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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英美国家概况部分,国家地理常识,国家历史知识,国家政治常识,社会文化知识,一、国家地理常识,国家,首都,最大城市,最长河流,英国,London,London,the Severn River,美国,Washington,New York,the Mississippi River,加拿大,Ottawa,Toronto,the Mackenzie River,澳大利亚,Canberra,Sydney,the Murray River,新西兰,Wellington,Auckland,the Waikato River,爱尔兰,Dublin,Dublin,the Shannon River,二、国家历史知识,1. 最早居民或早期居民,英国:古伊比利亚人,美国:印第安人,加拿大:因纽特人,澳大利亚:土著居民,新西兰:毛利人,2.重要历史事件,英国:,1066,年诺曼征服、英法百年,战争、英国内战、北爱尔兰,问题,美国:独立战争、南北战争,加拿大:魁北克问题,3.重要历史文献,英国,:,大宪章,(,Great Charter,),权利法案,(,The Bill of Rights,),英爱条约,(,Anglo-Irish Treaty,),维坦基条约,(,Treaty of Waitangi,),美国,:,独立宣言,(The Declaration of,Independence),4.历史人物,英国:亨利八世、伊丽莎白一世、,詹姆斯,.,库克,美国:华盛顿,三、国家政治常识,国家,政体,实权元首及每届任期,主要政党,国会或议会,英国,君主立宪制,国家,首相(5年),工党,保守党,上议院,下议院,美国,总统共和制,国家,总统(4年),民主党,共和党,参议院,众议院,加拿大,君主立宪制联邦国家,总理(5年),自由党,进步保守党,参议院,众议院,澳大利亚,君主立宪制联邦议会制国家,总理(3年),工党,自由党,参议院,众议院,新西兰,议会制和君主立宪制国家,总督(5年),国民党,工党,众议院,爱尔兰,议会共和国,总统(7年),共和党,统一党,参议院,众议院,四、社会文化知识,1.宗教情况,英国:国教、新教徒,美国:新教、天主教、犹太教,加拿大:罗马天主教、联合教、,卫理公教,爱尔兰:天主教,2.教育情况,英国:,义务教育年龄,: 5-16,岁,著名“公学”,:,伊顿、哈罗、,威斯敏斯特、温切斯特,最古老的大学,:,牛津大学、,剑桥大学,美国:,高等教育的三个主要职能:,教学、研究、公众服务,历史最悠久的大学:哈佛大学,大学经费三大主要来源:学生学费、,社会捐助、政府拨款,3.媒体情况,英国:,最古老的全国性报纸:,The Observer,最古老日报:,The Times,BBC,成立于,1922,年,,1927,年获皇家,特许状,美国三大广播公司:,美国广播公司,(ABC ),美国有线新闻广播公司,(CNN),美国哥伦比亚广播公司,(CBS),4.体育运动常识,英国最典型的运动:板球,现代足球起源于苏格兰,现代网球由英国人发明,美国最古老运动:棒球,1. The first known settlers of Bri-,tain were _.,A. the Celts,B. the Romans,C. the Iberians,D. the Beaker of Fold,2. Great Britain is separated from,the rest of Europe by the _,in the south.,A. North Sea,B. Atlantic Ocean,C. Straits of Dover,D. English Channel,3. Britains longest river is_.,A. the Clyde,B. the Thames,C. the Severn,D. the Tweed,4. The Romans led by Julius Caesar,launched their first invasion on,Britain in _.,A. 200BCB. 55BC,C. AD55D. AD410,5. Education is compulsory for all,between the ages of _ and,_ in Great Britain except in,North Ireland.,A. 4, 16B. 4, 18,C. 5, 16D. 5, 18,6. The University of Oxford and,Cambridge date from the _,centuries.,A. 9,th,and 10th,B. 10th and 11th,C. 11,th,and 12,th,D. 12,th,and 13th,7. The Hundred Years War between,Britain and France was fought_.,A. from 1327 to 1453,B. from 1337 to 1453,C. from 1347 to 1453,D. from 1357 to 1453,8. The second largest state of the,United States is _.,A. Texas,B. Alaska,C. California,D. Hawaii,9. Which of the following languages,is not spoken in Scotland?,A. EnglishB. Scottish,C. GaelicD. Denish,10. Among the most typical English,sports, _ has been in existence,since the 16th century.,A. rugbyB. soccer,C. cricketD. boxing,11. Which of the following tribes,first came to Britain?,A. Anglos,B. Saxons,C. Jutes,D. Celts,12. In Britain only about _ of the,population are farmers but they,manage 70% of the land area.,A. 2%B. 3%,C. 4%D. 5%,13. Each of the 50 states of the USA,elects _ senators.,A. 10B. 4,C. 3D. 2,14. The Republic of Ireland became,independent in the year_.,A. 1918B. 1920,C. 1945D. 1949,15. The English Civil War is also,called _.,A. the Puritan Revolution,B. the second Magna Carta,C. the Long Parliament,D. the Anglican War,16. The goal of Roosevelts New,Deal was to _.,A. save the American economic,and political system,B. get America out of the depre-,ssion,C. weaken monopoly interests,in America,D. strengthen the power of the,president,17. In terms of