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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Writing,中考英语书面表达复习专题,(2),1,2,1.,试题解析,“此篇书面表达属于提纲式写作。写作内容,写作时的关键就应放在结构的安排及语言的组织上。试卷紧密结合当前的热点时事,话题为“全民健身”,比较新颖。,此篇提示作文首次以问题为提示和向导,控制中又具有一定的开放,考生具备一定的审题能力和遣词造句的表达能力就有话可说,但写好这篇作文,不能只简单地回答问题,需要一定的发挥,视整篇文章内容充实,意思连贯。,“全民健身”问题一直是备受关注的热点之一,因平时练习较多,并且题中写作要点大都以及给出,所以考生只要注意语词的选用,句子的框架搭建,紧扣要点作适当发挥,把抽象内容具体化,灵活运用,卷面整洁,当然内容要包括题目要点,特别是自己体会和观点。如能鲜明独到,基本上可拿高分。,3,2.,可用素材,(,1,)词汇:,do sports, favorite,play fotball (basktball, volleyball,ping-pong ete), energtic, take part in,healthy,keep fit,active,(2),句式:,Its very good for us and is also can make us healthy.,To do more sports can help our studies.,My favourite sport is playing ping-pong.,To do morning exercises is also can make our much healthier.,Whats more, a healthy body can help us stdy better and live a happier life,4,3.,注意事项,(,1,)安排以上信息点在文中的逻辑关系。,(,2,)用所掌握的词汇、词组、固定句型将所有的信息点表示在文章中。,(3),注意提取重要信息,并加以整合,不必面面俱到。,(,4,)文章中加入个人观点。,5,Lets do sports,Nowadays,most of us do not pay attention to doing sports,.,In fact,doing sports is really important in our daily life.,I think doing sports can,build up our strength,give us more power,and,make us energetic,. It can burn a lot of fat in our body. You know too much fat can cause lots of diseases. I often take an active part in,the ball games,running,and,jumping,on the playground .I like playing,football,very much. I often watch a football match on Tv on Sundays.,Whenever I have time, I am always playing sports with my parents or friends on the ground,. After that, I usually feel excited and energetic.,Besides,some sports can make us brave and insistent. So, why not do sports?,6,满分揭秘:,“全民健身日” 是一个标杆,是一个推动力。本文回答了题中的五个问题,作者审题准,入题快, 首先导入,doing sports is really important in our daily life.,这一观点,要点清楚。另外,作者在遣词造句能力强,语法知识扎实。比如:,I think,,,Whenever I have time,,,build up our strength,,,make us energetic,,,take an active part in,,,make us brave and insistent,等,避免重复,展现了语言的多样化。复合句多处使用,提升了文章的档次,使文章亮点倍出,风采非凡,值得其他同学效仿。,7,Lets do sports,Sports are very meaningful for our life, our society and even our world. Its so important for everyone to do sports.,Because its very good for us and is also can make us healthy.,We have a lot of choices of sports, basetball, soccer, tennis , etc.,My favourite sport is playing ping-pong. I often play ping-pong with my friends and parents after class.,After that, I usually feel active and powerful.,To do more sports can help our studies.,To ride a bike is a sport. To walk to school is a sport as well. To do morning exercises is also can make our much healthier.,Doing sports,I think, is one of the best way to teach us to be brave and strong.,Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit.,Whats more, a healthy body can help us study better and live a happier life.,Doing sports is fun,and what you need to do is just try to play and join it!,8,满分揭秘:,文章内容涵盖题干中所给出的全部要点,“全民健身日”,让我们一起享受体育运动带来的健康与欢乐这一观点始终贯穿全文。作者以严谨的结构,复杂而准确的句子清晰而明了的表达了自己要表达的意思,例如:,Because its very good for us and is also can make us healthy.,Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit.,等,层次分明,行文连贯,适当 使用精准的过渡词,给人一气呵成之感。总之,无论是结构的安排,还是语言的表达,都足以显示出作者扎实的英语语言功底和驾驭语言的能力,是一篇值得推荐的佳作。,9,标准范文:,lets do sports,I think its very important for everyone to do sports.,I like sports because they are not only good for our health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends or my parents in the swimming pool.,After swimming, I usually feel happy and relaxed. Whats more, I can put more energy into my study.,so lets do sports, and we will become stronger and stronger.,10,你校准备举行“节约用水,从现在做起”的英语征文比赛,你打算投稿,请根据以下表格内容些一篇英语短文。