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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,27,模块十一,Units 1,2,.,单词语境记忆,1.pack up my,baggage,打包我的行李,2.,so,-,called,“Information Age”,所谓的信息时代,3.,conservative,thought,保守的思想,4.a,well,-,paid,job,薪酬丰厚的工作,5.drive out of the,garage,从车库开出来,6.feel,relaxed,感到放松,7.get rid of,weed,除掉杂草,8.struggle for a,diploma,努力获得毕业文凭,9.a 30-minute,session,为期,30,分钟,10.,artistic,achievements,艺术成就,.,词性转换与派生记忆,1.actually,ad,v,.,实际上,事实上,actual,adj,.,实际上的,2.creative,adj,.,有创造力的,创造性的,creation,n,.,创造,创作,create,v,.,创造,创作,creator,n,.,创造者,创作者,creature,n,.,生物,3.investigative,adj,.,探究性的,调查研究的,investigate,v,.,调查,(,研究,),investigation,n,.,调查,4.nerve,n,.,勇气;神经,nervous,adj,.,神经的;神经紧张的,5.magician,n,.,魔术师;巫师,magic,n,.,魔术;魔法,magical,adj,.,魔法似的;不可思议的;神秘的,6.fluency,n,.,流利,流畅,fluent,adj,.,流利的,fluently,ad,v,.,流利地,7.interviewer,n,.,面试官;接见者;采访者,interviewee,n,.,接受面试者;被接见者;被采访者,interview,v,t,.&,n,.,面谈,会见;采访,8.engineering,n,.,工程,(,学,),engineer,n,.,工程师,9.response,n,.,回答;反应,respond,v,t,.,反应,10.refresh,v,t,.,使恢复精力;更新,refreshment,n,.,恢复精力,心旷神怡,11.allowance,n,.,津贴;限额,allow,v,t,.,允许,12.suited,adj,.,合适的,适当的,suit,n,.,套,v,.,与,相配,suitable,adj,.,合适的,13.option,n,.,选择;选修课,optional,adj,.,可选择的,.,单元短语背诵,1.go about,忙于某事;继续做某事,2.take pleasure in,从,中获得乐趣;享受,3.off the top of ones head,未多加思考地,脱口而出地,4.have butterflies in ones stomach,心慌,紧张,5.make allowance(s) for,考虑到,顾及,体谅,6.look somebody in the eye(s),直视某人,正视某人,7.follow something up,采取后续行动,跟进,8.give somebody the edge,使某人略占优势,9.as easy as pie,十分容易,轻而易举,10.in response to,作为对,的回应、答复,.,单元词块记忆,1.deal with constant media attention,应对不断的媒体关注,2.under huge pressure,面临巨大压力,3.face tough problems,面对艰难的问题,4.clear up ones rubbish,清除某人的垃圾,5.ordinary but vital tasks,平凡但重要的任务,6.go for an interview,参加面试,7.the key to getting the job,获取工作的关键,8.land a job,找到工作,1.,When choosing a career,,,you should consider all the aspects of a job.,当选择一个职业时,你应该考虑一个工作所有的方面。,2.Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society,,,while,others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring.,有些工作可能看上去非常无聊但是对社会很重要,而其他一些工作表面上很激动人心但是实际上非常困难无聊。,3.He was living by a stream in a tent,surrounded by technical equipment,.,他住在一个河边的一个被科技设备环绕的帐篷里面。,4.You should make sure that your hair looks neatyou should even get a haircut,,,if necessary,.,你应当确保你的头发看起来很整齐,如果有必要,你甚至应该理发。,5.This is,not only,a polite gesture,,,but also,a final chance to tell yourself to the company.,这不仅是一个有礼貌的姿势,而且也是向公司表现你自己的最后的机会。,.,单词拼写,1.Try to understand whats _ (,实际上,) happening instead of acting on the assumption youve made.,2.Can you tell me where the nearest _ (,理发店,) is?,3.The _ (,店主,) were told to keep the suspected man under constant observation.,4.He paid the money back soon after he got a _ (,薪酬丰厚的,) job.,5.The company is advertising for _ (,打字员,) in the newspapers.,actually,barbershop,shopkeepers,well,-,paid,typists,6.Some _ (,有进取心的,) teachers have started their own recycling programmes.,7.In this _ (,时段,),,,Ill be talking about how to get the job you really want.,8.Nod your head when you agree with something or _ (,摇头,) your head when you dont.,9.I graduated from Jinan University in 2008 with a _ (,毕业文凭,) in Computer science.,10.I also have good _ (,流利,) in English and have no problem communicating with English speakers.,enterprising,session,wag,diploma,fluency,.,词性变化练习,1.An interview is a talk between an _ and a potential _ so that the interviewer can assess the applicant and see if he or she is suitable for the position.(employ),2.Although the training course was _ (option),,,all the new workers chose to do it.,3.People tend to be more aggressive when theyre young and more _ (conserve) as they get older.,4.We need to come up with something _ (create)to celebrate her eighteenth birthday.,employer,employee,optional,conservative,creative,5.At no time did they _ (actual)break the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.,6.None of the students _ to her question; in other words,,,her question failed to get a _ from any of the students.