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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Sports Are Fun,!,Part 1 Listening and Speaking,Part 2 Reading and Writing,Part 3 Language in Use,Part 4 Real Life Skills,Unit 5 Sports Are Fun,!,(建议,7,课时),Part 1 Listening and Speaking,一、学习要求,(一)掌握日常生活中常进行的几种体育运动名称的英语表达与相关活动用语。,(二)掌握听力材料中的相关词汇和句型。,二、学法指导,(一)掌握听力材料中的重点词汇和句型,并能熟练运用相关句型。,(二)能够集中注意力,获取听力材料的信息,提高听力技巧。,(三)了解运动的项目名称,掌握其英语表达。,(四)建议学习方法:,1.,通过网络、图书资料等查询有关运动项目名称的英语表达及相关知识。,2.,课前背诵,P88,页单词,tennis racket,。,三、课堂探究,1.,问题探究,(1)读题、预测并回答:Does Billy do sports a lot? 然后听一遍,检查预测是否正确。(完成P75练习1),(2)再听一遍,划出对话中有关于运动的问题的句子。(完成P75练习2),听说,A,2.,知识链接,(1)学习关于运动的有用的表达句型并反复操练:,Asking about Sports:,What sports do you like best?,Whats your favorite sport?,When do you usually play volleyball/ basketball/ football/?,How often do you go cycling/ swimming/ boating?,Possible Responses:,I like best.,I like to play,In the afternoon/ morning/ evening/.,Three times/ Once/ Twice a week/ month/ day/.,(2)与同伴谈论喜爱的运动项目。(可参照书上给出的对话模式。)(完成P76练习3),(3)语言知识点的讲解,* three times a week : 一周三次。,Xiao Ming goes to the supermarket three times a week.小明一周去三次超市。,* how often: 表示频率,How often do you write home? 你多久写信回家一次?,词组辨析:,how soon 多久之后,多快,How soon will they go abroad? 他们什么时候出国?,how much 多少(钱),How much are these flowers? 这些花多少钱?,how long 多长,How long is the Great Wall? 长城有多长?,3.当堂训练,与同桌合作完成对话,并反复操练。(完成P76练习4),三、课堂探究,1.,问题探究,(1)阅读听说B中的三个题目,听对话并找出最佳答案。(完成P77练习6),听说,B,(2)再听一遍对话,找出Paul给Marie建议的句子,完成P78练习7。,2.知识链接,(1)学习给出对方建议的表达方式并造句来反复操练。,Youd better 你最好,Why not? 为什么不?,You can 你能(会),(2)与同伴讨论关于课外活动项目的运动建议及有关装备。(可参照书上给出的对话模式。)(完成P78练习8),(3)语言知识点讲解,* had better : 表示建议,Sb. had better do sth. 缩略形式为 d better,You had better go home today. 你今天最好回家。,* Why not? : =Why dont you?,Why not go swimming now? 为什么不现在去游泳呢?,* fun: (n.)乐趣,乐事。funny(adj.) 有趣的,滑稽的,What fun it is to go skating with you! 和你们一起去溜冰真是件乐事啊!,*hardly: 几乎不,表示否定,Tom hardly ever exercises, does he? 汤姆几乎不做运动,是吗?,* prepare: prepare for ,You should prepare some paper and pencils for the exam. 你们应该为考试准备些纸和笔。,2,.当堂训练,通过小组活动来完成关于课外活动的表格。(完成P78练习9),Part 2 Reading and Writing,一、学习要求,(一)全面理解课文,掌握各种体育运动的英语表达方式及运动规则和比赛规则。,(二)培养阅读技巧和阅读能力。,(三)能正确使用表示顺序的时间短语。,(一)了解并掌握课文的主要信息;,(二)掌握课文中的一些重要语言点;,(三)上网搜寻相关体育运动项目英语名称及其运动比赛规则。,(四)联系自己学校每年召开的运动会,用英语说说或写写有哪些比较受欢迎的体育运动项目;,(五)用英语谈谈或写写你或你朋友、同学有什么最热衷的运动,以及这些运动的比赛规则。,二、学法指导,三、课堂探究,1.,问题探究,(1) popular:受喜爱的(adj.) be popular with 受到欢迎,Mr. Smith is popular with his students.,(2) get excited 兴奋,the most exciting events 最让人感到兴奋的比赛,(3)colored flags like we are having a big festival.,like, 表示“象”的意思, 一般是形容词、介词,也可作连接词。