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维 词 课 堂,Victor Vocabulary Class,人教版,B7U1,目录,CONTENTS,disabled,熟词生义,同族词,01,access,英语释义,05,entry,02,community,06,03,04,conduct,as well as,一词多义,用法,英语释义,一词多义,disabled,01,下面是,2016,年,高考全国卷,I,完形填空中,的一道题,,当年很多考生都在这里失了分。,One morning in 2009, Larry was,41.,traveling,along I65 north after delivering to one of his,42.,customers,. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.,43.,As,he got closer, he found,44.,another,vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed,45.,flames,shooting out from under the,46.,vehicle ,46,. A. used,B,.,disabled C,. removed,D,. abandoned,【,解析,】B,。学生很熟悉,disabled,表示“,(,人,),残疾的”的意思,而不知道它也可以用于修饰物,故而把正确选项排除了,造成了失分。,查词源可知,,disabled,是,disable,的,分词形容词,。,disable,v,使残疾,使无效;使不能,运转,disable,的两层释义之间是由人到物的演变。,disabled,由,disable,派生,而,来,它除了有,“,残疾的,”,意思,,还有,“,丧失能力的,”,意思,,,也是由人到物的演变,。,注意,多义词,衍生,义的产生规律,并逐渐,培养这种思维,,这有助于,攻克,熟词生,义,的,难关,。,disabled,adj,残疾的;,丧失,能力的,:,access for,the disabled,残疾人通道,The children here are,mentally,disabled,but physically,capable.,这里,的孩子都是智障儿童,,但他们,的体格是健全的。,维词详解,P133,词汇拓展,同族词,able, ability, ably, disability, disabled, unable,选出适当的单词,并用其,正确,形式填空,。,(,disabled, unable, disability, ability,),1,. He,suffers a lot from his _. (2015,四川阅读,),2. He was _ in a traffic accident. (2011,安徽阅读,),3. I was able to try new activities and test my _. (,2015,湖南阅读,简答,),4. Anxious all the time, I was _ to keep focused for more than an hour at a time. (2016,北京阅读,),disability,disabled,ability,unable,学后检测,基础训练,完成句子,。,The,theatre has good access for _ (,残疾人,).,翻译画线部分。,1. The teachers should be patient with,learning disabled children,. _,2.,Care for the sick, elderly and disabled.,_,the disabled,有学习障碍的孩子,能力提升,关心老弱病残。,entry,02,我们时常会看到下面的汉语标识牌,作为学英语的你,是否想过用英文该怎么表达呢?,维词详解,P155,entry,R3,n,C & U,进入;入场;进入权,:,No Entry,.,禁止入内。,Thieves had forced an,entry into,the building.,窃贼闯进,了那座大楼。,Entry to,the museum is free.,这,座博物馆免费参观,。,C,入口处;门口,:,You can leave your umbrella in the entry.,你,可以,把伞,放在入口处,。,C,记载;条目;项目,:,A pocket dictionary doesnt contain enough entries,.,袖珍,词典没有足够的词条,。,2015,湖南,You are going to read an entry on a website,called “,Family Village”.,你将读到一个名为,“家人村”的,网站上的一篇文章,。人,教,1,2009,上海,卷,,,从一个侧面详细地解释了这层释义,:,A,dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication, preferred spelling and pronunciation (some words have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation), and part-of-speech labels.,C,参加比赛的人,/,物,:,This painting is my entry for the art competition.,这幅,画是我参加绘画比赛的作品。,学后检测,一、写出下列各句中画线部分的汉语释义。,1.,No ID card,no entry,.,(2012,湖南听力,) _,2.,This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have,put off their entry,until next,year. (2015,全国阅读,),_,3,. Enter the Europe-wide student competition,!,You can register (,报名,) between May 1 and June 15,2018,and will have to,turn in your entry,before September 15,2018.,Winning entries,will be published in,a book,.,_ _,禁止入内,推迟入学,上交参赛作品,获胜,/,获奖作品,基础训练,4.,A pocket dictionary doesnt contain enough,entries,to,be,adequate for college reference homework. _,二、用,含,entry,的表达完成下列句子。