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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Coordination Subordination,1,Coordinate construction,两个或两以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能也相同、并由并列连词(coordinator)或其他并列手段连接起来的语法结构序列叫做“并列结构”。,它可以是,词和词 good but expensive,词组和词组 a teacher and a student,分句和分句 The children can go with us or they can stay at home.,2,并列连词和标点符号,两个以上项目的并列通常只在最后一个项目前用并列连词,其他项目之间用逗号连接。 E.g.,At a diploma factory mills throughout the states, you can buy a bachelors degree for about $1500, a masters degree for $1600, or a doctors degree for $ 1700.,3,各并列项目间全用连词,在修辞色彩上给人悠闲、缓慢、延续持久的感觉。,相反,全用逗号,就给人紧张、急促、明快、利落的感觉。 E.g.,In the country there are,no honking horns(汽车喇叭), no diesel trucks(柴油卡车), no pollution-,- just the sounds of wind rustling the tree leaves,and,red squirrels chattering in the distant oaks,and,cool creek water rushing down its endless course.,4,除逗号,分号和冒号也能起并列连接作用,分号对比,e.g. Golf demands the best of time and space; tennis, the best of personal energy.,冒号下文对上文的解释和发挥,5,Subordinate construction,What is subordination ?,6,从属 Vs 并列,e.g. The rain stopped, and the sun came out.,When the rain stopped, the sun came out.,7,Finite subordinate clause,What is finite subordinate clause?,名词性从句,形容词性从句,副词性从句,8,名词性分句,在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句 (Noun Clauses)。 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,9,Whats the function of the underlined part?,10,Can you tell us,who is responsible for the fire?,My original question,why he did it all, has not been answered.,It is quite clear,that the crime was done deliberately,.,The mystery is,whether he ever went there at all.,You must give it back to,whoever it belongs to.,11,形容词性分句 = 关系分句 = 定语从句,12,副词性分句(状语分句),Adverbial clause of time,Adverbial clause of place,Adverbial clause of manner,Adverbial clause of cause,Adverbial clause of result,Adverbial clause of purpose,Adverbial clause of condition,Adverbial clause of concession,13,Non-finite clause,14,What is infinitive clause?,不带主语,e.g. He likes to be invited.,带主语,e.g. He opened the door for the children to come in.,带疑问词,e.g. I dont know what to do.,15,The function of,infinitive clause,Which part is the infinitive clause and whats the function of the infinitive clause in the following sentences?,16,To accept the job would mean moving to Florida.,He will go to the clinic tomorrow to be examined by the doctor.,He promised to stop taking drugs.,He hurried home only to find that his father was dead.,I am delighted to know that you have got a job.,17,Soas to such as to tootoenough to,18,Rewrite the following sentences, using the infinitive clause:,19,We went via Worcester so that we could miss the traffic jam.,His work was so good that it made him internationally famous.,He was the first man who discussed the question with Professor Halliday.,We thought it wrong that he should be punished.,In order that a vote will be valid, the deputy must be present and vote in person.,20,-ing Participle clause,不带主语和连词,带连词,带主语,21,不带主语和连词,He denied having been there.,Judging from,what you say, he has done his best.,Generally speaking, this book is not every difficult.,22,带连词,Whether working or sleeping, the subject is always in his mind.,23,带主语,Do you mind my/me making a,suggestion?,John doesnt like the idea of me/my being mixed up in this affair.,Its no use your pretending to be deaf.,The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.,24,-ed participle clause,The castle, burnt down in 1485, was never rebuilt.,This dictionary will look nice when printed.,The job finished, we went home straight away.,25,-ed participle clause句法功能,后置修饰语,e.g. One of the house wrecked by the storm belonged to my grandfather.,26,状语,Deeply moved, he thanked her again and again.,United, we stand; divided, we fall.,Beaten by the police and sent to jail, Gandhi invented the principle of nonviolent resistance.,27,无动词分句,不带从属连词的无动词分句,Speechless, Victor Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat.,Bank loan or no bank loan, well buy the house.,28,带从属连词,When still a boy of six, Bob was sent away from home.,Although always helpful, he was not much liked by people.,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,He spoke ungraciously, if not rudely.,29,带有自己主语的无动词分句,Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.,30,独立结构Absolute Construction,Absolute Construction:带有自己主语的非限定性分句和无动词分句,按结构,独立结构可分为:不定式独立结构、-ing分词独立结构、-ed分词独立结构、无动词独立结构,在句中通常起状语作用,31,


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