六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Sound time(3)

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六年级上册英语课件:Unit 1 The king’s new clothes (Sound time(3)_第1页
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*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 1,The kings new clothes,(,Cartoon time,),(,liked, visited, happy,),(,showed, try on,clever, foolish,),Look and say,(,walked through,looked at, shouted,),(,pointed at, laughed,isnt wearing,),Look and say,Play a game,There is a tree.,There,was,a tree.,We are happy.,We,were,happy.,I live in Shanghai.,I live,d,in Shanghai.,He likes new clothes.,He like,d,new clothes.,They laugh at him.,They laugh,ed,at him.,Who are they?,Miss Fox and her students,.,What is the game?,Tell a story.,讲故事,tell,讲,叙说,Look and answer,H,ow to play this game?,Each student says one sentence.,each student,每个学生,say one sentence,说一个句子,make,sentence,造句,山,山脉,mountain,New words:,Lets learn,Lets learn,山上有一座房子。,quickly adv.,快速地,反义词:,slow,quick adj.,快的,Lets learn,房子里住着一个老人和一个小孩。,wonderful,精彩的,绝妙的,next,下一个,反义词:,last,上一个,Lets learn,老人给孩子讲了一个故事。,tell - told,New words:,turn,机会,hard,努力地,费劲地,have to,不得不,必须,start the story again,重新开始这个故事,Lets learn,Read and answer,What did they say?,Read and answer,What did Miss Fox say?,Long,long,ago, there was a mountain.,Read and answer,What did Sam say?,There was a house on the mountain.,Read and answer,What did Willy say?,An old man and a little boy lived in a house.,Read and answer,What did Billy say?,The old man told the boy a story.,Read and answer,What did Bobby say?,Long,long,ago, there was . a mountain.,Lets act,六人一组表演故事,注意用语气、动作和表情演出他们不同的心情。,1.Complete the,checkout,book.,2. Make some sentences with past tense.,


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