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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module8 Unit 4,Films and film events,Comedy,films that make laugh,Actions,films with cars chases, fighting and explosions,Science fiction,films about the future or imaginary technology,Horror,very scary films,Thriller,exciting films with surprise endings,serious films about people and life,Drama,Crayon Shin-chan,cartoon,animated films,Western,films set in the American west,Romantic comedy,cute, funny films with happy endings,Documentary,true films about real people and real events,If therere so many films for you to choose from at the same time, which one will you choose? Who can help you?,with the help of a film review,Every time a new film comes out, newspapers, magazines and websites all send a writer or reporter to write a review of this film.,评论,Project,Writing a film review,Harry Potter series,Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,哈利,波特与魔法石,哈利,波特与密室,哈利,波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒,哈利,波特与火焰杯,Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,哈利,波特与凤凰社,哈利,波特与“混血王子”,哈利,波特与死亡圣器,Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,Part 1(para1-3),Part 2(para4-5),Part 3(para 6-7),Part 4(para8),A. brief introduction of the films plot,C. problems of the film,D. the recommendation by the writer,B. the writers comments on the special,effects and acting in the film,A,D,B,C,Part 1(para1-3),brief introduction of the films plot,Harry ,played by _ , is a _ young boy. He has been living with his _, the Dursleys.,Daniel Radcliffe,sensitive,relatives,True or false,The Dursleys treat Harry quite well.,What do Harrys parents do? When and why did they die?,His father was a wizard and his mother was a witch. Both of them were killed by an evil wizard when Harry was a baby.,What kind of boy is Harry?,Harry is an ordinary boy and he is unknown to the magic world.,Harry possesses the magic power of a wizard but he is unknown to the magic world.,Harry is an ordinary boy but he is famous all over the magic world.,Harry possesses the magic power of a wizard and he is famous all over the magic world,.,Who introduced Harry to the world of magic? Where does this man work?,Hagrid is an important person in Harry Porters life because_,A. he brought him up after Harry Porters,parents died,B. he killed Harry Porters parents,C. he is a small man working in Hagwarts- a,special school,D. He helped Harry Porter get away from his,old life,The world of regular people exists _ the world of magic, and the regular people know it is there.,alongside/parallel to,do not know,How did Harry feel about his new life?,excited,bored,contradictory,sad,Harry Porter and his friends have a battle with,Voldemort in order to _,A. protect themselves,B. revenge the killing of Harry Porters parents,C. save Hagrid,D. save the magic world as well as themselves,Part 2(para4-5),the writers comments on the special,effects and acting in the film,Watching Harrys first ride on a flying _ could make you feel _,and the school sport of _ is amazing.,broom,dizzy,Quidditch,True or false,The three young actors playing the characters of Harry, Ron and Harmione were professional actors before making this film. And compared with the experienced adult actors , they do badly.,amateur,quite well,Part 3(para 6-7),problems of the film,What is the complaint many people have made about the film?,The film is too long. At 142 minutes, it is almost a half hour longer than an average film.,What problem does the writer think the film has?,The writer feel too much time is devoted to showing the sport of Quidditch and several interesting scenes were deleted from the film.,Another common _ is that the film has a _ to spend too much time showing Harrys life with the Dursleys.,complaint,tendency,Harry is not happy with the Dursleys. The important and interesting parts of the film occur in the world of magic.,Why does the writer think so ?,Part 4(para8),the recommendation by the writer,From