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,人员的调动和整理,经主管部门决定而改变人员的工作岗位职务、工作单位或隶属关系的人事变动。,人员调配,实现组织目标,人尽其才,实施人力资源计划,激励员工,改善组织气氛,人员调配,意 义,因事设人,用人所长,协商一致,照顾差异(性别、年龄、能力、气质、兴趣等),人员调配,原 则,工作需要,调整优化,照顾困难,落实政策,人员调配,原 因,德才兼备原则,机会均等原则,民主监督原则,“阶梯晋升”与“破格提拔”相结合,有计划替补和晋升原则,人员职务升降,原 则,人员流动,Resignation/Quit,(,辞职,),Dismissal,(,解雇,),Layoff,(,临时解雇,),TURNOVER,人员流动,裁员风暴,朗讯,通用电气,戴姆勒,克莱斯勒,摩托罗拉,施乐,英特尔,思科,宝洁,爱立信,Delphi,北电网络,迪斯尼,爱华,大宇,康柏,1.6,万,7.5,万,(,未来,2,年,),2.6,万,(,3,年内,),已经裁减,1.2,万,5200,5000,5500,至,8000,9600,3300,11,500,15,000,4000(3%),50%,6500,5000,Turnover Costs,Pre-turnover costs,Separation costs,Vacancy costs,Recruiting and new-hire processing costs,Pre-turnover costs,离职前成本,slower work pace,工作效率降低,increased absenteeism,缺勤增加,Separation costs,分离成本,severance pay,离职工资,unemployment costs,事业成本,litigation fees,诉讼费用,Vacancy costs,空缺成本,lost opportunities in sales and service,销售与服务机会的流失,overtime pay for employees who pick up the slack,有关人员的加班工资,Recruiting and new-hire processing costs,重新雇佣成本,the direct cost of advertisement and promotional materials, referral bonuses, relocation expenses, sign-on bonuses, background checks,the wages of employees who recruit, process paperwork, conduct interviews and tours, give tests, train and conduct orientation,the wages of support staff who hook up computers and phones, process identification badges,Turnover Costs,Managing the Effects of Layoffs on Survivors,FACTORS AFFECTING SURVIVORS REACTIONS,影响幸存者反应的因素,Perceived Fairness,公平感,Changed Working Conditions,变化的工作条件,Perceived Fairness,IS THE LAYOFF JUSTIFIED?,IS THE LAYOFF CONGRUENT WITH CORPORATE CULTURE?,DID THE ORGANIZATION PROVIDE AMPLE ADVANCED NOTICE?,IN IMPLEMENTING THE LAYOFF, HOW WELL DID THE ORGANIZATION ATTEND TO THE DETAILS?,DID MANAGEMENT PROVIDE A CLEAR AND ADEQUATE EXPLANATION OF THE REASONS FOR THE LAYOFFS?,WERE CUTBACKS SHARED AT HIGHER MANAGERIAL LEVELS?,WHAT DECISION RULE WAS USED TO DETERMINE WHICH EMPLOYEES WOULD BE LAID OFF VERSUS CHOSEN TO REMAIN?,DID THE ORGANIZATION PROVIDE TANGIBLE CARETAKING SERVICES TO HELP SOFTEN THE BLOW FOR THOSE LAID OFF?,DID THE ORGANIZATION INVOLVE ITS EMPLOYEES IN THE LAYOFF DECISION PROCESS?,FACTORS AFFECTING SURVIVORS REACTIONS,Changed Working Conditions,HOW MUCH SHOULD I WORRY ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF FURTHER LAYOFFS?,HOW DOES MY JOB COMPARE TO THE ONE THAT I HAD BEFORE THE LAYOFFS?,WHAT IS MY FUTURE HERE?,WHAT ARE THE REACTIONS OF MY FELLOW SURVIVORS?,FACTORS AFFECTING SURVIVORS REACTIONS,Before the layoff, managers should:,Evaluate the relationship between the layoff and corporate strategy and culture,Provide ample advanced notice,Identify key people and solicit their commitment to the new organization,Prepare Supervisors and managers for the layoffs,Managing the Effects of Layoffs on Survivors,During the layoff, managers should:,Give full information,Provide assistance to those laid off, including severance pay and outplacement counseling,Treat victims and survivors with dignity and respect,Use ceremony to facilitate the transition,Managing the Effects of Layoffs on Survivors,After the layoff, managers should:,Solicit employee input,Do away with unnecessary work,Enrich jobs as much as possible,Make sure that survivors recognize new opportunities,Have survivors work at achievable goals and tasks.,Publicize the rewards provided to survivors for the new behavior you wish to encourage.,Make new career paths explicit.,Managing the Effects of Layoffs on Survivors,Termination Interview,Plan the interview carefully.,Schedule the meeting on a day early in the week,Make sure the employee keeps the appointment time.,Never inform an employee over the phone.,Allow ten minutes as sufficient time for notification in the interview.,Avoid Fridays, preholidays, and vacation times when possible.,Use a neutral site, never your own office.,Have employee agreements, human resources file, and release announcement ( internal and external) prepared in advance.,Be available at a time after notification after the interview in case questions or problems arise.,Have phone numbers ready for medical or security,emergencies.,Get to the point.,Describe the situation.,Listen.,Carefully review all elements of the severance package.,Identify the next step.,If you were a consultant to the company what could you tell me about it?,What did you like most about working here?,What did you like least?,What can we do to make this a better place?,What kind of job are you going to? (which might tell you about a competitors plans).,Termination Interview,


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