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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.,空调,2.,扫描仪,3.,微波炉,4.,洗衣机,5.,电子书阅读器,6.,吸尘器,7.,电饭煲,8.,电熨斗,9.,电暖器,10.,搅蛋器,air-conditioner,scanner,microwave oven,washing machine,ebook reader,vacuum cleaners,electric rice cooker,electric iron,electric heater,eggbeater,11.,电子表,12.,摇控器,13.,随身听,14.,打印机,15.,掌上电脑,16.,手提电脑,17.,电动剃须刀,18.,教学软件,19.,数码相机,20.,电动车,accutron,remote control,walkman,printer,palmtop computer,laptop computer,electric shaver,educational software,digital camera,electrically operated bike,1. delay,v,.,(,使,),推迟,延迟,n,.,延误,延迟,【归纳】,delay doing sth.,推迟做某事,without delay,毫不延迟地,立即,the delay in doing sth.,延迟做某事,单词,2. distribute,v,.,使分布,分散;,分发,分配;分销,【归纳】,distribute sth.,分发某物,distribute sth. to/among sb.,把某物分发给某人,【拓展】distribution,n,.,分配,分发,3. wind,v,.,(路、河等)蜿蜒;缠绕;给,上发条;倒(磁带、胶卷等),n,. 风;气味;卷绕,【,归纳,】,wind up,上发条,wind sth. into a ball,把,绕成一团,wind ones way,蜿蜒前进,wind down,(,指钟表,),慢下来后停住;,使,(,业务、活动等,),逐步结束,,把,(,汽车窗玻璃等,),摇下,I looked up and noticed a snake _ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.,A. to windB. wind C. winding D. wound,C,4. obvious,adj,.,显然的,显而易见的,【归纳】,be obvious to sb.,对某人来说很清楚,It is obvious that .,显然,【拓展】,obviously,adv,.,显然地,5. vote,v,.,投票,选举,表决,n,.,选票;选举,表决,【归纳】,vote for/against,投票赞成/反对,vote in favour of,投票赞成,vote on,就表决,vote to do sth.,投票去做某事,vote that .,投票决定;提议,建议,cast a vote,投票,take/have a vote on,投票表决,put sth. to the vote,付诸表决,6. reject,v,.,拒绝,拒收;不予考虑,,不予录用,【归纳】,reject sth.,(因不符合要求)拒绝接受某事,reject sb.,拒绝录用某人,不录用某人,【拓展】rejection,n,.,拒绝,7. oppose,v,.,反对,抵制,阻挠;,与,竞争;使相对,使对抗,【归纳】,oppose doing sth.,反对做某事,oppose A to/against B,使A与B对抗/对照,【拓展】,opposed,adj,.,反对的;相反的,be opposed to,反对;对抗,8. circumstance,n.,条件,环境,情形,,情况,状况,【,归纳,】,under/in the circumstances,在这种情况下;既然如此,under/in no circumstances,决不,无论如何都不,family/personal/domestic circumstances,家庭,/,个人,/,国内经济状况,9. typical,adj,.,平常的;典型的,有代表性的;,象征性的;特有的,【,归纳,】,be typical of .,是,的代表,是典型的,It is typical of sb. to do sth.,某人一向做某事,10. sacrifice,v,.,牺牲,献出,n,.,牺牲,舍弃;祭品,【归纳】,sacrifice .to,把献祭给,sacrifice .for .,为而牺牲,sacrifice . to do sth.,牺牲做某事,make sacrifices,作出牺牲,sell sth. at a sacrifice,亏本出售,at the sacrifice of .,以牺牲为代价,高考链接,1. (2007,湖北,),Surely it doesnt matter where the,student associations,(学生会),get their money from; what,is what they do with it.,A. counts B. applies,C. stresses D. functions,高考链接,(2007,辽宁,),The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the newspaper.,it B. those C. one D. that,2. (2007,全国,),_ felt funny watching myself on TV.A. OneB. ThisC. It D. That,高考链接,3. (2006 江苏),My most famous relative of all, _ who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great-grandfather.,A. oneB. the one C. he D. someone,4. (2007四川),Little joy can equal _ of a surprising ending when you read stories.,A. that B. those C. any D. some,高考链接,5. (2000,全国,),-Why dont we take a little break?,-Didnt we just have _?,A,it B,that C,one D,this,6. (2002,全国,),Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure.,A. that,B. one C. it,D. what,1.rid,2.for good measure,3.dustbin,4.stable,5.sacrifice,6.shallow,7.text message,8.typical,9.dial,10.merely,11.circumstance,12.valid,13.oppose,14.tight,15.reject,,17.religious,18.refrigerator,19.carriage,20.Christian,21.battery,22.elegant,23.scan,24.suitable,25.gram,26.idiom,27.translation,28.electronic,29.all-round,45. wind up,46. disc,47. tube,49.receiver,50.percentage,51.distribute,52.satellite dish,53.accessible,,55.delay,56.construct,57.principle,58.drawback,59.device,60.evolution,30.obvious,,32.casual,33.ample,34.sceptical,35.relay,36.adaptation,37.patent,38.foresee,,,41.cassette,42.portable,43.eventually,ponent,1.演变,发展;进化,2,.