the passage, we can conclude that _,A. Harry Porters parents were killed in a car,crash organized by Voldemort,B. it is right to spend so much time on the sport of,Quidditch,C. J.K. Rowling is not at all content with the film,adapted from her novel,D. the film is worth seeing though it is not,completely satisfying,Language points,1.What an amazing film!,(1)_ a terrible colour the river is now!,=_ _ _ _ the river is now!,(2) _ foolish mistakes you have made!,(3) _ delightful weather we are having,(4) _different,life today,is from what it was fifty years ago.,What,How terrible a color,What,What,How,dream of/about,梦见,;,梦想 设想,考虑,(1)I dream of being the best footballer in the town.,我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。,He often_(,梦想成为一个政治家,),(2)I,dreamt of,my dead grandfather last night.,(3)Dont except that.,I wouldnt dream of,leaving you the properties.,我做梦也不会想到要骗你,.,_.,dreams of being a politician,I wouldnt dream of cheating you,Harry, a sensitive young boy, has been living with his relatives,the Dursleys.,have/has been doing sth.,1 For years weve been demanding better housing and jobs.,2 The CCTV has been broadcasting English programs ever since 1997.,3 _(,我一直在敲门,).,I dont think anybodys in.,4 Oh,you have come at last.,_.,(,我等了你足足两小时,.),I have been knocking at the door,I have been waiting for 2 hours.,While,the sport of Quidditch is an important part of,the book and of Harrys school experience,(1)While I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that they can not be solved.,(2) _(,虽然这工作很困难,),it was interesting.,While the work was difficult,Test yourself:,1. Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very _ person.,A. reasonable B. sensible,C. sensitive D. tough,2. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ to the sudden changes of weather.,A. sensitive B. sensible,C. flexible D. positive,I think this is,more,to highlight the advanced special effects,than,to help the film,s plot.,more,than,(1)To them, music is more a way of life than just an interest.(2)This is more a war movie than a western.(3)_(,我更多是生气而不是担心,) when he didn,t come home.(4),与其说他以成就闻名,倒不如说他以精神著称,.,I was more annoyed than worried,He is famous more for his spirit than for his,achievements,.,occur,A good idea,occurred to,him.,It coccurred to her that,her husband was on business.,“,It never occurred to you to,phone the police,”he said.,Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts. (P63),“,情态动词,have,过去分词”,could + have done,表示“本来有能力做而实际上没有做”。,I could have won if I hadnt fallen over.,must + have done,表示对过去情况的推测,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定,”,。,Her eyes were red, she must have been crying.,can (could) + have done,表示对过去情况的推测,只用于否定和疑问句中,意为“一定没有,,一定不会,”,。用,could,比用,can,语气更加委婉些。,He couldnt have gone to bed , you see , the light in his room is still on .,should (ought to) + have done,表示“本来应该做而实际上没做”,其否定式则表示“本来不该做而实际上做了”,常含有责备的语气。,You should have been here five minutes ago.,How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied.,neednt + have done,表示“本来不必做的事,实际上做过了。”,I got up early, but neednt have done so, because I had nothing to do that morning.,would like to have done,表示“本来希望做而却未做的事”。,Id like to have gone to college.,高考链接,Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.,You _ her last week. (2004,福建,),A. ought to tell B. would have told,C. must tell D. should have told,【,解析,】,答案,D. should have done,表示“(过去)本来应该做了某事”,言外之意又没做,表达说话人极为不满的情绪,。,Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. (2004,全国,),A. should have arrived,B. should arrive,C. should have had arrived,D. should be arriving,【,解析,】,答案,A.,后一分句中的一般过去时暗示,,Mr. White“,(过去)本来应该,8,:,30,到会”。,C,项是错误结构。,My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who_ have taken it?,A. should B. must,C. could D. would,【,解析,】,答案,C. could have done,表示对过去情况的推断,意为“可能是,”,。,should have done,表示本来应该做而没有做;,must have done,表示过去一定那样做了,对过去情况的肯定的推测;,would have done,常用来表示虚拟语气。