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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Basic Electrical Safety,基本的电气安全,PRODUCTION TECHNICAL TRAINING TEAM,生产技术培训组,1,General Opening Comments,前言,Subpart S of the OSHA General Industry Standards contains the OSHA rules that govern electrical safety-related work practices. Within these standards,OSHA 29CFR 1910.331 -.335,are requirements that relate to the training of,“,Qualified,”,and,“,Unqualified,”,persons in electrical safe work practices.,职业安全与卫生条例,OSHA,一般工业标准的,S,部分包含,OSHA,的规定,这些规定指导和管理与电气安全相关的工作实践。在这些标准中,,OSHA29CFR1910.331.335,对培训电气安全工作中的“合格”和“不合格”人员的培训提出了要求。,According to OSHA, “Qualified” persons for this facility are employees that function in the instrument and electrical crafts of the Maintenance Department. “Unqualified” persons, are those employees who, in their routine work duties, may encounter a relatively high risk of injury due to electrical hazards.,按,OSHA,的规定,工厂中的“合格”人员是指维修部门从事仪表和电气工艺的雇员,而“不合格”人员是指那些在履行他们的日常工作职责时相对容易受电气危险伤害的雇员。,2,Site employees such as, Operations Dept. process unit personnel, Maintenance Dept. mechanical crafts and other maintenance field personnel, laboratory technicians, and Warehouse field personnel would be considered by OSHA to be in the,“,Unqualified,”,category. In addition, some Engineering and Technical job classifications by assignment or duties may also be considered in the,“,Unqualified,”,category for purposes of this training.,现场的雇员,如生产部工艺装置人员、维修部机械专业和其它方面的维修人员、实验室技术人员和仓库方面的人员,在,OSHA,看来是属于“不合格”人员一类。另外,为培训的目的,被分配或从事设计和技术工作的人员也可以划入“不合格”人员一类。,This training module has been prepared to address the OSHA 29CFR 1910.332 requirements for training of “Unqualified” employees in electrical hazards and work practices necessary for their safety.,这个培训模块的编写是为了达到,OSHA 29CFR 1910.332,的要求,培训在电气危险和工作实践方面“不合格”的人员,以增强他们在安全方面的能力。,Topics include the effects of electrical shock on the human body, hazards associated with,electricity, local sources of electrical hazard, causes of electrical accidents, protective measures to prevent electrical injuries, and a review of local plant policies and procedures that address electrical safety.,下面介绍的内容包括:触电对人体的影响,有关电的危险,装置内的电气危险源,电气事故发生的原因,防止电气伤害的措施,以及,SECCO,关于电气安全方面的方针和程序。,3,INTRODUCTION,引言,It is well known that the human body will conduct electricity. The electrical current flows through the body and exits at the other contact point, usually called the ground.,众所周知,人体是导电的。电流流经人体后进入大地,对人体造成伤害的触电事故。,Each year many workers suffer some serious injuries, and/or death from electric shock. It is estimated that there are more than 1000 electrical fatalities in general industry each year, and over 30,000 injuries. Some additional stats:,每年有许多工人因触电而受重伤或死亡。据估计,每年一般工业行业因触电死亡有1000多人,30000多人受伤。另外还有一些统计数字:,99% of the fatalities involved males.,99%,的死者是男性,64% died prior to the age of 35.,64%,的亡者死前年龄不到35岁。,41% were on the job less than 1 year.,41%,的人参加工作还不到1年。,1 person is electrocuted in the home every 25 hrs. And 1 every day at work.,人们在家里,平均25小时有1人触电死亡,而在工作时每天就有1人触电死亡,In fact, electrocution is considered to be the fifth leading cause of work related injury and death,事实上,人们已经把触电死亡列为第5位因工作伤亡的原因。,4,The Effects Of Electrical Shock,触电的影响,The effects that electric shock will have on an individual will depend upon the type of circuit, its voltage, resistance amperage, the pathway through the body, and the duration of the contact. Electric shock produced by alternating currents of power line frequency (normally 50 Hertz) passing from hand to foot for one second can produce the following effects:,触电对人体产生的影响要视电路的类型,电压,电阻大小,电流流经人体的路线以及接触持续的时间而定。