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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,37,模块十,Units 1,2,.,单词语境记忆,1.,beyond,words,无法用言语表达,2.,repay,the money,偿还;报答,3.,flexible,hands,灵活的双手,4.,rent,a flat,出租一套公寓,5.Its my,privilege,to have such an opportunity,拥有这个机会是我的荣幸,6.,clarify,his stand,阐明他的立场,7.,permanent,residence,永久居住权,8.,controversial,remarks,有争议的言论,9.average,rainfall,平均降雨量,10.economic,boom,经济繁荣,.,词性转换与派生记忆,1.system,n,.,体系,制度,系统,systematic,adj,.,蓄意的,2.politician,n,.,从政者,政客,politics,n,.,政治,政治学,political,adj,.,政治的,3.expense,n,.,费用,开销,expensive,adj,.,昂贵的,4.weaken,vt,.&,vi,.,削弱,减弱,weak,adj,.,弱的,weakness,n,.,弱点,5.creativity,n,.,创造力,create,vt,.,创造,creative,adj,.,创造性的,6.adjustment,n,.,调整,调节,adjust,vt,.&,vi,.,调整,调节,7.hopefully,adv,.,有望;抱有希望地,hopeful,adj,.,有希望的,hope,vt,.&,n,.,希望,8.edition,n,.(,报刊的,),一期;版本,editor,n,.,编辑,编者,9.retire,vt,.&,vi,.,退休,,(,令,),退职,retirement,n,.,退休,10.elect,vi,.&,vt,.,选举;选择,(,做某事,)election,n,.,选举,11.waitress,n,.,女服务员,waiter,n,.(,男,),服务员,12.collision,n,.,冲突,抵触;碰撞,collide,vi,.,猛撞,冲突,13.sympathy,n,.,同情;赞同,sympathetic,adj,.,同情的,.,单元短语背诵,1.make up,组成,编造,2.be harmful to,对,有害,3.catch up on,补上,补做,4.put.into practice,实施,,把,付诸,实践,5.on top of,除,之外,;,在,上面,(,方,),6.push for sth,迫切要求;反复争取,7.be on the move,迁移中;行进中,8.turn into,变成,9.make sense,是明智的;是有道理的,10.cater to,迎合;满足需要,11.at best,充其量,至多,12.take advantage of,利用;,占,的,便宜,.,单元词块记忆,1.make the headlines,成为重要新闻,2.lead to poor harvests,导致收成差,3.a variety of reasons,各种原因,4.collision of cultures,文化碰撞,5.feel sympathy for,对,感到,同情,6.at a crossroad,处于关键时刻,7.beyond doubt,毫无疑问,8.conventional businesses,传统行业,9.fight poverty,与贫困作斗争,10.set alarm bells singing,敲响警钟,11.sustainable development,可持续性发展,12.alternative energy sources,可替代性能源,13.raise money for,为,筹款,14.make the public aware of,让公众意识到,1.,What developing countries really need to do,is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it.,发展中国家真正需要做的是通过解决贫困的源头来消除贫困。,2.,This is why,education and training for young people is so important.,这就是为什么对年轻人的教育和培养是如此重要。,3.In fact,,,according to the national population survey,conducted recently,,,Florida is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older.,事实上,根据最近的全国人口普查,佛罗里达州是年龄在,65,岁以及超过,65,岁的人口最密集的地区。,4.,As the number of older Americans moving there increases,,,more changes are made to cater to them.,随着搬迁到那里的美国老年人的增加,作出更多的改变来迎合他们。,5.,While they are seeing great development,,,they are still poorer than many countries in other parts of the world,,,and there is a danger,that they could fall further behind developed countries,.,虽然他们发展很快,但仍然比世界上许多其他地方的国家贫穷,并且这些发展中国家会处于远远落后于发达国家的危险之中。,.,单词拼写,1._ (,繁荣,)towns grow from nothing almost overnight,.,(,2018,全国卷,阅读,B),2.The man who is making a speech is an outspoken _ (,政客,).,3.We should stick to the principles and be _ (,灵活的,) as well.,4.Some people in Nigeria are training to become operators of _ (,太阳的,)energy.,5._ (,系统的,)reform is needed in many companies.,6.Her furniture is in _ (,储存,)while she finds a new house.,Boom,politician,flexible,solar,Systematic,storage,7.There were so many people that I had to _ (,挤,)carefully through the crowd.,8.The _ (,趋势,)seems to be for them to move to warmer places.,9.Perhaps you should move there when you _ (,退休,)!,10.Dont forget that using such an expensive car is not a _ (,特权,) for you.,11.If you go with me,,,you will enjoy a day of unforgettable _ (,经历,)in the outdoors.,12.With the development of _ (,工业,),,,our life is getting better and better.,squeeze,trend,retire,privilege,experiences,industry,.,词性变化练习,1.They have decided to make a few _ (adjust) to their travelling plan.,2.If you have a _ body,,,you have to do more exercise and never _ before your _ is exposed to others.