,例:,The picture is not at all like. 这张画画得一点也不象。(作形容词),He looks like a girl. 他看上去象个女孩。(作介词),He can drive the tractor like you do.他能象你一样开拖拉机。(作连接词),(4)get to +地点 “到达.”类似意义的词组还有:,arrive in + 大地点(指城市,国家等),arrive at +小地点(指具体的某个地点),reach (vt.) +地点,例:You should get to school on time.,He arrived at school at 7 yesterday.,Tom arrived in Shanghai yesterday.,Tom and David reached Beijing yesterday morning.,(5)among (prep.) 在(其)中 (指三者或三者以上的其中),Divide the cake among the three children.,2.,知识链接,(,1,),take part in “,参加”, 后常接活动、聚会、会议等。例:,We often take part in physical labour.,我们经常参加体力劳动。,He took part in the contest.,他参加了比赛。,Did they take part in the meeting yesterday?,他们昨天参加会议了吗?,join “,参加”,用作及物动词,是参加一群人活动或加入某个组织成为其成员。,Will you join us?,请来和我们一起活动(打球、跳舞、吃饭等)好吗?,He joined the army in 1973.,他是,1973,年参军的。,join,可以直接和,in,连用,这时仍然是“参加”一起活动的意思。例:,He joined in the discussion.,attend,作为及物动词是“出席”、“参加”的意思。例:,You must attend the meeting,attend,有时,= go to ,是比较正式的用语,一般用于,attend school,(上学),,attend church,(做礼拜),,attend a court of law,(出庭)。,(2)While the players have great fun in the game,比较:与when,as的用法:,while 表示“当时候”, 是“在某一段时间里”,因此它引导的句子里的动词必须是延续性的。例:,While we were in Beijing, we saw him twice. 我们在北京时见到他两次。,While we were talking ,he came in. 我们谈话时他进来了。,when 表示“当.时”,可以表示是一下子,也可以是一段时间。例:,When the clock struck twelve, all the lights went out.,当钟敲了12下,所有的灯都熄了。,When I went into the room, he was at work.,当我走进房间时,他正在工作。,在下面句子里,when 等于and then , 只能放在句末,when 前有逗号。例:,I was walking along the street, when I met him. 我沿着街走,碰到了他。,They arrived at six, when we all had dinner.,他们六点到达,然后我们一起吃饭。,as 引导时间状语从句有下列常见用法:,表示“一边一边”(强调主句动作与从句动作同时发生),He hurried home, looking behind as he went.,表示“随着”(主句的情景随着从句所表达的时间变化而变化),We get wiser as we got older.,引导的时间状语从句中谓语动词可为瞬间动词(此时as=when),也可为延续动词(as=when/while),表示一个较长的时间背景。,As/when they opened the door, he said “Dont light the lamps”.,As/when/while I was walking one day in the park , I met my friend.,(3) as well,比较与too ,also, as well as 的用法:,as well = too , “也”,是副词短语,一般放在句末。,例:He is a peasant, and a poet as well. 他是农民,也是诗人。,too常置于句末,前面可用逗号。例:,He is a poet, too.,also 一般用于句中,其位置在行为动词之前,动词to be 之后。例:,I also went.,You are also wrong.,also, too 一般用于肯定句中。,as well as 有几个不同的用法:,* 用于相等比较,是“一样好”的意思。,He speaks English as well as Chinese. 他说英语象说汉语一样好。,I can do as well as you. 我能象你做得一样好。,* 与and的意思相同.,We shall travel by night as well as by day. 我们将日夜兼程。,* 表示“除以外”。注意下列句子的翻译:,He is a poet as well as a peasant. 他不仅是农民,还是一个诗人。,He called on you as well as me. 他不仅拜访了我, 也拜访了你。