Model Test 2 Translation

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Translation in Model Test Two,By Zhu Mingju,1,Section A Chinese to English,由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。,SV,: From primary school to middle school, what have been learnt are just some common basic knowledge.,middle school: secondary school,From primary school to middle sch,ool,: From primary to secondary school,修习:,learn, study, acquire, taught, impart, collect,普通的:,common, general, day-to-day, conventional,基本的:,basic, fundamental, rudimentary,2,Zero-subject Chinese Sentences,希望全班同学参加这些讨论。,Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.,到处都找不到一个躲雨的地方。,There was no shelter anywhere from the rain.,随着一声吼叫,呼地从树林里窜出一只老虎。,Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.,3,Zero-subject Chinese Sentences,要成功就要付出劳动。,It will cost you much labor to succeed in anything.,不远处传来提琴的声音,调子哀伤。,The melancholy strains of a violin sounded not far away.,生了儿子,吃啥有啥;生了女儿,有啥吃啥。,If a woman gives birth to a boy, she eats what she wants; if to a girl, she just eats what there is.,热得他们全身冒汗。,Its so hot that they are sweating like a pig.,The heat makes them sweat like a pig.,4,Chinese to English,From primary to secondary school, what are studied are nothing but some general knowledge.,Or: Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge.,就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。,SV: Even during the four years college, what have been taught are still rather superficial knowledge.,Even during the four years college: even during the four years in college.,粗浅的学识:,superficial knowledge, rudimental knowledge,5,Chinese to English,Even what you learn during the four years of university will be something quite superficial too.,Or: Even during the four years of college, what are learnt are something quite superficial, too.,世人常称大学为“最高学府”,这名称易滋误解,好像过此以上即无学问可言。,SV: People often consider college as “the highest education institution”, an address which easily cause misunderstanding as if there are no other knowledge worth discussing after college graduation.,6,Chinese to English,常称:,often consideroften take, often regard,最高学府:,the highest education institution the highest educational institution, the highest institution of learning, the highest seat of learning,这名称:,an address which easily cause misunderstanding “address”, “cause”,好像过此以上即无学问可言:,as if there are no other knowledge worth discussing after college graduationmisunderstanding,A university has often been misleadingly referred to as “the highest seat of learning”, which sounds as if there were no more learning to speak of beyond it.,7,Chinese to English,大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是初涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。,SV: College research institute is where primary study of research lines, but still doing research here can only counted as the first step to cross the barriers, which is concerned with method and practice of knowledge studying.,初步研究学问的所在,: is where primary study of research lines is the place for preliminary scholarship,做学问:,doing research engaging in scholarship, pursuing studies,初涉藩篱,: can only counted as the first step to cross the barriers Too literal. lay a foundation, get only the first taste of learning,8,Chinese to English,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习,: which is concerned with method and practice of knowledge studying “which”? and the emphasis is on research methodology and practice,学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短,,SV: Studying has no limitation, and it is too short even do it a lifetime.,学无止境:,Knowledge has no limit.; Knowledge is infinite.; Learning is an endless process.; never too old late to learn; There is no end to learning.; There is no limit to knowledge. “limit” vs. “limitation”,9,Chinese to English,一生的时间都嫌太短,: and it is too short even do it a lifetime What does “it” here refer to?,所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还是继续研究,不过在这样的研究中确是有浓厚的趣味。