(weak),3.The _ young man was famous for the _ in the special design that he _ during his trip.(create),4.It is three years since he _.The _ teacher volunteered to help the children with their homework after _.(retire),5.Though the phone is quite fashionable,,,as far as I am concerned,,,it is quite _.We must limit the _ to what we can afford.(expense),adjustments,weak,weaken,weakness,creative,creativity,created,retired,retired,retirement,expensive,expenses,6.The foreign _ finds it really unbelievable that the students cannot discuss _ during his _ lessons at the university.(politics),7._,,,after two years patient encouragement,,,the _ kid became _ in all fields.(hope),8.The girl always shows great _ to the people in trouble.She was very _ to the earthquake victims in Jiuzhai Valley,,,China,,,offering help by doing something.(sympathy),politician,politics,political,Hopefully,hopeless,hopeful,sympathy,sympathetic,.,选词填空,be harmful to,,,catch up on,,,on top of,,,push for,,,on the move,,,turn into,,,make sense,,,at best,1.No matter how hard I try,,,I cannot seem to _ all the tasks.,2.The charity is going to _ more funding to help those homeless people.,3.I think I have got to stop or I might _ a machine.,4.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky _.,5.The troops were _ again after a short rest.,catch up on,push for,turn into,make sense,on the move,6.The house stands alone _ a small hill.,7.Some boys are too crazy about playing games on the computer,,,which _ their health.,8.Dont scold him too much; he is _ a child.,on top of,is harmful to,at best,.,完成句子,1._ I recommend another category of books: literary books,.,(,浙江高考书面表达,),那就是我为什么推荐另一类图书:,文学类图书。,2._,,,nobody was injured in the accident.,尽管看起来不可思议,但是没有人在事故中受伤。,3.She didnt like the shirt _.,她不喜欢给她挑的衬衫。,That is why,Strange as it may seem,picked out for her,1,.,beyond,prep,.,超出,(,之外,),;非,所能及;在,(,或向,),的那一边;超过;迟于;除,之外,一词多义,写出下列句中,beyond,的含义,Youll find a village,beyond,the hill._,Due to circumstances,beyond,our control the performance has had to be cancelled._,Some supermarkets keep open,beyond,midnight._,More people are choosing to work,beyond,retirement age._,I knew nothing,beyond,what he told me._,在,的那一边,超出,非,所能及,迟于,超过,除,之外,单句语法填空,/,完成句子,It is thought that the scenery of the West Lake is beautiful beyond _ (describe).,I am sorry,;,it is _ to finish the difficult task within an hour.,对不起,一个小时完成这项困难的任务我做不到。,beyond belief/recognition/doubt/description/ones power,难以置信,/,认不出来,/,毫无疑问,/,无法描述,/,超出某人的能力,be beyond sb,对于某人来说难以理解,description,beyond my power,2,.,expense,n,.,费用,开销,at ones expense,由某人付费,at the expense/cost of,以,为代价;由,付费用,living expenses,生活费用,spare no expense,不惜费用,完成句子,If it should break down within the first year,,,we would repair it _.,如果它在第一年中出现了毛病,我们将免费维修。,at our expense,He _ in building a villa for himself.,他不惜工本为自己建了一幢别墅。,The pay he gets barely _.,他几乎是入不敷出。,佳句背诵,The scientist finished the research,at the expense of,his health.,那位科学家以牺牲自己的健康为代价完成了这项研究。,名师指津,expense,作,“,开支,花费,”,讲时常用复数形式。,spared no expense,covers his expenses,3,.,elect,vi,.&,vt,.,选择,(,做某事,),;选举,(1)elect sb (as/to be),职位,be elected (as/to be),职位选举某人为,(,职位前无冠词,),(2)elect to do sth,选择做某事,(3)election,n,.,选举,单句语法填空,She was elected _ new Prime Minister last year.,If I am lucky enough to win the _ (elect),,,the first thing I will do is to enrich our students after-class activities.,as,election,佳句背诵,She became the first black woman to,be elected to,the Senate.,她成为第一个被选入参议院的黑人女性。