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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,ACADEMIC,L,IBRARIES,D,EVELOPMENT AND FUTURE TRENDS IN THE USA,美国学术图书馆的发展和未来趋势,LIAN RUAN, PH.D.,DIRECTOR/HEAD LIBRARIAN,图书馆馆长,DIRECTOR OF IFSI CHINA PROGRAMS,IFSI,国际项目主任,ILLINOIS FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE,UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN,-,香槟分校,1,ACADEMIC LIBRARIES IN THE USA,美国学术图书馆,As of August,2013, 3,689,academic,libraries (including 1,326 are,less than four-year,2,363 are,four-year and,above),截止,2013,年,8,月,全美共,3,689,个学术图书馆 (其中,1,326,个少于四年,,2,363,在四年或以上),(ALA,Library Fact Sheet),(,美,图联信,息册),2,ACADEMIC LIBRARIES IN ILLINOIS,伊利诺州伊学术图书馆,198,academic libraries in,Illinois (Illinois Library Association),伊利诺伊州有,198,个学术图书馆 (伊利诺伊图书馆协会),Illinois,academic libraries have acted consortially for over 30 years,伊利诺伊学术图书馆已合作三十余年,(,http:/,).,CARLI (The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, July 2005-): 145 members, 850,000,students, thousands of faculty and,staff,().,CARLI,(,伊州学,术与研究图书馆,联,盟,,,2005,年,7,月,-) : 145,个成员,,850,000,个学生,数千教务人员,3,IFLA TREND REPORT (AUGUST 2013),国际图联发展趋势报告,(2013,年,8,月,),Identifies 5 top level trends which will play a key role in shaping our future information ecosystem():,确定了,5,个顶级水平的趋势,这将在塑造我们的未来的信息生态系统中发挥关键作用,:TREND 1 New Technologies will both expand and limit who has access to information.,趋势,1:,新科技将扩展并同时限制信息获取,TREND 2 Online Education will democratise and disrupt global learning.,趋势,2:,网络教育民主化同时干扰全球学习,TREND 3 The boundaries of privacy and data protection will be redefined.,趋势,3:,隐私和数据保护的边界将被重新定义,TREND 4 Hyper-connected societies will listen to and empower new voices and groups.,趋势,4:,超连接社会将听取并赋予新声音和团体力量,TREND 5 The global information environment will be transformed by new technologies.,趋势,5:,新技术将改变全球信息环境,4,WORLD OF INFORMATION,信息世界,Changes in the world of information are very radical.,信息世界的改变巨大的。,1. The displacement of paper.,纸张的取代,2. The primacy of the search engine.,搜索引擎的重要位置,3. The emergence of the digital lifestyle.,数字生活方式的出现,4. The innovative patterns of scholarly communications.,学术交流的创新模式,5. Decreasing reliance on local collections is transforming the library as a physical destination. This environment of upheaval will pose both opportunities and challenges for academic libraries.,对本地馆藏减少的依赖改变了图书馆的物理馆性质。巨变的环境对学术图书馆带来机遇的同时也充满挑战,(Gregory, 2006, p. 101),5,CHANGES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION CONTEXT,高等教育背景的改变,University students are more ethnically and racially diverse than in the past.,大学生比过去更加民族和种族多元,化,The faculty is changing as well.,教员也在改变,The economics of higher education represent an area of particular volatility.,高等教育经济代表了一个领域特殊,的,变化,性,Delivery methods have evolved significantly, due largely to the development of new information and communication technologies.,传,递方,式发生了重要改变,很大程度,上,是,因,为新信息和交流技术的发展,(Gregory, 2006),6,MOOCS (MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE),(大众网络公开课),An,online course aimed at large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web.,网络课程目标在于大范围的互动参与以及网页的公开使用,In addition to,traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community for the students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs).,除了传统的课程材料,如视频,阅读,和习题集,,MOOCs,提供交互式用户论坛,帮助学生,教授和教学助理(助教)建立一个社区。,MOOCs,are a recent development in distance education,.,MOOCS,是在远程教育中最新发展,Features associated with early MOOCs, such as open licensing of content, open structure and learning,goals,早,期,MOOCS,特点:公开许可内容、开放的结构和学习目标,Connectivism,may not be present in all MOOC projects,in,particular with the openness of many MOOCs being called into,question,raising issues around the reuse and,remixing, of resources,.,关联主义可能不存在在,MOOC,项目,,【,特别是对“开放”许多,MOOCs,的资料提出问质疑,问题围绕资源“重用”和“混用”,】,7,MOOCS,大众网络公开课,The,proliferation of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has been hailed as a potent defense against the rising cost and insular culture of attending a traditional college.,作为一种有效的抵御成本上升和狭隘的文化,上传统的大学,被喻为的,MOOCs,(大规模开放式在线课程)的增殖。