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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Prepared by: Danny Wong,Contractor Safety Management and Permit to work at Site承包商安全管理和工厂的作业许可制度,9/11/2024,1,Contents :,目录,Key Points in Contractor Safety Management Procedure,承包商安全管理程序的要点,Selection of contractors,承包商的选择,Evaluating the contractors,承包商的评估,Controlling contractors,承包商的管控,Type of High Risk Activities on site,工厂内高危作业的种类,Site Permit to work and Procedures relating to safety at work.,工厂的作业许可制度和安全作业的相关程序,Permit to comment work,评估工作许可制度,Hot work permit,动火作业许可制度,Working at height permit,高处作业许可制度,Entry to Confined Space permit,有限空间作业许可制度,Contractor usage of Chemical on site,承包商在厂区内使用化学品的管理,Permit for lifting using Crane,起重设备的使用许可,High Voltage Electrical Work Permit,高压作业许可制度,9/11/2024,2,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,Corporate - Contractor Safety Management,总部-承包商安全管理,Risk assessment of the work to be performed to identify and mitigate potential hazards.,通过风险评估确定并减轻潜在的危险。,Evaluation of the contractor to confirm capabilities to adequately address EHS requirements.,评估承包商的能力以确保其满足安全环保的要求。,Site induction of contractors.,工厂对于承包商的引入。,Monitoring of contractor performance to confirm that work is being carried out to the agreed Risk Assessment, method statements and/ or standards.,监督承包商的施工以确定作业在已经确认的风险评估、工作方法陈述或标准下开展。,Each site need to implement a Site Specific Contractor Safety Management Procedure or Program to ensure compliance to the requirements stated in this corporate procedure.,每个工厂都必须实施各自的承包商安全管理程序以保证符合总部程序的要求。,The process for contractor safety management must be followed, which includes,four key objectives:,承包商安全管理程序必须严格执行,包含了以下四点:,9/11/2024,3,Key Definition,主要定义,Project Owner:,Refers to Hi-P host, project coordinator, project manager and any Hi-P staff overseeing a project done by contractor.,项目责任人:指赫比的项目协调人、项目经理或者其他监督承包商施工的赫比员工。,Contractor:,An individual or company contracted to perform work for Hi-P, but is neither a Hi-P worker nor a temporary worker.,承包商:非赫比员工或临时工的,与赫比签订协议进入施工的个人或公司。,Sub-contractor:,An individual or company who has a contractual relationship with, and is working under the direction of, a contractor to carry out all or part of a contract entered into by Hi-P and the contractor.,转包商:拥有与赫比和承包商签订全部或部分劳动合同进行承包作业个人或公司,Temporary Worker:,An individual hired through an agency or another employer to perform services for, and under the direction of, a Hi-P employee for a specified period of time.,临时工:,通过中介机构或其他雇主从事服务的个人,临时进入赫比的员工。,Hi-P Contact:,A Hi-P resource who is appointed to coordinate the interaction between the contractor activities and the normal site operations or, in the case of new facility construction, with the Corporate Real Estate organization. This individual should normally be the Hi-P International Limited party who initiated the contract or an appointed project coordinator.,赫比联络人:负责与承包商沟通、协调,并将工程的进展向管理层汇报的员工。,9/11/2024,4,Site Management -,Those senior managers with collective executive responsibility for site activities and who carry legal accountability as officers of Hi-P for safety and environmental compliance on the site. The term does not include managers and executives who may be based at the site, but whose responsibilities do not relate directly to activities on the site.,现场管理高级管理人员应对现场作业监督管理,确保承包商符合赫比的安全环境政策。,Hi-P-Controlled Premises -,Those premises or parts of premises occupied and managed by Hi-P or its subsidiary companies, and for which Hi-P Site Management is held accountable for safety and environmental compliance associated with the activities on the premises.,The term does not include premises such as accommodation dormitories and warehouses that are occupied and operated by third-party companies unless the management of activities in those premises is being undertaken by a third party on behalf of Hi-P through a direct contractual agreement between Hi-P and the third party, whereby the contractual agreement would result in Hi-P retaining liability in law for safety and environmental compliance on the premises,Key Definition,主要定义,9/11/2024,5,Contractor Safe Working Plan,- A written Contractor Safe Working Plan will normally be required for complex projects having multiple high-risk elements.,承包商的安全工作计划承包商的书面安全工作计划,通常包含多个高风险因素的复杂项目。