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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,*,深港版小学英语高段,教材分析 及 备课策略,龙城小学 于鸿燕,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,想上好课?,or,想提高班级成绩?,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,我们可以怎么做,我们要了解什么,我们的教学怎么了,抛砖引玉,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,小学英语高段教学中出现的问题及原因,学生兴趣变淡,,课堂气氛沉闷,学生两极分化,班级后进生较多,教学内容多,但时间不够,听说读写的训练难以面面俱到,教师对教材重难点的把握不够,教学设计不够新颖有趣,学生年龄特点,“历史”原因,时间分配,教学经验,教学经验,我,们,的,自,身,问,题,如何解决?,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,我们可以怎么做,我们要了解什么,我们的教学怎么了,我的抛砖引玉,新课程目标,1-6年级的教学梯度,小学英语教学目的 小学英语教学原则小学英语教学特点与模式小学英语教学评价,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际,文化理解,文化知识,话题,功能,语法,词汇,语音,写读说听,新课程目标,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,1-6年级的教学梯度,1年级:活动游戏为主要形式的英语口语加字母(以语音为序)的教学阶段,2-3年级:“字母、音素、音标三位一体”的英语一体化学习阶段。(3年级起进行综合性英语教学,逐步培养、提高学生深层次的学习兴趣,使他们逐步形成综合学习能力),4-,5年级:以任务为基础、主题为线索、活动为方式的会话阅读阶段,6年级:会话能力提升,阅读能力大为提高的“词汇、语法、阅读三位一体”的英语一体化学习阶段。,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,小学英语教学目的,激发,兴趣,形成正确的学习习惯(课堂内外),培养一定的,语感,和良好的语音、语调基础,形成,初步,用英语进行,简单日常交流,的能力,为进一步学习,打下基础,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,小学英语教学原则,重兴趣(Interest),重参与 (Participation),重实践 (Practice ),重语感 (Language Sense),重能力 (Ability),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,小学英语教学特点与模式(一),遵循儿童心理和生理发展特点,重体验、实践、参与与创造,听做、说唱、玩演、读写和视听多种活动方式,促进学生全身心投入学习,话题为核心,功能、结构为主线,,完成任务为目标,;语言功能、结构、话题与任务恰当结合(习得与学得),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,教学内容适应学生认知能力、贴近学生生活,有利于学生在实践中使用,由近及远,由小到大,内容丰富,题材、体裁多样(各种场景对话、小歌谣、故事、猜谜、游戏、歌曲和小剧等),大量、生动、多样的多媒体语言材料输入(特别是声像材料的有效利用),小学英语教学特点与模式(二),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,小学英语教学评价,激励性原则,参与性原则:,鼓励学生积极、主动对自己的学习情况进行评价与反思,活动性原则:,以接近课堂教学活动的听、做、说、唱、玩、演形式进行评价,形成性评价为主的原则:,以接近课堂教学活动的听、做、说、唱、玩、演形式进行评价,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,我们可以怎么做,我们要了解什么,我们的教学怎么了,抛砖引玉,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,打造一节好课,如何打造好课,好课活动设计的原则,时刻关注着,六个“多一点”建议,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,一节好课的提升得益于反思提炼,一节好课的关键源于巧妙布局,一节好课的诞生从了解开始,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,一节好课的诞生从,了解,开始,了解教材,当你真正了解了教材,你就知道什么时候、什么部分该用怎样的时间、怎样的方式去处理教材,哪些部分需要重点突破、哪些地方可以进行整合。有了对教材的了解,你的教学就不会盲目、不会偏差、你的时间和别人一样,却有不一样的效果。,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第9-10册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 9,Unit 1 Good friends,Unit 2 Things in the kitchen,Unit 3 A rainy weekend,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Where do people live?,Unit 5 Dinosaurs,Unit 6 At Animal Land,Unit 7 Holiday postcards,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Cities around the world,Book 10,Unit 1 Remember the rules,Unit 2 Helping people,Unit 3 Changes in our city,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Changes around the world,Unit 5 A busy week,Unit 6 The typhoon,Unit 7 Summer holiday,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: school holidays,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第9-10册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 9,Unit 1 Good friends,Unit 2 Things in the kitchen,Unit 3 A rainy weekend,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Where do people live?,Unit 5 Dinosaurs,Unit 6 At Animal Land,Unit 7 Holiday postcards,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Cities around the world,一般现在时(第一二人称做主语-三单做主语),一般过去时,be动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式,不规则动词的过去式,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,1. New words,2. New sentence patterns:,What are your favourite hobbies?,I like . Its(Theyre) fun. / I dont like . Its(Theyre) boring.,What do you do in your spare time?,1) 现在分词(双写?),2) lets + do(动原),3) the: play the piano/ play chess,4) listen,to,A,B1,B2,C,like doing (,与,like to do,的相同点、不同点,),介词,+ doing (be good at),书信格式(开头、结语),句型:,What do you do in your spare time?,really,1) 句型:,What are your favourite hobbies?,I like . Its(Theyre) fun.,I dont like . Its(Theyre) boring.,2) 连词 and & or,交际用语,Thats a surprise. / Sure.,See you later.,2) really,3) play sports,Unit 1,G,o,o,d,f,r,i,e,n,d,s,Part (A + J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD + D),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words,2) 反义词,3) Clean your kitchen and,be,healthy.,A,B1,B2,C,be,的过去式,单复数对应,反义词,1) 一般过去时与现在时的灵活运用,2) be的单复数及过去式的灵活运用,3) happy - unhappy,交际用语,What happened?,What a mess.,2) Everything,was,clean this morning.,Unit 2,T,h,i,n,g,s,i,n,t,h,e,k,i,t,c,h,e,n,Part (A + J1),Part (B1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD + D + G),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Ask and answer about things in sequence that happened in the past,1) rain - rainy,2) New words & phrases,3) 关于天气的问答,A,B1,B2,C,电话用语,过去时的问答:,What did ?,交际用语:,Sure. / See you soon.,That would be great.,1),过去时的问答,2),表示顺序的副词:,FirstNextthenafter that,rain rainy - raining,2),雨的形成,3),反义词,:,thin-thick, small-big, a little-a lot (of),4) tell,a lot, too,Unit 3,A,r,a,i,n,y,w,e,e,k,e,n,d,Part (A + F1 + J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD+ H),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 4,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至1-3单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 1,W,h,e,r,e,d,o,p,e,o,p,l,e,l,i,v,e,?,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words,2),一般现在时:三单做主语,动词以s结尾,3) tooth-teeth,4) It doesnt fly,or,swim.,A,B1,B2,C,动词过去式,动词过去式,2),New words (scientist),3),There was,no,food,or,water.,Unit 5,D,i,n,o,s,a,u,r,s,Part (A),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD+ G),一般过去时的灵活使用,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words & phrases,2),can + 动原,A,B1,B2,C,1) 一般过去时的灵活使用,2) on,a train,3),明信片的写法,动词过去式,2),New words& phrases: asleep, awake, talk to, have an idea, at night, like a lot, during,Unit 6,A,t,A,n,i,m,a,l,L,a,n,d,Part (A),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD+ G),1) 一般过去时的灵活使用,2) 连词的使用,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words,2),Im going to be in ,A,B1,B2,C,1) 一般过去时的灵活使用,2),明信片的写法,3),New words & phrases: miss you, on the beach,动词过去式,2),New words & phrases: have a lovely time, look at, enjoy,Unit 7,H,o,l,i,d,a,y,p,o,s,t,c,a,r,d,s,Part (A + H),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD+ G),1) 一般过去时的灵活使用,2),明信片的写法,3),New words & phrases: take photos, lots of fun,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 8,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至5-7单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 2,C,i,t,i,e,s,a,r,o,u,n,d,t,h,e,w,o,r,l,d,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Book 9 重点,1. 不规则动词的过去式,2. 规则动词过去式的发音,3. 过去时的灵活使用:,问答句、否定句、描述做过的事情,Book 10,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第10册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 10,Unit 1 Remember the rules,Unit 2 Helping people,Unit 3 Changes in our city,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Changes around the world,Unit 5 A busy week,Unit 6 The typhoon,Unit 7 Summer holiday,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: school holidays,Good manners,情态动词与祈使句,一般过去时,代词的用法,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words & phrases,2) 表示频率的副词与表示顺序的副词,3) 副词修饰动词,4) 反义词,A,B1,B2,C,must & mustnt,Can,I ? No, you,mustnt,.,Lets +,动原,Well take,it,to the hospital.,(动宾结构),There will,be,2) must & mustnt,3),现在进行时的问答,(,be,do,ing,),4) Its not a,real,fire. (real - really),Unit 1,Remember the rules,Part (A + J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD),1) must & mustnt,2),Get ready, have a great time,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words,2) 动词过去式(不规则,双写),3) pick it up,4) You need to be carefully.,5) Good for you. / That was a good,idea.,A,B1,B2,C,动词过去式 (,did +,动原),New phrases: take a mans arm, cross the street, go to bed, make lunch,for,sb,动词过去式 (,didnt +,动原),2),a,pair of, another,3) buy for, make for, thank the man,4) New words,Unit 2,Helping people,Part (A + J1),Part (B1),Part (B2 + B3 + G),Part (CD),1) 动词过去式,2),表示频率的副词,3) give,to,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,1) New words,2) 名词的单复数(+y),3) There be 句型,A,B1,B2,C,There be,句型,different - the same,too either,There be,句型,Good to see you again.,3) How about ?,4),Its,easy,to get,there now.,5) want,to do,6) lets +,动原,Unit 3,Changes in our city,Part (A + G),Part (B1),Part (B2 + B3 + J1),Part (CD + J2),1) There be 句型,2) no = not a/any,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 4,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至1-3单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 1,Changes around the world,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 5,A busy week,Part (A + H + G),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(不规则),3) 