,必要性,没有水,人类无法生存,不良现象,不关水龙头,洗澡时间太长,没喝完水就把瓶子扔掉,建议,你的建议,2-3,个,注意:,1.,词数,80,左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数,2.,不得透露学校,姓名等任何个人信息,否则不 予评分。,Act now to save water,Water is very important to us,11,1.试题解读,话题为环境保护,全球水资源短缺,结合今年西南的大旱,具有很强的时代感,引导学生对社会热点的关注。,审题是要知道本文为图画和表格所展示的书面表达,本文为议论文,主体时态为一般现在时。图片和表格所展示的内容主题明确,逻辑清晰,层次清楚。其中“建议”一栏增加写作的开放性,留给考生更多的思考空间,更有利于培养学生的发散思维能力和解决问题的能力,体现学生个性发展和思维的灵活性,符合新课程的理念。,12,2.写作信息要点,节约用水对我们人类的重要性。,列举生活中的不良现象:不关水龙头;洗澡时间很长;没喝完水就把瓶子扔掉了。,节约用水的建议:及时关闭水龙头;循环 用水等。,13,3.可用素材,(,1,)词汇,fresh,,,water,,,turn off taps,,,have a bath,take a shower, throw away, recycle the used water ,the last drop of water ,suggestion,(2),句式:,Weater is very important to us.,We cant live without water.,We should try our best to save water.,Taps must be turned off after being used.,We can also recyle the used water.,The last drop of water in the world is our tear.,14,满分作文展示,Act now to save water,Water is very important to us.,We cant live without water,. But fresh water becomes,less and less,nowadays. Some people dont turn off taps,when,they finishing washing clothes or dishes. And others often have baths for a long time.and I often see people throw away the bottles,though,there is still water in them. Those behaviors will waste a lot of water.,as a student, we should try our best to save water, taps must be turn off,after being used,. We can also,recycle the used water,to wash clothes and to clean the toilet.,we should act now to save water for the beautiful tomorrow, or the last drop of water in the world is our tear,.,15,4.注意事项,内容要点要完整,并注意内容的逻辑层次;,写作是首先要保证所使用词语和句式的准确,并设法使用一些高级表达法师,如固定短语、状语从句、并列句、感叹局、介词短语等,提高文章的档次。,还要准确把握好时态,行文紧凑,书写工整,卷面整洁,避开容易出错的地方。,16,满分揭秘:,作为一篇优秀的中考作文,本文开门见山地点明了水对于人类的重要性,之后提出水资源浪费加剧了节水的紧迫性,并提出了几种切实可行的解决方法,全文层次分明,逻辑清晰,行文流畅,以歌词结尾,独具新意,为本文增添亮点。,17,Acct now to save water,Water is very important to us.It has a great influence on our life.,No one can live,withhout,water.Maybe in every peoples eyes water isnt,rarity,.Its only a common thing.,So,there are many unhealthy,tendencise,in our life.,Some people dont,screw,taps up;some are used to taking a shower for a long time,and others throw bottles with much water.,But,I cant stand these kinds of wasting things.,In fact,its bad for us to have a happy life, And I have two suggestions for this problerm.,On the one hand,we,must,cultivate,the saving,counseiousness,and,on the other hand,we should try to recycle waste water.,I believe we could solve the water problem,as long as,we obey these two suggestions.,18,本文是一篇优秀的中考临场作文,具体表现在:考生在理解题目的要求上能够准确、细致;在组织材料上能够做到具体全面;在语言表达上能够做到清晰、规范、严谨、多变。特别是一些能体现文章特色的短语,如,have a great influence on,和,cultivate the saving consciousness,以及一些铿锵有力的排比句,提升了文章的档次。另外,作者对水资源短缺的原因分析的有理有据,提出的建议得当,内容有独特个性之美,引人深思。最后一句表面作者决心及态度,水到渠成。全文如行云流水,值得广大中学生借鉴。,满分揭秘:,19,标准范文,Water is very important to us and a must for all living things.,Water is the fundamental to all living things.Human beings cant,live without water.,But people often forget to turn off the taps after washing hands. Some people spend too much time having a bath.And some people throw away bottles without drinking the water off .,In order to save water,I have some advice.First,we should turn off the tap after washing hands.Second, we should make good use of every drop of water.Saving water is saving ourselves.Lets do all we can do to save water.,20,Thank you!,21,


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