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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language Structure:,Participle,the non-finite forms,of the verb(,非谓语,),the,Infinitive,(,不定式,),the,Gerund,(,动名词,),the,Participle,(,分词,),the present,Participle,(,现在分词,),the past,Participle,(,过去分词,),Participle:,The function of the participle:,Attribute(,定语,),Predictive(,表语,),Objective complement(,宾补,),Adverbials(,状语,),Participle used as adverbials,Adverbial of time(,时间状语,),Adverbial of clause(,原因状语,),Adverbial of condition(,条件状语,),Adverbial of concession(,让步状语,),Adverbial of accompany(,伴随或方式 状语,),Adverbial of result(,结果状语,),分词做状语,:,1.,时间状语,(,三种情况,),1).,分词动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生,用一般式,doing,.,或,on doing,也,可用,从句,如,:,Hearing the news,they couldnt help crying.,When they heard the news, they couldnt help crying.,On hearing the news, they couldnt help crying.,听到这一消息,他们忍不住哭了,.,Adverbial of time,2).,分,词是延续性动词,与谓语同时发生时,用一般式,doing .,或,when doing while doing,While playing the piano, she got very excited,=While she was playing the piano, she got excited.,Be careful,when crossing,the street.,= Be careful when you cross the street,Adverbial of time,3).,分词动作在谓语动作之前发生,用,having done,或,after doing,如,eg,.,关掉电视机后,他开始复习功课,.,Having turned off the TV, he began to go over his lessons,= After turning off the TV, he ,= After he had turned off the TV, he ,Adverbial of clause,2.,分词做原因状语,.,相当原因状语从句,1).,分词动作与谓语动作,同时发生,或几乎同时发生时,用分词的一般式,doing.,如,:,Not recognizing the voice, he refused to give the person his address. (,同时发生,),= As he didnt recognize the voice, he ,Eg,.,没有认出这声音,他拒绝给那人他的地址,.,Adverbial of clause,2).,分词动作在谓语动作,之前,发生,用分词的完成式,having done,Having been to the Great Wall, he didnt go there.,= Because he had been to the Great Wall, he didnt go there.,但,如果分词是含有心理活动意义的词,如,:knowing,thinking,则不用完成时,Adverbial of condition,3.,分词做条件状语,.,相当于条件状语从句,.,分词前可用,if ,unless,。如,:,=,_,(give)more attention, the trees ,Given,= If given more attention, ,If they had been given more attention, the trees could have grown better.,Adverbial of concession,4.,分词做让步状语,.,相当让步状语从句,分词前可用,although, whether, even if, even though,Working,from morning till night,,,his father didnt get enough food.,= Although his father worked from morning till night,,,he didnt get enough food.,=,Although working,from morning till night,his father,Adverbial of accompany,5.,分词做方式状语或伴随状语,.,相当并列句,.,注意,:,主要动作用谓语动词,次要动作用分词。,They came into the classroom,_,The hero sat there,and,he was surrounded by a lot of students,= The hero sat there ,_by a lot of students.,singing and laughing,surrounded,Adverbial of result,6.,分词做结果状语,.,表示结果,分词前可用,thus.,如,:,The bus was held up by the snowstorm,thus causing the delay.,= The bus was held up by the snowstorm,so,it caused the delay.,分词做状语的位置,:,时间、原因、条件、让步多放在,句首,结果、伴随多放在,句尾,.,Note One:,分词的逻辑主语,(,注意点,1,) 与句子,主语一致,Hearing the sad news,tears came into her eyes.,Hearing the,sad news,she burst into tears.,When she heard the news,she burst into tears.,When she heard the news,tears came into her eyes.,Note Two:,Comparing with Johns,your composition is not good.,Compared with Johns,your,compotion,is not good.,Doing(,主动,),Done(,被动,),再给我一次机会,我会成功的,.,Given,another,chance,Ill,succeed.,Doing or done?,Once _(see),it can never be forgotten.,_(see)her mother come, the girl stopped crying.,_ (regard)as the best student in our class,Tom had confidence in himself.,_(regard) Tom as the best student,we elected him monitor.,seen,Seeing,Regarded,Regarding,_ by the Party,he has made much progress.,A.Educated B.Educating,C.Be educated D.Having educated,Doing or done?,A,淋了雨,他全身湿透,.,Caught in the rain,he was wet all over.,=Because he was caught in the rain,he was wet all over.,Doing or done?,如分词动词与主语之间是,主动关系,就用,现在分词,.,如分词动词与主语之间是,被动关系,就用,过去分词,Note Two,Note Three,Checking her answers carefully,she turned in her paper.,Having checked her answers carefully,she turned in her paper.,Not knowing how to say it,he made a mistake.,Not having known how to say it,he made,a mistake.,doing,having done,doing or having done,1._,she stood at the front door waiting for her husband to return.,A.Finishing prepared dinner,B.Being finished preparing dinner,C.Having finished preparing dinner,D.Finished preparing dinner,c,2.They called at every door,_people to buy their products.,A.persuade,B.having persuaded,C.being persuaded,D.persuading,D,doing or having done,3._that some guests were coming, they got the room ready.,A.Having been told,B.Having told,C.Telling,D.To tell,doing or having done,A,Note three:doing or having done,分词动作和谓语动作,几乎同时发生,用分词的一般式,doing,分词动作在谓语动作,之前发生,用分词的完成式,having done,如果分词是含有,心理活动,意义的词,如,:knowing,thinking,则不用完成时,Structure :,Present,participle:(v.+-ing,),Active(,主动,) Passive(,被动,),(1)General(,一般式,) _ _,(2)Perfect (,完成式,) _ _,Past participle,:(v.+-ed),_,doing,being done,having done,having been done,done,The negative form(,否定式,),not + the participle,Not knowing,her telephone number,I failed to inform her of the news in time.,Not having received,his fathers letter, he decided to make a call to him.,Having,not finished her homework,she was punished by her father.,_his exercise book,he was scolded by the teacher.,A.Having not handed in,B.Not having handed in,C.Handing not in,D.Not handing in,B,The negative form,Note six:,固定搭配,_(judge)from his accent,he must be from Shanghai.,_(talk) of the English channel,you must think back to the end of Ice Age.,Frankly _ (speak),I dont think its the best way to solve the problem.,Judging,Talking,speaking,Translation,在工厂工作时,我们从工人那里学到很多东西,.,由于不知道那家旅馆的地址,他向警察询问,.,参观了实验室后,我们被带去参观图书馆,.,那个富人死了,留给他的孩子很多钱,.,那老人在挖洞,希望挖到金子,.,1.Working in the factory, we learned a lot from the workers.,2.Not knowing the address of that hotel,he made an inquiry to the policeman.,3.Having been shown the lab,we were taken to the library.,4.That wealthy man died,leaving his children a lot of money.,5.That old man dug the hole,hoping to find gold.,Note four:,Being chosen,with great care,the gift pleased her mother.,Chosen,with great care,the gift pleased her mother.,Not listened to, the teacher became angry and said,“You can go away, Black.”,.,Not being listened to, the teacher became angry and said,“You can go away, Black.”,.,done,being done,done or being done?,_(blow) away by the wind,the balloon soon disappeared.,=When the balloon,was blown away,by the wind, it soon disappeared.,Blown,_(watch) by his teachers,he felt nervous.,Being watched,=Because he,was being watched,by his teachers,he felt nervous.,


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