved.,City Lights,Chaplins fear of being betrayed can be found in this film in which Chaplin acted as a wife killer.,Monsieur Verdoux,Text StudyUnderstanding,Monsieur Verdoux,Stable happiness in his later years;,Oona ONeil gave him the love he needed.,Chaplins In love with Oona ONeil,Part III. Emotional Life,Text StudyUnderstanding,Why this marriage is called the “stable happiness”?,Because:,There is a 37 years age difference,between them.,Oonas stability and affection spanned,this age difference.,She was well-prepared for the battle.,Text StudyUnderstanding,17.,find ones way,- to arrive or get somewhere after some time,据说多媒体将很快进入家用市场。,How did he, such a nobody,find his way into,the board of directors?,Its said that multimedia will soon,find its way into,the home market.,他这样一个小人物,是怎样进入董事会的?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Translation,Key,He has,lost faith in,his ability since he failed in the exam.,18.,to lose ones faith in sb./sth.,-,lose ones trust or confidence in someone or something,失去了对,的信心,对前途失去信心的人只能听从命运的摆布。,He who has,lost his faith in his future,has to be at the mercy of fate.,19.,Its a relief to know,that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stability and happiness,it had earlier denied him,.,下一页,上一页,令人宽慰的是,生活最终把他先前没能得到的,稳定,和,幸福,给了卓别林。,Its a relief to know that his diligence eventually gave him the honor and wealth the fate had earlier denied him.,令人宽慰的是,他的勤奋最终把命运先前没能给予的荣誉与财富给了他。,20.,In,Oona ONeill Chaplin, he,found,a partner whose stability and affection,spanned,the 37 years age difference between them, which had seemed,so,threatening,that,when the official who was marrying them in 1942 turned to the beautiful girl of 17 whod,given notice of,their wedding date, he said, ,他找到了,Oona O,Neill Chaplin,这个伴侣。她的稳定和深情跨越了他们之间,37,岁的年龄差距。他们的年龄差距太大,以致当,1942,年他们要结婚时,新娘公布了他们的结婚日期后,为他们办理手续的官员问这位漂亮的姑娘:,发现某人是一个,find in sb. a man/woman of,我们发现她是一个训练有素的人,有手艺、有眼光、有头脑,同时也具有良好的修养,彬彬有礼。,We,have found in her a woman,of trained hand, eye, and brain; disciplined and good mannered.,下一页,上一页,he found a partner,whose,stability ,age difference,between them,which,had seemed so that ,when,the official turned to the beautiful girl of 17 , he said ,who,was marrying them in 1942,who,d given notice of their wedding date,Notes to the TextFocus Study,21.,spark,v.,- cause sth. to start or develop, esp. suddenly,Winds brought down power lines,sparking,a fire.,The police response,sparked,outrage in the community.,The organizers are hoping to,spark,some,interest,in young people.,spark,(n.),spark of interest/excitement/anger,Part IV. Incident after Chaplins Death,Time: _,On Christmas Day 1977.,The strange incident after his death:,_,His body was stolen and held for money.,Text StudyUnderstanding,22.,Incident,n.,1) sth. that happens, especially sth. that is unusual,She was brought here several days ago following a mysterious,incident,at her home.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2) a serious or violent event that causes disagreement,a major diplomatic incident,Despite my fears the meal passed,without incident,.,14.,corresponding,adj.,- matching or connected with sth. that one has just mentioned,Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the,corresponding,period last year.,所有的权利都带有相应的义务,.,All rights carry with them,corresponding,responsibilities.,correspond,v.,correspondence,n.,Your account of event does not,correspond with,hers.,17.,relief,n.,1) a feeling of comfort when a burden or distress is eased,What a relief,! I pass the exam finally!,No one was hurt, and we all,breathed a sigh of relief,.,release,释放,放开,v.,relieve,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,辨析,2) the act of removing or reducing pain, anxiety, etc.,The drug can provide,pain relief,for some cancer patients.,II. Glossary,喜剧,comedy,表演,演出,星探,观众,act,talent scout,audience,character/role,角色,talking movie,有声电影,script,剧本,Words and ExpressionsGlossary,To Section B,The End of Section A,


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