,A Contractor Safe Working Plan is a written description of how the project is to be completed in a safe manner, and will include detailed and clear responsibilities for safety management and supervision during the project.,承包商安全工作计划是一份书面说明项目是如何以一种安全的方式完成,将包括在项目的安全管理和监督的详细和明确的责任。,Projects requiring a written Contractor Safe Working Plan typically involve a variety of contractors and subcontractors and may involve multiple applications of several types of potentially hazardous work activities and those works without a permit to work system in place. Such as excavation work and roof work etc.,项目需要承包商的书面安全工作计划通常涉及承包商和分包商的种类,可能涉及多种应用的潜在危险的作业。如挖掘工作和屋顶等工作,Typically, the prime contractor will manage and supervise safety and environmental issues during the contract. Such a prime contractor will be required to prepare the written Contractor Safe Working Plan for the project and may also take on specific defined responsibilities for the management of safety of subcontractors on site.,通常情况下,主要承包商将管理和监督安全和环境问题。这样的主要承包商将需要准备的书面的工程安全工作计划,具体确定了现场的分包商的安全管理责任。,Key Definition,主要定义,9/11/2024,6,Higher Risk Services or Projects,include one or more of the following work if there is no permit to work system in place at site,以下 作业属于高危作业,Excavation.,挖掘,Roof work.,屋顶上作业,Confined space entry.,有限空间作业,Electrical work.,电气作业,External building cleaning, chemical cleaning, fumigation, and painting.,建筑物外的清洁、化学清洁、熏蒸和粉刷,Extensive hot work.,动火作业,Major lifting operations using mobile cranes, etc.,起重作业,Any work which involves the erection of scaffolding.,脚手架上的作业,Handling, disposal or modification of any building, plant, or equipment that is, or could possibly be, contaminated by lead or asbestos.,可能使用石墨、石棉的建筑、工厂、设施改造,Water treatment operations. (Water Tank Cleaning),水处理操作,Work on equipment that involves significant EHS risk.,其他包含,EHS,风险的作业,Key Definition,主要定义,9/11/2024,7,The Site Contractor Safety Management Program must include a structure 3 steps process of Contractor Selection, Evaluation and Control of Contractor Work.,工厂的承包商管理必须包含以下三个步骤,供应商选择、评估、施工管理,Selection挑选,Project owner notify contractor of Hi-Ps EHS requirements.,项目主管提交符合要求的承包商,Project owner request for contractor,safety evaluation form (Sample Attachment 1).,要求承包商填写安全评估表,Project owner collect safety evaluation form from contractor.,回收评估表,EHS & Project owner to review the safety evaluation form. EHS,和项目主管评审评估表,If the work has multiple high-risk operations,contractor must submit,detailed Safety Work plan. (Sample Attachment 2),如果施工包含多种高危作业,承包商必须提供详细的工作计划,For projects that do not required a detailed Safety,Workplan, a complete,Risk Assessment (Sample Attachment 3),on all the work involved shall be submitted for review and approve by EHS and Project Owner prior to the start of the project or work.,对于不要求提供详细的安全工作计划,该项目启动前必须由,EHS,和主管进行完整的风险评估,Under the evaluation, if the contractor deem capable of performing the job safely, Purchasing will get contractor to acknowledge on the,“Standard rules and conditions for contractors on EHS”,which include Hi-P EHS Policy,(Sample Attachment 4),before issuance of purchase order.,根据评估结果,如果认为承包商能安全施工,采购部将会在签订协议前发给承包商,EHS,的要求包括赫比,EHS,方针,If the work has no high-risk operation, Purchasing will get contractor to acknowledge on the standard rules and conditions for contractors on EHS which include Hi-P EHS Policy (Sample Attachment 4) before issuance of purchase order.,如果工作没有高风险的操作,采购部将会在签订协议前发给承包商,EHS,的要求包括赫比,EHS,方针,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,8,Evaluation评估,The project owner will use Contractor Safety Performance Report (Sample Attachment 7) to assess contractor performance upon completion of project or annually.,项目主管需要每年根据承包商的表现完成安全表现报告,If the performance is satisfactory, Purchasing