由电源线(通常为,50,赫兹)的交流电从手流到脚1秒钟的触电会产生以下的后果:,milliamp -,barely perceptible,1毫安刚能觉察到(手指麻刺),9 - 25 milliamps -,Interruption of muscular control.,925,毫安对肌肉的自控中断(手迅速麻痹,呼吸困难),milliamps -,interruption of heart function,75,毫安心脏功能中断(心室开始颤动),amps -,Immediate cardiac arrest,4,安培心搏立即停止,5,Nearly instantaneous fatalities can occur from,20 milliamps or greater,. Even if the shocking current does not pass through vital organs or nerve centers, severe internal burns can occur, and in some cases injuries such as these can be the cause of delayed fatalities.,在电流强度为20,毫安或以上时,就有可能会出现,瞬间死亡。即使触电的电流没有流经致命的器官或神经中枢,也会出现体内的严重烧伤,在有时候,这样的烧伤会导致以后的死亡。,Burns suffered in electrical accidents are of great concern. These burns may be of three basic types:,因电气事故引起的烧伤引起了人们的特别关注。这类烧伤有三种基本的类型:,w,Electrical burns,电烧伤,w,Arc burns,电弧灼伤,w,Thermal contact burns,热烫伤,6,Electrical burns are the result of electric current passing through body tissues and resulting damage is caused when the energy source heat is so high that the body cannot dissipate it and the tissue is burned.,电烧伤是电流流经人体组织产生的结果,它造成对人体的伤害是,因为当电能相当高时,人的身体无法把热量散发,将人体组织灼伤。,Typically, such electrical burns are slow to heal.,特别是这类电烧伤治愈是很慢的。,Arc burns, on the other hand, are the result of high temperatures produced by electric arcs occuring close to the body. These burns are similar to the burns and blisters produced by any high temperature source.,另一方面,电弧灼伤是离人体很近的电弧产生的高温造成的。这类烧伤与任何高温引起的烧伤和水泡相类似。,7,Finally, thermal contact burns are those normally experienced from making skin contact with hot surfaces of overheated electric conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment.,最后,热烫伤通常是皮肤接触高温电导体、导管或其它带电设备的热表面所引起的。,It is possible for a victim of electric shock to experience all three types of burns simultaneously.,触电的人有可能同时受到这三种类型的烧伤。,Secondary injuries are frequently associated with electrical shock. These injuries are normally associated with falls or collisions related to the electrical shock causing involuntary muscle reactions. Obviously, in the case of falls the result can also be fatal.,触电还会经常引发二次伤害。这类伤害通常与因触电,引起肌肉不自觉的反射而跌倒或碰撞。显然,如果跌倒的话,也会引起死亡。,8,HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH ELECTRICITY,有关电的危险,If an individual comes in contact with an ungrounded conductor while they are in contact with the ground, they become part of the circuit and current will pass through their body.,若人们在触地时去接触未接地的导体,由于他们自己已成为电路的一个组成部分,电流就会流经他们的身体。引起触电。,In addition to the shock hazard, electricity poses other hazards to personnel:,除触电外,电对人体还有其它的危险:,Arcing -,arcing occurs when electricity jumps from one point to another after overcoming the insulating capacity of the surrounding air. This condition can cause burn injuries, and/or start fires.,电弧电在克服了周围空气的绝缘电容后从一点跳到另一点就产生了电弧。这种情况能引起烧伤,和,/,或引起火灾。,Fragmentation -,extremely high energy arcs can damage equipment and cause flying metal and other material projectiles.,破碎能量极高的电弧能损坏设备,引起金属和其它材料四处飞射。,9,Flammable atmosphere explosions,-,sparking and arcing of electrical tools and equipment can provide the necessary ignition energy to cause fire and/or explosions in areas that contain, or potentially contain hazardous atmospheres.,可燃气体爆炸,电气工具和设备发出的火花和电弧能提供起火和或爆炸所需的点火能量,当所在地区周围的空气中含有或潜在性地含有危险气体的话。,Electrical hazards can be found in electrically driven motors, electrical control equipment in motor control centers, electrical power generation and distribution equipment and installations, and overhead power lines.,电的危险还存在于电驱动的马达、动力控制中心的电控设备、发电和输配电设备和设施、以及架空的电源线等 。,Voltages range from 220 to,220,,,000,volts.,电压范围在,220,到,220,,,000,伏,。