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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Gettysburg address,Abraham Lincoln,Edward Everett,Thinking,Whats the background of the Gettysburg address?,Why did these two people deliver the speech at Gettysburg?,The American civil war,Uncle Toms cabin,Uncle Toms Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly,is an anti-,slavery,novel by American author,Harriet Beecher Stowe,. Published in 1852, the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward,African Americans,and,slavery in the United States, so much in the latter case that the novel intensified the,sectional conflict,leading to the,American Civil War,The background of the war of Gettysburg,Uncle Toms cabin,Abraham Lincoln,allegedly remarked, So youre the little lady who started,this great war,!,This story is about the life of a loyal slave called Tom, who was sold by his owner and later on suffered all kinds of misfortune .when his original owner want to buy him back ,he died under the cruel beating of another slave owner. Feeling regret for Toms death, the slave owner freed all the other slaves .,Every time you see Uncle Toms Cabin, we should think of your freedom. this is the final sentence of the book,The war of Gettysburg,The war of Gettysburg,Background,The Gettysburg war the turning point of the American civil war.,In 1863, both Abraham Lincoln and Edward Everett made an address on the base of that background. And both speeches have great effect on the history.,Abraham Lincoln,1809,年,2,月,12,日,出生在一座简陋的小屋,1824,年,,15,岁,开始上学,1832,年,,23,岁,竞选州议员,但失败了,,想进法学院学法律,但未获入学资格,工作也丢了,1833,年,,24,岁,向朋友借钱经商,年底失败;接下来还了,16,年,,才把这笔钱还清,1834,年,,25,岁,再次竞选州议员,当选,1835,年,,26,岁,订婚后即将结婚时,未婚妻病逝,因此他的心也碎了,1836,年,,27,岁,精神完全崩溃,卧病在床,6,个月,1840,年,,31,岁,争取成为被选举人,失败了,1841,年,,32,岁,当选国会议员,1849,年,,40,岁,想在自己州内担任土地水长,被录选了,1854,年,,45,岁,竞选参议员,1860,年,,51,岁,当选美国第,16,任总统,1864,年,,55,岁,连任美国总统,北方军取得胜利,1865,年,,56,岁,去世,Edward Everett,爱德华,埃弗里特(,Edward Everett,,,1794,年,4,月,11,日波士顿,- 1865,年,1,月,15,日波士顿),美国政治家,曾任马萨诸塞州州长,(1836-1840),、哈佛大学校长,(18461849),和美国国务卿,(1852-1854),。,U.S. orator ,educator, and public official .Best known for his brilliant public speaking ,he was also a member of congress, president of Harvard college and secretary of the State .after the outbreak of the Civil War, Everett devoted his talents to the union cause through numerous lecture tours .,The setting,At that time, Edward Everett was best-known for his remarkable lectures,After the construction of the city of the dead, the principal David Wills invited Edward Everett to be the main speaker and give an address for it.,Lincoln was merely invited to watch the process and give a brief comment after watching. But Lincolns short address was more striking than Edwards.,The address delivered by Lincoln,Its one of the best-known speeches in American history,This address expressed strong sense of national pride and praised those people who sacrificed themselves in this war. Meanwhile, it mainly delivered the aim of unifying the nation in about two minutes.,Now, lets listen to the recording.,The address delivered by Edward Everett,This address was over 3000 words and it lasted about 2 hours.,First of all, Edward made his mourning the hero in this war. Then he told some details of the civil war and denounced those people who claim national division.,He cited many well-known saying in his lecture. This address was passionate and full of sparkling saying. It embodies Edwards prominent talent of giving speeches.,Appreciation,Four score and seven years ago our fathers,brought forth,on this continent ,a new nation,,,conceived,in liberty and,dedicated,to the proposition that all men are created equal.,八十七年钱,我们的先辈在这个大路上创建了一个新的国家。她孕育于自由之中,奉行人人生而平等的信条。,Bring forth,生产,产生,she brought forth a son,Conceive,孕育,想出,you may conceive a new world in the atomic age.,Dedicate,奉献,he dedicated his life .,Appreciation,We cannot,dedicate,-we cannot,consecrate,we cannot,hallow,-this ground. The brave men living and dead ,who struggled here, have consecrated it ,far above our poor power to add or,detract,.,我们是不能奉献,不能圣化,也不能神化这片土地的,因为那些曾经在这里战斗过的人们,活着的和死去的人们,已经圣化了这片土地,他们所做的远非我们的微薄之力所能抑扬。,Consecrate,奉献,he consecrated his life to helping the poor,Hallow,视为神圣,I cannot hallow the book.,Detract,毁损,贬低,the defect detracts greatly from the value of the vase.,Appreciation,We here highly,resolve,that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation ,under the god, shall have a new birth of freedom and that,government of the people ,by the people, for the people, shall not,perish,from the earth.,我们在此下定最大的决心,以不让死者白白牺牲;让这个国家在上帝的保佑下获得自由的新生;让这个,民有,民治,民享,的政府与世长存。,Resolve,决心,解决,he resolved not to tell her the truth .,Perish,消亡,hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought .,Thats all,Thank you !,


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