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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,书面表达能力训练,1,学校及家庭生活,1.,上小学,(,中学,大学,),2.,大学毕业,3.,做实验,4.,通过考试,5.,考试不及格,go to primary/elementary/,middle school/college/university,graduate from/ finish college,do an experiment,pass an exam,fail in an exam,2,6.,开运动会,7.,请病假,8.,听报告,/,讲座,9.,参加课外,/,社会活动,10.,学得好,/,擅长,hold/have a sports-meet,ask for sick leave,attend a report/ lecture,take part in out-of-class/ social activities,be good at/do well in,3,上周我病了,请了三天假。,我堂兄比我大五岁,他去年大学毕业。,3.,我们经常在新建的实验楼做实验。,4.,如果不努力,你期末考试就过不了。,My cousin is five years older than I and he graduated from college last year.,You will fail in/not pass your final exams if you dont work hard.,I was ill last week and I asked for three-day sick leave.,We often do experiments in the newly-built lab building.,4,5.,每年春天我校都开运动会。,6.,参加参加课外,/,社会活动是非常有益的。,7.,上周我们听了一位著名教授做的有关学习方法的报告。,8.,我数学好英语不好。,A sports-meet is held in our school every spring.,Its /beneficial/helpful/does good to take part in out-of-class/ social activities.,We attended a lecture/report on learning method by a famous professor.,Im good at math but bad at English.,5,Period Two,6,11.,获奖学金,12.,做兼职,/,专职工作,13.,在,-,努力,14.,积极参加,15.,参加竞赛,get a scholarship,do a part-time/ full-time job,work hard at/ spare no effort in/try ones best,take an active part in/ be active in,take a contest/competition,7,16,、乐于助人,17,、 在,-,的帮助下,18,、把,-,归功与,19,、在,-,竞赛中获一等奖,20,、取得进步,be ready to help others,with the help of,owe-to/thanks to/go to,win the first prize in the contest/competition,make (great) progress,8,11,、李明所有功课都很好,所以他每年都获奖学金。,12,、只要不影响你学习,你可以做兼职。,13,、我积极参加体育运动锻炼身体。,14,、她是个热心的人,总是乐于助人。,Li Ming does well in all his subjects, so he gets a scholarship every year.,You can do a part-time job as long as it doesnt affect your studies.,I take an active part in sports to build up my body.,She is warm-hearted and always ready,to help others,.,9,15,、在老师的帮助下,我在学习上取得了巨大的进步。,16,、我们的成功归功与老师和家长。,17,、令我高兴的是我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。,18,、老师表扬我,因为我在课上积极思考、问问题。,With the help of the teachers, I have made great progress in my studies.,We owe our success to our teachers and parents.,Our success should go to our teachers and parents.,To my great joy, I won the first prize in the English speech competition.,I was praised because I am active in thinking and asking questions.,10,Period Three,11,21.,忙于,22.,充分利用时间,23.,厌倦,24.,与某人相处,(,好,);,在某方面进展,(,好,),25.,全心投入,be busy doing/with,make good use of ones time,get/be tired of,get on (well) with ; get along (well) with,put ones heart into,12,26.,对人,(,事,),要求严格,27.,因某事而表扬某人,28.,就某方面给某人提建议,29.,献身于,致力于,30.,过着,的生活,be strict with (in),praise sb. for sth.,give advice on how to do sth.,devote to,lead/live a life,13,19.,高考快到了,我们都在忙于复习功课,.,20.,时间很珍贵,我们应该充分利用时间,.,21.,我们厌倦了每天吃同样的食物,.,22.,我们彼此相处得非常好,.,23.,如果你希望成功,你应该全心投入到工作中去,We are all busy with our lessons because College Entrance Examination is drawing near.,Time is precious so we must make good use of it.,We are tired of eating the same food every day.,We are getting on very well with each other.,If you hope to be successful, you should put your heart into work.,14,.,我们老师对我们要求严格,.,受到老师的表扬,我为自己感到自豪,.,他就如何交朋友方面给了我好建议,.,我爸爸将他所有的时间都投入到研究工作中去,.,我们现在过着忙碌的生活,但我们觉得很开心,Our teachers are very strict with us.,Praised by the teacher, I felt proud of myself.,He gave me good advice on how to make friends.,My father devotes all his time to research work.,We are now leading a very busy life but we feel very happy.,15,Period Four,16,32.,遵守违反校规,33.,做某事有困难,34.,花时间,/,金钱做某事,35.,值得做某事,keep/obey/break the school rules.,have difficulty /trouble in doing sth.,It takes sb. time to do sth.,Sb. + Spend time on sth / in doing sth.,Sth. + cost sb. money.,be worth doing,17,36.,长大,37.,抚养大,38.,死于疾病原因,39.,失业,40.,在附近,临近,grow up,bring sb. up,die of / from,lose ones job / be out of work,be around the corner / draw near,18,30.,不允许违反校规,31.,我理解这篇文章有困难,32.,我花十五分钟骑车上学,33.,你花太多时间玩电脑游戏,34.,这部电影值得一看,Nobody is allowed to break the school rules.,I have some difficulty in understanding this passage.,It takes me 15 minutes to get to school by bike.,You spend too much time playing computer games.,The film is worth seeing.,19,35.,我出生在上海却在北京长大,36.,我是我爷爷奶奶带大的,37.,每年都有数千人死于交通事故,38.,我爸爸失业了,他正考虑再找一份工作,39.,期末考试就要到了,I was born in Shanghai but grew up in Beijing.,I was brought up by my grandparents.,Thousands of people die from car accidents every year.,My father is thinking of finding another job as he is out of work now.,The final exam is around the corner.,20,上周我病了,请了三天假。,我堂兄比我大五岁,他去年大学毕业。,3.,我们经常在新建的实验楼做实验。,4.,如果不努力,你期末考试就过不了。,21,5.,每年秋天我校都开运动会。,6.,参加参加课外,/,社会活动是非常有益的。,7.,上周我们听了一位著名教授做的有关学习方法的报告。,8.,我数学好英语不好。,22,11,、李明所有功课都很好,所以他每年都获奖学金。,12,、只要不影响你学习,你可以做兼职。,13,、我积极参加体育运动锻炼身体。,14,、她是个热心的人,总是乐于助人。,23,15,、在老师的帮助下,我在学习上取得了巨大的进步。,16,、我们的成功归功与老师和家长。,17,、令我高兴的是我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。,18,、老师表扬我,因为我在课上积极思考、问问题。,24,


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