,Photo,contest generates global interest,. _,_,(,来自,30,个国家的一千多幅作品,) has been submitted. The first photo is,_ _ (,我的参赛作品,).,2.,Last week we held an English story-telling competition .We required that,_ (,故事要原创,),and interesting and be presented in English within five,minutes. (2010,湖南书面表达,),More than 1,000,entries,from 30 countries,m,y entry,for the competition / contest,the entries (should) be original,条目,/,词条,一、写出句中画线部分的汉语释义。,1. There is,no entry,in his diary for that day. _,2.,Theres a record,entry,for this years marathon.,_,二、用含,entry,的表达完成下列句子。,1,. It was dark and _ (,他们进入营地,) had gone unnoticed.,2.,This is,_ (,最棒的作品之一,) to,our competition.,3.,进入,博物馆免费。,_,没有内容,/,记载,今年参加马拉松的人数空前,/,创纪录。,t,heir entry into / to the camp,能力提升,E,ntry to the museum is free.,o,ne of the best entries,as well as,03,判断下列句子正误。,1.,Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me to do things well as them.,2. Swedish (,瑞典语,) is,spoken in Sweden, as well as in parts of Finland.,3. John, as well as,Mary and Bob,want to drop the,course.,4. The organization gives help to people in need, as well as raise money for local charities.,want,wants,raise,raising,well,前加,as,Sweden,和,parts of Finland,互换,维词解读,P477,as well as,与,一样好:,I wish I could speak English as well as he can.,我,希望,自己英语讲得跟他一样好。 北师大,15,本义,可视为,as as,结构与,well,的搭配,和;也;除,之外,:,The weather in England is very changeable and,it attracts,the English as well as the outsider.,英格兰的,天气变化无常,这不仅吸引,了,外,国人,,也,吸引着英国人,。,2013,重庆改,As well as writing stories, I love reading,and listening,to music.,除了写小说,我还喜欢读书,和听,音乐。,衍生义,与,not only . but also,类似,,但,as well as,重点强调,as well as,前面的,部分,as well as,通常被视为介词,后接动词时,一般用,动词,-ing,形式,Students,should,pursue their own,interests as well,as do their school,work.,学生,不仅应该要做好家庭作业,而且还要有自己的兴趣,。,A museum should aim to entertain as well as,educate.,博物馆,不仅要具有教育,性而且,还要具有娱乐性。,如果主句,谓语含有,情态动词或,助动词,,则,as well as,后的动词通常要与情态动词或助动词后的动词形式保持一致,。,如果,as,well,as,是连接两个不定式,则其后用不带,to,的不定式。,The,teacher as well as his students,is,going to,plant trees,tomorrow.,明天不但学生们去植树,老师也去,。,as well as,连接主语时,谓语动词应与,as well as,前的主语保持人称和数的一致。,学后检测,一、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。,1,. The famous musician, as well as his students,_ (invite) to,perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo,. (2013,福建,),2,. Students develop friendships through groups, as well as,_ (learn) more,about other peoples ideas.,3. This training program can give you a lift at work, as well as _,(,increase,) your,income by 40,%. (2012,四川,),was invited,learning,increase,1. Ellen,是一位了不起的舞者。我希望我能跳得和她一样好,。,(2015,陕西,),_,2.,她想证明自己不仅有美貌,还有头脑。,(2017,全国,),_,She wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.,Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I danced as well as her.,二、翻译句子。,conduct,04,教室行为准则,指挥一支乐队,维词详解,P100,conduct,R,3,vt,vt ,正式用语,引导;带领,to lead or guide,sb through,or around a place,:,The guide conducted us around the West Lake.,导游带领,我们游览了西湖。