will update into,the list of approved contractor.,如果表现是令人满意的,采购部门会把它加入认可的承包商清单中,If the performance is unsatisfactory, the contractor will be advised to improve or they will be removed from the contractor-approved list.,如果其表现无法令人满意,那他们会被建议改善,并从清单中移除,Control 管控,The project owner of the selected contractor will conduct briefing using Contractor EHS Briefing (Sample Attachment 5) and obtain approval before commencement of work.,选择承包商的主管应在开工前提交承包商,EHS,简报并获得批准,Contractor will need to submit Contractors tools, equipment, chemicals and competent person declaration form (Sample Attachment 8) prior to start of work.,承包商在开工前需要提供他们使用的工具、设备、化学品的情况并且完成声明,Project owner conduct regular inspection on contractor using Contractor EHS Inspection Checklist. (Sample Attachment 6),主管应使用,EHS,承包商检查表对其经行检查,If any discrepancy during the inspection, the Project owner will notify contractor to rectify.,如果发现施工中出现问题,主管应及时责令改正,The project owner will track the discrepancy for closure.,主管应跟踪问题直到问题关闭,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,9,Under Attachment 1, Contractor Safety Evaluation Form, if WORK is evaluated as “High risk”, 如果作业被评估为高危作业,Project Owner,ensure that Contractor is on the Approved Contractor List,主管要确认承包商在认可的清单内,Project Owner,need to ensure that the contractor had acknowledged the,“Standard Rules and Conditions for Contractors” (Attach 4),as part of the RFP. (Request for Proposals) The contractor will sign and return these rules and conditions to Seagate.,确认承包商认可了对承包商的要求并签字确认交给工厂,Project Owner,will ensure that a,Work Risk Assessment,to be conducted and the contractor agreed and followed during the period of work in Seagate premises.,在承包商施工前进行风险评估,经与承包商达成一致,Project Owner,will collect all outstanding documents before contractor can commence work.,在承包商施工前收集所有相关的文件,Project Owner,will conduct the Contractor EHS Induction (Attach 5).,传达,EHS,入场须知,Project Owner,will ensure,regular inspection (Attach 6),is conducted,to which EHS requirements have been defined. The frequency of monitoring is dependent upon the hazard associated with the work but at least once prior to the start of project at site.,检查承包商的作业是否符合,EHS,要求,检查的频率与工作的危险程度相关,Upon completion of project/job,project Owner,will assess the contractor performance or conduct the assessment at least once a year. (Attach 7),施工完成后,主管至少一年填写一次安全表现报告,High Risk (Single) 高危作业,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,10,If WORK FALLS under,“unique hazards” (i.e., involves multiple contractors/subcontractors or one contractor performing work that has multiple “high risks” and not control by Permit system), the contractor to submit a,Contractor Safety Work Plan,that addresses the requirements in the RFP. The Project Owner and site EHS will assess the adequacy of the safe working plan before selecting the contractor.,如果工作有特殊危害,承包商需要提供安全施工计划作为标书的一部分,。项目主管和EHS对计划进行评估,评估其计划是否适当,Project Owner,ensure that Contractor is on the Approved Contractor List,主管要确认承包商在认可的清单内,Project Owner,need to ensure that the contractor had acknowledged the,“Standard Rules and Conditions for Contractors” (Attach 4),as part of the RFP. (Request for Proposals) The contractor will sign and return these rules and conditions to Seagate.,确认承包商认可了对承包商的要求并签字确认交给工厂,Project Owner,will ensure that a,Work Risk Assessment,to be conducted and the contractor agreed and followed during the period of work in Seagate premises.,在承包商施工前进行风险评估,经与承包商达成一致,Project Owner,will collect all outstanding documents before contractor can commence work.,在承包商施工前收集所有相关的文件,Project Owner,will conduct the Contractor EHS Induction (Attach 5). 传达EHS入场须知,Project Owner,will ensure,regular inspection (Attach 6),is conducted,to which EHS requirements have been defined. The frequency of monitoring is dependent upon the hazard associated with the work but at least once prior to the start of project at site.,检查承包商的作业是否符合,EHS,要求,检查的频率与工作的危险程度相关,Upon completion of project/job,project Owner,will assess the contractor performance or conduct the assessment at least once a year. (Attach 7),施工完成后,主管至少一年填写一次安全表现报告,(Multiple High Risk with No Permit to Work System as Control) 如包含多种高危作业,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,11,OTHER REQUIREMENTS 其他要求,Purchasing will keep an updated list of Approved Contractors. (Attach 7 Contractor Safety Performance Report is required to ensure contractors meet the requirements),采购部门经常更新认可承包商的最新名单。