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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,LOGO,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lecture 6,汉语句子英译之二,(化散为整),2024/9/13,1,汉语行文形式连接少,多用散句。英语句子形式严密。(diffusive vs. compact),汉译英如何化散为整?,意义合并的手段 :,1,形合法,参见 汉语流水长句的翻译(lecture5),2,化散为整,2024/9/13,2,Company Logo,句子的化散为整,1.,使用具有连接作用的结构, 如and, so that, who, that 等,2. 短语结构:分词短语,动词不定式,介词短语,名词短语或名词性短语,名词或名词性短语与标点符号连用, : - 对前面(也包括后面)的名词进行解释说明,一般称为同位结构,. 副词,. 使用名词化的结构来合并句子,2024/9/13,3,Company Logo,1.,使用具有连接作用的结构,如,so that, who, that,等,(1),天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。,It was,so,cold,that,the river froze.,(2),还是热,心里可镇定多了。凉风,即使是一点点,给了人们许多希望。(老舍,骆驼祥子,),It was still hot,but,everyone felt much better,for,the breeze, though,slight, brought them hope.,2024/9/13,4,Company Logo,(,) 年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。,All citizens,who,have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election.,(4)他被书中所描述的大观园悲欢离合的故事和其中揭示的多彩社会生态所深深吸引,一辈子的红楼情缘就此结下。,He was so enchanted by the saga of the characters and the kaleidoscopic view of Chinese society which the book revealed that it became his lifelong passion.,2024/9/13,5,Company Logo,2.,短语结构,分词短语,动词不定式等,(1) 看门人惊呆了,喘着粗气,摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。,The janitor staggered down the stairway,stunned and gasping,.,(2)小说的原作者曹雪芹未能完成整部作品,为后人留下了很多无法破解的悬案,至今为学术界所关注和争论。,Cao Xueqin, the author, never finished the book,leaving,many unsolved mysteries,which,remain a source of interest for academics to this day.,2024/9/13,6,Company Logo,名词短语或名词性短语,名词或名词性短语与标点符号连用, : -,对前面的名词进行解释说明,一般称为同位结构,Company Logo,2024/9/13,7,Company Logo,有的地方,新娘将要进入新郎家时,新郎家大门口要栽上香蕉树,意味子孙后代昌盛。同时还要栽上甘蕉,意味着新生活节节甜。,(1) In some places, the bridegroom plants some banana trees and sugar canes in front of his house,the banana trees a wish for the prosperity of later generations, and the sugar canes a sweet sign of a happy life,.,(2) In some places, as the bride is to enter the bridegrooms home, banana trees are planted in front of the house praying for offsprings prosperity. Meanwhile, sugar canes are also planted with the hope that the new life is sweet in every section as the sugar cane.,),2024/9/13,8,霍克斯是牛津大学一位中国古代文学学者,,他把中国人最喜欢的,古典文学作品之一,红楼梦,(他译成,石头记,)翻译成了英文,并因此而成名。,An Oxford scholar of classical Chinese literature,Haw,ks,was renowned for his translation of a much-loved Chinese literary classic,A Dream of Red Mansions,- or,The Story of the Stone, as he translated it.,2024/9/13,9,Company Logo,我注意到房间各个角落都堆满了中文古典文学书籍,当中也有几本当代小说,他从中国求学回英国已经,58,年了,还能说一口纯正的普通话,这必是原因所在了。,Looking at,the books scattered about - mostly traditional literary works in Chinese alongside a handful of contemporary novels,-, I began to understand how he had managed to remain fluent in Chinese 58 years after returning from studying in China.,2024/9/13,10,Company Logo,人把它捕捉,将它制成标本,作为一种商品去出售,价钱越来越高。,Man captures it, makes a specimen of it and sells it in the market at,increasingly,high price.,我不指望你出名,只愿你身体好,没病没灾的。,I dont expect you to be famous. All I want is for you to stay healthy, and,safe from misfortune,.,先生慢条斯理地说着,已经很久没有看到内地作家的新书了,,听得出话音里带着些许遗憾。,I havent read new books from mainland writers for quite a while, he said,a hint of regret in his tone.,2024/9/13,11,Company Logo,先生从窄窄的走道出来,拱手上前,笑盈盈地用传统的中国方式向我们问好:“欢迎光临寒舍”,一口标准的普通话,像一位中国老者。