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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,非谓语动词,非谓语动词也称动词的非限定形式,它们不可以在句中单独作谓语,也不受主语的人称和数的限制。非谓语动词具有双重性质,既有动词的特点:有时态,语态的变化,能被状语修饰,也有自己的宾语;又有非动词的特点:可以代替名词或形容词。非谓语动词包括,不定式、动名词和分词,三种。它们可以在句中充当除谓语以外的其他各种成分,即主语、表语、宾语、补语、定语和状语。,1,、非谓语动词作主语,(,1,)不定式和动名词可以在句中充当主语,但分词却不可以。,不定式一般表示具体或一次性动作,而动名词则表示一般或抽象的多次动作。,_ is not a serious disadvantage in life. ( 2001, 51),A. To be not tallB. Not to be tall,C. Being not tallD. Not being tall,D【,详解,】,非谓语动词在句中作了主语。,非谓语动词的否定式,要直接在非谓语动词前加,not,,因此可以直接排除,A,和,C,。动名词和不定式都可以作句子主语,但动名词表示一贯性动作,不定式表示具体的一次性动作。个子不高是一贯的事实,应用动名词形式,所以,D,正确。,(2),不定式和动名词都可以用,it,来代替作形式主语,但在含有,no,,,-less,等否定词的句子里,常用动名词作主语。如:,It is useless talking,with her.,It is no good discussing,with her.,(3),如果主语和表语都是非谓语动词,两者应保持同样的形式,或同为不定式,或同为动名词。如:,To see,is,to believe,.,眼见为实。,Seeing,is,believing.,眼见为实,。,(4),不定式的逻辑主语一般由介词,for,引导,但下列表示人的性格行为特征的形容词做表语时,不定式的逻辑主语则由,of,引导:,absurd, bold, brave, courageous, careful, careless, clever, wise, foolish, silly, stupid, good, nice, kind, thoughtful, considerate, greedy, generous, honest, modest, polite, rude, cruel, selfish, lazy, wicked, wrong,。,如:,Experts say walking is one of the best ways,for a person,to,stay healthy.,Its clever,of you,to have invented such a device.,2,、非谓语动词作宾语,(,1,)不定式和动名词可以在句中充当宾语,但分词却不可以。,A.,有些动词后只能接动名词,如:,abandon,acknowledge, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, admit, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, excuse, fancy, favor, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, justify, mention, mind, pardon, practice, postpone, recall,,,recollect,,,risk, resist, suggest, tolerate,。,如:,I appreciate,having been given,the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.,B.,有些动词后只能接不定式,如:,afford, agree, aim, arrange, ask, attempt, bother, claim, determine, desire, endeavor, expect, fail, guarantee, intend, long, plan, prepare, pretend, refuse, request, resolve, tend, venture, volunteer, etc.,C.,有些动词后既能接不定式又能接动名词,如:,love, like, hate, begin, start, etc.,这时,二者的差别不大,主要在于:不定式一般表示具体或一次性动作,而动名词则表示一般或抽象的多次动作。如:,I,like getting up,early.,我喜欢早起。(一种生活习惯),I,hate to get up,early tomorrow.,我讨厌明天要早起。(一次性的行为),D.,有些动词后既能接不定式又能接动名词,如:,remember, regret,forget, stop, mean, try, remain, etc.,此时,二者的差别很大,需要加以区别。,真题提示:,I never regretted _ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay.,A. not to accept B. not having accepted,C. having not accepted D. not accepting,(,分析,) to regret doing sth.,表示“后悔做过某事”,即某事已经发生了;,to regret to do sth.,表示“对做某事感到遗憾”。根据句意“我从来不后悔没有接受那份工作,因为那并非我的兴趣所在”,可以直接排除,A,。由于,regret,后的内容并不是强调事情发生的时间,所以排除,B,、,C,,所以,D,为正确答案。,3.,非谓语动词作补语,不定式和分词都可以作主语补足语和宾语补足语,但二者表达的意义有所不同,现在分词表示动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动意义;不定式表示动作将要完成。如:,I heard someone,singing,this song.,I heard my name,called.,He asked me,to get,in touch with her.,4.,非谓语动词作定语,不定式、现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语,不定式通常作名词后置定语,如,,Do you have time,to help us,?,一些可作形容词的现在分词常用作前置定语,此外,一些现在分词(短语)可用在名词后作定语,相当于一个从句。例如:,Here is a van stopping,(,=which is stopping,),outside,有很多表示情绪的过去分词,以及一些其他类型的过去分词可用作定语。,例如:,She could hear his,agitated,voice,激动的声音,Closed door,关着的门,真题示例:“The man preparing the documents is the firms lawyer” has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT,A. the man who has prepared the documents,B. the man who has been preparing the documents.,C. the man who is preparing the documents,D. the man who will prepare the documents,(分析) 考查现在分词作定语。名词后V-ing 形式多数表示正在进行的动作,也可表示一般的动作。前三项表示的时间都是现在,而第四项表示的是将来。事实上,用于表示将来时的通常使用不定式结构。故D为选项。,5.,非谓语动词作状语,1,)不定式和分词都可以作状语,表示原因、时间、方式、伴随、让步、结果等。不定时常在句中作目的状语,而分词一般不具备这种功能,分词能表示时间或伴随情况,不定式却不能这样用。例如:,He,came to,see me.,Singing a song, they came into the classroom.,2,)当不定式和分词有了自己的主语,便构成了不定式和分词的独立结构。,不定式独立结构通常在句中作状语,表示伴随状况;分词独立结构在句中作状语,表示时间、伴随、原因和条件。例如:,We divided the work, he to clean the table and I to move the box.,Time permitting, we will have a meeting.,3),主语应与分词保持一致,主语英语分词保持一致,避免悬垂分词的出现,也就是要避免既不带自己的主语,又不以句子主语作自己的逻辑主语的分词短语。例如,下面的句子就是错误的。