(respond),actually,responded,response,.,选词填空,go about,,,take pleasure in,,,off the top of ones head,,,as easy as pie,,,in response to,1._ the appeal,,,I have made some changes in my way of life,,,which ranges from transportation to water saving.,2.In fact,,,when we _ our everyday lives,,,it is impossible to avoid it.,3.I am suggesting this just,_.,Dont take it seriously.,4.Students _ playing football after school.They really have fun.,5.It is _ for him to lift the stone because he has much strength.,In response to,go about,off the top of my head,take pleasure in,as easy as pie,.,完成句子,1.Visiting this paper-cutting exhibition,,,we will _,_.,(2017,全国卷,书面表达,),参观这次剪纸展览,我们不但能欣赏到民间艺术作品,而且会学到很多。,2.Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park _,_.,大部分同学想去公园,然而我有个去更好地方的主意。,3._,,,Ill go there myself.,如果有必要的话,我将亲自去那儿一趟。,not only enjoy the folk art works,,,but also learn a lot,while I had an idea of going,to a nicer place,If necessary,1,.,option,n,.,选择;选修课,(1)have no option but to do,除了做,别无选择,soft option,捷径;,轻松的选择,(2)optional,adj,.,可选择的;选修的,完成句子,/,句型转换,We will not,,,however,,,treat this project as _.,但是,我们不会将这个项目当作随意的活动来对待。,an optional activity,They have no choice but to stay at home.,They _ to stay at home.,They _ to stay at home.,佳句背诵,Several,options,are offered for the students senior year.,为毕业班学生开设了几门选修课。,名师指津,“,别无选择,”,的其他表达:,have no choice but.,have no alternative but.,have no alternative but,have no option but,2,.,refresh,vt,.,使恢复精力,使凉爽;,刷新,更新,refresh one,s memory of.,唤起某人,的记忆,feel refreshed,感到精神,(,爽快,),的,单句语法填空,/,完成句子,The moist air that follows a rain shower makes one feel _ (refresh).,The story _ my childhood spent in the countryside.,这个故事唤起了我对在乡村度过的童年的回忆。,refreshed,refreshed my memory of,佳句背诵,Not only does doing exercise build up our body,,,but also it provides time for us to,refresh,our mind.,做运动不仅强身健体,而且能够让我们有时间振奋我们的精神。,3,.,switch,n,.,电器开关;转变,改变,vt,.&,vi,.,转变,,(,使,),改变;,转换;,交换;对调,switch (.) to.,(,把,),转向,switch/turn on,打开,(,开关,),switch/turn off,关上,(,开关,),switch over (,使,),交换位置;,(,使,),变换频道,转换电视台,单句语法填空,I was about to switch _ the TV when I heard the cry.,I havent been watching the Olympics.I just happened to switch _.,佳句背诵,My mothers interest had,switched to,my health.,母亲转而关注起我的健康来。,on,over,4,.,fluency,n,.,流利,流畅,(1)with fluency,流畅地,流利地,(2)fluent,adj,.,流利的;,流畅的,be fluent in,在,流畅,(3)fluently,ad,v,.,流利地,单句语法填空,Shes fluent _ French.She also speaks Italian _ (fluent).,佳句背诵,More practice will make you speak,with greater fluency,.,多练习就可以使你的口语更流利。,in,fluently,5,.,take pleasure in,从,中获得乐趣;享受,with pleasure,乐意地,It,s a/my pleasure.,很乐意,/,荣幸。,It,s a pleasure for sb to do sth.,对于某人来说做某事很乐意。,完成句子,Could you be so kind as to close the window?,_ pleasure.,你能关上窗户好吗?,当然可以。,With,_ for me to be praised by the teacher publicly before my classmates.,老师当着同学的面公开表扬我,我很荣幸。,佳句背诵,Its wrong of him to,take pleasure in,making fun of others.,对于他来说以取笑别人为乐是不对的。,It is a pleasure,6,.,while,的用法,(1),引导让步状语从句,多位于句首,意为,“,尽管,”,(2),引导时间状语从句,意为,“,当,的时候,”,(3),引导条件状语从句,意为,“,只要,”,Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society,,,while others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring,.(,教材原句,),有些工作可能看上去非常无聊但是对社会很重要,而其他一些工作表面上很激动人心但是实际上困难无聊。,本句是一个并列句,,while,是并列连词,意为,“,然而,”,,表示前后两种情况的对比。,while,还有以下用法:,Some people live in plenty,,,while,others havent enough to eat.,一些人过着丰衣足食的生活,而另一些人却吃不饱。,_,,,the children were playing outside.,玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍。,_,,,they made contributions to the environmental protection.,尽管只是些小孩,但他们为环境保护做出了贡献。,While Mary was writing a letter,While they were just children,


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