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,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1,Customer Needs, Characteristics and Behavior,January 24th Lecture,2,Outline of January 24,th,Lecture,Understand Customer Needs by reviewing Driving and Non-Driving Tasks, and Vehicle Usages.,Understand Customer Satisfaction “Kano” Model,Learn Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Launch Project P-2 and Its Procedure,3,Vehicle Users and Usages,Understand the Market Segment (e.g. Economy/ luxury/ ultra luxury; car/truck/SUV; US/Europe/Japan/Asia, etc.),Think about who are the users (Determine user population: Distribution of age, anthropometric and other characteristics),Study Usages How they interact with and use the vehicle,Our goal is to design the vehicle to satisfy the users i.e. make the vehicle comfortable, convenient and safe for most (95%, 99%) of the users,4,Trip: Vehicle Usage Steps and Some Considerations*,Get Key and Key fob - finding, holding, operating; gloves, finger nails; Other objects brought with them to carry in the vehicle,Unlock Door inserting fingers, grasping, operating; gloves; finger rings,Open Door - door opening forces, swing space; clearance to shin, head, torso, etc.,* = Think about human dimensions, forces exerted, body postures, memorized information, user familiarity, information gathered, etc. -comfort, convenience, safety.,5,Vehicle Usage Steps,Entering and Door Closing- door regrasp, holding s/w and door, foot movements, knee movements, buttocks slide; door swing space, map pocket to rocker space, knee space, thigh space between seat and steering wheel, driver centerline to rocker, rocker height, seat height, head room, grab handle/pocket,Seat Adjustments - finding seat controls, grasping and operating; posture and hand clearance,Body Accommodation Space - Headroom, legroom, knee room, foot room, shoulder room, elbow space, stomach clearance,6,Vehicle Usage Steps,Visibility - front, sides and rear; in-direct field of view (mirrors); obscurations due to pillars, headrests, etc.,Mirror Adjustments - finding, operating; finger clearances,Key Insertion and Starting - key grasp, orientation, alignment; knuckle-hand clearance,7,Vehicle Usage Steps,Gear Shifting reach, hand grasp, movements, forces; hand space, clearances to ashtray, cups/cupholder, parking brake, console, foot movements for pedals, etc.,Steering - location with respect to driver centerline; Stomach, thigh, hand, elbow, shin, knee and foot spaces,Pedal Operation - location with respect to driver centerline, steering wheel; foot positioning, heel locations (Heel Point), ball of foot (BOF) location, brake pedal lift-off, foot space, right foot rest,8,Vehicle Usage Steps,Hand Control Operation - location, visibility, legibility, operation, clearances, forces, etc.,Hand Support - armrest and console height, lateral and longitudinal locations,Seating Comfort - seat cushion and back angles, cushion length, breadth, back height, lumbar support, curvatures, padding, bolsters, seating reference point (SgRP), etc.,9,Vehicle Usage Steps,Parking - Visibility, proximity to other objects,Door Opening - inside door release location, clearances, etc.,Exiting - Hand and foot movements, grasps, body space, etc.,10,Methods to Obtain Information,Observations,: Who observes? What is observed? How observed? When/where observed? Number of observations,Communications,: User surveys Who to survey? How to survey?,Experimentation,: Measurements/observations during staged situations (e.g. different product configurations),11,Experimental Evaluation of Step Heights by Use of a Direction of Magnitude Rating Scale,12,Driving Tasks,While driving, the driver performs a number of tasks. The tasks can be classified as follows:,Lateral Control of his/her vehicle,: Maintaining vehicle within a given lane,Longitudinal Control,: Maintaining control in the forward (X) direction in the roadway and maintaining distance from the lead vehicle in the same lane.,Roadway Monitoring,: Acquiring information about the state of the roadway and traffic (reading signs, signals, traffic control devices; detecting objects on or on the sides of roadway, etc).,13,Driving Tasks (contd.),Crash Avoidance,: Avoiding collision with objects in the vehicle path.,Route Guidance,: Obtaining information about intended destination from route guidance signs or memorized roadway landmarks.,Using In-Vehicle Controls and Displays,: Acquiring information from displays and controls. Adjusting and using inside and outside mirrors,Other Non-Driving Tasks,: Listening/talking to