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The entire win/tel eco system faces competition and threats from the newly emerging and powerful ecosystems.,2,ARM,TI,Samsung,高通,ADI,Windows CE,Symbian,Linux,ISV,OSV,CHIPS,ODM,OEM,MTK,(Apps,+,Nueclus,+,Chip ),All in one turn key platform,ODMs/OEMs,Independent Software Vendors,BELLWAVE,TELSON,INNOSTREAM,SEWON,Nokia,Samsunge,联想,Dopod,Multiple parallel “OS/chip” based eco systems,thrives in the mobile phone sector.,Each OS/Chip combo enables an,entire ecosystem. As phones are,becoming smarter, PC based,applications have been seamlessly,transplanted on smart phones.,Powerful consumer brands such as,Iphone, Gphone, Sony PSP, Nokia,will lead in the battle of “PC vs. smart,phone ”.,As phones become smarter, line,between PC and Phone is getting more,and more blurry.,Traditional ODMs,OEMs, ISVs are no longer bounded by,the,outdated boundaries that define their businesses.,Therefore, there is a good chance the win/tel base could be radically eroded,by these new parallel eco system.,3,The rise of the information ecosystem:,how mobile devices, personal computing, media, and the internet all fit together.,The rise of internet irreversibly changed,the information flow. PC makers world,over benefited by the internet.,B. Mobile internet will be the catalyst to,further propel the movement of,information,In the era of Smart phone, mobile,devices/PC can no longer stand alone,as a separate industry. They are all,embedded in the larger information,eco system. i.e.,Iphone/apple shop,Gphone/google, PSP/games, etc,.,D.,Those system that embraces the,information ecosystem will stand,to win.,4,2,.,Challenges for the Intel led Moblin/MID/Netbook initiatives.,Current netbook product position could,cannibalize into the laptop market.,Current MID products lack distinct,advantage over any current smart phones,products.,A,t best it will further cannibalize,into the netbook and laptop market,here in China.,At least in China, Moblin, MID players are,still those from the win/tel camp.,Lack,innovation in product, business model,and mostly lack support from the vast,and yet fast emerging grass root,application developers, content,providers, and new class of OEMs.,(the huge MTK OEM base).,It is lacking a info ecosystem to support,the MID product sale.,5,3. What 3G means to China,Market share of OS in current smart phone,A. Internet will be extended to,the already biggest,mobile phone user base in the world.,For most of the Chinese, their first time,internet experience will be in the 3G,environment, via their phone- smart phone.,Smart phone will define the 3G era.,All smart phones are essentially “mobile,internet devices”.,Therefore, a well structured information,ecosystem will be critically important in,China for any mobile device brands.,Winning the “eye ball” on internet content becomes the ultimate objective of games for any mobile edge device brands,.,6,4. Opportunities for Intel in China.,Tap into the vast MTK OEM base by re-engineering the moblin/OSI product positioning,.,ARM,TI,Samsung,高通,ADI,Windows CE,Symbian,Linux,ISV,OSV,CHIPS,ODM,OEM,MTK,(Apps,+,Nueclus,+,Chip ),All in one turn key platform,ODMs/OEMs,Independent Software Vendors,BELLWAVE,TELSON,INNOSTREAM,SEWON,Nokia,Samsunge,联想,Dopod,By incorporating chip set, ODM, ISV,functionalities, MTKs one stop shop,product strategy greatly lower the barrier,of entry for OEMs. Therefore thousands of,small shops have since become MTKs OEM.,MTK and its vast ecosystem produces at,least of all mobile phone manufactured,in China alone. Their market share ranges,from 25% in big cities to up to 50% in smaller,C,hinese cities.,Current consumers of MTK phones will be,the first time internet users in the new 3G,environment. Perfect intel,/,MID customers.,D. Due to the lack in upscale products,MTKs OEM base is prime for “win back”,provided the moblin/OSI positions similarly,to that of MTK today.,7,New moblin/OSI position, multiple linux platforms; enabling rich edge product mix based on vertical content and applications.,Nvidia,ARM,Intel,Product,Positioning,of,New “OSV”s,Moblin/API/SDK,Independent Software Vendors,Internet Content Providers,Turn key,platform,PCs,Smart Phones,MID,ODMs,OEMs,Net book,Tap into existing Chinese Linux OS,developer base, cultivate multiple,OSI on Moblin platform,.,Encourage product position to be a one,stop platform which incorporates,application, vertical internet contents.,This will shorten the “time to market”,cycle. This new product positioning will,also attract the participation of the,existing MTKs OEM base.,I,nnovative development focused in the,area of user experience on the device,itself.,Help refine and support current revenue,model of OSI; i.e,. Residual/shared revenue,from chip set sale, and content sales.,8,Initiate a “walled garden” content ecosystem strategy based on vertical internet content/application to support the embedded productization of MID in china. Another words, to build a “back end” for MID accessed contents. This is a very important catalyst to push MID sales in China.,Intel inside,Intel to support a grass root internet content,aggregator to consolidate content based on,verticals. Standardization on interfaces amongst,content providers and MID OEMs.,New “OSVs” will incorporate specific contents,applications as turn key solutions to OEMs.,Based on the vertical contents,a series of,low cost, application based MIDs could soon be,launched via the existing MTK channels,.,Targeting the vast first time internet users in the,new 3G era.,3,rd,party content aggregator,9,To look beyond the current players (look into the mobile,ecosystem) to further identify more qualified OSVs players for moblin in China.,Reposition its current OS strategy to one that can directly market turn key platforms to the huge existing OEM base; therefore allowing MID products to tab into these well established sales channels and markets.,Utilize strength of Linux, focused innovation on user experience at the edge device.,Help create/support a new ecosystem based on information flow, specifically vertical content for the bundling on MID product lines.,Summary,10,


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