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On_(他一到达巴黎arrival), he was recognized as a famous person.,arriving at the station,his arrival in Paris,(,5,),no sooner than,hardly,/scarcely/rarely, when,1.No sooner _,_,it started to rain(他刚一到家reach).,2.Hardly,_,the telephone rang(她刚一进入房间enter).,had they reached home than,had I entered the room when,5)Every time, each time,next time,the first /last time,any time, by the time 等也可以引导时间状语从句,1._,_, I had pain in my,head(每次我感冒cold).,2.Be sure to call me,_,.,(下次你来这儿的时候),3._, I will,h,ave been here for three years.(到我从这所学校毕业的时候),Every time I caught a cold,next time you come here,By the time I graduate from this school,(6)immediately/directly/instantly,I will inform you _.,(一有任何机会opportunity),(7)at the news,_,he began to cry.(一听到消息news),if there is any opportunity,At the news,before,“ 还未就”, “不到就”,,“趁就”,1. _ we felt tired(我们还未跑一英里就before).,2.Do it now_(趁你没忘记before).,3._, he had,Measured me.(我还没来得及插话),4._, the,train had gone.(他们还没到车站),We hadnt run a mile before,before you forget,Before I could get in a word,Before they reached the station,It was(not) +时间段+before sb.did 过多久才, /没过多久就,1.she shut the door _,(我还没来得及说什么say),2.We will take measures _,(趁事情还没恶化get),3.It was/took two years _,(我们才再次相遇meet),before,还没来得及,趁.,It will be +时间段+before.,要多久才,It will not be+时间段+before,要不了多久 就会,before I could say something,before it gets worse,before we met again,1.,It will be two years_,(我才回来,before),2._(要不了多久) the problem is solved.,before I come back,3.,It was three months_,(他才去美国before).,before he went to America,before,还没来得及,趁.,It will be +时间段+before.,要多久才,It will not be+时间段+before,要不了多久 就会,It wont be long before,since/ever since,1.He _(teach)English for 10 years since he _(graduate)from the university.,2.He _(work)in the factory since he _(leave)his country.,has taught,graduated,has worked,left,比较:before,that,when,since,1.,-,What was the party like?,-,Wonderful. It years _I enjoyed myself,so much.,2.It was half past eleven _,_,_he finished the task.,3.It was at half past eleven _,_,he finished the job.,4.It was a long time _I went to sleep again.,since,when,that,before,2. 让步状语从句,引导词有:,although, though, even if/though, as , while(尽管)whetheror( 无论还是 ),whoever= no matter who,whenever= no matter when,whatever= no matter what,wherever= no matter where,however= no matter how,whichever=no matter which,_, I do actually,Like the person.(尽管我接受他不完美while),1.While I accept that he is not perfect,2.Allow children the space to voice their opinions,_(即使他们,与你们的不同),Even if they are different from yours,3.He tried his best to solve the problem,_,. (无论多难),however,difficult it is,4.The old tower must be saved,_,(无论成本是什么),whatever the cost,i,s.,No matter wh-与wh_ever 的区别,No matter wh_只引导让步状语从句,此时与wh_ever 通用,_, he should be invited to the party.,Wh-ever又可引导名词性从句,而no matter wh_不能,_,will be welcome.,=,_,will be welcome,No matter when/Whenever he comes back,Whoever can help us,Anyone who can help us,3)no matter +疑问句引导让步状语从句,No matter what,happened, he shouldnt mind.,=,Whatever,happened, he shouldnt mind.,No matter who,you are, you should obey the social rules.,=,Whoever,you are, you should ,4) whether or,it is true.,_,your idea deserves consideration.(无论对错whether),Whether you believe it or not(无论你是否相信),whether right or wrong,1)as 引导的让步从句要倒装,句型为:,形容词/ 副词/ 名词(不带冠词)/ 动词(原形)+主语+谓语,_he knows a lot(尽管他很年轻young).,_,(尽管我喜欢它like), I cant afford it.,_,(尽管他是个农民farmer), he is well-educated.,_, I couldnt lift the stone.(尽管我试了try),Young as he is,Much as,I,Iike it,Farmer as he is,Try as I might,3. 地点状语从句,引导词有:,where, wherever,注意:不要混同于where 引导的定语从句,与定语从句的区别:where引导定语从句,从句前有一个表示地点的名,词,Go back where you came from.,(_,),Go back to the village where you came from. (,_,),(有志者,事竟成),Ill follow you_.