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The withdrawl notice of the acceptance shall reach the offeror,(要约人),before or at the same time as the acceptance notice,(承诺通知),reaches the offeror.,被动句式(,1,):译成汉语的主动式,以,it,为形式主语的被动句的翻译,有些以,it,为形式主语的英语被动式句子,在翻译成汉语的时候常要改变成主动形式。译文有时不用加主语,有时则需要加入一些不确定的主语,比如:,“,大家、有人、人们、我们,”,等,或者将其处理成独立句。例如:,It was rumored that Dec. 31 of 2012 would be the worlds doomed day,据谣传,,2012,年,12,月,31,日为世界末日。,It is said that extreme weather is the most frequent reason for flight delays in July and August. The impact of military drills on civil flights was minimal.,据说,在七、八月份,极端天气是航班延误最常见的原因。军事演习对民用航班的影响极小。,被动句式(,1,):译成汉语的主动式,It is believed that more and more people in China will be moving out of the city to live in the country.,人们相信,越来越多中国人将离开城市搬到郊区去住。,It is hoped the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth.,人们希望降低税负这一措施能刺激经济进一步增长。,以,it,为形式主要的表达形式包括:, 不加主语,It may be safely said that,It can be clearly seen that,It should be noted that,It can be foreseen that,It was so decided that,It was made beyond any doubt that,It has been proved that,It will be seen from this that,可以有把握地说,可以清楚地看到,应该指出,可以预料,就此决定,毫无疑问,已经证明,由此可见,It must be stressed that,It has been calculated that,It is hoped that,It must be realized that,It cannot be denied that,It has been found that,It must be kept in mind that, 不加主语,必须强调,据计算,希望,必须认识到,不可否认,已经发现,;实践证明,必须牢记, 可以加主语,译成“人们,有人,我们,大家”等,It is asserted that,It is believed that,It is generally considered that,It is well known that,It was told that,It is felt that,It is understood that,It is objected that,It is claimed that,It is generally accepted that,It is alleged that,有人主张,有人相信,/,认为,人们普遍认为,大家知道;众所周知,有人曾经说,人们感到,人们明白,有人反对,有人声称,大家公认,有人断言,被动句式(,2,):译成汉语的被动式,当句中不出现行为主体时,有时使用,“,被,”,“,给,”,表示被动意义。例如:,Chinese traffic police have handled more than 17 million cases involving road rage like,arbitrary lane changes,and,dangerous overtaking,this year. Road rage has been described as a major traffic safety hazard.,今年,中国交警处理任意变道和强行超车等,“,路怒,”,行为共,1700,万余起。(目前)路怒症已被视为重大交通安全隐患。,The company was prohibited from using false advertising.,这家公司被禁止使用虚假广告。,被动句式(,2,):译成汉语的被动式, 译为,“,遭受、遭到、受到、得到、受、挨、叫,”,。例如:,Recently, a driver in Heilongjiang Province was lambasted,(抨击),by the public after he intentionally forced an ambulance to pull over,(靠边停车),several times.,近期,黑龙江省一名司机因多次故意逼停一辆救护车遭到网友抨击。,Three Chinese engineers who worked in Turkey were kidnapped by some terrorists on Aug. 25, 2014.,2014,年,8,月,25,日,在土耳其工作的三名中国工程师遭到了恐怖分子的绑架。,被动句式(,2,):译成汉语的被动式,“,为,所,”,。例如:,This new theory has now been adopted by many scientists who are searching for life in outer space.,这一新理论现在已为许多寻找外太空生命的科学家所接纳。,In his late thirties, he was almost knocked down in his despondency,(失意,意志消沉),of the unsuccessful career.,近四十岁时,由于事业上的挫折,他几乎为失意所毁。,被动句式(,3,):译成汉语的特殊结构, 译成汉语的,“,把,”,或,“,将,”,字结构,即,“,施事者,把,受事者,动词,补语,”,。例如:,Goodyear, an American, had been trying for years to find a way in which rubber could be made hard, nonstick, and yet elastic.,一个叫固特异的美国人多年来一直在努力寻找一种方法,,把,橡胶做得硬而不粘,而且富有弹性。,If a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as human beings.,如果能,把,电脑造得足够复杂的话,那么电脑就能像人一样富于创造力。,被动句式(,3,):译成汉语的特殊结构, 译成汉语的,“,是由,的,”,,,“,是让,的,”,,,“,是给,的,”,等结构。例如:,Most letters from his clients are read to him by the secretary.,客户给他写的信,大多数是,由秘书念给他听的,。,Approximately 30% of the food consumed in the world today is produced by horticulturists,(园艺师),.,当今,全世界消费的食品中,约,30%,是由园艺师生产的。,被动句式(,3,):译成汉语的特殊结构,译成汉语的,“,予以,”,,,“,加以,”,等结构。例如:,Problem of overstaffing should be resolved in good time.,人员过剩问题应该及时,加以,解决。,Trade deficits can be controlled if proper measures are taken.,如果采用适当措施,贸易赤字是能够,予以,控制的。,The corporate financial affairs will be examined by a special committee.,公司财务将由一个特别委员会,加以,审查。,Exercise,Infomania,(资讯癖),is the debilitating,(超负荷的),state of information overload,caused by,the combination of a backlog of information to process, and continuous interruptions from technologies like phones, instant messaging, and e-mail.,The term,“,funemployment,”,(失业快乐族),is defined as the condition of a person who takes advantage of being out of a job to have the time of their life.,


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