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Unit 1,Book 3,TEM 8 Writing,1. Discourse patterns,Introductory remark,Thesis statement,Developing sentence,Topic sentence 1,Developing sentences (Supporting facts),Topic sentence 2,Developing sentences (Supporting facts),Topic sentence 3,Developing sentences (Supporting facts),Restatement,Closing remark,Head,Conclusion,Body,2. Steps of Writing an Essay,1. choosing a suitable thesis,2. making an outline,3. writing the first draft,4. revising the first draft and making the final copy.,(1) Introduction-,Narrow the scope of discussion to,make,your attitude,clear toward the subject;,(2) Body-,Prepare sufficient supporting facts;,(3) Conclusion-,Conclude your essay with a forceful restatement of the thesis.,3. Strategies,Writing,What I Have Learned from My Years at University,Example 1,Introduction,How time flies! In a wink I am on the threshold of graduation. Its good time to look back to my four years campus life. During the four years, there are sorrows and happiness, ups and downs, and it is full of color and achievements. I gain a lot, psychologically and physically.,Body,To begin with, study at university equips me with knowledge.,(2) Besides, I learn that love alone can awake love.,(3) Whats more, I learn from our classmates to be considerate and thoughtful.,Conclusion,In a word, campus life offers us greatly. The campus years are considered as one of the most important time in our lives which will significantly set out future. It matures our thoughts and broadens our horizon, and it lets me know what are valuable to our life.,Example 2,Introduction,Life is a journey. Campus life is the most beautiful movement in my music of life; it is one step in the whole journey of our life, which paves the way to further success and another heyday of our career.,Body,(1) First, in such a high competitive society, the possession and distribution of knowledge are the basis for our career. I spent most of my time in reading.,(2) Second, in the four years study, I learn to be strong and brave.,(3) Third, during such a process, I grasp the significance of teamwork, which is essential to our success.,(4) Last but not least, I learn that another point is connected with personality.,Conclusion,University is, in any sense, an ideal land, which showed me a colorful world; and it is also like a society, which made me grow up.,考生常见错误,(1) My roommate is so troublesome, I can hardly put up with him any more.,Corrected: My roommate is so troublesome that I can hardly put up with him any more.,(2) A typical family nowadays is consisted of three to four members.,Corrected: A typical family nowadays consists of three to four members.,(3) If adopted, we hope the law will resolve the problem.,Corrected: (1) If the law is adopted, we hope it will resolve the problem.,(2) If adopted, the law will resolve the problem.,(4) Every man, woman, and child were asked to go to this evening party.,Corrected: Every man, woman, and child was asked to go to this evening party.,(5) I left the classroom after the lecture was finished.,Corrected: I left the classroom after I finished the lecture.,(6) Its high time we do something to reduce traffic accidents.,Corrected: Its high time we did something to reduce traffic accidents.,(7) Many people in our country prefer riding bike to go to work. Because it is cheaper and convenient.,Corrected: Many people in our country prefer going to work by bike because it is cheaper and convenient.,(8) He loves the dog better than his brother.,Corrected: He loves the dog better than his brother does.,(9) However, too many examinations probably make us very tired and nervous, and waste our much time and useless at all.,Corrected: However, too many examinations probably make us very tired and nervous. Also, too many examinations will take us too much time. Furthermore, some of these examinations are of no use at all.,句型多样化,Example:,A: Many people watch television. They spend so much time in front of it. They never really experience their own lives.,B: Many people spend so much time in front of television that they never really experienced their own lives.,(1),运用从属连词,(after, because, if, although, so that, etc.),A: The thief disguised himself.,No one would recognize him.,B: The thief disguised himself so that,no one would recognize him.,(2),运用分词、不定式短语,介词短语和副词等,置于句首,使句型多样化。,A: He saw an old woman get on the bus, he quickly stood up to offer her the seat.,B: Seeing an old woman get on the bus, he quickly stood up to offer her the seat.,(3),运用同位语形式,A: My desire to go abroad will soon become a reality. It has been a dream all of my life.,B: My desire to go abroad, a dream all of my life, will soon become a reality.,(4),使用强调句、倒装句等句型。,A: It must be made use of properly, then it can produce good effects.,B: Only when it is made use of properly, can it produce good effects.,文体风格,A: She studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She attended classes every morning and listened to the teacher attentively. She reviewed her lessons after class and did her homework. She was hardworking and usually studied late into the night. She was a good student.,Corrected: B: Being a student at Beijing Foreign Studies University, she attended classes every morning, during which time she listened to the lecture attentively. Her homework and preparation for the lessons took much of her spare time and sometimes kept her up until late into the night. She was hardworking and in everybodys opinion a good student.,议论文写作,Introduction,(1),对文章的命题进行简单的陈述,缩小范围,自然过渡到命题;,(2),对文章论述的重要概念下定义,;,(3),以发问的形式开头。