,Coming,out of a narrow passage, he greeted me in the traditional Chinese way,: both hands held together to his chest and all smiles(,满面笑容),.,He said Welcome to my humble home, in perfect Chinese,just like any Chinese old man.,分清楚主次,各种短语结构综合使用,:,动词短语,名词短语,介词短语,Company Logo,2024/9/13,12,Company Logo,3.,名词化结构来连接句子,用非人称名词或名词化做主语,(1),采取新技术, 大大降低了产品的废品率。,The,adoption,of new technology has greatly reduced the defective products percentage.,(2),只要看一眼这封信,你就会明白你上当了。,A,glance,at this letter will convince you that you have been taken in.,2024/9/13,13,Company Logo,()房子位于荒废的小巷里,破败陈旧,一片凄凉。,The old and dilapidated house in the deserted lane made a dismal picture.,(,注意意义的整合),()议会解散以后,出现了动荡局面。,Congress dissolution saw violent scenes.,()他的健康状况很差,无法实现他的梦想。,Poor health incapacipated (disabled) him from realizing his dream.,2024/9/13,14,Company Logo,(6)他贪污了大量公款,当啷入狱了。,His egregious,embezzlement,led to his,imprisonment,.,(7),由于电信、传媒的发达,人们之间联系日益紧密,地球仿佛成了地球村。,The,sophistication,of and telecommunication mass media brings about,increasing interconnection,among people and turns the globe into a village.,2024/9/13,15,Company Logo,小句表达的意思用动名词短语表达,他将中国人民最钟爱的古典小说以通俗易懂的方式,引荐,给西方读者,,,为中国和英国人民,架起,一座文化的桥梁,,他的贡献将永为世人铭记。,He will always be remembered for,bringing the Chinese peoples favourite classical novel closer to western readers,making it readable and understandable,and for,building a cultural bridge between the Chinese and British people.,2024/9/13,16,Company Logo,4.,副词常常有从句的功能,能对整个句子做出评价,。如,1),哈罗德先生没有流露出自己的情感,只是察言观色,心领神会。这是他这个人的特点。,Characteristicly,Mr Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.,2) 她以她高超的烹调技艺为傲,这是情有可原的。,She was,pardonably proud,of her wonderful cooking.,3) 司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是没有尽到责任。,Law enforcement cannot,responsibly,stand aloof.,2024/9/13,17,Company Logo,(4),当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。,At the time the friendship store was,exclusively,open to foreign visitors.,(5),她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。,She is,justifiably,proud of her achievements.,Company Logo,2024/9/13,18,Company Logo,和英语相比,汉语在形式上不太严密,这表现在有时字面意义和蕴涵意义的相隔,有时汉语句群中、或句子中意义因素的相对重复。对此,译者要有清醒的认识,不可过于依附原文字面结构,而要对其中重复的语义因素进行剪裁、过滤、消肿。,当它阖起两张翅膀的时候,像长在树枝上的一张干枯的树叶。谁也不去注意它,说也不瞧它一眼。,When it closes its wings it resembles a withered tree leaf hanging from a,branchscarcely noticeable to the human eyes.,(“谁也不去注意它,谁也不瞧它一眼”是语义重复,翻译时可以省去一个小句),2024/9/13,19,Company Logo,窗口下,会有几个摊点买着西瓜什么的,在他们的头顶方向,是电信塔楼和城市报时钟。,Below the window were several melon stalls, and above them was the Tele Com Tower,with a big clock on top of it.,(如果将“城市报时钟”按字面译为,topped with the turret clock telling the city time,译文将是臃肿不堪),2024/9/13,20,Company Logo,3. 三月里刘薰宇君来信,说互生病了,而且是没有希望的病。,In March I heard from Mr. Liu Xunyu that Husheng was sick and,hopelessly at that,.,(,and hopelessly at that,就将“而且是没有希望的病”的语势简洁地表达出来,没有必要译为,and it was a hopeless sickness.,),2024/9/13,21,Company Logo,4. 忆昔当年,日寇强敌入境,山河破碎,风雨飘摇。日寇军阀穷凶极恶,遣无数本国精壮,到海外屠杀无辜,,During the war, the atrocious Japanese militarists sent Japanese armies to China to slaughter the innocent people,bringing the country to the point of disintegration,.,(本句译文中“山河破碎,风雨飘摇”译为,bringing the country to the point of disintegration,即可,没有必要分别译出两个短语。),2024/9/13,22,Company Logo,Homework,Translate the following into English and send to me by Sunday evening,来自,14,个国家和地区的,150,多名境外学生事务领导和专家,,50,多所中国大陆高校的,200,多名学生事务领导和专家,,46,名来自亚太地区各国的学生代表以及湖北省学生事务高级研修班近,50,名学员等共计,450,余名师生代表参加了本次会议。通过本次会议,发言代表们展示了本国(地区)、本校学生事务工作的特点和经验,共享了最新的研究内容和成果。通过广泛而又深入的学术研讨,与会代表在学生事务的诸多方面达成了一些思想共识,发布了,亚太地区学生事务协会第十一届年会武汉宣言,。,2024/9/13,23,


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