,SV: Therefore, the ancients studied all the books till his hairs turned white and even so they continued studying. However, they do find great interest in such studying.,古人:,the ancients some of the ancients, some ancient scholars,头发白了:,till his hairs turned white “his” “white”,趣味:,”interest” fun, pleasure, enjoyment,10,Chinese to English,That is why some of our ancients continued to study even when they were hoary-headed. They were, of course, motivated by an enormous interest in their studies.,Or: This explains why some ancients continued to study even though they have turned senileenormous fun is hidden in such a study.,11,English to Chinese: SV,需求是有限的,而不是无限贪婪的。科学并没有找到治愈羡慕的方法。于是,我们的财富只是稍稍增加了我们的幸福感,却减少了我们的同胞们的幸福感。因此,伊斯特林对未来的展望是悲观的。“未来将会是现代经济引领的新时代,是一个经济增长永不停止的时代,一个持续增长的充裕度有持续增长的欲望来衡量的世界,一个文化差异等级是由持续的物质生活丰富度比赛来划分的世界,一个在相信科学,相信理性调查的力量,相信人类有塑造自身命运的最终力量的基础上建立起来的世界。讽刺的是,历史的教训却证明最后一点不然:人类其实没得选择。最终,经济增长的胜利并不是人类战胜物质欲求的胜利;相反,它是物质欲求战胜人类的胜利。,12,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,Needs are limited, but not greed:,需求是有限的,而贪欲却无止境。,while shrinking that of our neighbors:,当我们的财富让邻居相形见绌的时候,The future is one of never ending economic growth:,未来经济会不断发展、永不停歇,a world in which ever growing abundance is matched by ever rising aspirations:,未来会是一个财富不断增长而欲望节节上升的世界,13,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,pregnant,有孕在身(身怀六甲),sweet,娇柔妩媚;温婉可人;楚楚动人,slumbering,沉沉欲睡,bluntly,直截了当,14,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,base (adj.),卑鄙无耻,hurriedly,匆匆忙忙;心急火燎;风风火火,someday,有朝一日,dreary,枯燥乏味;精疲力竭,mischievous,调皮捣蛋,15,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,cynical,玩世不恭;愤世嫉俗;冷嘲热讽,senile,老态龙钟,appropriate,恰如其分;恰到好处,boundless,漫无边际;无边无际,furious,怒气冲天;怒不可遏,16,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,have never met,素不相识;萍水相逢;素未谋面,extend in all directions,四通八达,talk and laugh cheerfully,谈笑风生;欢声笑语,a world of difference,天壤之别;天差地别;截然不同,take a risk in desperation,铤而走险;孤注一掷,17,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,disciples and followers,徒子徒孙;门生弟子,await with great anxiety,望穿秋水;望眼欲穿;翘首以待,remarkably true to life,惟妙惟肖;栩栩如生,be shamed into anger,恼羞成怒;老羞成怒,hate to see sb. go,恋恋不舍;依依不舍;难舍难分,18,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,again and again,屡次三番,try to look happy when actually sad,强颜欢笑,walk off with sth.,顺手牵羊,achieve what one wishes,如愿以偿,broad daylight,光天化日,19,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,Sheer boredom,nearly drove Eisenhower to the point of,resigning his commission,.,由于,闷极无聊,,艾森豪威尔几乎想,解甲归田,。,That,crippled,the court reform.,最高法院的改造,就此,半途而废,。,Even the most beautiful,fell,quickly,under the darkness of time, like flowers without care.,最美的娇娃,因为,不堪时艰,,很快便,姿容消褪,,就象无人护理的花朵一样。,Men and women,hurried,in long, shifting lines,.,男男女女,,,熙熙攘攘,,,络绎不绝,20,Use of Four-character Set Phrases in EC Translation,He was,canny,openhanded,brisk,candid, and,modest,.,他为人聪明大方,生气勃勃,忠厚耿直,谦虚谨慎。,On this battle rests the fate of our nation. Let,every man,do his utmost,.,民族存亡在此一战。,凡我士兵,务必,全力奋战,。,He was a,voracious,reader,spending much of his days and evenings devouring books,.,他读起书来,废寝忘食,,,夜以继日,。,21,Reference Translation,需求是有限的,而贪欲却无止境。科学再进步也尚未研制出治疗嫉妒的良药,因此只有当我们的财富让邻居相形见绌的时候,我们才会感到片刻的幸福。所以在伊斯特林看来,未来的前景不容乐观:“当今经济发展的趋势告诉我们,未来经济会不断发展、永不停歇,未来世界会是一个财富不断增长而欲望节节上升的世界;一个为达到富裕不断角逐而导致文化差异尽失的世界;一个建立在信仰科学和理性探索的基础之上并相信人类最终与能力塑造自己命运的世界。具有讽刺意味的是,在最后一点上,历史的经验教训似乎告诉我们,事物的发展并非如此:人类别无选择,并不能掌握自己的命运。最后,经济发展的结果不是人类战胜物欲,而是物欲战胜人性。”,22,


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