,Topic,:,People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Write a composition to support whether you agree or disagree with the above statement.,Books can be factual about real events, real people, and established facts like magazines, textbooks and reference books. Books can also be imaginative about imaginary events, imaginary people and made-up facts like novels, poetry selections and play scripts.,Whatever type a book belongs to, factual or imaginary, a well-written book benefits the reader from a different angle; therefore, people should read books of both types.,Topic:,People seldom forget special gifts or presents that they have received. Write a composition on this issue.,Special gifts are gifts that people rarely give out or receive on a particular occasion. Just because of rareness, special gifts are enriched with the feeling from the giver.,The decision to give a special gift, the efforts made in finding one coupled with the rareness of the present make a special gift deeply remembered.,Topic:,What is one of the most important decisions you have made? Why do you consider this decision important? Write a composition on this issue.,What is an important decision? An important decision is one that influences us, especially our life to a great extent.,An important decision can be either right or wrong. Its importance lies in its impact on such great matters as our career, our way of life and our success in the society.,Body,(1) Topic sentence,(2) Developing sentences,Which methods are used?,For countries, “good fences keep good neighbors” signifies that they should keep a certain distance if good-neighborly relations are to be developed. As neighbors they should respect the independence and sovereignty of one another, and never attempt to meddle in the others internal affairs. Take the Sino-USSR relations for example. The early 1950s saw the two countries in their honeymoon. But the happy marriage did not last long. They became enemies in the late 1950s. Historians have worked out their explanations to the dramatic historical episode. The USSRs interference in Chinas internal affairs did contribute in some way to the bitter divorce.,Which methods are used?,Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, several cancer producing or irritating substances and carbon monoxide gas. Damage to the lining of the bronchial tubes is much more common among cigarette smokers than non-smokers, even when there is no obvious disease. Some of these changes are considered to be pre-cancerous. Lung function is generally reduced among cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking is a greater hazard than other factors-such as community air pollution-in the causation of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.,Which methods are used?,I have two good friends. They are quite different in character and yet have something in common. One of them is a jolly fellow and fond of company, and the other is a quiet and rather unsociable sort of chap. The jolly one likes all kinds of games. He is clever, but he doesnt care much for books. The other one, however, likes being alone and loves reading. He never plays games. In spite of all these differences, they are both so really kind and sympathetic, so honest and straightforward, so loyal and true. They are both fine and unselfish fellows. I like them both.,Which methods are used?,Our eyes give us information all the time. But our brains decide what is important to us. For example, if you walk down a crowded street, you will see many faces. But if you see someone you know, you will notice him immediately.,Conclusion,(1) Closing statement (,结束语,),A.,总结正文,B.,用另一种表达方式重述文章的命题,(2) Concluding sentence (,结论句,),A.,提出更概括性的结论,B.,提出建议,C.,提出解决问题的办法,D.,提出警告,E.,提出寓言,Topic,: Some important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water are disappearing. Choose one resource and explain why it needs to be saved. Write a composition on this issue.,Par 1: Forests are home of animals;,Par 2: Forests are sources of lumber, meat and some drug ingredients.,Par 3: Forests are producers of oxygen.,What closing statements can you have?,主题句,Closing statements:,Since forests are shelters of wild animals, suppliers of lumber, meat, natural drug ingredients and oxygen, they are mans most valuable natural resources.,命题,Forests should be saved immediately for a number of reasons.,What closing statements can you have?,Closing statements:,Forests are so,valuable to our human life that worldwide actions should be taken to stop losing any more of them.,The extinction of species, the shortage of lumber and drug ingredients, the reduction of oxygen and the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere all signal that we cannot afford to lose any more forests.,To stop losing more forests, we should educate people, especially those who have destroyed and who are going to destroy forests for one reason or another, in why forests must exist on the earth.,To achieve a most effective forest saving campaign, we can hold worldwide boycotts against any products directly and indirectly coming out of from forestland.,If forests are continuously losing like today, one day in the future our humans will sustain the consequences of todays forest destruction, having no wild animals, lumber, natural drug ingredients and more importantly, oxygen.,Should we not take actions to save forests today, one day in the future we will run out of such valuable natural resources as lumber, drug ingredients, animals and oxygen.,


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