(无论你去哪儿),_.,wherever you go,Where there is a will , there is a way,状语从句,定语从句,1.Please put the book _(我能容易找到的地方find),2.Please put the medicine _,(你的小孩够不着的地方reach),3.Please put the shoes _,(原来的地方be),where I can find it easily,where your child,cant reach it,where it was,比较:从句类型、引导词,1.I know _is called Wuxue.,2.That is _I disagree .,That is _I disagree to.,3.You must know _your interest lies,4.The school is built _the church lay.,what,where,what,where,where,4. 原因状语从句,由because, since, now that, as引导。,(1). because 语气最强,用来回答why提问,可用在强调句型中。,_,(是因为他生病),he didnt go with us.,(2).Since语气比because弱,表示关系上的自然结果,一般译成“既然,鉴于”(往往放于主句之前),_,lets carry out,the plan.(既然没人反对, ),Since no one is against it,It was because he was ill that,(3).as语气最弱,只说明一般的因果关系(可放于主句之前,也可放于主句之后),Wear strong shoes,_,we shall do a lot of walking today.,(4).for也可以表示原因,不是说明直接原因,而是对某种情况加以推倒,用于表示,补充说明,理由。,He must be ill,_,he is absent today.,(5).now that用来说明一种新情况,然后加以推理,now that放于句首时,that可省略。,_,everybody is here, lets begin.,as,for,Now ( that),5. 目的状语从句,引导词:,in order that, so that(为了),for fear that , in case,谓语动词常含有can, could, may, might, will, would等情态动词。,Ill speak slowly (以便)everybody can understand me.,He wrote the name down(唯恐,以免)he would forget.,so that,for fear that,( in case),6. 结果状语从句:,引导词有:,sothat, suchthat,so that,常用句型:,so+ adj. (adv.) + that,so+ adj. + a (an) + n. +that,Such +a (an) +adj. + n. + that,Such +adj. + n (s) +that,that I couldnt follow him(他讲话如此快fast).,It was _,_,_we all went swimming,.(如此好的一天good),He spoke so fast,such a good day that,7. 条件状语从句,1. 由if, unless(= if not), so/ as long as(只要),in case,on condition that,once,(2),suppose/supposing,/,(假设,如果),providing/,provided,/assuming/given/say,that(如果),,1.,You may use the room _you clean it up afterwards.(只要long),2.I will do it _,(只要你帮助我condition),3.Youll be late again_,_,_.(除非你饿了hungry),as long as,on condition that you help me.,unless you are hungry,2.“祈使句+and/ or/ or else/otherwise”引导的结果句,祈使句在实际意义上相当于条件状语从句。,Use you head,_(那么你就会找到一个办法),Get up now,_,(否则你会迟到的).,and you will find a way,or you will be late,8. 方式状语从句,引导词有:,as(如同 ), as if/though (好像),They are,talking,_,(好像他们是朋友),He refuses to do _(按照我告诉他的),He refuses to do _(我告,诉他的),注意:,as,like,都表示“像”,,I work as others do .,I work like others.,as,是连词 ,后加句子,like,是介词,后加名词、代词、名词短语,as if (as though) they,were old friends,as I told him,what I told him,9.比较状语从句,由as as, not as/ soas, than, the more the more,1.,He ran_.(尽可能的远),2._,you try,_,you will understand.,3.Life for women is _,(实际两倍艰难difficult),4.A man is twice _,as a woman.(可能死于皮肤癌likely),5.The factory produces _,last year.(去年的两倍多汽车as),as far as he could,the better,The harder,twice as difficult as it is,as likely to die of skin cancer,twice as many cars as,it did,状语从句的倒装问题,1.否定词开头,2.so+adj/such+(a/an)+adj+n开头,3.as/though引导的状语从句,1.So difficult _to live in an English-speaking,c,ountry that I determined to learn English.(我感到feel),2.Not until all the fish died in the river,_,how serious the pollution was.(村民才意识到),3.,_, he can speak,several foreign languages(尽管他是个孩子),did I feel it,did the villagers,realize,Child as he is,状语从句与并列句的区别,1.Though he is in his sixties,_ he works as hard,As a young man.,2.Excuse me for breaking in,_I have some news,For you.,A.and B.yet C.but D.so,1.A .这是个主从复合句,所以中间不能使用并列连词,And,but ,so.or等等。