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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,January 23, 2016,#,Unit 1,Friendship,友 谊,.,单词盘点,根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇,1. _(,adj,. ),心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的,(,vt,. ),使不安;使心烦,2. _(,vt,. ),不理睬;忽视,3. _(,vt,. &,vi,. ) (,使,),平静;,(,使,),镇定,(,adj,. ),平静的;镇静的;沉着的,upset,ignore,calm,4. _ (,adj,. ),松的;松开的,5. _(,adv,. ),在户外;在野外,6. _(,vi,. &,vt,. ),捆扎;包装;打行李,(,n,. ),小包;包裹,7. _(,n,. ),十几岁的青少年,8._ (,adj,. ),感激的;表示谢意的,9. _(,n,. &,vt,. ),不喜欢;厌恶,loose,outdoors,pack,teenager,grateful,dislike,10. _(,n,. ),项目;条款,11. _(,vt,. ),(使)担忧,涉及;关系到,(,n,. ),担心;关注,(利害)关系,_ (,adj,. ),担心的;忧虑的,_ (,prep,. ),关于,涉及,12. _(,adj,. ),整个的;完全的;全部的,_(,adv,. ),完全地;全然地;整个地,13. _(,v,. ),定居;安排,_ (,n,. ),定居点;解决,item,concern,concerned,concerning,entire,entirely,settle,settlement,14. _(,v,. ),遭受;经历,_ (,n,. ),折磨;苦难,15. _(,v,. ),痊愈;恢复;重新获得,_ (,n,. ),恢复;复苏,16._(,vi,. ),不同意,_ (,反义词,),同意,_ (,n,. ),同意;协议,suffer,suffering,recover,recovery,disagree,agree,agreement,【,品词自测,】,根据所给词的适当形式填空,Many young students are _ about the personal affairs _ their idols too much, which often _,their parents and teachers. (concern),A few people _ while most people _,,,so no _ was made. (agree),concerned,concerning,concerns,agreed,disagreed,agreement,.,短语回放,1.,合计,_,2. (,使,),平静下来;,(,使,),镇定下来,_,3.,关心;挂念,_,4.,经历;经受,_,5.,记下;放下;登记,_,6.,一连串的;一系列;一套,_,add up,calm (. . . ) down,be concerned about,go through,set down,a series of,7.,故意,_,8.,为了,_,9.,在黄昏时刻,_,10.,面对面地,_,11.,不再,_,12.,遭受;患病,_,13.,对,厌烦,_,on purpose,in order to. . .,at dusk,face to face,no longer/not. . . any longer,suffer from,get/be tired of,14.,将,(,东西,),装箱打包,_,15.,与,相处;进展,_,16.,相爱;爱上,_,17.,参加;加入,_,pack (sth. ) up,get along with,fall in love,join in,.,句式扫描,1. _,(当遛狗时),,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.,2. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months _,(在他们被发现之前),.,3. I wonder if _,_,(是因为我长久无法出门的缘故),Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.,While walking the dog,before they were discovered,its because I havent been able to be outdoors,for so long that,4. _,(这是第一次),in a year and a half that _(,我目睹了,) the night face to face. . .,5. Mother asked her if/whether she was very hot _,_,(穿着这么多衣服),.,. . . it was the first time,Id seen,with so many,clothes on,【,仿句自测,】,根据下面句式仿写句子,while/when +,v,. -ing,作时间状语,仿写:看电视时,我听到从厨房里传出一个可怕的声音。,_,_,It was the first time,(,that,),. . .,某人第一次做某事,仿写:那是他第一次带着狗出去散步。,_,While watching TV, I heard a terrible noise coming from the,kitchen.,It was the first time that he had gone for a walk with the dog.,with +,宾语,+,adv,.,(作宾语补足语),仿写:她离开了房间,屋里的灯都亮着。,_,She left the room with all the lights on.,核,心,要,点,concern,三年,1,考,add up,三年,2,考,强调句型,三年,6,考,1. upset,adj.,心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的,vt,.,使不安;使心烦;弄翻;扰乱,(1)be upset about/over/at sth.,为某事烦心,be upset+that-clause,让人不安,(2)(sth. ) upset sb. (,某事,),使某人心烦意乱,It upsets sb. to do sth.,做,使某人不快,It upsets sb. that. . .,让某人心烦的是,The bad news,upset,him.,这个坏消息使他心烦意乱。