,vt & vi,指挥,(,军队、乐队等,),:,My friend went home, leaving me to conduct the band,.,我,朋友回家了,留下我指挥乐队。 北师大, 12,动词与名词的读音不同,vt,实施;管理;进行,to,organize or,do a,particular activity,:,conduct an experiment /,an interview,/,a survey,进行,实验,/,面试,/,调查,So far we have conducted a variety of activities,on English,learning.,目前我们已经开展了,各种各样的,英语学习活动。,2010,湖南书面表达,n U ,正式用语,行为;举止,(,behaviour,),:,Confucius suggested a principle for the,conduct of,life,: “Do not do to others,what,you would not,want others,to do,to,you.”,孔子提供了一条人生的,行为,准则,:“己所不欲,勿施于人。”,2010,江西改,经营,方式;管理方式;组织方式,:,His conduct of the business was very successful.,他经商,非常成功。,名,词与动词的读音不同,正式用语,conduct,的学习要点,conduct,是学术词汇,故其部分释义,是,正式,用语。,动词:,conduct,的动词,释义,为词源义,是正式用语,,相,对应的常用词是,guide,。可根据所,给英语释义来理解,该层释义,。,释义,是,最常用的释义,可通过英文释义来,理解该,层释义,并熟知其常用词块,。,名词:,conduct,的名词是正式用语,多用于表达人生行为准则、经营管理等“高大上”的概念或,领域。,Conduct,名词释义,相对应的常用词是,behavior,;释义,是低义频释义。,学后检测,写出句中画线部分的汉语释义。,1.,Your,cheating conduct,in selling a great amount of useless equipment,for,huge profit,contributed,to causing death and injury to innocent people,.(2013,四川阅读改,) _,2.,To,conduct the study,they chose 15 male dogs and 15 female ones aged between one and six years.,_,3. We joined,a conducted tour,of Egypt. _,4. He,conducted himself,far better than expected.,_,欺骗行为,进行研究,有导游陪同的旅行,表现,语法填空。,Yangshuo is really beautiful. A study of travelers _ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. (2015,全国语法填空,),完成句子。,So,far we,_ (,开展多种多样的活动,) on,English learning , such as watching English,films,including a Christmas party and getting together with foreign,students. (2010,湖南书面表达,),have conducted a variety of,activities,conducted,access,05,Each room comes with its own bathroom and Internet,access,.,access,n,进入 / 到达,的方法或途径,n,使用 / 接近,的权利或机会,Across the world, 1.1 billion people,have no,acces,s to,clean drinking water.,每个房间都有浴室,都能上网。,全世界有11亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。,Translate,access,翻译非常灵活,很难找到一个精准的汉语释义与之相对应,容易造成阅读理解和运用困难。在英语中还有很多类似的词,我们很难找到与之对应的、精准的汉语释义,还有一些词通过汉语释义也很难准确理解,如,available,approach,等,就需要借助英语释义来学习! 平时养成借助英语释义学习词汇的好习惯,还有助于培养英语思维能力。,1.,access的名词释义较抽象,需要借助英语释义和例句帮助准确理解;,2.,动词释义是由名词释义转化而来;,3.,access作名词时常与介词to搭配使用。,教学建议,后接,to,维词解读,P5,n,U,通道;入口:,Fallen rocks cut off the only,access to,the village. 坠石挡住了通往村子的唯一道路,。,access,R,3,进入 / 到达,的方法或途径,the way of reaching or entering a place,:,Each room comes with its own bathroom and Internet,access. 每个房间都有浴室,都能上网。译林 1,The police,gained access,through a broken window. 警察从一扇破窗中钻了进去。,借助英语释义,再结合丰富的例句,准确,理解,使用,/ 接近,的权利或机会,the opportunity or,right,to use sth or to see sb / sth,:,Across the world, 1.1 billion people,have no access,to,clean drinking water. 全世界有11亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。,This site gives you,instant access to,a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK. 这个网站让你瞬间即可查到关于在英国学习和居住的各种各样的信息。,One,reason for her preference for city life is that she can,have easy access to,places like shops and restaurants. 她喜欢城市生活的一个原因是去哪儿都很方便,比如去商店和餐馆。,2010,上海,access way,access作为名词,其含义中包含了某种动作,。