,The,courses, which are generally taught by experts with affiliations to elite universities, are characterized by their unique pedagogy and unlimited enrollment. To date, no course has been accepted for transfer credit at a major on-campus institution; however some administrators and higher-education experts predict their gradual integration into university curriculum.,课程,一般都是所属的精英大学的专家教授,其特点是其独特的教学和招生无限。到今天为止,没有一家大学接受转学分,一些管理员和高等教育专家预测他们逐步融入大学课程。,2012 :,November,2nd New York Times article,“The,Year of the MOOC,”,as well as the October 29th issue of Time Magazine devoted to this,topic.2012,时代周刊的报道让,MOOCS,名声大噪。,Coursera,cofounder Daphne,Koller: within,five years, Coursera will expand from around 200 courses to,3,000, roughly,the same number of courses offered in the academic catalogs of large research universities (Koller, 2012).,Coursera,联合创始人达芙妮科勒预言:五年内,,Coursera,将扩大从约,200,门课程,3000,门,数量大致相同目录的大型研究型大学在学术课程(科勒,,2012,)。,(Wright & Reuters, 2013, ),8,MOOCS & COURSERA,(大众网络公开课),Coursera: This for-profit company currently offers over 200 courses covering a range of subjects including Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Business, and Computer Science.,Coursera,盈利公司目前提供超过,200,种网络课程,课程科目包括人文,医学,生物,社会学,数学,商科和计算机科学。,These courses are created by faculty representing over 30 universities, including Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Duke University, and the University of Virginia, to name a few.,有,30,多个大学参与了这些课程的创建,其中包括普林斯顿大学,斯坦福大学,宾夕法尼亚大学,杜克大学,弗吉尼亚大学等等。,The structure of each course varies, but generally students watch lectures with embedded quizzes, and complete homework assignments within a designated timeframe for course completion.,每个课程的结构都不一样,但是一般学生会看网络课程和随堂测验,在一定的时间内完成课后作业以便完成课程学习。,Other features include student collaboration via online forums, as well as peer reviews for evaluating assignments.,其他的功能还包括学生在线讨论,和同学互相审查作业打分。,Certificates of completion are awarded, but transcript credit is not recognized by any university to date.,课程完成证书会办法给学生,但是目前为止成绩单学分还没有被任何一家大学认可。,Scholarly resources for students vary greatly from course to course. Some of the courses are self-contained, and do not require any additional literature, while others, such as Greek and Roman Mythology require students to read assigned classical literature. Many of the professors recommend certain readings for additional content, with links to free online resources.,每个课程需要的学术性资料的数量都不一样。有一些课程不需要阅读其他资料,然而另外一些,例如“希腊和罗马神话” 要求学生阅读指定的古典文学。很多教授会推荐一些在线的免费资料供学生使用。,Will Massive Online Open Access Courses Change How We Teach? (Martin, 2012).,“大量的网上公开课程会不会改变我们的教学方式?”(马丁,,2012,),Wright & Reuters, 2013, ),9,MOOCS ILLINOIS,大众公开课在伊大,MOOCS Illinois (,http,:/mooc.illinois.edu,/,),“Our,campus has partnered with Coursera to deliver content through its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform. As our work in the area of MOOCs and online delivery grows, we may engage with other platform providers as well as offer our own MOOCs. This website serves as a resource for faculty and staff interested in teaching MOOCs and for students who want to learn more about taking MOOCs.,The,online education landscape is growing quite rapidly, and Illinois should be at the forefront of innovations in education delivery.,“,“我们学校与,Coursea,合作推出大众网络公开课程。随着我们在大众网络公开课程方面的成长,我们可能会跟更多的网络平台商合作或者推出我们自己的网络课程平台。这个网站可以给对大众网络公开课程有兴趣的学院和教师,或者想要了解大众网络公开课的同学提供一些资料。,在线教育的成长非常迅速,伊利诺伊大学应该走在教育传递创新的最前沿。“,(Phyllis,M. Wise,Chancellor, Ilesanmi,Adesida, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and,Provost),(菲利斯,M.,怀斯,名誉校长, 莱萨米 艾德斯达,教务处副荣誉处长),10,MOOCS & CHALLENGES TO LIBRARIES,大众网络公开课程和图书馆面临的挑战,Academic librarians need to be aware of how these developments may impact their responsibilities and role within a university.,学术图书馆需要了解这些发展会怎么样影响图书馆在大学里扮演的角色和承担的责任。