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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Good evening!,How are you ?,H,ow,ma,1,ny mo,4,n,th,s can y,ou,3,s,ee,?,May,Which season is it now ?,au,tumn,fall,spri,ng,summ,er,wint,er,Whats the date today ?,Tod,ay,is Y,ou,3,th,D,ay,.,Wh,ats the w,ea,ther like to,0,d,ay,?,Wh,ats,th,e w,ea,th,e,r like today ?,(H,ow,is,th,e w,ea,th,er,? ),windy,r,ai,ny,1,th,u,1,n-de,0,-ry,sun-ny,c,1,l,ou,dy,fo,1,g,1,-gy,sn,ow,y,ha,2,-zy,windy,r,ai,ny,1,th,u,1,n-de,0,-ry,c,1,l,ou,dy,fo,1,g,1,-gy,sn,ow,y,windy,English Proverb,A close m,ou,th ca,tch,es no flies.,病从口入。,48,个国际音标,Review,two weeks ago,tomorrow,Berlin,Rome,Tokyo,a year ago,in three days time,a month ago,in a weeks ime,When did you.?,What about Lucy?,next-door neighbour,隔壁邻居,the month after next,下下月,fly to,.,飞往,.,the week after next,下下周,return to,.,回到,.,nearly every country in the world,几乎世界上每个国家,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Whats the exact,time?,与时间相关的有用表达,1. How time flies!,时间过得真快,!,2,. The clock is,ten minutes,slow / fast,.,这个钟快,/,慢了,10,分钟,.,3,. Weve got,plenty of time,.,我们有大把时间,/,我们的,时间还很宽裕,.,4,. What time,is it?,现在几点了,?,5,.,in,five hours time 5,小时之后,Whats the time? It is,1.,直读法:,8:56,eight, fifty-six,12:34,twelve, thirty-four,10:08,ten, eight,2.,加减法:,Whats the time? It is,介词,分钟界限,例子,past,(,过,),30,8:09 9,past,8,4:30,30(half),past,4,to(,至,),30,9:55 5,to,10,3:31 29,to,4,What time is it? It is,time,a minute ago,two minute,s,ago,an hour ago,two hour,s,ago,a day ago,a week ago,a month ago,a year ago,in a,minutes,time,in two,minutes,time,in an,hours,time,in two,hours,time,in a days time,in a weeks time,in a months time,in a years time,Exact time,go,return to,leave,arrive in,come to,fly to,Lesson95,Tickets, please.,ti,ck,et,single,ticket,return,ticket,return,n. 1),往返,return ticket,往返票,2) in return,作为回报,You sent me a postcard, in return, I sent you a postcard too.,你给我寄来明信片,我也回寄一张明信片。,v. 3,)回到,Ill return at 10 this evening.,Will you return my car key?,We returned home.,return fromto,从,回到,return sth to sb = return sb sth,把,归还某人,train,n.,火车,train,1) n.,火车,The old man went to Beijing by train.,take the train to ,乘火车去,Well take the 2:00 p.m. train to Shanghai.,我们要搭下午,2,点的火车去上海。,2,),v.,训练,培养,He is training the horse for the race.,他为了比赛在训练那匹马。,station,n.,火车站,station,n,. 1),车站,火车站,a railway station,火车站,a bus station = a bus stop,公共汽车站,2,)(政府机关等的)局,所,中心,a police station,警察局,a fire station,消防队,a gas station,加油站,a TV station,电视台,platf,or,m,n.,站台,platform,1) n.,站台,月台,Buy a platform ticket ,please.,platform No.2 = platform 2,第二站台,Im waiting for you at platform 5.,我正在第,5,站台等你呢。,2,),n.,讲台,讲坛,The teacher is standing on the platform and looking at the students.,老师站在讲台上看着学生们。,bridge,bar,n.,酒吧,porter,n.,乘务员;行李员,bridge,platform,railway,station,train,porter,PK,re,turn,tr,ain,plat,form,pl,en,ty,b,ar,st,a,tion,port,er,cat,ch,(caught, caught),miss,n.,往返,n.,火车,n.,站台,n.,大量,n.,酒吧,n.,车站,火车站,n.,收票员,v.,赶上,v.,错过,plenty of,apples,plenty of,money,plenty,n.,大量,plenty of,后接可数名词或不可数名词,,通常用于肯定句。,谓语动词的单复数形式须与其修饰的名词一致。,杯子里有大量的牛奶。,There is plenty of,milk,in my cup.,这所学校有大量的学生。,There are plenty of,students,in this school.,plenty of,a lot of/ lots of,即可接可数名词和不可数名词。,many,许多,修饰可数名词,,much,许多,修饰不可数名词。,catch,(caught, caught),1) v.,捕捉,逮捕,We caught a thief on the bus yesterday.,昨天在公共汽车上我们抓住一个小偷。,I caught five fish yesterday.,我昨天钓了五条鱼,2,),v.,及时赶上,赶得上,追上,赶上火车,catch the train.,3,),v.,染上(疾病),感染,catch a cold.,染上感冒。,miss,1) v.,错过,我昨天错过了火车。,I missed the train yesterday.,2,),v.,想念,Well all miss you .,我们都会想念你的。