Yet是副词,可以与though搭配,2,.C.,A,C,对比训练与巩固,A.1. _he heard this,he got very angry.,2.I met Lucy _I was walking along,The river.,3. _a child, he lived in the countryside.,A.when B.while C.as,when,while,As,B.1.We were about to leave _it began to rain.,2.She thought I was talking about her son, _in fact, I was talking about my son.,3.Hardly had I finished composition_,the bell rang.,A.when B.while C.as D.during,when,while,when,C,.1.He would have a look at the bookstores_,he went to the town.,2.We decide to finish the work on time, _,happens.,3.If we work with a strong will,we will overcome,any difficulty,_ great it is.,4.Ill give the book to _likes English.,A.whenever B.whoever,C.whatever D.however,A,C,D,B,D,.1.Child _she is,she knows a lot.,2.He did the experiment_ he was told.,3.The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper,but not _good.,A.during B.as C.so D.though,E.both B and C,B,B,E,E,.1.It will be years _we meet again.,2.It is ten years _I came to this town.,3.It is ten years ago _I came to this town.,4.It was evening _we reached the little town of Winchester.,5.Scientists says it may be five or six years_it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.,A.when B.that C.before D.since,C,D,B,A,C,F,.1. _it rains,the game will be played on time.,2._ I was twenty , I had never been away from,my hometown.,3. _he were there he couldnt help us.,A.Even if B.Until C.Till D.Unless,D,B,A,G,.1.Go and get your coat. It is _you left it.,2.You are free to go _you like.,A .there B.where C.wherever D,when,B,C,H,.1.The article is written in such easy English_all of us can read it.,2.The article is written in such easy English_all of us can read.,A.that B.which C.as D.so that,A,C,I,.1.If we work hard, we can overcome any,difficulty,no matter _great it is.,2.If we work hard,we can overcome any,difficulty, _great it is.,3.If we work hard, we can overcome any,difficulty, _difficulty it is.,4.If we work hard, we can overcome any,difficulty,no matter _difficulty it is.,A.what B.how C.however D.whatever,B,C,D,D,A,专练十九 状语从句,1.Mr Wu seldom visits my house. _(一旦他来了), I will let you know.,2.I think that you are younger _(比你看上去).(look),3._(尽管他很强壮), he cant lift the heavy stone.(as),Once he comes,than you look,Strong as he is,4._(无论你去哪儿), you should bear your motherland in your mind.,5.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _(因为它有助于我们) to find and correct our mistakes.(that),6.All people, _(无论他们贫穷还是富有), have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.(whether),Wherever you go,in that it helps us,whether they are poor or rich,7.Leave your key with a neighbor _(以防你把自己锁在外面) one day.(case),8.He wandered to the riverside _(不知不觉).(know),9.Tom was riding along the street _(就在这时他看见一辆轿车) running fast towards him.(see),10._(不管发生什么事), I wont leave my position.(matter),in case you lock yourself out,before he knew it,when suddenly he saw a car,No matter what happens,11.Two fire engines arrived _(火灾后发生后不久).(break),12.This is a very interesting book.I will buy it,_(无论它要多少钱).(however),13.She is _(如此聪明的一个姑娘,以至于) everyone likes her.(clever),14.Would you please put the book _(它该放的地方)?(belong),soon/shortly after the fire broke out,however much it may cost,so clever a girl that/such a clever girl that,where it belongs,15.随着时间的流逝, 你会懂得更多。,_, youll have a better unstandering of it.(go),16.以你的年龄,你别期望网球打得像他一样好。,you cant expect to play tennis _ at age. (as),17.假如能得到他们的支持,我们肯定能赢得比赛。,_, were sure to win the game.(provide),As time goes by,as well as him/he does,Provided (that) we get support from them,18.他将名字写在一张纸上,唯恐忘记,He got down the name on a piece of paper _.(fear),19.当应用于其他国家的类似情形时,这些知识仍然有用。,Such knowledge is still useful _to similar situations in other countries.,20.小心!你一按按钮,机器就会启动。,Be careful! The machine stars _the button.(moment),for fear (that) he might forget it,when (it is) applied,the moment you press,


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