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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Pygmalion,Period 5 Reading & Writing,NSEFC Students Book 8,Reading,Pygmalion,Afterwards,Act Five,Its a great success.,How about the,garden party?,Afterwards?,Pre-reading,While-reading,Why does she throw the shoes at him?,Why does Henry think he won the bet?,Why does Eliza collect Henrys slippers for,his though she is not a servant?,Why does Eliza get upset when Henry does,not congratulate her?,Why does Henry get upset when he hears,Eliza will marry Freddy?,1,2,3,4,5,Fill in the chart,Evidence of Elizas,feelings for Henry,She works hard to win his bet for him.,She is disappointed that he does not acknowledge her hard work.,She realizes he will only ever think of her as a flower girl.,Evidence of Henrys feelings for Eliza,He is surprised she is upset that he does not congratulate her for her success at the party.,He is upset that she is thinking of leaving him and marrying Freddy.,He is overjoyed with his triumph in the bet, but ignores Elizas feeling and shoes little concern about her future.,Make a dialogue about a possible ending,Do you think Eliza should marry Freddy?,Do you think Eliza should marry Henry?,If she marries Henry, do you think he will become a good husband?,Ending,Ending,Ending,Sample dialogue,S1:,I think Id like Henry to marry Eliza. They do really like each other.,S2:,Yes, they do. But do you think Eliza would like being married to Henry? I think Pickering is so much nicer to her.,S1:,Yes, indeed. So perhaps hes really fond of her and would like to marry her!,S2:,Yes. That would make a really good ending.,S1:,Pickering shows care and concern for Eliza. She clearly likes him as he looks after her.,S2:,Hes the only one to notice if shes tired or needs something to eat.,Sample dialogue,S1:,Henry, on the other hand, is always rude to her and makes nasty comments about her. I think he still thinks of her as a flower girl.,S2:,He would make a bad husband as hes so unkind. Hed spend all his time with his men friends. He keeps telling her where she was going wrong. Poor Eliza! Thats not marriage!,S1:,So we agree. The best solution would be for,Colonel Pickering to marry Eliza. Right now lets find out what really happened,Now, please get ready to act out the ending that your group agree on.,Role play,Group work,Think about why Bernard Shaw did not end his play happily with Henry marrying Eliza. Remember that the story is based on the Greek tale of Pygmalion even though there is no character called Pygmalion in the play. Please work out the similarities and differences between the play and the story.,Fill in the chart,The story of Pygmalion and the Play Pygmalion,Similarities,They are both about a man who “makes” a perfect woman.,Both the women benefit: Galatea by becoming alive and Eliza by learning how to behave I polite society.,Differences,In the story, the artist admits that he has fallen in love with the statue, but in the play Henry does not admit that he loves Eliza.,In the story the artist and the statue get married and live happily together, but in the play they do not get married and appear to part.,In the story the artist changes from not liking women to loving one, but in the play Henry does not appear to change as much as Eliza,.,Post-reading,Discuss how the characters change in the story and the play?,Eliza,A rough, dirty flower girl who spoke bad English,Eliza,A beautiful and accomplished girl,Galatea,stone,Galatea,A real person,Pygmalion,A man who dislikes women,Pygmalion,a man who loves a particular woman,Group work,1,What does he think of Eliza at the beginning of the play?,2,What does he think of Eliza at the end of the play?,3,Has his attitude changed? If yes, how?,Does,Henry,change? Consider these questions:,His attitude changes. It seems he cant live without her. He is actually in love with her, but he finds it difficult to show this feeling. He wants her to stay but is not prepared to give her anything that would make her stay.,Writing,Now use all this information you have gathered about the connection between the story and the play and write a review of the play. First, analyze the play in groups. You may find the following headings useful in your discussion:,What is the theme of the play?,Who are the main characters?,What is the main plot?,What time period is the play set in?,Marketing Diagram,After the discussion, decide on the organization of your review. You may have an outline like this:,A brief summary of what happens in the play and your general opinion on it.,Select one aspect you want to write about -the theme, one of the characters, a small scene, the plot development, the language or the writing style and why you choose that aspect.,End your review by stating what you have learned or enjoyed about this play.,Develop your ideas on the aspect you select.,Para1:,Para2:,Para3:,Para4:,Sample review of the play Pygmalion,I enjoyed studying the play Pygmalion very much I found it both amusing and interesting. As in the ancient Greek play the theme of the play changes. In the Greek play, the artist Pygmalion changes from a person who dislikes women to someone who loves one particular woman, Galatea. In this modern play Henry Higgins changes from a person who first dislikes Eliza to someone who does like Eliza though he will not admit it. In the Greek play the statue changes from stone into a real person. In this play Eliza changes from a flower girl into a beautiful and accomplished lady.,The play is set in the early 20th century. It is at a time when social groups in society are fixed and they can be identified through clothes and languages. So when Eliza,Sample review of the play Pygmalion,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,improves both her clothes and conversation, she is able to act like a real lady.,I think the time period in which the play is set increases my interest in the play. I enjoyed the use of badly spoken English. I like to see the way Elizas language changes from bad grammar to beautiful English. I also like the idea that she changed from being dirty and badly dressed to looking so beautiful that people think she must be a princess.,I learned a lot about English society a hundred years ago. I also enjoyed following the development of the people in the play. I look forward to seeing the play acted on the stage.,Assignment,Predict the end of the play.,Thank You !,


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