,1.Have you been to other places,by train?,2.What must I do,if I want to go to Beijing by train?,Buy a ticket,Go to the ticket office,A return ticket,time,R,ai,lway,sta,tion,Booking clerk,:,May?,Single or return ticket?,When?,Platform 2,over the bridge,You:,Go to London,need a return ticket,at 8:19 am,platform?,Help them to buy a ticket to London,A:,May I help you,?,B: A ticket to Beijing, please.,A:,Single or return,?,B: A return ticket, please.,A:,When do you want to go,?,B: about ten oclock.,A:,358yuan, please,.,B: Here you are.,A:,Thank you. Bye, bye,.,B: Bye.,1.What time will the train leave?,2.What time will the next train leave?,3.Whats the time now?,4.Where will they go?,5.Whats the time now?,6.Whens the next train,1.What time will the train leave?,At nineteen minutes past eight.,2.Which platform and what time will the next train leave?,Platform Two and at eight nineteen.,3.Whats the time now?,Its only three minutes to eight.,4.Where will they go?,Lets go and have a drink .,5. Where is the bar?,There s a bar next door to the station.(They,will go to the next -door bar),relationship,George,attendant,porter,Ken,GEORGE,: Two,return tickets to,London, please.,What time,will the next train leave?,ATTENDANT,: At nineteen minutes past eight.,GEORGE,: Which platform?,ATTENDANT,: Platform Two. Over the bridge.,KEN,: What time will the next train leave?,GEORGE,: At eight nineteen.,KEN,: Weve got,plenty of,time.,GEORGE,: Its only three minutes to eight.,KEN,:,Lets go and have a drink,.,Theres a bar next door to the station.,GEORGE,: We,had better go,back to the station now, Ken.,PORTER,: Tickets, please.,GEORGE,: We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.,PORTER,: Youve just missed it!,GEORGE,: What! Its only eight fifteen.,PORTER,: Im sorry, sir. That clocks,ten minutes slow,.,GEORGE,: Whens the next train?,PORTER,:,In,five hours time!,to,表示所有关系,a ticket to London,一张到伦敦的车票,a train to London,去伦敦的火车,the way to London,到伦敦的路,What time.?= When?,George:,Two return tickets,to,London please.,What time will the next train leave?,Attendant:,At nineteen minutes past eight.,n.,往返,v.,归还 返回(, to,),Please return the book in time.,will,一般将来时,over the bridge,过天桥,George:,Which platform?,Attendant:,Platform Two. Over the bridge.,7. over,the bridge,over : on the other side,在另一边,There is a bus stop,over,the road.,路,那边,有个公交站牌。,2.,have got= have,有,充裕的、足够的、大量的,plenty of +,不可数名词,/,可数名词复数。,Theres plenty of rain in England.,英国雨量充足。,Weve got plenty of time to do it.,我们有充裕的时间来做这件事。,Ken:,What time will the next train leave?,George:,At eight nineteen.,Weve got plenty of time.,1.Lets go and do sth,.,让我们去做某事。,Lets go and see a film/movie.,我们去看个电影吧。,have a drink,喝一杯,;,have a look,看一看,2.next door to,邻近,George:,Its only three minutes to eight.,Ken:,Lets go and have a drink. Theres a bar next door to the station.,George:,We,had better,go back to the station now.,had better +,动词原形,,表示“最好做某事”,否定式:,had better,not,do sth,.,Wed better eat an apple everyday.,我们最好每天吃一个,苹果,。,You,had better,get up early.,You,d better,get up early.,You,d,better,keep quiet!,你最好安静点!,You,had better,get up early.,You,d,better,keep quiet!,You,d better,get up early.,You,had better,get up early.,You,d,better,keep quiet!,GEORGE:,We had better go back to the station now, Ken.,PORTER:,Tickets, please.,GEORGE:,We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.,1. catch up with =keep up with,追上,赶上,2.At last, the policeman caught/kept up with the thief.,最后,警察追上了小偷。,3.catch/have a cold,患感冒,He caught/had a cold.,他昨天感冒了。,Porter:,Youve just,missed,it!,miss v.,错过,思念,Miss,小姐,miss out,漏掉,省略,别错过去北京的火车,Dont miss the train to Beijing.,他点名的时候把我漏掉了。,He missed me out when he called the names.,George:,What! Its only eight fifteen.,Porter:,Im sorry, sir. That clocks ten minutes slow.,George:,Whens the next train?,Porter:,In five hours time!,in five hours time =five hours later,五个小时后,in a minutes time=a minute later,一分钟后,5.That clocks ten minutes slow.,那个钟,慢,了,10,分钟。,-ten minutes slow,慢十分钟,-ten minutes fast,快十,分钟,(,主语,)+be+,时间,+ slow / fast,我的表快了,2,小时。,My watch,is,2 hours,fast,.,6. -In five hours time!,=The next train will leave in five hours time.,in +,时间段,s + time = in +,时间段,一般将来时的时间状语标志词(表示在多长时间之后),在一天后,in a/one days time = in a/one day,You have to finish the meal in 10 minutes.,10,分钟你必须吃完饭。,in,表示“在,之后”,Period Summary,课堂小结,时间的表达,介词,over,、,in,的用法,时间快慢的表达,重要短语:,plenty of ; next door ; had better;,go back = return,


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