,10,NATURE OF ELECTRICAL ACCIDENTS,电气事故的性质,Electrical accidents are usually related to one or more of three possible factors:,电气事故通常与以下可能的三种因素中的一种或几种有关:,Work involving unsafe equipment and/or installations.,工作所用的设备和,/,或设施不安全。,Work made unsafe by the environment.,周围环境造成工作不安全。(不安全的操作环境),Unsafe work performance (unsafe acts).,工作进行不安全(不安全的操作)。,OSHA has estimated from studies it performed that approximately,three-fourths,of electrical related accidents were caused by unsafe work practices.,职业安全与卫生条例管理局从所进行的研究中估算出大约有,四分之三,的电气事故是因操作不安全引起的。,11,Inadequate maintenance can result in equipment or installations which were originally considered safe to deteriorate to the point that they pose an unsafe condition. Normally unsafe electric equipment and/or installations can be identified by the presence of worn or cracked insulation, loose connections, or unguarded live parts.,疏于保养会使原来安全的设备或设施降到出现不安全的状态。通常,电气设备和,/,或设施的不安全可从绝缘的磨损或裂开、连接松动或带电的部件没有接地等来识别。,In a number of ways the work environment can also be a contributing factor in electrical accidents. Explosive atmospheres, corrosive atmospheres, wet and/or damp locations are examples of unsafe environments that can impact electrical safety.,工作的周围环境也有许多途径可能成为电气事故发生的原因。周围含可爆气体、腐蚀性气体、多雨和,/,或潮湿的位置都是影响电气安全的例子。,12,Unsafe acts can typically be recognized as failure to de-energize electric equipment for maintenance or repairs, intentional use of obviously defective and/or unsafe tools, or the use of tools or equipment too close to energized parts.,典型的不安全操作的例子有:在保养或维修时不断开电气设备的电源,有意使用明显有故障和或不安全的工具,或使用的工具(设备)离带电部件太近。,13,PROTECTIVE MEASURES,保护措施,SECCO design and specify all electrical installations comply with existing codes and practices as governed by OSHA, the National Electrical Code, and internal corporate standards.,SECCO,设计和规定所有的电气设备必须符合,OSHA,,全国电气规程和公司内部标准的现行规范和惯例。,The use of proper insulating materials, guarding, and/or locating of electrical equipment is done to assure employee protection from the hazards of electricity present at this plant.,合理使用绝缘材料、加强警卫、和,/,或为电气设备选择合适的位置,以保证雇员不受到工厂内的电气危险。,However, even though equipment may be in compliance with installation requirements, employees may still be at risk of exposure to electrical hazards if safe work practices and procedures are not followed.,然而,即使设备符合安装要求,如果不按安全的工作惯例和规程去做,雇员仍有可能受到电气危险的威胁。,14,Such work practices include keeping a prescribed safe distance from exposed energized lines, avoiding the unsafe use of electrical equipment, and following lockout/tagout procedures.,安全工作惯例包括:离开暴露的带电线路保持规定的安全距离,避免不安全使用电气设备,遵守锁定和,/,或掛牌程序。,SECCO have implemented multiple site Safety Policies and Procedures to address safe electrical work practices.,SECCO,在电气安全操作方面贯彻了各种现场的安全方针和规程。,In addition to these written policies, other good general work information, reminders, and practices for electrical safety are:,除了书面的规定外,还有以下常规的良好工作信息、提醒和电气安全方面其它的工作惯例:,Prior to using portable electrical equipment, carefully inspect it for defects such as frayed or damaged insulation or,issing,parts. If there is a problem, remove the equipment from,ervice, tag it, and notify proper supervision to have it repaired.,在使用手提的电气设备前,仔细检查绝缘有无磨损、损坏、或部件有无缺损。若检查发现有问题,要把设备撤离工作线,做上标记,通知检查维修。,15,Portable electrical equipment should not be picked up or carried by its power cord. Altering a plug or receptacle or using an adapter designed to override the grounding conductor is dangerous and it,shouldn,t be done.,手提式电气设备的电源线不能作提起或搬运用。改换插头或插座,或用适配器避开接地导体是很危险的,不能这样做。,Routine opening and closing of circuits should be accomplished with switches, interrupters, or circuit breakers.,日常开、关电路要用电闸、断续器或断路器。