,(2003,上海春,),He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he_ a goal. (2001,上海春,),A. had scored B. scored,C. would score D. would have scored,【,解析,】,答案,D.,根据,otherwise,可以判断出要用虚拟语气。表示过去发生的事要用,would have scored,。译文:在踢球前他犹豫了一会儿,否则他就会射中球门。,recommend vt.,推荐;劝告;,1 Can you recommend a good dictionary,to,me?,2 I recommend you,to,wait.,3 Doctors recommend that all children,should,stay with their mothers longer.,4 They recommend,changing,tho oil after 500km.,1. If you were asked to write a review of a film, which film will you choose?,2. How will you organize your review about this film?,1.Review the words weve learnt in project.,2.review the project and try to underline some key phrases in project.,Homework,Language points,1. Who has not dreamt of suddenly finding out that he or she is actually someone special and famous? (P62),dream,verb I,dreamed,or,dreamt,dreamed,or,dreamt,梦想,1),I dream of living on a tropical island.,2),He never dreamed that one day he,would become President.,2. Harry, a sensitive young boy, has been living with his relatives. (P62),sensitive,adjective,灵敏的,敏感的,sensitive skin,Some peoples teeth are highly sensitive to cold.,相关短语:,be sensitive to,对,敏感,be sensitive about,介意,在乎,Test yourself:,1. Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very _ person.,A. reasonable B. sensible,C. sensitive D. tough,2. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ to the sudden changes of weather.,A. sensitive B. sensible,C. flexible D. positive,3. Contrary to this, Harry finds out that his father was a wizard ,contrary,adjective opposite,相反,a contrary point of view,Contrary to all our expectations, hes found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend.,相关短语:,on the contrary,相反,to the contrary,与,相反,be contrary to,相反的,Test yourself:,What you have done is _ the doctors orders.,A. attached to B. responsible to,C. resistant to D. contrary to,4. Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts. (P63),“,情态动词,have,过去分词”是很重要的一种句型,除,should,外,,may, might, must, couldnt, neednt, ought to,等都可以用于这一句型,但要注意,使用不同的情态动词,句子的意思就有所不同。表示对已发生的事情进行推测,就表示的可能性程度而言,,must,最大,,could,其次,,may,更次之,,might,最小。,could + have done,表示“本来有能力做而实际上没有做”。,I could have won if I hadnt fallen over.,must + have done,表示对过去情况的推测,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定,”,。,Her eyes were red, she must have been crying.,can (could) + have done,表示对过去情况的推测,只用于否定和疑问句中,意为“一定没有,,一定不会,”,。用,could,比用,can,语气更加委婉些。,He couldnt have gone to bed , you see , the light in his room is still on .,should (ought to) + have done,表示“本来应该做而实际上没做”,其否定式则表示“本来不该做而实际上做了”,常含有责备的语气。,You should have been here five minutes ago.,How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied.,neednt + have done,表示“本来不必做的事,实际上做过了。”,I got up early, but neednt have done so, because I had nothing to do that morning.,would like to have done,表示“本来希望做而却未做的事”。,Id like to have gone to college.,高考链接,Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.,You _ her last week. (2004,福建,),A. ought to tell B. would have told,C. must tell D. should have told,【,解析,】,答案,D. should have done,表示“(过去)本来应该做了某事”,言外之意又没做,表达说话人极为不满的情绪,。,Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. (2004,全国,),A. should have arrived,B. should arrive,C. should have had arrived,D. should be arriving,【,解析,】,答案,A.,后一分句中的一般过去时暗示,,Mr. White“,(过去)本来应该,8,:,30,到会”。,C,项是错误结构。,My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who_ have taken it?,A. should B. must,C. could D. would,【,解析,】,答案,C. could have done,表示对过去情况的推断,意为“可能是,”,。,should have done,表示本来应该做而没有做;,must have done,表示过去一定那样做了,对过去情况的肯定的推测;,would have done,常用来表示虚拟语气。,(2003,上海春,),He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he_ a goal. (2001,上海春,),A. had scored B. scored,C. would score D. would have scored,【,解析,】,答案,D.,根据,otherwise,可以判断出要用虚拟语气。表示过去发生的事要用,would have scored,。译文:在踢球前他犹豫了一会儿,否则他就会射中球门。,Homework,1. Read the film review in Part A on page 131 of the Workbook.,2.Write a film review according to the notes in Part B on the same page.,3. Review what you have learnt in this unit.,Thank you!,


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