一般过去时的问答(did + 动原),1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(不规则),3) 反身代词(单复数一致),1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(不规则),反身代词(单复数一致),一般过去时的问答(,did +,动原),1) New words & phrases,2) 反问句的问答(Didnt it ?),not any more,频率:,five times a day,too,much,water,Its easy,for,us.,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 6,The typhoon,Part (A + H + G),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(fell, broke),3) 祈使句的否定式,1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(不规则),过去式的灵活使用(,did+,动原),be ready for/to, talk,to you, put,them,So did we,1) 动词过去式(不规则),2) did/didnt+动原,look at,1) New words & phrases (say-said),2) need to do, find,him,ran,home, ran to ,be,worried, dont,worry,too & either,I,was,hid,ing ,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk with the past tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 7,Summer holiday,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) Where do you want to go (for you,summer holiday?),3) Id like to ,1) New words & phrases,2) 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词,3) lets + 动原,1) New words & phrases,2) can+动原,1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式,3) want to + 动原,4) I think you should (宾语从句),5) each,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 8,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至5-7单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 2,School holidays,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Book 10 重点,1. 不规则动词的过去式,2. 规则动词过去式的发音,3. 过去时的句型转换与灵活使用,4. There be句型,5. 用连接词来陈述事情,6. 代词的用法(主格、宾格、反身代词、物主代词),7. 情态动词与祈使句,Book 11,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第11-12册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 11,Unit 1 A healthy body,Unit 2 The natural world,Unit 3 Space,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: World records,Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger,Unit 6 Famous stories,Unit 7 International food,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Festivals and food,Book 12,Unit 1 Being polite,Unit 2 Fire and safety,Unit 3 Lets go shopping,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Markets around the world,Unit 5 Active animals,Unit 6 Busy people,Unit 7 Good memories,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Animals and countries,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第11-12册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 11,Unit 1 A healthy body,Unit 2 The natural world,Unit 3 Space,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: World records,Unit 5 Faster, higher and stronger,Unit 6 Famous stories,Unit 7 International food,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Festivals and food,常识,连词,原级 - 比较级 - 最高级,规则 - 不规则,单音节-双音节-多音节,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about physical appearance with comparatives,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 1,Summer holiday,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) from, too/also, exercise a lot,exercise very often,1) New words & phrases,2) 比较级(单音节+部分双音节),3) 现在进行时;过去时,4) do well, last/first,5) can +动原,1) 比较级: than,2) Good for you.,1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式,3) also/too, wake up/fall asleep, get to, finish line, too(太), congratulations,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about places with superlatives,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 2,The natural world,Part (A + G+ J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 +H +J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) Which country has this flag?,3) 新西兰和澳大利亚的国旗区别,New words (contest, winner),2),最高级(单音节,+,部分双音节),3),常识(中国之最),4) Its time for bed. / Get some rest.,1) 最高级(in, of),2) 明信片书写格式,1) New words & phrases,2) 常识(世界之最),3) You wont,need,a plane,to,get there.,4) watch people climb on knives, lots of fun, enjoy yourself,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words, “much”, “one of ”,Talk about objects in space with comparatives and superlatives,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 3,Space,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 +J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) far from/near to, the other,3) 常识:The sun is a star.,1) New words & phrases,2) 比较级: much,3) You mustnt look at the sun. Its bad for your eyes.,4) 常识: Is the sun