人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section B课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How often do you exercise?,Section B,Unit 2,Oral practice,How often do you do these activities?,do homework,Every day,A: How often do you do your homework?,B: Every day.,exercise,three times a week,A: How often do you exercise?,B: Three times a week.,Jim/once a week,LiMing/twice a week,Tony/3 or 4 times a week,Bob/every day,Lilei/hardly ever,Peter/never,1._ junk food,2. _ milk,3. _ fruit,4. _vegetables,5._sleep,6. _coffee,b,a,d,e,c,1a Match,the words,f,a,b,c,d,e,f,A: How often do you drink milk?,B: I drink milk every day.,A: Do you like it?,B: No. But my mother,wants me to,drink,it. She says it,is good for,my,health.,1b Ask and answer questions. Use the words from 1a.,Find,healthy:,unhealthy:,cola, salad, soup, hot dog, mushroom,broccoli, milk , hamburger, dumpling, potato chips, fried chicken, onion,junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, fruit, vegetables,healthy:,unhealthy:,salad, soup, broccoli, milk , dumpling, onion, mushroom, milk, fruit, vegetables,cola, hot dog, potato chips, fried chicken, hamburger, junk food, coffee, chocolate,Are they,in good health,?,Of course, they arent.,Why are they so heavy?,Because their,eating habits,are,bad.,health n.,健康,healthy adj. =/= unhealthy,healthily adv.,She is in good health.=,She is healthy.,We should eat healthily.,activities,Every day,Three or four times a week,Once or twice a week,never,Eat vegetables,Eat fruit,Drink milk,Eat junk food,Drink coffee,My eating habits are _.,good/ok/bad?,How are your,eating habits?,1,c .Listen to an interview about twopeoples daily habits. Circle your answer to each questions.,Does Tina have good habits?,Yes .,No.,I dont know.,Does Bill have good habits?,Yes .,No .,I dont know.,1,d. Listen again . Fil in the blanks,in the survey.,Tina,Bill,Questions,Tina,Bill,1.,How often do you,exercise,?,every day,2.,How often do you,eat,f,ruit?,3.,How many hours do you sleep every night?,4.,How often do you drink milk?,5.,How often do you eat junk food?,6.,How often do you drink coffee?,hardly ever,every day,sometimes,nine,every day,never,two or three,times a week,three or four,times a week,never,four times,a day,nine,I think,Ti,na has better,eat,ing,habits,. Because she,every day,.,She,two or three times a week.,She never,3,5,1,4,2,6,15,20,20,45,10,90,13,2,85,2c,How,many percent of the student,do,not,exercise,at all,?,2. How,many percent of the students use the Internet every day,?,Twenty percent do not exercise at all,.,Ninety percent of them use the Internet every day,.,Read,the article again,and answer the questions.,3,.,How often do most students watch TV,?,What do they usually watch?,4,.,What does the writer think is the best way to relax,? Wh,y,?,They watch TV every day,.,They usually watch sports and game shows.,We think the best way to relax is through exercise,.,Because it is healthy for the mind and the body.,5,.,Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not?,No , I dont think so,.,Because they watch TV more and exercise less.,Eighty-five percent of the students always watch TV,.,Forty -five percent of the students usually exercise,.,Ten percent of the students often use the Internet,.,Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV,.,Two percent of the students sometimes watch TV,.,result n.,结果,I want to know the result of the exam.,percent n.,百分之。,Twenty percent of the people like fruit.,3 online adj.,联网的,Online shopping is cheap.,4 although conj.,虽然,Although I am tired, I go on working hard.=,I am tired but I go on working hard.,5 through prep.,凭借 穿过,The best way to relax is through exercise.,They are going through the forest.,6 such adj. pron.,这样的,I never say such things.,Such was the results.,He knows six languages,such as,Chinese and French.,例如,7 together adv.,在一起,Let s go shopping together.,die v. dying,死亡,adj. dead n. death,She is afraid she is _.,Her pet _ last night.,The pig is _ because of the illness.,His friends _ makes him sad.,d,ying,d,ied,d,ead,d,eath,every day,u,sually,hardly ever,a,lways,sometimes,hardly ever,never,than prep. conj.,比,I am taller than her.,I am taller than she is.,more than =/= less than,多于 少于,He exercises more than two hours.,I have less than ten friends.,9 magazine n.,He enjoys reading a magazine.,10 however adv.,I like English but I dont like math.,I like English, however I dont like math.,4,Add five questions to the survey on,page 81. Then ask three classmates the questions and take notes. Discuss and decide: Who is the healthiest student?,SURVEY,Who is the healthiest?,Healthy / unhealthy lifestyle?,Lisa sleeps eight hours every night.,She eats a good breakfast and she,exercises every day.,She never eats junk food.,Healthy / unhealthy lifestyle?,Pam likes watching TV. On weekends, she never exercises and she doesnt like fruits or vegetables. She eats junk food. And Pam never goes to,the doctor.,Healthy / unhealthy lifestyle?,Tom is tall and thin. He plays tennis three times a week and he runs every Saturday. He never watches TV. He eats fruits and vegetables every day and sleeps nine hours every night.,How can we,keep healthy,?,Try to,eat,more,healthy food,and,less,junk food.,Try to,exercise every day.,Everyone,must,sleep,8 or 9 hours every night.,Unit 2,二,一台电视机,通过锻炼,智慧和身体,例如我们,例如做运动,一起玩,聚会,去看牙医,读杂志,多于,少于,a television,through exercise,the mind and the body,such as us,such as playing sports,play together,get together,go to the dentist,read a magazine,more than,less than,Unit 2,二,四十分,上钢琴课,熬夜,吃健康的早饭,至少一周两次,想让我喝牛奶,有好习惯,第五中学学生,在他们空闲时间里,询问学生关于活动,forty points,have piano lessons,stay up late,eat a healthy breakfast,less than twice a week,want me to drink milk,have good habits,No. 5 Middle School students,in their free time,ask students about activities,


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