,It upset me to see,what she had done to the old man.,看到她对老人所做的事情让我不快。,The father _ _ _ the sons bad performance at school.,父亲为儿子在学校的糟糕表现而感到烦心。,was upset about,He _ _ _ _ you didnt reply to his letters.,你没有给他回信,他很不安。,【,点津,】,(,1,),upset,充当形容词时,只能作表语,不作定语。,(,2,),upset,的过去式与过去分词形式均为,upset,而其现在分词形式为,upsetting,。,was very upset that,【,助记,】,Several flies kept,upsetting,Xiao Ming when he was doing his homework. He was so,upset,that he,upset,the cup on the desk.,2. calm,vt,. &,vi,.,(使)平静;(使)镇定,adj,.,平静的;镇静的;沉着的,calm (sb. ) down,(使某人)平静下来,镇静下来,stay/keep/remain calm,保持镇静,It took several minutes before the excited football fans,calmed down,.,过了几分钟兴奋的足球迷们才平静下来。,He can always,keep calm, whatever happens.,不论发生什么事情,他总能保持镇静。,【,辨析,】,理解下列区别并选词填空,calm,quiet,silent,still,平静的,沉着的。指风平浪静或人的情绪,平静或镇静。,宁静的,安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或,心里没有烦恼、焦虑。,寂静的,沉默的,指不说话或没有声音。,静止的,不动的。指人或物体静止不动。,Everything was _ except that the heavy rain struck the window. Then the mudslide happened, but the frightened people stood there _, not knowing what to do. He remained _ in the face of the danger, and led all the people to go to the safe place. Later he kept _ over his brave behavior.,quiet,still,calm,silent,3. concern,vt,. (,使,),担忧;涉及;关系到,n,.,担心;关注;(利害)关系,(1)concern oneself about/for,对,表示关心,(2)concerned,adj,.,担心的,;,关注的,be concerned about/for sth.,担心,;关心,be concerned with,与,有关,;,涉及,as/so far as. . . be concerned,就,而言;依,之见,(3)show/express ones concern about/for sth.,关心;挂念,(4)concerning,prep,.,有关;关于,These problems,concern,all of us.,这些问题与我们所有的人都有关系。,Several parents,expressed their concern about/for,their childrens safety at school.,几位家长表达了他们对孩子们在校安全的忧虑。,His mother _ always _ _ his future and happiness.,他妈妈常为他的前途和幸福担心。,He asked several questions _ the future of the company.,他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。,is,concerned about,concerning,【,点津,】,concerned,作形容词充当前置定语时,意为“关心的,挂念的,担心的”;如果要表示“相关的,有关的”,作定语要后置。例如:,a concerned look,关切的神色;,the authorities concerned,有关当局。,4. settle,vi,.,安家;定居;停留,vt,.,使定居;安排;解决;决定;确定,(1) settle sth.,处理、解决某事;决定、确定某事,(2)settle down,稳定;平静下来;舒适地坐下,settle down to sth.,开始专心于某事,认真着手做某事,settle in,定居;迁入,(,新居,),They,settled their dispute,in a friendly way.,他们友好地解决了他们的争端。,The family finally,settled in,the countryside.,最后这一家人在乡下定居下来。,It always takes the class a while to _ _ at the beginning of the lesson.,那个班上课前总得过一会儿才能安静下来。,settle down,【,熟词生义,】,根据语境选择最佳汉语意思,He,settled,himself comfortably in his usual chair.,A.,定居,B.,停留,C.,(舒服地)坐下,答案:,C,5. suffer,vt,. &,vi,.,遭受;忍受;经历,(,1,),suffer,vt,.,遭受,蒙受,其后常接,pain, loss, defeat, poverty, hunger, punishment, hardship, damage,等名词作宾语。,(,2,),suffer,vi,.,后常接,from,表示“受,折磨,受,之苦, 患某种疾病”。,(,3,),suffering,n,.,U,痛苦,;,苦难 ,pl,.,痛苦,;,苦恼,This factory _ _ _ _ in the fire.,这家工厂在火灾中遭受了重大损失。,Shes _ _ loss of memory.,她患有遗忘症。,He looked pale and seemed to,have suffered a great deal,.,他看起来脸色苍白,好像很痛苦。,suffered a great loss,suffering from,The old man went through all kinds of,sufferings,during the war.,这位老人在战争期间经历了各种痛苦。