brighter than the other stars? Why?,1) 最高级: of, in,2) the solar system, in fact,3) 有关前四大行星的常识,1) New words & phrases (scientist, in space, look out of, like, float away, have a good sleep, have to),It is easier to,make them.,常识:,There is a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes.,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 4,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至1-3单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 1,world records,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about numbers and years with “better, best, more, most”,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 5,Faster, higher and stronger,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 + J2,),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) from, too/also, exercise a lot,exercise very often,3) Whats your favourite event?,I like ./My favourite is .,1) New words & phrases,2) good-better-best,3) Lets do,our,best,4) What events are you in?,Im in .,1) 表示名次(in first/second place),2) more, most,3) Give out, team awards,1) New words & phrases,2) 比较级与最高级,速度的表示方法,3) without, on land, in the water, most(大多数),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about characters with comparatives and superlatives,Talk about past activities with simple past tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 6,Famous stories,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) the story,of,Mulan,1) New words & phrases (character, like the best, laugh at),2) 多音节(含部分双音节)的比较级和最高级,3) 有关几个characters基本信息的比较,1)有关几个characters基本信息的比较,2)多音节(含部分双音节)的比较级和最高级,3) be good to,New words,2),动词过去式,3) want to, with her hand, rain and rain, have another idea,4),女娲补天的故事,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about food with “and, but, or ,so”,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 7,International food,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) need to +动原, lets +动原,3) Whats your favourite food?,I like .,1) New words (bring-brought, 菜名),2) smell,good, put in,3) and, but, or, so,4) much+比较级,5),Its,not healthy,to eat,too much,sweet food.,1) and, but, or, so,2) 菜名,3) at,lunchtime,New words,2),动词过去式,3),常识问答,4) be made from/of, different from, all over,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 8,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至5-7单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 2,Festivals and food,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Book 11 重点,比较级的使用:,词形改变、语法及句法使用,2.,常识(,XX,之最),3.,用连词完善自己的表达,Book 12,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,第11-12册各单元教材分析,1. 目录,2. 通读各单元+单元内各部分的整合+随时联系Revision和culture club单元,Book 12,Unit 1 Being polite,Unit 2 Fire and safety,Unit 3 Lets go shopping,Unit 4 Revision,Culture Club 1: Markets around the world,Unit 5 Active animals,Unit 6 Busy people,Unit 7 Good memories,Unit 8 Revision,Culture Club 2: Animals and countries,行为礼仪与行为规范,When引导的状语从句,原级与比较级:very, enough, too, much, any other,think引导的宾语从句,一般过去时与过去进行时,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about customs and politeness,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 1,Being polite,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD + H),1) New words & phrases,2) should +动原,3) 不同场景的相关礼仪,1) When引导的状语从句,2)不同场景的相关礼仪,3) With younger people, only, meet the first time, worry about,4) What about + doing,5) Im sure .,1) 电话用语,2) My train arrives at tomorrow.,3) write down,be nice to, find out ,2),不同场景的相关礼仪,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about parallel events with “when”,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 2,Fire and safety,Part (A + H + G),Part (B1 +J1),Part (B2 + B3 + J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases (firemen),2) When引导的状语从句,3)消防安全常识,4)祈使句的肯定与否定,5) can +动原,1) When引导的状语从句,2) New words,3)动词过去式(heard, left, got .),4)过去式的疑问与否定式(did-动原),5) look out of, get out of, put out,1) When引导的状语从句,2) can - could,3) either(否定),4) let +动原,5),Its,not safe,to play,with candles.,1) When引导的状语从句,2) New words及消防小常识,3) from to, for, each day ,4),Someone,else,answers,.,5),Thank Mr Yang,for,putting,.,6) We must all,be,careful .,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Describe objects and talk about preferences,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 3,Lets go shopping,Part (A + H + G),Part (B1),Part (B2 + B3 + J),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) want to/need +动原,3) 反义词,4) a / an,New words (,颜色,),,选择疑问句,2) but, too, enough,3) They,look right,.,4) Its for young children.,5) How much,1) too-either,2) like/dont like,1) New words,2) What about, too-either,3) enough, too,4),I think,Ill keep it.,5),Thanks for,your help.,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 4,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至1-3单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 1,Markets around the world,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about animals with comparatives and superlatives,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 5,Active animals,Part (A + H + G),Part (B1 + J1),Part (B2 + B3 +J2),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) think 引导的宾语从句,3) Which animal is your favourite?,I think . They can ,4) 比较级、最高级的灵活运用,1) New words (bring-brought, 菜名),2) In fact, for a short time, sleep a lot, live for, a picture of,3) than,any other animal,.,4) 频率的表示: 16 hours a day,5) 动物常识,1) can +动原,2) 进行时、过去时(forgot)与将来时,3) much+比较级,4) ,than any other animal,.,5) Thats why .,New words,2) In seven days, a list of, out loud, one week later, some of, get home, leave my radio on,3),频率的表示,: a few times every night,4) He,can get,100%,for speaking,.,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about past activities with simple past tense and past continuous tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 6,Busy people,Part (A + H ),Part (B1 + G),Part (B2 + B3 + J),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases,2) 动词过去式(不规则),3),on,Sunday morning,in,the afternoon,1) New words (wonder),2) 一般过去时与过去进行时,New words,2),动词过去式(,told read,),3) Work hard, not only,4),make/help,sb,do, be good,at doing,5),复数:,firemen, children,过去进行时,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,New words,Talk about parallel events in the past with “when” and past continuous tense,A,B1,B2,C,Unit 7,Good memories,Part (A + H + J1),Part (B1 + J2),Part (B2 + B3 +G),Part (CD),1) New words & phrases (ring-rang),2) 过去进行时在when引导的状语从句中的使用,3) Where,were you,?,I was,1) New words (in the future),2) 不规则动词过去式(saw, bought, heard, got),3)过去进行时在when引导的状语从句中的使用: What were you doing when ?,1)不规则动词过去式(met, taught),2)过去进行时在when引导的状语从句中的使用: What were you doing when ?,New words,2),动词过去式,(said, put, hugged ),3),一般过去时与过去进行时,4),倒装句:“,”, said her mother.,5),感叹句,: What a nice present.,6) Thats a much better present,than,a book.,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Unit 8,R,e,v,i,s,i,o,n,分散至5-7单元的复习课中作为巩固消化,Culture club 2,Animals and countries,早读课讲解,(或习字课、或第二课堂),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,Book 12 重点,行为礼仪与行为规范(,Unit 1/2,),状语从句(,when-,:,Unit 1/2),宾语从句(,I think-: Unit 3/5),一般过去时与过去进行时,(Unit 2/6/7),原级与比较级,(Unit 3/5,:,too, enough, much, more, most),小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,一节好课的诞生从,了解,开始,了解教材,当你真正了解了教材,你就知道什么时候、什么部分该用怎样的时间、怎样的方式去处理教材,哪些部分需要重点突破、哪些地方可以进行整合。有了对教材的了解,你的教学就不会盲目、不会偏差、你的时间和别人一样,却有不一样的效果。,了解教材就够了吗?,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,了解自己,英语教师的职责 :,当好学生的“学习促进者”,为学生提供学习的外部条件。,创设轻松愉快的学习环境,提供可理解的正确的语言输入,提供充分的参与机会,组织有意义的互动练习,提供及时的反馈和积极的强化,一节好课的诞生从,了解,开始,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,了解学生,学生是学习的主体。,学生在课堂上是收获者,不是旁观者与看客。,好课的判断标准主要是看学生的学习效果。,一节好课的诞生从,了解,开始,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,一节好课的关键源于巧妙布局,设计的两大原则:有趣、有效。,“在每一个年轻的心灵里,都存放着求知好学、渴,望知识的火药。就看你能不能点燃这火药。”,苏霍姆林斯基,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,1. 快乐开始,围绕主题,2. 复习旧知,以旧引新,3. 巧设情景、呈现语言,4. 层层深入、练习语言,5. 设置任务、运用语言,6. 重点小结,新颖作业,符合高段外语语言学习规律的教学步骤,热身(Warm-up),复习(Revision),呈现(Presentation),练习(Practice),巩固(Consolidation),总结与评价(Sum-up & Assessment),逆向思维,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,设计简明清晰、情境化的新知呈现,呈现方法有:对话(问答)、实物、视听(运用多媒体创设情景)、游戏、猜谜、故事、歌曲、日常交际、讨论等引入方式。,设计有层次、参与广的练习活动,练习需要分层次,由机械到有意义、由浅入深、由简单到复杂,同时要尽可能地让更多的学生参与。,一节好课的关键源于巧妙布局,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,设计有层次、参与广的练习活动,1.一些机械的操练不可少。,2.开展真实有意义的活动。,3.活动安排尽量做到全员参与。,参与的策略,(1)创设友好、轻松的学习氛围。,(2)增加STT (Student Talking Time)。减少TTT。,(3)利用同桌和小组活动扩大学生说英语的机会。,(4)调整座位形式(如圆形、U形和方桌形),让学生能面对面交流。,(5)建议开展小组学习模式。,(6)正确运用好学生发言时老师的处理方法。,小学深港版英语9-12册教材分析与备课策,课堂活动设计的原则,一、Warm-up & Greetings (1),Songs & Chants:与主题相关,不可随意,师生互动;节奏活泼、轻快;简单,二、Revision (3)


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