,How universities are involved in creating or sanctioning MOOCs, descriptions of the major MOOC providers, and how scholarly resources are used in their curriculum.,大学怎样创建或开设大众网络课程,主要网络课程提供商的介绍,和学术性资,offer an evaluation of current models for library services in distance learning that may apply to the support of MOOCs.,对现有远程教育课程中的图书馆服务的模式做评估,对大众网络公开课程的图书馆服务提供借鉴意见。,Important for librarians to consider these issues in the early stages of this phenomenon, because not only are MOOCs here to stay, but they represent a new challenge in the shifting relationship between library services and online learning that will continue to play out in the future of higher education.,在发展早期,图书管理员考虑这些问题非常重要。因为大众网络公开课不仅会成为发展趋势,更因为它代表一个改变图书馆服务和在线教育关系的一个新挑战。而这种关系在未来高等教育中将越来越重要。,(Wright & Reuters, 2013, ),(莱特和瑞特尔,,2013,, ),11,LIBRARY SERVICES TO DISTANCE LEARNING (,图书馆服务与远程教育),The Northwest Commission on Colleges states that institutions must provide access to library and scholarly resources with an appropriate level of currency, depth, and breadth to support the institutions mission, core themes, programs, and services, wherever offered and however delivered (as cited in Francis, 2012).,西北高校委员会认为院校必须提供“ 对图书馆和比较近期的,有一定深度的和广度学术性资料的使用权,以便支持学院的使命,主要任务,计划和服务”(弗兰克斯,,2012,)。,The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Distance Learning Section established the policy that every higher education student is entitled to the library services and resources of that institution, including direct communication with the appropriate library personnel, regardless of where enrolled (as cited in Nickel & Mulvihill, 2010).,高校图书馆联盟远程教育组在创建的制度规定,每个接受高等教育的学生都“有权利享受图书馆服务和该学校的各种资源,包括直接与图书管理员沟通,不管该学生在哪入学” (尼克和,Mulvihill,2010),(Wright & Reuters, 2013, ),(莱特和瑞特尔,,2013,,,),12,MOOCS CHALLENGES TO LIBRARY SERVICES,大众网络公开课对图书馆服务的挑战,1) MOOCS enrollment far exceeds that of conventional online courses offered by degree-granting institutions.,. Prevents librarians from applying some of the recent approaches for integrating library services in online learning.,. For example, in contained online courses with enrollment limits, the embedded librarian approach has some documented success.,. Given the challenges of huge student enrollment, it is unlikely these approaches would translate to MOOCs.,大众网络公开课的受众群远远的超过学位颁发院校所提供的传统在线课程的受众群。,-,妨碍图书管理员采用一些近期将图书馆服务融入在线学习的方法,例如,在一些对学生人数有限制的课程中,“嵌入式图书管理员”服务有一些文献记载的成就。,在大量授课学生人数的挑战下,这些服务将很难嫁接到大众网络公开课程中,2) MOOCS are hosted by third-party companies. This presents numerous technical and proprietary issues. because MOOCs use their own platform to host course content, the work done by librarians within their universitys course management system, such as embedding lesson plans or offering an Ask a Librarian feature, would not easily transfer to outside MOOC platforms. This means librarians would have to create research assignments for multiple online environments if they want to be involved with MOOCs to the same extent that they are involved with their universitys online courses.,大众网络公开课是第三公司运营。这会带来很多技术问题和专利问题。大众网络课程用运营商用自己的网络平台提供课程,这样一来,像图书管理员在自己大学运营的网络课程管理系统中所提供的嵌入式课程计划或者“询问图书管理员”服务,将很难转移到第三方课程平台上。这意味着,如果图书管理员想要像参与学校网络课程一样参与到大众网络课程中,他们对不同的网络环境中进行的不同课题得另外计划作业。,(Wright & Reuters, 2013, ),13,SOLUTIONS TO MOOCS LIBRARY SERVICES,大众网络课程图书馆服务解决方案,Reach out to the faculty member teaching the MOOCS.,与大众网络课程的教师合作。,Convince faculty that learning from scholarly resources is a critical element of higher education,说服全体教员从学术性资料中学习是高等教育中很重要的一部分,Make the student aware of their available resources.,让学生了解他们所拥有的资源,Provide the faculty member with links to the tutorials and research guides sections of their affiliated librarys website.,给全体教员提供他们附属的图书馆网站上“教程”和“研究向导”的链接,14,SOLUTIONS TO MOOCS LIBRARY SERVICES,大众网络课程图书馆服务解决方案,Review the scope and content of their tutorials and research guides, because most will include paths to proprietary databases which will not be accessible to many MOOC students. T,审查教程和研究向导的内容和覆盖范围,因为很多都会包括大众网络课程学生所不能登录的数据库链接。