,6. recover,vi,. &,vt,.,痊愈;恢复;重新获得,(1)recover from,从,中恢复,recover consciousness/ones sight,恢复意识,/,视力,recover oneself,恢复健康;清醒过来,(2)recovery,n,.,痊愈,;,恢复;复苏,She seemed upset but quickly,recovered herself,.,她显得心烦意乱,但很快静下心来。,It was two weeks before she _ _a cold.,过了两周的时间她的感冒才痊愈。,He made a quick _ _ his illness and was soon back at work.,他生病后康复得很快,不久就上班了。,recovered from,recovery from,【,熟词生义,】,根据语境选择最佳汉语意思,The police,recovered,the stolen jewellery.,A.,恢复,B.,找回,C.,痊愈,答案:,B,7. add up,合计,Please,add up,these figures for me.,请帮我把这些数字加起来。,Add up,all the money I owe you.,把我应付给你的钱都加在一起。,【,拓展,】,补全下列“,add +,prep,. /,adv,. ”,短语,add _,总计达,合计达,add _,增加,增添,(,多用于抽象意义,),add . . . _ . . .,把,加到,add . . . _,把,加进去;包括,up to,to,to,in,【,熟词生义,】,根据语境选择最佳汉语意思,He,added,that he felt very sorry for not being able to come.,A.,增加,B.,补充说,C.,合计,答案:,B,8. go through,经历;经受;仔细检查;完成;用完,These two countries,have gone through,too many wars.,这两个国家饱经战火。,写出,go through,在下列句中的含义,The reform in this country has gone through two stages. ( ),You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship. ( ),经历,通过,Their plans went through at last. ( ),The doctor will go through the operation soon. ( ),【,拓展,】,go against,违背,违反,go ahead,前进;继续做;开始;做吧,go out,出去;熄灭,go over,复习;仔细检查,go up,上涨;上升;攀登,得到批准;被正式通过,完成,9.,While walking,the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.,遛狗时,你太粗心,结果狗跑掉被车撞了。,句中,while walking the dog,为省略句形式,相当于,while you were walking the dog,。,当,when, while, until, if, unless, though, even though, as, as if,等连词引导的时间、条件、让步或方式状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或状语从句主语为,it,且从句的谓语动词为,be,时,常将从句的主语和,be,动词省略。,The problem,unless (it is) handled properly, may lead to misunderstanding between the two sides.,这个问题如果不妥善处理的话,就会造成双方的误解。,The man was lying on the ground, motionless,as if (he was) seriously injured,.,那名男子躺在地上一动不动,好像是受了重伤。,Do be careful _ _the street.,过马路时务必要当心。,while (you are)crossing,10. I wonder if,its,because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long,that,Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.,我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,使我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。,此句中的,it is. . . that. . .,为强调句型。,1),强调句型的三个基本形式:,陈述句:,It is/was+,被强调部分,+that/who+,其余部分,一般疑问句:,Is/Was it +,被强调部分,+ that/who+,其余部分,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词,+is/was it +that+,其余部分,2,)在强调“,not. . . until”,结构中由,until,所引导的状语或状语从句时,要用“,It is/was not until+,被强调部分,+that+,陈述语序的主句部分”,且,that,之后的主句谓语动词要用肯定形式。,Was it,Mary,that,you met in the street yesterday?,昨天你在街上遇见的是玛丽吗?,_ _ _ _ often help me with my English.,是他们经常帮助我学习英语。,直到雨停了我才回家。,(,判断正误,),a. It was until the rain stopped that I didn,t go home. ( ),b. It was not until the rain stopped that I went home. ( ),It is they who,【,真题链接,】,2011,湖南, 35,Its not what we do once in a while _ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.,A. which B. that C. how D. when,【,解析,】,选,B,。考查强调结构。句意:塑造我们生活的不是我们偶尔的做法,而是我们的一贯做法。