English Public Speaking

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Week 2,English Public Speaking,Embarrassing,Enroll,Enrollment,Online,Recommendation,Journal,recommend,Making the Student ID,R: Hi, can I help you?,J: Yeah. I want to make a student ID. How can I make a student ID?,R: OK, are you a new student?,J: Yeah, Im a new student.,R: You have to be registered at least one course for that ID to work.,J,: Yeah?,R: OK. What is your last name?,J: M-O-H.,R: Your first name?,J: J-E-O-M-G-M-I-N.,R: OK, OK, you can come over here then Ill take a picture. Have a seat in that chair.,J: Yeah. Whats the student ID for?,R: Its for al It gives youhum. now thats for when you take exams, youll need it to get access to the library. If you wanna go and when you want to work out or IM East or West.,J: For sports?,R: Yes. Like, if you wanna go swimming or work out, things like that. You can always get discount for the theater, if you wanna go to the Wharton. Its $20 charged to your student account to get another one.,J: What should I do when I lost my student ID?,R: Youll have to come back here. Well get you another one. Well charge student account for $20, thatll be on your next tuition bill.,J: Thank you so much.,R: Youre welcome.,J: Have a nice day.,R: You too.,Library,J: Hi, I want to apply to graduate carrel, but I wonder that whats the graduate carrel mean? And can you explain me what is the graduate carrel and how can I apply graduate carrel?,R: We have graduate carrel at the MSU library for the graduate students who are registered and they just need to fill out this application right here, they come to the main office W102 at the library.,J: Yeah?,R: They can fill out the application. Umm, we have about 400 keys for that we give out in the 3 different locations. The first location is located in the basement, and we have net-work port at the location and we also have another graduate carrel at the 3 East. Its in 308 and the second floor in E208. And outside of each of these rooms we have lockers for the graduate students but we only have 244 lockers. Graduate students can keep their keys, as long as theyre registered graduate student. We renew once a year.,J: Yeah.,R: Umm, so right now all the lockers are filled in. The people who want a locker are put in the waiting list until the next available locker, which usually at the end of the semester.,J: Can I use my lap top there?,R: You can use it any of the rooms but right now we only have network pot in the basement room. But weve ordered them for the other 2 rooms. We expect that to be hooked up in next month or so, this semester sometime.,J: Thank you so much.,R: Youre welcome.,L: Look at the headings.,B: Yeah.,L: Looking for materials in the library.,B: Yeah.,L Yes, but you didnt find it in Magic, borrow from another library. B: OK.,L: Interlibrary Loan and you want the article item.,B: Yes, so I need to type in the information of the article I was looking for.,L: Correct. Its running a little slow. But at the moment, the request screen will come up and youll type in a little bit of information about the article.,B: Uh huh.,L: And youll type in your name. B: Uh huh.,L: And MSU ID. B: Uh huh.,L: And send off the request.,B: And how would I get the article.,L: It may take 1 or 2 weeks. Youll receive a notice in the e-mail to go on line to certain website to log in.,B: Uh huh. L: And print off.,B: So, Ill be notified by an e-mail.,L: Yes. B: Ok.,L: With the directions are accessed by the e-mail on line.,B: Alright.,L: OK.,B: It was very helpful.,L: Youre welcome.,B: Thank you.,At the Information Desk in the Library,B: Hi, Im a new student here and this is my first time to use the library.,R: Uh huh.,B: I wanna borrow this book. I wanna know how should I do it.,R: OK. Well. What you need to do is to go around to the circulation desk, its just around the corner to your left and theyll ask you for the student ID. And theyll check it out for you.,B: OK. Is that simple?,R: Yes.,B: OK. Thank you very much.,R: Youre welcome.,At the Circulation Desk,B: Hi, I want to check out hits book.,R: Can I see your ID?,B: Oh.,R: Its due on March 31st.,B: Oh, how can I return the book?,R: There is a book crop right there you can place it into.,B: Ok. What if the library is closed?,R: There is an outside book drops at the each door and there is one by the stadium.,B: Ok. I just drop the book inside of there?,R: Yes.,B: Thank you.,R: Yeap.,Professor: Well, its nice to meet you.,Yoko: Nice to meet you.,Professor: Tell me why youre interested in taking my class.,Yoko: Because Im very interested in culture, and cross-cultural differences, and then, I know youre very famous in the field of computers and then, you know, other stuff, thats why, I though, you know, taking your course help me understanding other.,Professor: Id be delighted to have you in my class. Im happy to sign the override, if you have a form for me to sign.,Yoko: Yes, yes.,Professor: OK? Thats you take care of that. Before you come to the class, I have an article in this magazine, in this journal. I would recommend that you read before the class. You can bring this to the class.,Yoko: Thank you very much.,Professor: Alright, very nice to meet you. Ill see you in the first class.,Yoko: Thank you very much.,Professor: Bye-bye.,Writing lecture: Beginning and Ending the Speech,Ms. Huang Ju,huangju,Discuss after watching the sample 1,Confronting myself: Color of the Wind,Color-blinded Handout 1,Group discussion: 8 mins,Were the beginning of the speech effective?,Why?,Find out the strength of the speaker,Each group will prepare for a short oral report.,Skeleton of the organization of a speech,Introduction,Body,Conclusion,Introduction,The introduction serves among others the following purposes:,Get attention and interest,Establish credibility and good will,Preview the body of the speech.,How to get attention and interest,Relate the topic to the audience:,Sample 8.1 Dreams,State the importance of your topic,Arouse the curiosity of the audience,Question the audience,Begin with quotation,Tell a story: WE All enjoy stories 8.2,Watch and discuss,Video 1: 00-03:34 “Hot chilly pepper”,Video 2: -05:10 “Computer Crime”,Video 3: -7:30 “Special Olympics”,Video 4: “Yoga”,Video 5: 11:5812:00 “Computer Crime”,Checklist and Sample introduction,Keeping Hope Alive,Practice,Think of a speech topic. Create an introduction for your speech in which you gain the attention of the audience, establish your credibility, and preview the body of the speech.,Conclusion,The conclusion mainly serves two purposes:,Signal the end of the speech: Color of the wind,Reinforce the central idea,Summarize your speech sample 8.5,End with a quotation,Make dramatic statement,Refer to the introduction: sample 8.6 “A scene to Remember ”(the topic was the tension between internatl tourism and environmental protection),Li Lanqings speech to the International Olympic Committee,Chinese sage Confucius says, “Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar!”Indeed, it is our delight to welcome all quests with open arms in Beijing in the year2008. I am sure you will have a great Games in Beijing. Thank you.,Martin Luther King,Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I am not concerned about that now. I just want to do Gods will, and hes allowed me to go up to the mountain, and Ive looked over and Ive seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised land. So, I am happy tonight. I am not worried about anything; I am not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord.,Handout3: Example and checklist,Homework,Explain how you might relate each to your audience in a speech introduction and ending. Write them done and send to the group leaders.,Historic preservation,Health care,Job market,Climate change,soccer,


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