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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Oil painting20words,Shanshan,li,1.sketchbook,:,sketbuk,n.,写生簿,.,小品集,A book containing sheets of paper on which sketches can be drawn.,包含,可以在上面素描的,纸,片的,书,本。,Buy a,sketchbook,and keep it by your bed with a pencil nearby.,买一本写生簿把它连同铅笔一起放在你的床边,2.spotlight,:,sptlait,n.,聚光灯,探照灯,v.,视听,注意,醒目,Spotlight is a installation that produces a beam of intense light.,探照灯、聚光灯,尤指能产生一束强光的装置,3.medium,:,mi:dim,溶剂,调色剂,材料,It is a liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting.,绘画用的调和颜料的液体;艺术创作所使用的材料。,4.linseed oil,:,lin.si:d,亚麻仁油,Linseed oil which is extracted from the seeds of the flax plant, is the main medium of oil paint.,亚麻仁油是从亚麻植物的籽中提取的,是油画颜料的主要媒介。,5.retouch varnish,:,ri:tt, ,v:ni,修描润色剂 在油画最后上光前用的无色透明上光油,(,如达马光油,),It is a colorless , transparent varnish which is used before the final polishing.,6. Arm,palette:plit, n.,臂托调色板,A palette (except a thumb hole, can also be used on the arm),(,除有姆指孔外,还可用手臂依托,) This palette is very popular in nineteenth Century.,是具有火焰曲线的特大号调色板,使用者的前臂可以承受它的大部分的重量,臂托调色板在,19,世纪十分普及。,7.,scratch knife,:,skrt,油画的三角形尖头刮刀,This is an oil scraper.,To clear the Canvas or color.,Palette knife,调色刀,8.,palette-,knifepainting,:,调色刀绘画,It is a painting technique of oil painting using scraper,insteed,of paint brush.,用刮刀而非画笔涂抹油画颜料的绘画技术。,9.Palette cup,调色杯,Used for,medium,container. It is usually clip in the palette.,10.Fan brush,扇形画笔,It is sometimes used to sweep color, and to draw special texture.,11.,美学,aesthetics,:,i:setiks,The branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art),12.,美育,aesthetic education :,i:setik,Aesthetic education,holds its particular position and content , especially in colleges .,尤其是大学,美育更有其独特的地位和内容。,13.,美术界,fine art,realm:,relm,This is a magazine about the fine art realm .,14.,美术沙龙,fine art salon:,sln,You can talk about art, play cards and chat occasions in that place which is decorated with art works.,15.,美术画廊,Gallery of,painting:,glri,Gallery of painting could be a series of rooms ,corridors or hall for the exhibition of art. (exhibition of works of art room or hall.),The gallery is generally collection and the sales of the artists of the painting.,16.,美术回顾展,retrospective,exhibition:,retrspektiv,This is an exhibition which can let people review the past works of artists.,It is works of art to arrange and review.,17.,美学距离,aesthetic,distance:,esetik,distns,Using psychological distance to explain aesthetic phenomenon.,It is a vocabulary of aesthetic theory .,18.,美术协会,artistic association:,:tistik,susiein,Association which is a organization including employer, occupation, industry, academic and scientific aspects is established to reach some goal .,协会常指包括职业、雇主、行业、学术和科学等方面为达成某种目标而成立的组织。,19.,美术出版社,art publisher/fine arts press,It is a organization which publish a book, pictures, magazines, newspapers and electronic goods and other copyrighted articles.,出版社,指进行图书、图画、杂志,报纸和电子物品等有版权物品的出版活动的组织。,It published a lot of relevant art publications.,20.,美术指导,艺术导演,art,direction,:,direkn,In theory, art director shall be responsible for making any movie beauty and aesthetics of the category; but in fact, the range of responsibility of art director will be different .because of the following reasons investors, producer or the director of different requirements and external market.,理论上,美术指导应负责制作中任何与电影美感及美学有关的范畴,;,但实际上,美术指导的职务范围会因应决策单位包抬投资者,监制或导演不同的要求及外在的市场因素的影响而有所不同,.,21.,美术商、美术经纪人,art dealer:,di:l,He is a middleman who holds the exhibition and sales artists work for artists.,Theo became an,art dealer,and Vincents main source of financial and emotional support .,西奥日后当了画商,是梵高主要的经济来源和情感支柱。,22.,美术鉴赏家、行家、艺术品鉴定家,connoisseur :,knis,:,They are the connoisseur of appraisal work of art.,23.,策展人,curator:,kjureit,Curator refers to a professional in art exhibition who is responsible for meditating , organizing, managing.,“,策展人”一词源于英文“,curator”,,全称“展览策划人”,(,或“策划展览的人”,),,是指在艺术展览活动中担任构思、组织、管理的专业人员。,Thank you!,


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