这是“,It is+,被强调部分,+that+,其他”的强调结构,强调的是句子的主语,not what we do once in a while,。,【,想一想,】,强调句型与定语从句在高中经常被放在一起考查,在学习中也容易混淆。动脑想一想,两者有何区别?,【,拓展延伸,】,强调句型与定语从句的区分,1),强调句型的特点是:去掉,It be,和,that/who,后句子成分完整。例如:,It is in the street that I met her.,是强调句,把,it is,,,that,去掉,句子依然完整。,2),强调句中连接词只有,that/who/whom,,不会出现,where,,,which,,,when,等。,3),如果强调时间、地点,就看前面有没有介词。例如:,It was at the school gate that I met an old friend of mine. (,强调句,),It was the school gate where I met an old friend of mine. (,定语从句,),(1)dislike,的用法,(2),宾语从句语序,(3)get,相关短语的辨析,(4)before,引导从句时的不同含义,1. Some bosses dislike _ people to share their responsibilities; they keep all important matters tightly in their own hands.,A. allowing B. to allow C. allow D. allowed,【,解析,】,选,A,。句意:有些老板不喜欢让人们分担他们的职责,他们把重要的事情牢牢抓在自己手中。,dislike doing sth. “,不喜欢做某事,讨厌做某事”,为固定搭配。,2. Henry broke the window. Ill ask him why _.,A. did he do it B. he did that,C. had he done that D. he had done that,【,解析,】,选,B,。句意:,Henry,打破了窗户,我要问他为什么那么做。,why,引导宾语从句,从句中使用陈述语序;“打破窗子”这件事发生在过去,故用一般过去时态。,3.,2009,全国卷, 27,I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt _.,A. get along B. get on,C. get to D. get through,【,解析,】,选,D,。考查,get,相关短语的辨析。前句意思是“我试着给她的办公室打电话”,后面的转折词语,but,告诉我们,这个电话没有“打通”。,get through,表示“打通”电话,与某人通电话则是,get through to sb.,。,get along/on,相处,进展;,get to,到达。,4.,英译汉(注意,before,的用法),She was angry before I could explain it to her.,_,It was some time before I realized the truth.,_,It was not long before he told me about it.,_,我还没来得及向她解释那件事她就生气了。,过了一段时间我才悟出真相。,不久他就告诉了我这件事情。,Unit 2 English around the world,世界上的英语,.,单词盘点,根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇,1. _ (,adj,. ),官方的;正式的;公务的,(,n,. ),官员,2. _ (,adj,. ),本国的;本地的,(,n,. ),本地人;本国人,official,native,3. _ (,adv,. ),实际上;事实上,4. _ (,n,. &,vt,. ),命令;指令;掌握,5. _ (,n,. &,vt,. ),请求;要求,6. _ (,n,. ),口音;腔调;重音,7. _ (,adv,. ),直接;挺直,(,adj,. ),直的;笔直的;正直的,8. _ (,vt,. ),以,为根据;,(,n,. ),基部;基地;基础,_ (,adj,. ),基本的;基础的,actually,command,request,accent,straight,base,basic,9. _(,adj,. ),逐渐的;逐步的,_ (,adv,. ),逐渐地;逐步地,10. _(,adj,. ),较后的;后半的;,(,两者中,),后者的,_,(,adj,. ),最新的;最近的,_(,adv,. ),后来;,(,adj,. ),后期的,_ (,adv,. ),近来;最近,11. _,(,n,.,)本身;本体;身份,_(,vt,. ),认出;鉴定,12. _(,adj,. ),流利的;流畅的,_(,adv,. ),流利地;流畅地,_(,n,. ),流利;流畅,gradual,gradually,latter,latest,later,lately,identity,identify,fluent,fluently,fluency,13. _ (,adj,. ),频繁的;常见的,_ (,adv,. ),常常;频繁地,14. _(,n,. ),词语;表示;表达,_(,vt,. ),表达,15. _(,vt,. ),辨认出,承认;公认,_(,n,. ),认出;认识,frequent,frequently,expression,express,recognize,recognition,【,品词自测,】,根据所给词的适当形式填空,Recovery from the disease is very _ . As the weather _ becomes warmer and warmer,,,he will pick up soon. (gradual),I can hardly _ how grateful I feel. I will give him a present as an _ of gratitude. (express),He had changed so much that you didnt _ him. As a matter of fact,,,illness and age changed him beyond _. (recognize),gradual,gradually,express,expression,recognize,recognition,.,短语回放,1.,超过;非常;不只是;不仅是,_,2.,因为;由于,_,3.,走近;上来;提出,_,4.,的数量,_,5.,以,为基础,_,6.,现在;目前,_,more than,because of,come up,the number of,be based