新视野第三版大学英语2第四单元Section B Vocabulary

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Section B Vocabulary,indifferent: a.,The steel workers were relativelyindifferentto the issue of nationalization.,People have becomeindifferentto the suffering of others.,2. impulse: n.,Many of them buy things on,impulse,.,All day she had fought off the,impulse,to telephone Harry.,3.Incline:vi.,Those who fail,incline,to blame the world for their failure.,I,incline,to the view that we should take no action at this stage.,4. inclined: a.,Compared with younger ones, older societies are less,inclined,to be innovative and take risks than younger ones.,Nobody felt,inclined,to argue with Smith.,The leaves are,inclined,to scorch in hot sunshine.,5. daring: a. & n.,To write and publish this poem was a,daring,act.,His,daring,may have cost him his life.,6. notion: n.,The very,notion,of price competition is foreign to many schools.,The popular,notion,that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday.,7. abnormal: a.,Is the child,abnormal,in any way?,The,abnormal,bleeding is your bodys own red flag of danger.,8. initiative: n.,Theres talk of a new peace,initiative,. 传闻有可能提出新的和平倡议。,We must,take the initiative,in the struggle to end the war.,9. contact: n. & vt.,She wanted to renew her,contact,with the Peace Corps.,Well, I,contacted,his office half an hour ago, and his secretary said he was out for lunch until 2.,10. spark: n.,He passed an electric,spark,through a mixture of gases.,a,spark,of intelligence/interest/imagination,11. reckon: vt.,He,reckoned,he was still fond of her.,The sale has been held up because the price is,reckoned,to be too high.,12. id,l,e: a.,Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.,It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect.,13. phenomenon: n. pl. phenomena,Its an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.,Beethoven was a phenomenon among many musicians.,天才,14. approval: n.,A reformed party would have to win the approval of the people.,In some countries, whistling by listeners is a sign of approval while in other courtiers it is a form of insult.,15. leisure: n.,What was the most popular leisure activity in the US?,The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building.,16. forge: vt.,He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.,They agreed to forge closer economic ties.,She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form.,17. alternate: n. & a. & v.,The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour.,这3个节目将在整个巡回演出中轮流打头牌。,His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.,In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.,大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。,18. circulate: v.,Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries.,Let me get you something to drink, then I must circulate.,应酬,19. undergo: vt.,Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.,New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.,20. preliminary: a. & n.,The winner of each preliminary goes through to the final.,每场初赛的获胜者进入决赛。,Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.,21. plural: a.,What is the plural form of the noun “index”?,22. plurality: n.,The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes.,保守党保住了选票的多数优势。,One can experience a plurality of cultures by traveling to different countries.,23. clarify: vt.,The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.,A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.,24. definite: a.,Mary is very definite about this.,Its too soon to give a definite answer.,25. whip: vt. & n.,The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.,Bob whipped out his notebook.,26. frown: vi.,He frowned at her anxiously.,Many teachers frown on such practices.,27. hasty: a.,I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.,Try to avoid making a hasty decision.,28. convey: vt.,Euclid was trying to convey his idea of a geometrical point.,Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.,29. blast: n.,A blast of hot air came from the furnace.,250 people were killed in the blast.,Making the album was a real blast.,30. thrive: vi.,Lavender thrives in poor soil.,Today his company continues to thrive.,31. dimension: n.,This adds a new dimension to our work.,There is a political dimension to the accusations.,32. formula: n.,a secret formula for the Coke,The chemical formula for water is H2O.,33. pat: vt.,Dont you worry about any of this, she said patting me on the knee.,She patted a place next to her for me to sit down.,34. pit: n.,They dug a pit to bury the body of their pet.,A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.,吃一堑,长一智。,35. conquer: vt.,I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar),Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings.,36. conceal: vt.,Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a door.,He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me.,37. thrill: vt. & n.,It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.,The children will thrill at all their favourite characters.,Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.,


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