Unit 1 Reception(第一单元接待)

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Reception,Learning objectives,Making reservations,Making introductions,Making, receiving & declining invitations,Starting small talks,Entertaining visitors,Unit 1 big task reception,Make a video about client reception.(5-8m),You should include the following situation:,1. make hotel reservation,2. pick up your client at the airport,3. start small talks in the car,4. entertain the client at the restaurant/to a night club/to a KTV/to a tea house/,Free talk,Choose one way to entertain ,Suppose Obama will come to China,Free talk,Make good arrangements to welcome ,Suppose Premier Wen would come to Guangzhou ,(he came last month),Free talk,Make a good hotel reservation for ,Crosstalk comedian,相声演员,Free talk,Make good arrangements to welcome ,Suppose XX would come to Foshan,Listening part A P4,Id like to,make some reservations,please.,When will they,be arriving,?,I wonder if you can,arrange,one conference room for them for two days.,Listening part B P7,It seems,as if,I had seen you somewhere before.,I head she is,one of the secrets,of this companys success.,Speak of the devil, the famous Miss Lewis is standing right behind you.,Ive heard so much about you.,Listening part C P12,Have you been to,Edinburgh,爱丁堡,before?,There is such a lot to see.,There was a lot of,turbulence,气流,动荡,.,Small talks,What is small talk?,When will you make a small talk?,What are the topics for small talks?,Edinburgh,Edinburgh Castle,University of Edinburgh,Edinburgh,We would like to help you plan your break to,Scotlands capital city,.,Edinburgh has all you need to enjoy a great getaway,!,an active break,a spot of theatre and culture,an eventful break,some shopping,a city spa,a break from the city,爱丁堡是一个历史悠久、风景秀丽文化城市,依山傍水,地貌多姿,素有“北方雅典”之称。,也是苏格兰首府和医疗、司法、银行保险、核能及电子研究的中心。,该市人口,44,万。始建于公元,6,世纪,,12,世纪建成。有“欧洲最美丽城市之誉”。,Listening part D P16,Where have you been hiding yourself lately?,I was hoping to mix business with pleasure.,I thought we might try out the new Italian restaurant everyones been talking about.,Weve got to get the contract ready for Miss King.,Were supposed to be having a big dinner.,Listening part E P18,We have some famous,brands,of alcohol.,Most,northerners,like to have,alcohol,白酒,while many,southerners,like to have,wine,葡萄酒,or yellow wine,黄酒,.,Here they serve a,non-alcoholic cocktail,鸡尾酒,.,Reception sentence patterns,(preliminary),1. Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown from the U.S.?,2. How do you do? May I ask your name?,3. How long was the trip?,4. Did you have a pleasant trip?,5. How long will you stay this time?,Reception sentence patterns,(intermediate),1. I havent seen you,for ages,.,2. If you have no plans for tomorrow, what about,doing the sights,of the city?,3. What are you,particularly,interested in seeing in Beijing?,4. Is there any place,in particular,you would like to go?,客户接待初次见面寒暄,1. Im pleased to meet you, Mr. Peterson.,2. Its certainly a pleasure to meet you.,3. The pleasure is mine.,4. Im delighted to meet you, Mr. Green. Ive heard so much about you from Mr. Bush.,客户接待与熟客打招呼,1. Hello, Mr. Green. Its nice to see you again.,2. Thank you. How have you been?,3. Weve been quite busy, thanks.,客户接待询问旅途情况,1. How was your flight? Did everything go all right?,2. Did you have a safe/pleasant/good trip?,3. It was comfortable, but there was a little bit of turbulence.,客户接待招呼客人上车,1. Theres a car waiting for you, so please come this way.,2. Ill bring my car here, so please wait a moment.,3. Let me put your bags in the trunk.,客户接待请客人看日程表,1. I have arranged your schedule. I hope its suitable.,2. This is the schedule for you. Mr. Li Wen from our department will take care of you.,3. Shall we discuss the schedule in the lobby?,Entertaining Clientsdialogue 1-1,A: Mr. Bryant? Hi, Im Mike from Florence Incorporated. Im glad you made it okay. How was your flight?,B: It was pretty bumpy, also a bit long, all together about 5 hours.,A: That is a long flight. You had a,layover,航班中转站,too, is that right? You must be tired.,B: Actually I feel quite rested. I was able to sleep on the plane.,A: Good! Here, let me help you with your bag. Is it your first time to Seattle? Id be happy to take you around this city and show you the sights tonight if,youre up to it,有空,.,Entertaining Clientsdialogue 1-2,B: That would be very nice, youre too kind.,A: Ive already,made a hotel reservation for you, lets go to the hotel first and drop off your things. Then, Id like to have a drink so that we,get better acquainted,熟悉,了解,. Ive booked a table at an,exclusive restaurant,高档饭店,downtown. Afterwards, Ive made arrangements to take you to see the city lights. Seattles nightlife can be really quite exciting.,How does that schedule sound to you?,B: Sounds great.,Thank you for your,hospitality,热情款待,.,Entertaining Clientsdialogue 2-1,A: Tom Jones from Lockwood will be coming in this afternoon Youll be going along with the driver to pick him up at the airport when his plane comes in from Prague. Remember, he is one of our most important clients. I want you to give him the,red-carpet treatment,隆重接待,.,B: Do you want me to,drop him off,at the hotel, or do I have to,keep him amused,this evening as well?,A: What do you think?,I want you to treat him like a king.,Take him to one of the,fancy restaurants,downtown,市区最豪华的饭店,.,Afterwards, you can follow up with a show.,Entertaining Clientsdialogue 2-2,B:,How much is my,entertainment budget,招待预算,then?,A: Just dont exceed $800 tonight.,B: Dont worry, Ill give him the VIP treatment. Jeeze, I really dont enjoy myself when Im entertaining clients.,A: Well, its your job, isnt it? Try to have a more positive attitude,its not as bad as you make it out to be,事情不像你了解的那样糟糕,.,Hey,while youre at it,这期间, why dont you invite him to play golf this Saturday as well?,B: No problem.,Anything to keep management happy.,只要领导满意,我做什么都行。,Hotel situation dialogue 1-1,A: Hello, welcome to Prescott hotel, how may I help you?,B: Hi, yes, I had a reservation. My secretary called and booked the room a couple weeks ago. The reservation should be for a double bed, non-smoking room.,A: And what name was the reservation made under?,B: It should be under Steve Johnson.,A: HmmLet me see It seems theres no Johnson listed for a room for tonight, is there any other name that your reservation may be listed under?,Hotel situation dialogue 1-2,B: No Heres the confirmation number, will that help? Its H98007. I had the room booked with a VISA gold card,A: Oh, yes, here it isYou have a standard double room, non-smoking, on the third floor. I just need to see some,identification,身份证明, and the credit card you booked the room with, if you dont mind.,B: Sure, here it isWould it be possible to,check out,退房,and,pay the bill,结账,in the morning? Also,what time is breakfast served?,什么时间供应早餐?,Hotel situation dialogue 1-3,A: Theres a,continental breakfast buffet,欧洲大陆式自助早餐,from 6 am 10 am, its in the lobby. Also, you can settle your bill in the morning, but,we require a twenty percent deposit upfront,我们要求提前支付,20%,的订金, but I can just keep a record of your credit card on file. Okay, Ive got you all set up, if you could just,sign,签字,here, and,initial,用姓名的首字母签字,hereHeres your room key. Anything else I can do for you?,B: Yes. Could you call me a taxi, please?,


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