,Peer-reviewed research tutorials are freely available from the American Library Association, and the Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching initiative, which can supplement current tutorial offerings.,美国图书馆协会提供免费的同行审查的研究教程,和在线教育多媒体资料。这些给以作为附加教程提供给学生。,Provide links to open access research guides and tutorials,给学生提供公开研究向导和教程的链接,Offer services that can be repeated by large numbers of students with varying affiliation to the hosting university and faculty.,提供可让大量不同学校学生重复使用的服务。,15,PATTERNS OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE,信息交换模式,Todays academic libraries disseminate information to their patrons very differently than they did a generation ago.,当今学,术图书馆,给,读者,传,递信,息的方式方法和,前一代非常不同。,Shifted,away from amassing collections of paper-based monographs in 8,ways.,以,8,种方式远离大量纸基模式文献,16,PATTERNS OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE (CONT.),信息交换模式 (接上),1. From analog to digital formats,从模拟到数字格式,2. From books to journals and other media,从书到期刊到其他媒体,3. From highly assessable on-site storage to compact storage, whether on or off site.,从可以高评估的在线储蓄到压缩储蓄,无论在线或离线,4. From local storage to remote access,从本地储蓄到远程获取,5. From local ownership to subscription-based access,从本地拥有到订阅访问,(Gregory, 2006),17,PATTERNS OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE (CONT.),信息交换模式(接上),6. From selection of individual items to selection of resources in the aggregate,从个体物件的选取到大批量选取,7. From library-specific collection development to group-based resource-sharing.,从个体图书馆的收藏发展到群体的资源共享,8. From active acquisition of grey literature to free access via the web.,从积极的文献获取到免费的网络访问,(Gregory, 2006),18,E-RESOURCE,电子资源,The largest growth in acquisitions spending for academic,libraries:,E,lectronic,R,esources,.,学术图书馆最大增长,是,在电子资源的采购支出,上,The,majority of collection funds,: Electronic,resources which include databases, eBooks, and large packages of electronic journals and other resources,.,电子资源绝,大多数,的,资金,用在,包,括数据库,电子图书,,,打包的,电,子期刊和,其他资源。,North,America,and around,the globe.,北美和全球其他部分这个情况差不多,(Cerbo, 2012),19,E-BOOK,电子书,12% of,academic libraries circulate preloaded e-reading devices, while 26% are considering it.,12,的高校图书馆流通预装的电子阅读设备,而,26,正在考虑。,Kindle,topped the device chart at 81%. Followed by Sony at 34%, iPad at 28%, and Nook at 22,%,Kindle,的设备图居首为,81,。其次由索,尼在,34,,,28,的,iPad,,,和,Nook22,。,Purchase books in e-book format,出版电子书的格式,Copyright and legal issues,版权和法律权限,Save space,节省,空间,(American Library Association, 2011),20,HATHITRUST,数据库最新项目,The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a grant in the amount of $437,000 to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in partnership with Indiana University for an exciting new project in the HathiTrust Research Center.,安德鲁麦伦基金会奖励给伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校和印第安纳大学,$437,000,,作为,HathiTrust,研究中心的全新合作项目的起始资金。,The “Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis: Prototyping Project” (WCSA) project will be directed by HTRC Co-director and GSLIS Associate Dean for Research J. Stephen Downie, GSLIS-affiliated faculty member and Professor of Library Administration Timothy Cole, and Beth Plale of Indiana University.,WCSA项目的负责人是,HTRC,联合,主管,和,GSLI,S,研究部副主任,J.,史蒂芬,道尼,还有,GSLIS,教员和图书馆管理教授,蒂莫西科尔及印第安纳大学的贝斯普莱乐。,(Schmidts email, August 27, 2013),(,施密特的邮件,,2013,年,8月27,),21,HATHITRUST,数据库最新项目,Requirements for creating scholarly worksets are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex, both as humanities scholarship has become more interdisciplinary and as it has become more digital.,人文类的跨学科交叉性和数字化使得建立学术工作站的要求变得愈加繁琐和复杂。,Developing the ability to slice through the massive HathiTrust corpus and to construct the precise set of materials needed for a particular scholarly investigation will open exciting new opportunities for conducting research with digital content in the humanities and beyond.,研发,HathiTrust,数据库里庞大数据,如何为某个学科研究精准地提取所需的材料,这对人文学科及其他学科如何利用数字化内容做研究提供了激动人心的机会。