,Hearing the terrible news, her eyes filled with tears.,改:,Hearing the terrible news, she burst into tears.,4),非谓语动词作主语和状语时,若要使用其否定形式,则需要将否定词放在整个非谓语动词结构之前。,真题示例:,_ , he can now only watch it on TV at home.,A. obtaining not a ticket for the match.,B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match.,C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match.,D. Not obtained a ticket for the match.,(分析)本句中主语he 和obtain 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,因此是现在分词短语作原因状语;由于“没弄到票”发生在“看电视”之前,这里应该使用现在分词的完成式,即having obtained a ticket for the match,否定词not 应该置于整个现在分词结构之前,因此本题应该选C。,真题演练,1. It is not uncommon for there _ problem of communication between the old and the young.,A. being B. would be C. be D. to be,2. _ at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate.,A. Looking B. Looked,C. Being looked D. To look,3. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoil ones.,A. not counting B. not to count,C. dont count D. having not counted,4. Whats the chance of _ a general election this year?,A. there being B. there to be,C. there be D. there going to be,5. The meeting was put off because we _ a meeting without John.,A. objected having,B. were objected to having,C. objected to have,D. objected to having,6. If not _ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.,A. being treated B. treated,C. be treated D. having been treated,7. The Minister of Finance is believed _ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.,A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking,C. that he is to think D. to think,8. Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop.,A. is B. been C. be D. being,9. Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled.,A. permit B. permitting,C. permitted D. permits,10. AIDS is said _ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.,A. being B. to be,C. to have been D. having been,11. There _ nothing more of discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.,A. to be B. to have been,C. being D. be,12. _ at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem so gloomy.,A. Looking B. Looked,C. Having looked D. To look,13. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighbouring country, _ by the police each time.,A. had been captured,B. being always captured,C. only to be captured,D. unfortunately captured,14. Professor Johnson is said _ some significant advance in his research in the past year.,A. having made B. making,C. to have made D. to make,15. _ enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field.,A. giving B. To give,C. Given D. Being given,6.,动名词复合结构,可以做主语、宾语和表语,在对动名词的考查中总是将其逻辑主语包括进来,形成动名词的复合结构:,The girls being educated,in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.,I would appreciate,your keeping,it a secret.,Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there being a chance,B. there to be a chanceC. there be a chance,D. being a chance介词后用动名词,表示存在时必须用there be句型,所以答案为A,这也是动名词复合结构,there为动名词的逻辑主语。,I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late.,A. you to delay making B. your delaying makingC. you delaying to make D. you delay to make,Mind,要求接动名词,动名词的逻辑主语用形容词性物主代词,答案自然是,B,。,真题举例,Whats the chance of _ a general election this year? (05, 61),A. there being B. there to be,C. there be D. there going to be,A,真题举例,(,独立主格,),1.Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat,_,by far the biggest cereal crop. (03, 51),A. is B. been C. be D. being,D,2. Time,_, the celebration will be held as scheduled.,(,03, 58,),A. permit B. permitting,C. permitted D. permits,B,3. There,_,nothing for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.,(00, 55),A. to be B. to have been,C. being D. be,C,真题举例,1. _, he can now only watch it on TV at home.(98, 45,),A. Obtaining not a ticket for the match,B. Not obtaining a ticket for the match,C. Not having obtained a ticket for the match,D. Not obtained a ticket for the match,C,2. _,is not a serious disadvantage in life.(01, 61 ),A. To be not tall B. Not to be tall,C. Being not tall D. Not being tall,D,(5),不定式做结果状语只能出现在句子的末尾,,表示不愉快的结果,,有时用,only,加强语气。