,3.,当堂训练,( ) (1)What,it is to sit on the beach , bathing in the sun.,A a funB funC funny D funs,( ),(2) Why not,the contest?,A joinB participating inC take part in D to attend,( ),(3)All the teachers attended the meeting that,in the big hall.,A heldB were heldC was being heldD was held,( ),(4)The 27th Olympic Games,in Sydney. Which of the following is wrong?,A took placeB happenedC were heldD broke out,B,C,D,D,( ) (5)I was very,at the,news.,A excited; excitedB exciting; exciting,C excited; excitingD exciting; excited,( ),(6) Youd better,you hair,after school.,A had, cutB have, cutC to have, cutD to have, to cut,( ),(7)It often takes me half an hour,home.,A walkingB to walkC walkedD walks,( ),(8)Great changes,since last year.,A were taken placeB have taken place,C have been taken placeD took place,C,B,B,B,Part 3 Language in Use,一、学习要求,(一)能清楚地区分/ i /、 / /、 / u /、 / au /的发音及有关读音规则;,(二)能区分can和 could的用法,并能熟练运用。,二、学法指导,(一)上网查询,/ i /,、,/ /,、,/ u /,、,/ au /,发音方法,能正确发音;,(二)掌握并正确运用情态动词,can,和,could,的用法;,(三)阅读有关语法讲解资料,感知情态动词,can,和,could,用法区别。,三、知识要点,1 / i /、 / /、 / u / 和/ au /的发音。,元音音素:发音时声带振动,气流在通道上不受发音器官阻碍的音素叫元音。,/ i /、 / / 是集中双元音,/ u / / au / 是合口双元音,2 can和could的用法介绍,(1) 表示能力,When he was young, he could sing very well.,(2) 表示客观可能性,Man cannot live without air.,(3) 表示许可(多用于口语),Can I go now?,(4) 表示请求,在这种语境下,适用比用语气更显委婉客气。could 此时和can没有时间上的差别。它主要用于疑问句,不用于肯定句,因此回答时要改用can.,-Could I come here again tomorrow?,-Yes, you can.(或No, Im afraid not.),(5) 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度(主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中),This cant be done by him.,Can this be true?,3.知识链接,标出下列单词划线部分的音标,b,eer,d,ear,b,ear,.,c,oa,t,l,ou,d,th,eir,.,d,ow,n,cl,o,se,h,ere,.,/ i / / i / / /,/ u / / au / / /,/ au / / u / / i /,Part 4,Real Life Skills,一、学习要求,(一)通过填写运动会的项目报名登记表来增强人际交往能力与积极参与意识。,(二)学会统计数据并绘制条形统计图。,(三)培养阅读技巧和阅读能力。,二、学法指导,(一)通过小组活动完成运动会报名表填写;,(二)掌握阅读材料中的重点词组,;,(三)了解数据统计的相关知识,学会统计数据并绘制条形统计图;,(四)了解,2014,年南京青奥会的相关情况。,(五)建议学习方法,小组合作,通过网络、图书资料等查找数据统计图和,2014,年南京青奥会的相关知识;可采用自主学习和讨论相结合的方法。,三、课堂探究,1.,问题探究,(1)选择自己最想参加的运动项目,完成P86练习1。,(2)操练句型:I want to join in (event) at(time)。,(3)通过小组活动填写运动会登记表,完成P86练习2。,(4)阅读Further Reading,背记以下词组:,来自全球from all across the globe 打算,着手 be set to,被装扮 be dressed up,准备好做某事 get ready to do sth.,占据 take up,把和结合 combine with ,2.,知识链接,(1)模拟运动会召开的各运动项目报名,统计班级里参加每个项目的人数,并将其绘制成条形统计图,完成P87练习3。,(2)上网查询扇形统计图和折线统计图的制作要求,完成P87练习3,同时再改用扇形统计图和折线统计图进行制作。,(3)学习Further Reading,讨论并思考:,The 2014 Youth Olympic Games is drawing near., what can you do for the great event?,3.,当堂训练,用条形统计图形式统计班级里学生最喜欢科目的具体人数。,谢谢!,


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