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In Beijing,taiyuan,tianjin, Shanghai,guangzhou,shenzhen, Qingdao,changsha, Hong Kong and other cities established the branch, 42 and more than 1200 directly-managed stores face.,国美电器一直居于国内领先电器行业。来自中怡康的权威数据显示,,2010,年国美集团空调销售达,600,万套,据中国电子商会,2006,年以来对空调市场份额监测显示,国美集团空调复合增长一直保持行业领先水平,并持续稳居空调市场销售份额第一,是中国空调渠道的第一渠道。另外,国美集团率先在行业通过与上游厂家深度合作及大单采购、淡季打款等措施,国美集团终端空调零售价格在,2011,年继续保持低于其他渠道的竞争优势,并力争在,2011,年空调旺季来临之际,抑制空调价格上涨苗头,维持空调低价位水平。,Gome,has been belonging to the domestic leading electrical industry. From the authority of the,kang,yi,data showed that in 2010,gome,group air conditioning sales reach 6 million units, according to Chinas electronic chamber of commerce since 2006 to air conditioning market share monitoring shows,gome,group air conditioning composite growth has remained industry leading level, and continue to remain air condition market share sales in China, is the first air conditioning channel first channel. In addition,gome,group takes the lead in the industry through the upstream manufacturer cooperation and the largest single depth of purchasing, off-season play measures,gome,group terminal air conditioning retail price in 2011 to keep lower than other sources of competitive advantage, and strive to 2011 air conditioning season approaching, inhibit air conditioning prices symptom, maintain air conditioning low price level.,国美电器集团坚持,“,薄利多销,服务当先,”,的经营理念,依靠准确的市场定位和不断创新的经营策略,引领家电消费潮流,为消费者提供个性化、多样化的服务,国美品牌得到中国广大消费者的青睐。本着,“,商者无域、相融共生,”,的企业发展理念,国美电器与全球知名家电制造企业保持紧密、友好、互助的战略合作伙伴关系,成为众多知名家电厂家在中国的最大的经销商。,Gome,group adhere to the small profits and quick turnover, service the management idea, by accurate market positioning and innovative business strategy, lead home appliance to provide consumers with consumption trend of individuation, diversification, the country from Chinas service brand consumers of all ages. In line with the business without domain, in harmony of symbiosis enterprise development idea,Gome,electrical appliances manufacture with world famous enterprise keep close, friendly, interdependent relationship, become the numerous well-known home appliance manufacturers in Chinas largest distributor.,The Background Of GOME,January 1, 1987, in Beijing Gome founded the first company to operate all types of household appliances less than 100 square meters mainly shop.,At present, Gome has become Chinas well-known trademarks, and has developed into Chinas largest appliance retail chain enterprises, ranking the global business chain of 22. In Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xian, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities more than 160 domestic and Hong Kong and Macao region has more than 560 Guide, more than 10 million employees, many at home and abroad to become well-known household appliances manufacturers in China The largest distributors. Ministry of Commerce announced in the 2004 China-chain operator 30, Gome, was second with 23.88 billion yuan, and once again the first reelection as home appliances chain in the Ministry of Commerce announced in 2005 Chinas top 30 chain operations Strong, Gome, was second with 49.84 billion yuan, and once again the first reelection as home appliances chain, continue to lead Chinese household electrical appliance retail business. The end of 2004, Gome basically completed in mainland China in a market of network construction, and extended to more,affluent two, three markets and has developed in 2008 achieved sales of 120 billion yuan target.,Director-,黄光裕,The worlds retail giants, not to mention Chinas top leaders, closely monitor the fortunes of the countrys richest man, Huang,Guangyu, 36, a retail-electronics entrepreneur known as the price butcher .,Huang is a classic Chinese rags-to-riches story. At age 16, with just a ninth-grade education, $500 in seed capital and indefatigable drive, he set up a roadside stall in Beijing to sell radios and gadgets purchased from factories near his hometown in southern China. By beating rivals on price and expanding rapidly.,黄光裕是一个典型由贫穷到暴富的中国人。,16,岁的他只接受了九年的义务教育,带着,500,美元和坚持不懈的动力,在北京路边的小摊上卖起了收音机和小工具,他在价格上击败竞争对手,并迅速扩大。,In 2009, Huang,stepped down under growing pressure after being,investigated on charges of bribery and illegal trading etc,he appointed Chen as his successor.,Director-,陈晓,Director-,张大中,In 2011, the founder of DAZHONG ELECTRONICS Zhang became the new director and the non-executive director of,Gome,.,product,Main product: Modern household appliances, like television,、,air-condition,、,refrigerator and washing machine etc.,Other produce,:,digital products computer and office equipment etc.,advantage,Gome,is an independent public company with a mature operating system management ,operation and management of all normal.,Gome,has relied on the quality of product and service successful.,Gome,be good at use price system appear to customers,And become the best Chinese home appliance retail brand,Enterprise culture,Mission - Achievement of quality of life,成就品质生活,Vision -,Gome,has become the respect of the world electrical appliances retail industry first,i,n 2015 years ago .,在,2015,年前成为备受尊重的世界家电零售行业第一,Core value,Business interests above everything else,企业利益高于一切,Dedication and Thanksgiving,敬业感恩,Integrity,诚信正直,Knowledge and action should go hand in hand,知行合一,The pursuit of excellence,追求卓越,Spirit,Hospitality as friends,待客如友,Happy service,快乐服务,Words and actions will result,言行必果,Dare to be responsible,敢于负责,Innovation pragmatic,创新务实,Keep improving,精益求精,Talent concept,Moral comes first,品德为先,Cultural identity,文化认同,Fair competition,公平竞争,Performance orientation,业绩导向,Rewards and punishments clearly,奖惩分明,Solidarity and cooperation,团结协作,Grow together,共同成长,Symbol - The eagle,Flying eagle symbolizes the cultural character, is all the spirit totem of,Gome,people.,翱翔的雄鹰象征着国美的文化品格,是所有国美人的精神图腾。,The,Gome,people have keen eyes and they take actions rapidly, just as eagles spread their wings.,国美人目光敏锐,行动迅猛,犹如雄鹰展翅。,The,Gome,people are eager to innovate, and have the courage to change, like pulling the feathers ,trimming beaks actively and flying again.,国美人渴望创新,勇于变革,犹如雄鹰拔羽断喙、重新飞翔。,Business impact,In March 2008 China Chain Store & Franchise Association, released the 2007 China Chain hundred operating performance, to 102.35 billion,yuan,Gome,ranked first;,Gome,Group is one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises, was awarded the CCTV CCTV My Favorite Chinese brands Special Contribution Award ;,RREEF China the worlds most valuable brands list,Gome,brand value assessment of 490 billion,yuan, becoming the first Chinese home appliance retail chain brand;,China Consumer Protection Association award for many consecutive years,Gome, protect consumers interests of satisfied integrity unit ,Gome,Groups corporate mission is the achievement of quality of life, corporate vision is to become a respected world-2015 appliance retail industry first.,Reasons for success,Perfect system,Puerile (,薄利多销),Company culture,Learn from the success of the international chain, GOME combined with the situation in CHINA, and gradually establish national retail chain network,Small Profit but Quick Turnover,Severice,Comes First,GGoal,OOpportunity,MManagement,EEagle,The spirit of GOME,thank you,


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