,Given the unprecedented size and scope of the HathiTrust corpusin conjunction with the HTRCs unique computational access to copyrighted materialsthis project will engage scholars in designing tools for exploring, locating, and analyzing content from the HathiTrust so they can conduct computational scholarship at scale, based on meaningful worksets.,利用,HathiTrust,前所未有的规模和范围,与,HTRC,独特的电子化获取版权保护类的资料结合,这个项目将会吸引研究学者来设计探索、定位和分析,HathiTrust,内容的工具,从而在此基础上进一步推广电子化学术研究的规模。,(Schmidts email, August 27, 2013),22,HATHITRUST,最新项目,In an effort to increase community participation in HTRC and engagement with the HathiTrust corpus, the HTRC will release an open, competitive Request for Proposals in November 2013 with the intent to fund four prototyping projects that will build tools for enriching and augmenting metadata for the HathiTrust corpus.,为,努力提高社区参与,HRTC,和利用,HathiTrust,的资料,,HTRC,将,提供,一个开放的,有竞争力的,项目计划书项目,,,2013,年,11,月,会,资助四个项目,来研发为,HathiTrust,丰富和充实元数据库,的工具,。,Throughout the project, the HTRC will also work closely with the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS) to develop a set of formal data models that will be used to capture and integrate the outputs of the funded prototyping projects with the larger HathiTrust corpus.,整个项目中,,HTRC,还将,与,科学和,科研,(,CIRSS,)与信息研究中心紧密合作,制定一套正式的数据模型将被用来捕捉和整合输出的资助的原型项目具有较大,HathiTrust,的,数据,库。,(Schmidts email, August 27, 2013),23,SCHOLARLY COMMONS SERVICES ILLINOIS,伊利诺伊的学术共享服务,Starting in fall semester 2013,the Scholarly Commons has extended its hours of service to Monday-Friday from,11am-7pm,学术共享组织在,2013,秋季学期开始,已延长其服务时间周一至周五从上午,11,时至晚上,7,时,Services:,服务内容:,Copyright, Data Services, Digital Humanities, Digitization, Savvy Researcher, Scholarly Communication, Web & Computer Usability, Other Campus Services,版,权所有,数据服务,数字人文,数字化,精明的研究员,学术交流,网络与计算机可用性,其他校园服务,Resources:,资源:,Experts, Training, Software, Hardware, Bookmarks, Other Campus Resources,专,家介绍,培训,软件,硬件,书签,其他校园资源,24,E-SCIENCE LIBRARIANSHIP,电子科研 图书馆员,From: University of Illinois Library News mailto:LIBNEWS- On Behalf Of Williams, Sarah Christine,Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:35 PM,To: LIBNEWS-,Subject: Two upcoming NISO webinars on research data - 9/11 & 9/18,Staff Development and Training is supporting a group viewing of two upcoming NISO webinars:,E-Science Librarianship,Wednesday, September 11,Noon 1:30pm,314 Library,Webinar Description: Presenters will discuss the role of the library in the academic research enterprise and provide an overview of new librarian strategies, tools, and technologies developed to support the lifecycle of scholarly production and data curation. Specific challenges that face research libraries will be described and potential responses will be explored, along with a discussion of the types of skills and services that will be required for librarians to effectively curate research output.,网络研讨会大纲:演讲嘉宾会谈论图书馆在学术研究领域的角色并综述讨论新图书管理员战略,工具和为支持学术周期和数据策展所研发的技术。嘉宾还会描述目前研究性图书馆所面临的具体挑战,并探索应对政策。最后嘉宾还会讨论图书管理员有效保存研究成果所需的技能和服务。,Presenters: Elaine Martin, Chris Shaffer, and Megan Sapp Nelson,25,LIBRARIES AND BIG DATA,图书馆和大数据,Libraries and Big Data,Wednesday, September 18,Noon 1:30pm,428 Library,Webinar Description: Faculty in all disciplines are increasingly creating and/or incorporating big data into their research and institutions are creating repositories and other tools to manage it all. There are many challenges to effectively manage and curate this datachallenges that are both similar and different to managing document archives. Libraries can and are assuming a key role in making this information more useful, visible, and accessible, such as creating taxonomies, designing metadata


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