on,at present,7.,利用;使用,_,8.,例如,;像这种的,_,9.,继续,坚持, (,打电话时,),别挂断,_,10.,确信;务必,_,11.,信不信由你,_,12.,扮演一个角色;参与,_,make use of,such as,hold on,make sure,believe it or not,play a part,(,in,),.,句式扫描,1. Which country _ (,你认为,)has the most English learners?,2. Native English speakers can understand each other _ _,(即使他们所讲的英语不尽相同),.,3. It _ (,更多地是以德语为基础,) than the English we speak at present.,do you think,even if,they dont speak the same kind of English,was based more on German,4. Believe it or not, there is _,(没有什么标准英语可言),.,5. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in _,(人们讲话的方式),.,no such thing as standard English,the way people speak,【,仿句自测,】,根据下面句式仿写句子,混合疑问句:特殊疑问词,+do you think/believe/imagine/,guess. . . +,其他,(,正常语序,),?,仿写:你猜他什么时候会来?,_,even if/even though,引导的让步状语从句,仿写:即使你给他解释,他也听不懂。,_,When do you guess he will come?,Even if you explain to him, he cant understand it.,more A than B,与其说,B,倒不如说,A,仿写:与其说她生气,倒不如说她伤心。,_,She was more sad than angry.,核,心,要,点,request,三年,3,考,recognize,三年,1,考,come up,三年,2,考,even if,三年,3,考,1. base,vt,.,以,为根据,n,.,基部;基地;基础,(1)base. . . on. . .,根据,;以,为基础,(sth. ) be based on. . .,以,为基础,(2)basis,n,.,基础,基本原则,on the basis of,根据,在,的基础上,基于,(3) basic,adj,.,基本的;基础的,The family is,the basic unit,of society.,家庭是社会的基本单位。,We drew this conclusion,on the basis of,experiments.,我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。,The new telecommunication network _ _ _ the latest 3G technology.,这个新通讯网络基于最新的,3G,技术。,is based on,2. command,n,. C,命令;指令,U,掌握,控制,vt,.,命令,指挥;支配,(,1,),at ones command,听从某人的支配,under ones command,由,指挥,;,由某人统帅,take command of,控制;担任,的指挥,(be) in command of,指挥;控制,have a good command of,很好地掌握;精通,(,2,),command sb. to do sth.,命令某人做某事,command that. . . (should) do. . .,命令,做,She,has a good command of,spoken English.,她的英语口语很熟练。,He has a hundred men _ _ _ .,他指挥一百个人。,under his command,The boss commanded that _ _ _ at once.,老板命令他马上开始工作。,【,助记,】,command,所接宾语从句的谓语动词用“(,should,),do”,,能这样使用的动词可用以下口诀来记忆:,一坚持:,insist,二命令:,order, command,三建议:,advise, suggest, recommend,四要求:,require, request, demand, desire,he (should) start work,3. request,n,. &,vt,.,请求;要求,(,1,),make a request for,请求;要求,at ones request=at the request of sb.,应某人的要求,(,2,),request sth. from/of sb.,向某人请求某物,request sb. to do sth.,请求,/,要求某人做某事,request that. . .,(,should,),do. . .,请求,/,要求,做某事,It is requested that. . . (should) do. . .,要求,He came,at my request,.,他应我的请求而来。,I,request,a loan,from,the bank.,我请求银行贷款。,They _ _ _ _ them.,他们要求我们帮助他们。,It is requested that he _ before seven oclock.,要求他,7,点之前离开。,requested us to help,(should) leave,【,点津,】,可以说,request sb. to do sth.,和,require sb. to do sth.,,不可以说,demand sb. to do sth.,,但可以说,demand of sb. to do sth.,。,4. recognize,vt,.,辨认出;承认;公认,(1)recognize sb. /ones voice,认出某人,/,听出某人的声音,recognize sb. /sth. as/to be,承认,/,公认某人(物)是,recognize that. . .,承认,It is (generally) recognized that. . .,人们公认,(2)recognition,n,.,承认;认出;公认,beyond/out of recognition,面目全非;识别不出,I could hardly,recognize you,.,我几乎认不出你了。,They refused to,recognize,this government.,他们拒不承认这个政府。