,名师指津,elect,表示,“,选举,”,时,主要指选举某人担任某职务。若所涉及的职务只有一个,如总统、市长、船长等,表示该职务的名词前通常不用冠词。,4,.,privilege,n,.,荣幸,特权,vt,.,给予特权,特别优待,(1)a privilege to do sth/of doing sth,有幸做某事,have the privilege to do/of doing sth,have the right to do sth,有做某事的特权,(2)privileged,adj,.,享有特权的;荣幸的;幸运的,be privileged to do sth,做某事是荣幸的,单句语法填空,We are privileged _ (have) a distinguished guest with us tonight.,We consider ourselves _ (privilege) to have been invited to give a speech here.,to have,privileged,佳句背诵,It must be,a privilege to know,such a man.,认识这样的人肯定很荣幸。,5,.,clarify,vt,.,阐明,使更清晰易懂,澄清;净化,(1)clarify one,s position (on),阐明,(,方面的,),立场,clarify what/how/.,澄清,(2)clarification,n,.,澄清;解释,单句语法填空,Please contact us if you require _ (clarify)of any of these matters.,佳句背诵,He was required to,clarify his position,at once.,他被要求立刻阐明他的立场。,clarification,6,.,put sth into practice,实施,把,付诸实践,(1)in practice,事实上,实际上,be/get out of practice,生疏;荒废,(2)practise doing sth,练习做某事,单句语法填空,It sounded like a good idea,,,but _ practice it didnt work.,You need to practice _ (speak)English to make greater progress.,佳句背诵,Your idea is good but the question is how to,put it into practice,.,你的想法不错,但问题是怎样把它付诸实践。,in,speaking,7,.,on top of,除,之外;在,上面,(,方,),on top,在顶部;处于领先地位,at the top of,在,上面,at the top of one,s voice,高声地,from top to bottom,从上到下;彻底,完成句子,_ the hill lies an old cottage where you can have a wonderful view of the whole city.,山顶上坐落着一个你能一览全城美景的古老的小屋。,At the top of,She remained _ for the rest of the match.,在余下的比赛中她一直领先。,佳句背诵,On top of,all his financial problems,,,his wife left him.,除了他在经济上的问题,他妻子也离开了他。,on top,8,.,make sense,是明智的;是有道理的;有意义,讲得通,(1)make sense of,理解;明白,make no sense,没意义,(2)in a sense,在某一方面;就某种意义来说,in no sense,决不,(,用在句首时,句子用部分倒装,),There is no/little sense in doing sth,做某事没道理,单句语法填空,Only after I read the poem a second time did I make sense _ it.,As far as Im concerned,,,there is no sense in _ (get)upset about it now.,of,getting,佳句背诵,It doesnt,make sense,to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.,只是为了省一点钱买最便宜牌子的电脑没有意义,。,名师指津,(1)make sense,是物作主语,无被动语态;,make sense of,是人作主语,可以用于被动语态,用,of,引出物。,(2)make sense,与,make sense of,中,sense,前不加冠词,,sense,本身也不能用复数形式。,9,.,at best,充其量,至多,at worst,在最坏的情况下,at,on,e,s,best,全盛时期,make the best of,充分利用,完成句子,/,句型转换,The actor was _ in his first movie.,这位演员出演他的第一部电影时正值巅峰状态。,at his best,The teacher often asks us to make full use of every chance to improve our spoken English.,The teacher often asks us to _ every chance to improve our spoken English.,佳句背诵,The movie was,at best,ordinary,,,and,at worst,boring.,这部电影,顶多评为一般,说不中听一点很无聊。,make the best of,10,.,what,引导名词性从句,What developing countries really need to do,is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it.(,教材原句,),发展中国家真正需要做的是通过解决贫困的源头来消除贫困。,句中,what,引导主语从句。,what,引导名词性从句的一般用法如下:,what,引导名词性从句时可以作主语、宾语或表语。,What we cant get,seems better than,what we have,.,我们不能得到的看起来比我们拥有的要更好。,_ has now become a reality.,过去认为不可能的事现已成为现实。,What was once regarded as impossible,上面所提到的是,what,引导名词性从句所表达的常见意义,其特殊含义如下:,(1),表示,“,的人,”,,相当于,“the person that.”,。,He is not _ he was a few years ago.,他不是几年前的他了。,(2),表示,“,的地方,”,,相当于,“the place that.”,。,_ is now the North Sahara Desert was once a civilized world.,现在是北部撒哈拉沙漠的地方曾是一个文明世界。,(3),表示,“,的数目,”,,相当于,“the amount/number that.”,。,Our income is now double _.,我们现在的收入是十年前的两倍。,what,What,what it was ten years ago,


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