passengers, using car phones or other in-vehicle devices, eating, reading materials, searching/grasping objects (e.g. coins, maps, papers, etc.),14,Factors,Affecting,Driving Tasks,What are driving,tasks,? How are these,tasks,affected by,types of roadways and driving situations on the roadways and the environment?,-,Lateral Control,(e.g. snow on the pavement),-,Longitudinal Control,(e.g. speed),-,Responding to external events, traffic,(other vehicles; pedestrians, animals, etc.),-,Route Guidance,(e.g. information displayed on,highway signs),-,In-Vehicle Tasks,(e.g. instrument panel layout),15,Effect of Other Factors on Tasks,Age (Young over involved in accidents; Oldadaptation due to capability deterioration),Gender,Fatigue, Alcohol, Sleep Deprivation (Drowsy Driver),Weather,Vehicle Parameters (Body Style, Age/ Degradation),16,Driving Performance Studies and Data,Tasks studied extensively (by highway designers) and why?,- Car Following, Headway maintenance,Traffic Flows/Highway Capacities (Vehicles,per lane),- Velocity Maintenance,Traffic Speeds/Flows,- Lateral accelerations,Negotiating Curves and Evasive maneuvers,- Acceleration,Starting from stop, entering freeways,- Deceleration,Braking, approaching intersections,- Object Detection/Recognition,- Driver Decision Making,17,Areas that Vehicle Manufacturers Study,Driver Positioning and Packaging,Driver Informational Needs,Field of View,Controls and Displays,Entry/Exit,Loading/Unloading,Storage Spaces,Service & Maintenance,18,Goal: Customer Satisfaction,Kano Model of Quality suggests relationships of,dissatisfiers,(unspoken,wants),satisfiers,(Give more of), and,delighters,(Wows) to customer,satisfaction (CTS=Requirements Critical to Customer Satisfaction).,Remove Dissatisfiers,Add Delights,Increase,Increase Satisfiers,19,Dimensions of Product Quality,20,Translating Customer Needs for Vehicle Design,Marketing Wants Based on customer surveys, feedback, etc.,Data on Customer Satisfaction, Warranty, Repairs from Dealers, J. D. Power, Auto Magazines, etc.,Benchmarking,Corporate Databases, Engineering Requirements,Standards and Regulations,21,Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Tool used by Japanese in the 1980s to cascade customer needs into product specification,It is a comprehensive product planning tool,Requires multi-functional team involvement,Time consuming,22,Quality Function Deployment (QFD),P-2: Second Home Work Project,P-2 Reports & Presentations due on February 14,th,.,(Distance Learning Students must upload PowerPoint with Verbal Presentation and Report Files before the scheduled lecture on the due date.),23,Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Also called,“House of Quality”,24,QFD,It is a product planning tool used to fulfill customer expectations.,It is a disciplined approach to product design, engineering, and production.,It can improve engineering knowledge, productivity and quality and reduce costs, product development time, and engineering changes.,It is employed to translate customer expectations (voice of the customer) requirements to specific product requirements in terms of engineering or technical characteristics.,25,QFD Example- BicycleHandlebar Stem Design,(from Besterfield,s Book),26,QFDApproach,27,CascadingRequirements- in Toyota,spaint rusting problem,28,Customer Requirements (What), Design Requirements (How), Relationships and Importance Ratings,29,Roof of House of Quality (QFD),30,Plotting Product Ratings,31,An Example of a Completed QFD Chart,32,Blank QFD Chart for Homework,33,Data Collection Methods,Three basic types of methods used in research in different combinations.,- Methods of Observations,- Methods of Communication,- Methods of Experimentation,34,Some Examples of Data Collection Situations,Product is shown,to a participant and his/her,responses,(verbal, expressions),are noted (recorded),by an observer/listener/video taped.,Product is shown,to a participant, and then,responses to questions,asked by an interviewer,are recorded.,35,Some Examples of Data Collection Situations,A respondent is,asked to use,a product, and then,responses to a number of questions,asked in a questionnaire or asked by an interviewer are recorded.,A respondent is,asked to use a number of products,and his/her,performance,in completing different tasks,is measured,.,36,Some Examples of Data Collection Situations,A respondent is,asked to use a number of products,and then asked to,rate products,based on a number of criteria (e.g. preference, usability, accommodation, effort, etc.),


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