,Project Owner or Purchasing will send out the Contractor Safety Evaluation Form (Attach 1 ) to all these listed and approved contractors. The contractor will fill up all the particulars required and shall return back the forms via facsimile / mail to Purchasing or project owners for evaluation by EHS/Facilities/Project Owner),项目主管或采购部门会发出承包商的安全性评价表。承包商将填写所有必要的细节,并通过传真,/,邮件形式发给采购或项目主管由,EHS/,设施部,/,项目部主管评审。,For approved contractors as listed by Purchasing,(existing vendors), Project Owner will be required to submit the Contractor Safety Performance Report (attach 7),annually,and it shall be reviewed by Purchasing Dept. Purchasing may consult EHS / Security where applicable.,对于经批准的供应商,由项目主管每年提交承包商的安全表现报告采购部审查,有必要的话可以同,EHS/,安保部门商议。,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,12,PERMIT TO WORK SYSTEM AND CHECKLIST,准入制度和检查表,High Risk Services or Projects will usually involved work whereby closer supervision and stricter requirements need to be enforce on site.,高危作业需要有专人监督,并严格执行工厂的要求,Such work or operation will require a permit to work system in place on site,.,这样的作业需要执行工厂的许可证制度,The following Permit is practice on site and need to be used to verify the work and Approved by the Competent parties.,下面的许可需要由相关部门核实、批准,Hot Work Permi,t,动火,Working at Height and Using of Scaffold Permit,脚手架上的高处作业,Entry to Confined Space Permit,有限空间作业,Contractor Usage of Chemical on Site,使用化学品,Lifting with Crane Permit,使用起重机,High Voltage Electrical Work Permit,高压作业,CONTRACTORS SAFETY MANAGEMENT,承包商安全管理,9/11/2024,13,Hot Work Approver Training 动火制度培训,14,Goals and Objectives:,目的和目标,At the end of this session you will:,本次培训结束后你将会:,Be familiar with the Hot Work Permit System.,了解动火许可制度,Recognize work that requires the use of Hot Work Permits.,了解相关的要求,Recognize the type of hazards relating to hot work.,了解其危害的种类,PPE Requirement,PPE,的要求,Basic Fire Fighting Skill,基本的灭火技巧,Pass a quiz with a score of 100%.,用,100%,的成绩通过测试,To be,certified,as a Hot Work Approver,有能力审批动火申请,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,15,What is Hot Work?,什么是动火作业?,Hot Work,is any work using open flames or sources,of heat that could ignite materials in the work area.,动火作业是使用明火或其他热源,可能引燃作业区域物体的作业,Purpose of Hot Work Permit.,该制度的目的,To establish safe Operating Procedures for cutting,elding, soldering or brazing at Seagate facilities.,建立安全操作的程序来管理动火作业,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,16,The Hot Work Procedures,动火作业的程序,The Requestor shall apply for the hot work permit by filling in the application form.,申请人需要填写申请单来提出动火申请,M,ake arrangements to conduct joint site inspection with the,Authorized approver and,Contractor or employee who is going to carry out the hot work.,安排专人对动火作业的现场进行检查,Use the checklist in the permit as guidelines to check on the contractor or employee.,以检查表为准则,检查承包商和作业人员,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,17,Permits are issued for the specific job being done, and for a specific time period. The time period is usually for the working shift, but may never exceed twenty-four hours.,许可是针对特定时间内的特定作业的,通常为一班的工作时间,但不会超过,24,小时,The Requestor, Hot Work Approver or Job Coordinator has the responsibility to verify that all necessary precautions have been taken at the worksite.,申请人、批准人或协调人有责任核实安全措施是否落实,Welding and other hot work have been found to be major causes of industrial fires.,Sprinkler systems or other detecting system,must remain in service in the hot work area,unless specifically approved by the EHS Department.,焊接和其他动火作业是已经发现工业火灾的主要原因。工作区的自动喷水灭火系统或其他检测系统必须开启,除非,EHS,部门批准。