,vt,正式用语 到达;进入;使用:,The road is closed but can be accessed by emergency vehicles. 这条路封了,但是应急车辆可以通过。, 访问;获取,(,计算机数据,),:,access the Internet,访问互联网,We need a better way to access information.,我们需要更好的方式来获取信息。,2015,安徽,accessible,R,2,adj,易进入的;易得到的;易使用的:,Each floor has wheelchair accessible toilets. 每层都设有无障碍卫生间。 2014 北京,易懂的:,This magazine makes complex ideas attractive and,accessible to,children. 这本杂志使复杂的思想吸引孩子且容易被他们理解。 2017 北京改,(人) 易接近的;平易近人的,词汇拓展,一、将下列句子译成汉语。,1. We need a better way to access information. (2015 安徽),_,2. To gain access to,our,school,library, you must have your ID card. (2012,湖南改),_,3. Find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure. (2009 北京),_,我们需要一个更好的方法来获取信息。,要进,校,图书馆,,你得有学生证。,找一个没有行车通道的野营地点:徒步进去才是一场真正的冒险。,(,road access,行车通道),学后检测,4,.,Many divorced (离异的) fathers only have access to their children at weekends,.,_,5,.,Only high officials had access to the president,.,_,很多离,异,的父亲只有在周末才有机会见到自己的孩子,。,只有高级官员才能见到总统。,6,.,People are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. (2015 安徽),_,7.,Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office even simple views of trees and flowers felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying. (2014,浙江,),_,人们在学习如何管理大量的信息,以便日后能用。,她的研究发现,在办公室有机会接触大自然的工作人员哪怕是只能看到树和花,觉得,他们,自己,的工作压力,较小,,满意度较高。,1,. It was really annoying; I couldn,t,_,_,(,使用语料库,) you had recommended. (access,n.,) (2016 天津改),2. The village _,_,(很容易去) by public transport. (access,v.,/ accessible,),3. In some areas there,s _,_,(喝不上干净的水). (access,n.,),4. Never block _,_,(任何紧急出口的通道). (emergency 紧急情况) (2012 北京改,),get / gain / have access to the data bank,is easily accessed / accessible,no access to clean water,access to any emergency exits,二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。,community,06,What is “community”?,community,R,3,n,C,社区,the people who live in the same area,:,community service / spirit,社区服务,/,精神,the sense of community,社区归属感,Worrying about community safety, I prefer to,secure my,house with new technology.,由于担心社区,安全,,我更喜欢用新科技保护我的房子。,2013,广东,维词详解,P 94,借助英文释义帮助理解,C,群体,;团体;界,a group of people,who have,the same interests, religion, etc.,:,the business / academic /,scientific community,商业界,/,学术界,/,科学界,与,the,连用,社会;公众,:,As students, there are many ways in which you,can serve,the community.,作为学生,你们有很多,服务社,会的方式。,2013,福建,Give back to the community it can be just,as rewarding,for you as those you choose to help.,回馈,社会,你,在帮助他人的同时,自己也会获益良多。,借助英文释义帮助理解,学后检测,将下列句中画线部分译成汉语。,1. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and,community events,all over Washington State,. (2017,全国阅读,) _,2,. Learning to deal with the social world is equally important. Because,a college community,differs,from the family, many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging.,(2016,北京阅读,) _,3,. There has been a recent trend,toward,lower fat content and less,salt, which was,started by,the medical,community,as a method of fighting heart,disease. (2017,全国语法填空,),_,社区活动,大学群体,医学界,


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