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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,My best friend,Unit 1 Task,1,A life without a friend is a life without a sun.,预习检测与导入,2,学习目标,1.学会根据提纲组织写作材料,2.熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组和句型组织语言,3.合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己的好朋友,3,Tell me who you are thinking of.,Friends,4,Appearance,long,Face,Nose,Eyes,Hair,round,short,bright, smiling,5,wear a smile on his face,a square face,a long nose,short black hair,bright and smiling eyes,appearance,handsome,tall and strong,6,Looks,beautiful, pretty, good-looking, cute, handsome, lovely, short, strong, tall, slim, fat, smart,General appearance,tall, slim,pretty,7,Personality,clever, smart, polite, friendly, kind, generous,hard-working, helpful, honest, humorous,patient, etc.,8,Listen and answer:,What is her appearance?,small,Face,Nose,Eyes,Hair,General appearance,round,long,tall, slim,pretty,bright, smiling,9,Listen and answer:,1.Whos Daniels best friend?,2.When did Daniel first meet her ?,3.What does she look like ?,4.What would Kate like to be when she grows up?,She would like to be,a teacher,when she grows up.,10,Read and answer:,What is her personality?,patient friendly,generous helpful,kind bored,happy sad,11,Fill in the blanks:,Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend. I first met her five years ago.,Kate is _ and _. She has,_,hair .,She has a _ face and a _ nose. I like her_ _eyes. They make her look really_ and _. Kate is a _ girl. She always has a _ on her face and looks _. She likes to help people.,Kate wants to work with children. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up.,square,tall,slim,long,bright,smiling,small,pretty,kind,friendly,smile,happy,12,Can you tell me how to organize your ideas when writing about your best friend?,13,Introduction: Who is she?,14,Main body,apperance,personality,15,Conclusion: future plans,16,My best friend (Outline),_is my best friend. She lives.,总体介绍,主体部分,Personality,Appearance,小结,Future plans,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,(Para 1),(Para 2&3),(Describe his/ her looks.),(Describe his/ her personality.),(Para 4),(Say who your best friend is.),(Describe his/her future plans.),17,Face:,Eyes:,Nose:,Hair:,General,appearance:,Personality:,Abilities:,long, short, round, square,big, small, round, bright, smiling,long, short, big, small,black, dark brown, long, short, ponytail,friendly, kind, polite, honest, helpful,smart, clever, hard-working, musical,Words about people:,slim, thin, fat, strong,beautiful ,smart,neat,good-looking,handsome, sporty,18,Write something about Your best friend:,根据提示写出一篇短文,1我有个朋友叫Mike.他年龄和我一样大。,2他有一张方脸,小眼睛,大鼻子。,3 他的褐色短发使得他看上去很帅气.,4 他很幽默,总使我快乐。和他呆在一起不会感到厌烦.他是我真正的好朋友。,19,Sample writing:,_,20,Time to share,21,Correct mistakes,1. I have a friend is called/ named Mike.,2. My friend called Mike.,3. He is as young as me/ I.,4. He has a square face, a small eyes and big nose.,5. His brown short hair make he looks smart.,6. He has a brown and short hair.,7. He is humour.,is called,old,a big,short brown,makes him look,short brown,humourous,22,Correct mistakes,humour,dont feel,I,I stay with,8. He has a sense of humourous.,9. I feel not bored when I am with him.,10. I stay with him isnt feel bored.,11. Stay with him isnt bored.,12. Its never uncomfortable with him.,13. Youll never feel bored when you with him.,14. He is a my real good friend.,15. He is my the true best friend.,23,How do we make friends?,Discussion:,Id like to make a friend. He/She is ,24,honest,true,generous,We should be,helpful,to our friends.,polite,kind,friendly,We should help and learn from each other.,We should share happiness and sadness,with our friends.,We should not say a bad word about friends.,Advice about making friends:,25,Without a friend is a wilderness.,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,A man who has friend must show himself friendly.,A good book is a good friend.,Sayings about friends:,没有了朋友,世界就将成为荒野。,患难见真情。,与朋友交,必须友好相处。,好书如挚友。,26,当堂反馈,27,Homework:,Write your own article about your best friend for your school newsletter.,28,


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