,常见的不定式动词有,find, hear, see, be told, form, give, make, produce,等。如:,Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,only to find,it locked.,真题举例,The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,_,by the police each time.(99, 42),A. had been captured,B. being always captured,C. only to be captured,D. unfortunately captured,C,7.,不定式做主语补足语:,掌握常用不定式做主语补足语的句型。注意不定式表示的动作发生的时间,并采用相应形式。如:,be,said / reported / thought / believed / known / supposed + to do sth.,真题举例,1. The Minister of France is believed,_,of,imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.(04, 58,),A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking,C. that he is to think D. to think,B,2. Professor Johnson is said,_,some significant advance in his research in the past year.(99, 43),A. having made B. making,C. to have made D. to make,C,3. AIDS is said,the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region. ( 02, 56),A. being B. to be,C. to have been D. having been,C,非谓语动词的其他考点:,1.,不定式的习惯用法,句型:,cannot help but do,cannot but do,cannot choose but do,can do nothing but do,have no choice/alternative but to do,上述句型的意思接近,即“不得不做”、“不禁做”、“不由自主地做”、“不能不做”、“只能做”。如:,Nobody,can help but be fascinated,by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction.,When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I,cannot help but believe,that the public will appreciate his gift.,2.,动名词的习惯用法,句型:,be busy/active doing sth.,have difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth.,Its no good/use/picnic doing sth.,have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth.,spend/waste time doing sth.,There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing sth.,cannot help doing sth.,I know it isnt important but,I,cant help thinking,about it.,Alice,was having trouble controlling,the children because there were so many of them.,There is no use,crying,over spilt milk.,3.there be,非谓语动词的用法,(1),做宾语时取决于谓语动词的接续要求。如:,The students expected,there to be,more reviewing classes before the final exams. (expect,要求接不定式做宾语,),(2),做除,for,外的介词宾语,用,there being,。如:,He would always ignore the fact of,there being,such a contradiction in his inner thought.,真题举例,It is not uncommon for there,problems of communication between the old and the young. (07, 63),A. being B. would be C. be D. to be,D,【,详解,】there be,句型在介词,for,后使用时,用,there to be,这一结构;在介词,of,后面使用时,用,there being,这一结构。故选择,D,。,非谓语动词的体,非谓语动词中,分词的体有完成体和进行体,即,having done,,,having been done,和,being done,,完成体只用于做状语的场合,而进行体可以用于做定语和做补足语。动名词的体也有,having done,,,having been done,和,being done,的结构主要用于做主语和宾语的场合。不定式的体有,to be doing,和,to have done,。,The man in the corner confessed to _ a lie to the manager of the company.,A. have told B. be told,C. being told D. having told,D,Id rather read than watch television; the programs seem _all the time.,A. to get worse B. to be getting worse,C. to have got worse D. getting worse,B, The speech _, a lively discussion started.,A. being delivered B. was delivered,C. be delivered D. having been delivered该结构属于独立主格结构做时间状语,状语分词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以应该用完成体,答案为D。,真题讲解,1. _ at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate. (07, 64),A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look,B,2. There are only ten apples left in the baskets,_,the spoilt ones. (06, 63),A. not countingB. not to count,C. dont countD. having not counted,A,【,详解,】,本句中现在分词作,条件状语,;其否定形式需要将否定词放在现在分词的前面。因此,本题正确答案为,not counting,。,3. The meeting was put off because we_ a meeting without John. (05, 62),A. objected havingB. were objected to having,C. objected to haveD. objected to having,D,4. If not,_,with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. ( 04,45),A. being treatedB. treated,C. be treatedD. having been treated,B,5. _ at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem so gloomy. (00, 51),A. Looking B. Looked,C. Having looked D. To look,B,【,详解,】the present economic situation,为,look,的逻辑宾语,因此用过去分词短语,这里表示一种条件。,C,是现在分词的完成式。,


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