area, the United,States is the _ largest country,in the world.,A. 2,nd,B. 3,rd,C. 4,th,D.,5th,18. In the 1960s pop music underwent,a revolution when _ became,world famous and turned their,hometown of Liverpool into a,place of pilgrimage.,A. the Beach Boys,B. the Rolling Stone,C. the Animals,D. the Beatles,19. Which of the following is not a,national daily newspaper?,A.,Financial Times,B.,The Guardian,C.,The Times,D.,The Observers,20. Christopher Columbus who first,discovered the New Continent,came from_.,A. EnglandB. Ireland,C. Spain D. Italy,21. The last English colony in,America was _, which was,established in 1733.,A. North Carolina,B. South Carolina,C. Georgia,D. Arizona,22. Of all the symbols, which are,considered to represent fertility,and new life and are most frequently,associated with Easter?,A. The pumpkin and turkey,B. The lamb and beef,C. The spring peas and potatoes,D. The egg and rabbit,23. The US formally entered the,Second World War in _.,A. 1937B. 1939,C. 1941D. 1943,24. In America, the three biggest,newspapers are of the following,except_.,A.,New York Times,B.,Readers Digest,C.,Washington Post,D.,Los angels Times,25. British was by 1830 the “work-,shop of the world” because of_.,A. the Agricultural Revolution,B. the Industrial Revolution,C. colonial expansion,D. the invention of the steam,engine,26. China and America established,diplomatic relations in January,_.,A. 1972B. 1976,C. 1978D. 1979,27. _ is the home of golf.,A. England,B. Scotland,C. Wales,D. Ireland,28. In the US, Constitutional Amend-,ment can go into effect after it is,approved by _.,A. a two-thirds vote of both houses,B. three-fourths of the states,C. two-thirds of the states,D. half of the states,29. Edinburgh is the capital of _.,A. England,B. Scotland,C. Wales,D. Northern Ireland,30. Reuters was founded in _.,A. 1715,B. 1751,C. 1851,D. 1815,31. Which of the following is not in,the east part of the USA?,A. Massachusetts,B. Maine,C. North Carolina,D. Louisiana,32. Where is the international tennis,championships held?,A. Wembley,B. Wimbeldon,C. St. Aandrews,D. Clapham,33. There are two major national parties,in Britain: the Conservative party,and_.,A. the Liberal Party,B. the Democratic Party,C. the Labour Party,D. the Republican Party,34. New Zealand is sometimes called,the worlds biggest farm. It is the,worlds largest exporter of _.,A. beefB. lamb and mutton,C. wheatD. corn,35. The 50th state in America is _.,A. Alaska,B. Texas,C. Hawaii,D. Rhode Island,36. The American policy towards the,Soviet Union after the Second,World War was _.,A. cooperation,B. cold war,C. containment,D. impartiality,37. In America the judicial is headed,by _.,A. the President,B. Congress,C. the Supreme Court,D. the Secretary General,38. The smallest state of the United,States is _.,A. Rhode IslandB. Maine,C. TexasD. Alaska,39. On the island of Great Britain, there are _.,A. four political divisions England,Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,B. four political divisions England,Scotland, Wales and Ireland,C. three political divisions England,Scotland, and Wales,D. three political divisions England,Scotland, and Northern Ireland,40. Which degree is offered in community,colleges in the United States?,A. Masters degree,B. Doctors degree,C. Bachelors degree,D. Associates degree,


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