,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,18,What are the most critical items to check :,什么是最关键的部分,Fire Protection System serviceability and availability. ( Smoke detector/ Sprinkler),消防系统的适用性和可用性。(烟感,/,喷淋),Storage, placement of combustible, flammable.,易燃易爆品的储存,Incompatible work including adjacent compartment.,与现有工作有无抵触,Fire watch person present throughout with the right type of fire extinguisher.,现场有监火人,配备正确的灭火器,Flammable and pressured gas to be purged.,附近没有可燃气体和高压气体。,A flashback arrestor that is acceptable shall be fitted in accordance with manufacturers instructions at every pressure regulator outlet of each cylinder.,需在每个气瓶的压力调节器口安装回火防止器,A suitable check valve, non-return valve or similar device which prevents the backflow of gas into the hose should be fitted between each torch inlet and gas hose, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions,需按照制造商的说明安装,单向阀,止回阀或类似的装置,防止气体回流,Fire blanket for shielding, containment of sparks.,可以使用,灭火毯来扑灭较小的火,Availability of Personal Protective Equipment for Hot Work.,佩戴相应的,PPE,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,19,Should other precautions fail, trained personnel will be needed to extinguish any incipient fires with fire fighting equipment. Personnel and equipment must be readily available before the permit is issued.,如果其他预防措施没有阻止火势,那么受过培训的人员用消防设备扑灭火灾。人员和设备发出之前必须获得许可。,Who is the trained personnel to perform the above work ?,谁是经过训练来完成以上工作的?,Appointed Fire watchman,监火人,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,20,Fire Watch Personnel must,not be doing,other jobs which distract him from his primary responsibility.监火人禁止在期间参与其他工作,Fire Watch Personnel must be trained to use fire extinguishment media provided.,必须经过灭火器使用的培训,Fire Watch Personnel must be aware of how to report emergencies and emergency evacuation and response procedures.,必须知道如何报告紧急事件,知道紧急疏散和紧急相应程序,Fire Watch Personnel must be identified,before permits are issued,.,在许可签发之前必须确定监火人,Fire watch will be provided during and for at least 30 minutes after work, and during any coffee or lunch breaks.,工作结束后监火人至少要观察,30mins,,休息时间和用餐时间也不例外,The Role of,Fire Watchman,监火人的任务,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,21,Before beginning any hot work, ask yourself if the work can be done a safer way. Hot work is a very hazardous operation and should be avoided when there is a safer alternative.,动火作业开始前应该思考是否有更安全的方法,动火有着很高的风险,如果有更好的方法应该避免使用,Other considerations,其他注意事项,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,Necessary Precautions,必要的防范,CAN THE JOB BE AVOIDED?,动火可以避免吗?,IS THERE A SAFER WAY?,还有其他更安全的方法吗?,9/11/2024,22,Examples of,hot work,are:,动火作业包含以下,Welding,焊接,Burning,燃烧,Brazing,铜焊,propane soldering,丙烷焊接,oxyacetylene cutting,氧乙炔切割,grinding ferrous metals,金属打磨,Any sparks and heat generating operations.,其他引发火星或者热源的操作,Hot Work Permits动火作业许可制度,9/11/2024,23,1),All gas welding equipment and connections must be kept free from grease and oil. (Oxygen will explode upon contact with oil or grease.) Oily or greasy gloves may result in the same effect.所有的气焊设备必须远离油脂,沾满油污手套也会引起燃烧、爆炸,2) Cylinders must be stored and used in the upright, position. Do not roll cylinders on their sides.,Do not carry or hoist cylinders unless they are properly slung. 气瓶必须直立放置,禁止滚动,除非适当的挂起,否则不要提起气瓶,3) All cylinders, capped, uncapped, empty or full, must be secured from falling all times.任何时候都必须防止气瓶倒下,4) Blow out cylinder valve couplings by briefly opening each cylinder valve prior to attaching the regulator. Perform this operation in a well ventilated area. Do not use compressed air to blow out valves as the air may contain oil. 阀门在打开前要在通风良好的地方调整好。不要使用压缩空气吹出阀,空气可能含有油。,5) Clean the torch tip before lighting. Use spark gun and not cigarette lighters.使用前清洁枪口,不要用来点烟,6) Position materials to prevent sparks and hot metal from contacting the hoses or other persons. 调整材料的位置,以防止其他人因接触软管或溅到火花和铁水。,7) After work is completed turn cylinder valves off. Survey the work area to ascertain that no hot items remain that could result in fire breakout. 作业结束后关闭阀门,检查周围有没有


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