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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Integrated skills,1,Warm up: some vowels and words,c,a,ke,f,a,ce,g,a,me,l,a,ke,n,a,me,b,e,h,e,m,e,w,e,th,e,se,b,i,ke,f,i,ne,k,i,te,r,i,ce,t,i,me,g,o,h,o,me,n,o,n,o,se,s,o,comp,u,ter,c,u,te,m,u,sic,p,u,pil,u,se,/ei/,/i:/,/ai/,/u/,/ju:/,2,Warm up: sentences,L,i,sten to the m,u,sic. Its n,i,ce.,Th,e,se st,u,dents,o,ften fl,y,k,i,tes.,Th,o,se p,u,pils l,i,ke pl,a,ying g,a,mes.,H,e,l,i,kes the c,u,te b,a,b,y,.,Somet,i,mes w,e,g,o,h,o,me l,a,te.,H,e,alw,a,ys w,a,tches a m,a,p of the world.,/i /: l,i,sten, bab,y,/,/:,o,ften, w,a,tch /,/: m,a,p,3,1. /gr,ei,d/ 2. / h,b,i,/,3. /gl,d/ 4. /b,ai,l,di/,5. /d,a:,nsi/ 6. / d,ai,ri/,7. /sw,i,m,i,/ 8. / b,r,u,/,9. /,ei,d/ 10. /l,u,ks/,gr,a,de,gl,a,d,d,a,ncing,sw,i,mm,i,ng,a,ge,h,o,bb,y,b,io,l,o,gy,d,i,ary,b,o,rr,ow,l,oo,ks,New words,4,Unit 1 This is me!,Integrated skills,5,Meeting Millies new friends,Amy,Kitty,6,Kittys prof,i,le,This is Kitty.,Her hair is long.,She loves dancing.,7,Amys profile,This is Amy.,She,has short hair.,She is good at swimming.,8,Before listening:,Age,Kitty,Amy,Hair,Looks,Hobby,11 / 12,Short / long,small / cute,swimming / dancing,11 / 12,short / long,small / cute,swimming / dancing,9,Help Millie complete her notes about her new friends. Then,listen to the conversation again and check your answers,.,I am at a new school now. I have some new friends.,Kitty is_. She is _years old. Her,hair is _.She loves _. Amy is _.,She is _years old. Her hair is _.She,is good at,. I love my new classmates,.,cute,eleven,long,dancing,small,twelve,short,swimming,10,White board: Make more sentences,e.g. Kitty is cute/11.,_ is _.,e.g. Kitty loves/ likes/ enjoys dancing.,_ loves/ likes/ enjoys_.,e.g. Kitty has long hair.,_ has _.,n.,n.,adj. / n.,(appearance),11,Age,Kitty,Amy,Appearance,Looks,Hobby,11,long hair,big eyes,cute,dancing,12,short hair,round face,small,swimming,My friend,How to talk about a friend,12,Its time to talk!,13,Speak up:,Glad to meet you.,Listen and answer questions,:,What grade is Andy in?,Are Andy and Kitty in the same school?,14,Work in groups of three and try act out the dialogue.,Kitty:,Hi, Millie.,Millie:,Hi, Kitty. This is my cousin Andy. Andy,this is my new classmate Kitty.,Andy:,Glad to meet you.,Kitty:,Glad to meet you, Andy. Are you in Grade,7, too?,Andy:,No, Im in Grade 8.,Kitty:,Oh, I see.,Andy:,Our school is nice.,Kitty:,Yes, it is. I like it.,15,Useful expressions,:,This is -.,Glad to meet you.,Are you in Grade/Class-?,Oh, I see.,Our school is-.,Yes, it is. I like it,16,Work in groups and make a new dialogue to greet each other and make new friends.,This is -.,Glad to meet you.,Are you in Grade/Class-?,Oh, I see.,Our school is-.,Yes, it is. I like it,Use the following expressions to help you!,17,Good bye!,Thank you!,18,元音,19,


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