缺点,缺陷,不利条件,3,.原则,法则,4,.制造,修筑,建造,5,.可使用的,可接触的,可到达的,易理解的,6,.使分布,分散,分发,分销,7.,百分比,8,.上发条,蜿蜒,9,.组成部分,部件,10,.最后,最终,1,1,.数码的,1,2,.存储,储藏,13,.怀疑的,14,.足够的,充足的,15,.非正式的,不经意的,16,.保险,保障措施,17,.显然的,显而易见的,18,.功能齐全的,全面的,19,.电子的,20,.拒绝,不予考虑,21,.反对,抵制,与.竞争,22,.符合逻辑的,合理的,有效的,23,.条件,环境,状况,24,.短信,25,.垃圾桶,26,.额外,27,.摆脱,丢弃,keep in touch with,over time,shortly afterwards,contribute to,make a breakthrough in,in the late 1920s,delay until,in color,make accessible to sb,benefit from,与,保持联系,随着时间的推移,不久之后,对,作出贡献;促成,捐助,在,方面有突破,在二十世纪二十年代晚期,把,推迟到,彩色的,使,对于某人来说容易得到,从,收益,11. make a recording of,12. wind up,13. by hand,14. play records,15. along with,16. with the development of,17. keep pace with,11.,录制,12.,上发条,13.,用手工,14.,播放录音,15.,和,一起,16.,随着,的发展,17.,跟上,的步伐,1. John Logie Baird constructed the first color TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first color TV programme was broadcast. (line 12-13),It was not until that,强调句型,It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today.,A.,She was not able to go back to work until her child grew up.,_ _ her child grew up,_ _ able to go back to work. (,倒装,),_ _ _ _ her child grew up _ she was able to go back to work.,Not until,was she,It was not until,that,B.,It was not until 1906 that adaptations were made so that radio could relay conversation and music.,改写句子:,1).,倒装句,Not until 1906 were adaptations made so that radio could relay conversation and music.,2).,普通句,Adaptations were not made until 1906 so that radio could relay conversation and music.,C. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.,A. when; then B. not; until,C. not until; that D. only; when,C,2,. It took more than decades, though, until 1951, for,regular color TV broadcasts to begin in the USA.,(line 13-14),It takes sb. some time to do sth/ it takes some time forsb to do sth,课后我花了两个小时解出这道题。,It took me two hours /took two hours for me to work out,the problem after class.,though adv.“不过,然而”,相当于however, 一般用于句,中或句尾,经常用逗号和句子隔开。,He said he would come; he didnt, though.,Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, though.,Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun.,Isnt it rather risky, _?,A. though B. also C. either D. too,A,彩色电视节目到,1951,年才得以在美国定期播出,其间经历了二十多年的时间。,Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life _ and more _, have reduced the need for face-to-face communications.,A. easily; efficient,B. easier; efficient,C. easy; efficiently D. easily; efficiently,Sth be accessible to sb= sb have access to sth,Students must have access to good resources. Good resources must,_ _ _students.,Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to kids.,A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive,B,be accessible to,A,6. It all began in 1877, when Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice on his invention, the record player. (line 27-28),本句为复合句,,when,引导,_,Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream.,A. when B. where C. that D. which,7. Most early recorders employed steel tape to record on, which made them heavy and difficult to use, or paper tape, which was easier to use but often broke. (line 35-36),句型改写:,Most early recorders employed steel tape to record on, _ them heavy and difficult to use, or paper tape, _.,非限制性定语从句,A,making,easier to use but often breaking,8. CDs are often used for storing and playing music because they have a much better sound quality than traditional records and cassettes. (line 43-45),We can never expect _ bluer sky unless we create _ less polluted world.,When you cover the novel, you will have _ better understanding of _ life.,a,a,a,不填,


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