,We dont _ _ _ / _ _ the lawful successor.,我们不承认他为合法继承人。,After 25 years she has changed _ _.,25,年过去了,她已经变得认不出来了。,recognize him as to be,beyond recognition,5. come up,走近;上来;提出,结合例句写出,come up,的不同含义,An old lady,came up,to me and asked for directions. ( ),A good solution to the problem,came up,at the meeting. (,),When the moon,came up, the young people began their celebration. ,Plants,come up,again every spring. ( ),Ill let him know if anything,comes up,. ( ),被,提出,走近,(太阳、月亮等)升起,长出,发芽,发生,【,点津,】,come up,在指“问题,建议或方案等被提出”时为不及物动词短语,其主语通常为物,无被动语态;,come up with,则为“提出”,为及物动词短语,主语通常为人,宾语为表示“建议,计划、方案等”的名词。,【,拓展,】,come about,发生,come across,偶然发现,/,遇见,come on,(口语)赶快,振作起来;来吧,得了吧,come out,出现,出版,结果是,come to,总计;达到;苏醒;涉及,谈到,6. make use of,利用;使用,make good use of,很好地利用,make full use of,make the best of,充分利用,make the most of,We,are making use of,energy from the sun in many ways.,我们正从多方面利用太阳能。,To,make full use of,the Internet, all the teachers are required to have the necessary computer skills.,为了充分利用互联网,所有的老师都被要求具备必要的计算机技能。,You should _ _ _ _ your spare time.,你应该好好利用你的业余时间。,make good use of,【,拓展,】,翻译以下短语,bring sth. into use _,come into use _,in use _,out of use _,开始使用某物,开始被使用,正在使用,不被使用;废弃,7. Native English speakers can understand each other,even if,they dont speak the same kind of English.,以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。,even if/even though,通常引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,尽管”,所引导的从句常用一般现在时态表示将来。在主、从句主语相同且从句中含有,be,时也可采用省略结构。,Even if invited, I wouldnt go.,即使受到邀请,我也不去。,Even if it rains, I will come.,即使下雨,我也会来。,用,even if,或,if,填空,_ I had money, I would buy it.,_ I had money, I wouldnt buy it.,He likes to help us _ he is very busy.,If,Even if,even if,8. It was based,more,on German,than,the English we speak at present.,当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而不是我们今天所说的英语。,more. . . than . . .,可以看成是一种固定句式,其中的,more,可修饰名词、形容词、副词或动词等。,more A than B,意在肯定,A,而否定,B,,意为“是,A,而不是,B,;与其说,B,倒不如说,A”,。,I,more,agree with you,than,I agree with Robert.,我不是同意罗伯特的话,而是同意你的话。,He is more _ than _.,与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。,He is more a scholar than a teacher. (,英译汉,),_,【,想一想,】,你还能想出与,more than,相关或类似的其他短语吗?,lucky,clever,与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。,【,拓展延伸,】,more than+,数词或从句 超过,more than +,形容词 非常,more than +,名词 不只是,不仅是,no more than,只不过;仅仅,not more than,不超过;至多,rather than,而不是,other than,除了;不同于,9. Believe it or not, there is,no such thing,as standard English.,信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语可言。,句中“,no such+,单数名词”意为“没有这样的,”,,其中单数名词前不可再加冠词,相当于“,not such a/an+,单数名词”。,a(n) +,adj,.,+,单数名词,(,1,),such+,adj,. +,复数名词,+that,结果状语从句,adj,. +,不可数名词,(,2,),such. . . as. . .,像,这样的,,,as,在句中引导定语从句,No such person,but Peter can perform so perfectly.,除了彼得没有这样的人能表演得如此完美。,He was admitted to a very famous university. But I have,no such luck,.,他被一所非常著名的大学录取了。但我却没有这样的运气。,比较下列句子,说明其连接词的作用,A: The book is written i


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