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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,辅音,摩擦音,复习:读一读,比一比,pig-big park-bark,rope-robe,pull-bull,cap-cab pat-bat,tell-dell tear-dear,right-ride,heart-hard,town-down seat-seed,bet-bed bear-tear,tie-die,class-glass back-bag pick-pig,dock-dog,coat-goat,could-good,摩擦音,摩擦音也叫擦音,由发音器官造成的缝隙使气流产生摩擦而发出的声音。英语中共有,10,个摩擦音:,f,、,v,、,s,、,z,、,、,、,、,、,r,、,h,。,f,的发音,发音方法:发音时上齿轻触下唇,气流由唇齿间的缝隙通过,形成摩擦。,f,音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。,发,f,音的字母和字母组合:,f,: five fan fish flower four,ph,: phone photo elephant nephew phrase,gh,: laugh cough enough rough,tough,ff,: giraffe coffee staff stiff cuff,看音标读单词:,fm fes fl fs,fm,fst naf ruf,hf brekfst,朗读句子:,1. Fifty-five firefighters are frying French fries.,五十五名消防员正在炸薯条。,2. My French friends flew here from France last Friday.,我的法国朋友上周五从法国坐飞机来到了这里。,3. A frightened giraffe is followed by fifteen fine elephants.,一只受惊的长颈鹿后面跟着十五只漂亮的大象。,v,的发音,发音方法:发音时上齿轻触下唇,气流由唇齿间的缝隙通过,形成摩擦。,v,音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。,发,v,音的字母和字母组合:,v,: very seven video vest vase,看音标读单词:,ivn liv vs sev,lvl,nev v vzt,ivn vd,朗读句子:,1. Various visitors visited the village.,许多访问者游览了这座村庄。,2. There are several novels on the shelves.,书架上有几本小说。,3. His voice varies with the tune of the violin.,他的声音随着小提琴曲调而变化。,s,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌端靠近上齿龈,但不要贴住,气流由舌端齿龈间送出,形成摩擦。,s,为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。,发,s,音的字母和字母组合:,s,: save silk sun bikes tips,c,: city pencil rice face ice,ss,: miss class pass boss kiss,sc,: scene science scent scissors scientist,看音标读单词:,lesn slt res st,sst,sad mas nles,skl skses,朗读句子:,1. Speech is silver; silence is golden.,雄辩是银,沉默是金。,2. Sally has studied Spanish since last September.,从去年九月开始莎丽一直在学习西班牙语。,3. Miss Smith hopes we could send her some silk dresses.,史密斯小姐希望我们寄给她一些丝绸裙子。,z,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌端靠近上齿龈,但不要贴住,气流由舌端齿龈间送出,形成摩擦。,z,音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。,发,z,音的字母和字母组合:,z,: zoo zero zebra lazy zest,s,: use music busy rooms bags,看音标读单词:,njuz praz sizn nz,pzl,dz rz rizn,lez rez,朗读句子:,1. It wasnt easy to hear jazz in those days.,那时候很难听到爵士乐。,2. He rose as I was closing the windows.,我关窗户时他站起身来了。,3. She gazed at his eyes, at his nose, and then at his toes.,她盯着他的眼睛,他的鼻子,然后是他的脚趾。,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间的窄缝通过,形成摩擦。,音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。,发,音的字母和字母组合:,th,: mouth three thin third tooth,看音标读单词:,n, if k k,nd,r aznd,tru mn med,朗读句子:,1. Both health and wealth are worthwhile things.,财富和健康都是值得追求的东西。,2. Arthur went through thick and thin.,亚瑟历尽了千辛万苦。,3. Both the south and north paths lead to the theatre.,南边和北边的路都通向剧院。,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间的窄缝通过,形成摩擦。,音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。,发,音的字母和字母组合:,th,: father this those with they,看音标读单词:,t kl l e,n n m,bri ,朗读句子:,1. My father is now breathing smoothly.,我父亲现在呼吸顺畅。,2. These clothes, not those, are theirs.,这些衣服,而非那些,是他们的。,3. This leather is thinner than that thick leather.,这种皮革比那种厚皮革薄。,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌端靠近上齿龈后部,舌身抬起靠近上腭,双唇稍收圆并略突出,气流从舌面与上腭间的缝隙中通过,形成摩擦。,音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。,发,音的字母和字母组合:,s,: sugar sure surely sureness,surefire,sh,: ship she wash fish shop,ss,: pressure mission session,assure Russia,看音标读单词:,ip ek d p,d,u em pres ld min,朗读句子:,1. She should get some fresh fish.,她应该买些新鲜的鱼。,2. The ocean is shallow near the shore.,近海的海水较浅。,3. Shelly wishes to go shopping to buy shoes and shirts.,雪莉希望去逛街买鞋子和衬衫。,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌端靠近上齿龈后部,舌身抬起靠近上腭,双唇稍收圆并略突出,气流从舌面与上腭间的缝隙中通过,形成摩擦。,音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。,发,音的字母和字母组合:,s,: usual measure visual pleasure,television,ge,: garage rouge prestige,看音标读单词:,ru dsn ken tre r,ple me,njul vl kspln,朗读句子:,1. I usually wear casual clothes at my leisure.,在闲暇时我通常穿休闲服。,2. Watching television programs can bring me visual pleasure.,看电视可以给我带来视觉享受。,3. It is my pleasure to measure the garage.,我很乐意测量车库。,r,的发音,发音方法:发音时舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷略成凹形,舌身两侧收拢,双唇突出略成圆形,气流从舌尖和齿龈后部间的缝隙中通过,形成摩擦。,r,音为浊辅音,发音时声带振动。,发,r,音的字母和字母组合:,r,: red rice room ride road,rr,: mirror carrot parrot arrive,tomorrow,wr,: write wrong wrap wrinkle wrist,看音标读单词:,rid brek rud fri,fred,rat bred rbt prkts br,朗读句子:,1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,入乡随俗。,2. The bride carried a pretty red rose.,新娘拿着一支漂亮的红玫瑰。,3. Rose is reading a story book in the reading-room.,罗斯正在阅览室里看故事书。,h,的发音,发音方法:发音时嘴巴自然张开,气流不受阻碍,从声门轻微摩擦而出,口形不定,随其后的元音而变化。,h,音为清辅音,发音时声带不振动。,发,h,音的字母和字母组合:,h,: he her head heart hair,wh,: who whose whom whole,wholesome,看音标读单词:,hp has hs hev bhand,hr huz hed phps hlde,朗读句子:,1. He is holding a hat in his hand.,他手里拿着一顶帽子。,2. I hear he has a hard heart.,我听说他的心肠很硬。,3. Her husband has a huge house on a high hill.,她的丈夫在一座高山上有个大房子。,读一读,比一比,leave leaf save safe,ferry very fan van,few view fail veil,bath bathe worth worthy,breath breathe,thing sing,thin sin faith face,pass path mouse mouth,seem theme lose loose,rice rise race raise,show sew shame same,she see led red,liver river rate late,read lead rice lice,right light,


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