,16,If a circuit is opened by the tripping of a protective device such as a fuse, circuit breaker or GFI,do not reset the circuit until you have identified and resolved the problem,. In some cases, it may be necessary for a,“,Qualified,”,person to investigate and correct the situation. Protective devices in a circuit are there for a purpose and are not to be defeated, modified, or bypassed even temporarily.,若电路受熔丝、断路器或,GFI,等保护装置的跳闸而断开时,在找出原因和解决故障之前,,不要重新接通电路。有时,可能需要请“合格的”人员到现场寻找原因并解决问题。,电路中的保护装置在电路中都是有它的用途,不能使其失效、修改或被旁通,即使临时这样做也不行。,Electricity has the ability to arc, or jump from unguarded power lines to an individual in close proximity to the line. Quite a few people have been killed or injured while carrying a piece of conductive equipment, such as a ladder, in an elevated position or by being in contact with a vehicle that comes within arcing range of an overhead power line.,电可产生电弧,或能从未保护的电源线跳到附近的人身上。不少人在高处扛着一个导电的设备(如梯子)走的时候,或接触了来自架空电源线电弧范围内的车辆,触到电源线的电弧而死亡或受伤。,17,The minimum safe approach distance for,“,Unqualified,”,persons to overhead lines has been established at,10 feet,. The minimum safe approach distance for crane booms has been set at,20 feet,.,“,不合格”人员离架空电源线的安全距离规定至少为,10英尺(,3m),。起重机吊架离开的安全距离规定至少为,20英尺,(6m),。,Standard red, black, and white,“,DANGER,”,warning signs are to be used to mark high voltage electrical installations to alert employees of the potential electrical hazards as the administrative means of hazard control. Periodic inspections should be performed to verify that signs or in place and in good serviceable condition.,应采用标准的红、黑、白色的“危险”警示牌来标记高压电气设施,提醒雇员潜在的电气危险,作为控制危险的管理措施。对此要定期进行检查,确认这些标记在指定的地方,并处于良好的状态。,18,SUMMARY,结论,When dealing with electrical equipment and tools it is very important we understand and follow identified good safe work practices in our daily job activities. This is especially true within SECCO with the presence of the high voltages required to power process equipment. OSHA, through the issuance of the Subpart S electrical safety standards, has established the categories of,“,Qualified,”,and,“,Unqualified,”,persons in terms of electrical work knowledge and training.,在与电气设备和工具打交道时,很重要的一条是我们要知道并遵守日常工作中良好的安全工作惯例。这在,SECCO,范围内尤为如此,因这里需有高压电来开动工艺设备。职业安全与卫生条例管理局通过发布,S,部分电气安全标准,它根据人们的电气工作知识和培训的情况,规定了“合格”和“不合格”二类人员。,19,“,Qualified,”,individuals are those generally considered to have specific knowledge, training, and experience in the operation, construction, and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment.,“合格”人员是指人们通常认为的在电气设施和设备的操作、施工和维修方面具有专业知识、受过培训和富有经验的人员。,“,Unqualified,”,individuals are those employees, because of their non-electrical job assignments and duties, who work closely around electrical hazards, but do not possess the special training of the,“,Qualified,”,individual. Because of the severity of the hazard, OSHA requires employers to assure that all,“,Unqualified,”,employees in their workplace are trained in the basic dangers of electricity as well as those in the,“,Qualified,”,classification.,“不合格”人员是指这样一些雇员,他们从事的工作不属于电气方面,他们的职责使其工作非常接近电气危险,但并未得到“合格”人员所经历的专业培训。因危险的严重性,,OSHA,要求业主确保在他们工地上工作的所有“不合格”雇员都要在电气基本危险方面进行培训,就如“合格”一类的人员一样。,20,It has been shown, as with other accident causes, that the most frequent cause of electrical accidents is primarily associated with unsafe work practices. Such practices as maintaining proper distances, proper electrical tool usage, and adhering to facility LOTO procedures are all considered to be of prime importance in everyday job routines. Specific written electrical safety related policies and procedures exist to assist in conducting safe work activities.,大家知道,和其它事故的原因一样,电气事故发生的原因最多的还是与不安全操作有关。诸如要保持一定的距离,正确使用电气工具,遵守工厂的,LOTO,规程等,均被视为日常工作中最重要的。专门书面制订的与电气安全相关的方针和规程成了协助管理安全生产活动的依据。,21,


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